本文将介绍如何使用Go语言和FFmpeg库实现PCM音频文件编码为MP3格式。我们将使用moonfdd/ffmpeg-go库,并在Windows 10 64位操作系统下完成本次实验。
代码参考了FFmpeg —— 15.示例程序(九):音频编码器(PCM编码为MP3)和19:pcm编码为mp3。
安装moonfdd/ffmpeg-go库,运行命令:go get -u github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go
os.Setenv("Path", os.Getenv("Path")+";./lib")
inFileName := "./out/s16le.pcm"
_, err = os.Stat(inFileName)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Println("create pcm file")
exec.Command("./lib/ffmpeg", "-i", "./resources/big_buck_bunny.mp4", "-f", "s16le", "-ar", "44100", "-ac", "2", "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", "-vn", inFileName, "-y").CombinedOutput()
var pFormatCtx *libavformat.AVFormatContext
libavformat.AvformatAllocOutputContext2(&pFormatCtx, nil, "", outFileName)
if libavformat.AvioOpen(&pFormatCtx.Pb, outFileName, libavformat.AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE) < 0 {
fmt.Printf("Cannot open output file.\n")
stream := pFormatCtx.AvformatNewStream(nil)
if stream == nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot create a new stream to output file.\n")
pCodecCtx = stream.Codec
pCodecCtx.CodecType = libavutil.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO
pCodecCtx.CodecId = pFormatCtx.Oformat.AudioCodec
pCodecCtx.SampleFmt = libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP
pCodecCtx.SampleRate = 44100
pCodecCtx.ChannelLayout = libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO
pCodecCtx.BitRate = 128000
pCodecCtx.Channels = libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(pCodecCtx.ChannelLayout)
pCodec := libavcodec.AvcodecFindEncoder(pCodecCtx.CodecId)
if pCodec == nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot find encoder.\n")
if pCodec.AvcodecOpen2(pCodecCtx, nil) < 0 {
fmt.Printf("Cannot open encoder.\n")
if libavformat.AvformatWriteHeader(pFormatCtx, nil) < 0 {
fmt.Printf("Error occurred while writing header.\n")
for { ret := inF.Read(buf) if ret == 0 { break } inBufSize := len(buf) // fill data to AVFrame structure pFrame := libavutil.AvFrameAlloc() defer libavutil.AvFrameFree(pFrame) pFrame.SetNbSamples(int32(inBufSize) / (2 * 2)) pFrame.SetFormat(pCodecCtx.SampleFmt) pFrame.SetSampleRate(pCodecCtx.SampleRate) pFrame.SetChannelLayout(pCodecCtx.ChannelLayout) for i := 0; i < int(pFrame.NbSamples()); i++ { for t := 0; t < int(pFrame.Channels()); t++ { idx := (i*int(pFrame.Channels()) + t) * 2 val := float32(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(buf[idx:idx+2]))) / (1 << 15) *(*[]float32)(unsafe.Pointer(&pFrame.ExtendedData))[t][i] = val } } // encode audio frame if pCodecCtx.AvcodecSendFrame(pFrame) < 0 { fmt.Printf("Error while sending a frame to the encoder.\n") return } for { pkt := libavcodec.AvPacketAlloc() isEof := false defer libavcodec.AvPacketFree(pkt) ret := pCodecCtx.AvcodecReceivePacket(pkt) if ret < 0 { fmt.Printf("Error while receiving a packet from the encoder.\n") return } if ret == 0 { break } pkt.SetStreamIndex(stream.Index()) pkt.SetPts(libavutil.AvRescaleQ(samplesCount, libavutil.AVR{Num: 1, Den: 44100}, stream.TimeBase())) samplesCount += int64(pFrame.NbSamples()) // write encoded data to output file if libavformat.AvInterleavedWriteFrame(pFormatCtx, pkt) != 0 { fmt.Printf("Error while writing a packet to the container.\n") return } if isEof { break } } }
if libavformat.AvWriteTrailer(pFormatCtx) < 0 {
fmt.Printf("Error occurred while writing trailer.\n")
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "unsafe" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/ffcommon" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/libavcodec" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/libavformat" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/libavutil" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/libswresample" ) func main() { // https://blog.csdn.net/guoyunfei123/article/details/105643255 // 时长没误差 os.Setenv("Path", os.Getenv("Path")+";./lib") ffcommon.SetAvutilPath("./lib/avutil-56.dll") ffcommon.SetAvcodecPath("./lib/avcodec-58.dll") ffcommon.SetAvdevicePath("./lib/avdevice-58.dll") ffcommon.SetAvfilterPath("./lib/avfilter-56.dll") ffcommon.SetAvformatPath("./lib/avformat-58.dll") ffcommon.SetAvpostprocPath("./lib/postproc-55.dll") ffcommon.SetAvswresamplePath("./lib/swresample-3.dll") ffcommon.SetAvswscalePath("./lib/swscale-5.dll") genDir := "./out" _, err := os.Stat(genDir) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir(genDir, 0777) // Everyone can read write and execute } } //./lib/ffmpeg -i .\resources\big_buck_bunny.mp4 -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -vn ./out/s16le.pcm // ./lib/ffmpeg -y -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 -acodec pcm_s16le -vn -i ./out/s16le.pcm ./out/s16le.mp3 inFileName := "./out/s16le.pcm" // inFileName := "./out/test16.pcm" outFileName := "./out/out19.mp3" //是否存在pcm文件 _, err = os.Stat(inFileName) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Println("create pcm file") exec.Command("./lib/ffmpeg", "-i", "./resources/big_buck_bunny.mp4", "-f", "s16le", "-ar", "44100", "-ac", "2", "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", "-vn", inFileName, "-y").CombinedOutput() } } var pFormatCtx *libavformat.AVFormatContext var pCodecCtx *libavcodec.AVCodecContext var pCodec *libavcodec.AVCodec var pkt libavcodec.AVPacket var pFrame *libavutil.AVFrame //libavdevice.AvdeviceRegisterAll() for { libavformat.AvformatAllocOutputContext2(&pFormatCtx, nil, "", outFileName) if libavformat.AvioOpen(&pFormatCtx.Pb, outFileName, libavformat.AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE) < 0 { fmt.Printf("Cannot open output file.\n") return } stream := pFormatCtx.AvformatNewStream(nil) if stream == nil { fmt.Printf("Cannot create a new stream to output file.\n") return } //设置参数 pCodecCtx = stream.Codec pCodecCtx.CodecType = libavutil.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO pCodecCtx.CodecId = pFormatCtx.Oformat.AudioCodec pCodecCtx.SampleFmt = libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP pCodecCtx.SampleRate = 44100 pCodecCtx.ChannelLayout = libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO pCodecCtx.BitRate = 128000 pCodecCtx.Channels = libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(pCodecCtx.ChannelLayout) //查找编码器 pCodec = libavcodec.AvcodecFindEncoder(pCodecCtx.CodecId) if pCodec == nil { fmt.Printf("Cannot find audio encoder.\n") return } //打开编码器 if pCodecCtx.AvcodecOpen2(pCodec, nil) < 0 { fmt.Printf("Cannot open encoder.\n") return } //fmtCtx.AvDumpFormat(0, outFileName, 1) pFrame = libavutil.AvFrameAlloc() if pFrame == nil { fmt.Printf("can't alloc frame\n") return } //=========== pFrame.NbSamples = pCodecCtx.FrameSize pFrame.Format = int32(pCodecCtx.SampleFmt) pFrame.Channels = 2 // PCM重采样 var swr_ctx *libswresample.SwrContext = libswresample.SwrAlloc() swr_ctx.SwrAllocSetOpts(libavutil.AvGetDefaultChannelLayout(pCodecCtx.Channels), pCodecCtx.SampleFmt, pCodecCtx.SampleRate, libavutil.AvGetDefaultChannelLayout(pFrame.Channels), libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, // PCM源文件的采样格式 44100, 0, uintptr(0)) swr_ctx.SwrInit() /* 分配空间 */ // uint8_t **convert_data = (uint8_t**)calloc(codecCtx->channels,sizeof(*convert_data)); convert_data := (**byte)(unsafe.Pointer(libavutil.AvCalloc(uint64(pCodecCtx.Channels), 8))) libavutil.AvSamplesAlloc(convert_data, nil, pCodecCtx.Channels, pCodecCtx.FrameSize, pCodecCtx.SampleFmt, 0) size := libavutil.AvSamplesGetBufferSize(nil, pCodecCtx.Channels, pCodecCtx.FrameSize, pCodecCtx.SampleFmt, 1) frameBuf := libavutil.AvMalloc(uint64(size)) libavcodec.AvcodecFillAudioFrame(pFrame, pCodecCtx.Channels, pCodecCtx.SampleFmt, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(frameBuf)), size, 1) //写帧头 pFormatCtx.AvformatWriteHeader(nil) inFile, err := os.Open(inFileName) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("annot open input file.\n") return } pkt.AvInitPacket() pkt.Data = nil pkt.Size = 0 for i := 0; ; i++ { //输入一帧数据的长度 length := pFrame.NbSamples * libavutil.AvGetBytesPerSample(libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) * pFrame.Channels //读PCM:特意注意读取的长度,否则可能出现转码之后声音变快或者变慢 buf := make([]byte, length) n, err := inFile.Read(buf) if err != nil { fmt.Println("read end") break } if n <= 0 { break } for j := 0; j < n; j++ { *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(frameBuf + uintptr(j))) = buf[j] } swr_ctx.SwrConvert(convert_data, pCodecCtx.FrameSize, (**byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pFrame.Data)), pFrame.NbSamples) //输出一帧数据的长度 length = pCodecCtx.FrameSize * libavutil.AvGetBytesPerSample(pCodecCtx.SampleFmt) //双通道赋值(输出的AAC为双通道) // memcpy(frame->data[0],convert_data[0],length); // memcpy(frame->data[1],convert_data[1],length); c := *(*[2]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(convert_data)) fd0 := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pFrame.Data[0])) cd0 := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c[0])) fd1 := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pFrame.Data[1])) cd1 := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c[1])) for j := int32(0); j < length; j++ { *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(fd0)) = *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(cd0)) *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(fd1)) = *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(cd1)) fd0++ cd0++ fd1++ cd1++ } pFrame.Pts = int64(i * 100) if pCodecCtx.AvcodecSendFrame(pFrame) < 0 { fmt.Printf("can't send frame for encoding\n") break } if pCodecCtx.AvcodecReceivePacket(&pkt) >= 0 { pkt.StreamIndex = uint32(stream.Index) fmt.Printf("write %4d frame, size = %d, length = %d\n", i, size, length) pFormatCtx.AvWriteFrame(&pkt) } pkt.AvPacketUnref() } // flush encoder if flush_encoder(pFormatCtx, 0) < 0 { fmt.Printf("flushing encoder failed\n") return } // write trailer pFormatCtx.AvWriteTrailer() inFile.Close() stream.Codec.AvcodecClose() libavutil.AvFree(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pFrame))) libavutil.AvFree(frameBuf) pFormatCtx.Pb.AvioClose() pFormatCtx.AvformatFreeContext() break } // codecCtx.AvcodecClose() // libavutil.AvFree(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(frame))) // fmtCtx.Pb.AvioClose() // fmtCtx.AvformatFreeContext() fmt.Println("-----------------------------------------") // ./lib/ffplay -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16le -i ./out/test.pcm //_, err = exec.Command("./lib/ffplay.exe", "-ar", "44100", "-ac", "2", "-f", "s16le", "-i", "./out/test16.pcm").Output() _, err = exec.Command("./lib/ffplay.exe", outFileName).Output() if err != nil { fmt.Println("play err = ", err) } } func flush_encoder(fmt_ctx *libavformat.AVFormatContext, stream_index int) int32 { ret := int32(0) var got_frame int32 var enc_pkt libavcodec.AVPacket if fmt_ctx.GetStream(uint32(stream_index)).Codec.Codec.Capabilities&libavcodec.AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY == 0 { return 0 } for { enc_pkt.Data = nil enc_pkt.Size = 0 enc_pkt.AvInitPacket() ret = fmt_ctx.GetStream(uint32(stream_index)).Codec.AvcodecEncodeAudio2(&enc_pkt, nil, &got_frame) //av_frame_free(NULL) if ret < 0 { break } if got_frame == 0 { ret = 0 break } fmt.Printf("Flush Encoder: Succeed to encode 1 frame!\tsize:%5d\n", enc_pkt.Size) /* mux encoded frame */ ret = fmt_ctx.AvWriteFrame(&enc_pkt) if ret < 0 { break } } return ret }
go run ./examples/a19.audio_encode_pcm2mp3/main.go
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