。我们知道还有一种快速的搜索方法,那边是哈希(又名散列),利用哈希函数,通过哈希值能快速的查找到所需元素。unordered_map便是采用这种数据结构实现,unordered _map与map的使用基本一样,都是key/value之间的映射,只是他们内部采用的数据结构不一样。
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string> stringmap;
stringmap first; // empty
stringmap second ( {{"apple","red"},{"lemon","yellow"}} ); // init list
stringmap third ( {{"orange","orange"},{"strawberry","red"}} ); // init list
stringmap fourth (second); // copy
stringmap fifth (merge(third,fourth)); // move
stringmap sixth (fifth.begin(),fifth.end()); // range
stringmap second ( {{"apple","red"},{"lemon","yellow"}} ); // init list
cout << second.empty() << endl;
cout << second.size() << endl;
cout << second[0] << endl;
cout << second.at(0) << endl;
unordered_map<char, int>::iterator it;
it = unorderedFirst.find('a'); //返回查找到元素的iterator,如未查找到,返回end()
if (it != unorderedFirst.end())
cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << endl;
int n;
n = unorderedFirst.count('z'); //测试某个关键字是否存在
cout << n << endl;
pair<unordered_map<char, int>::iterator, bool> ret; ret = unorderedFirst.insert(pair<char, int>('a', 10)); if (ret.second) { cout << "insert succeed.." << endl; } else { cout << "insert failed.." << endl; } unordered_map<char, int> second; second['a'] = 1; second['b'] = 2; second['c'] = 3; //删除元素 second.erase ( second.begin() ); // erasing by iterator second.erase ('a'); // erasing by key second.erase ( second.find('c'), second.end() ); // erasing by range second.clear(); //清空 second.swap(first); //互换 cout << second.bucket_count() << endl; //返回桶的数量 cout << second.bucket_size() << endl; //返回每个桶的大小 cout << second.bucket('a') << endl; //返回当前元素在哪个桶 unorderedFirst.rehash(10); //设置桶的数量
#include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; struct Person { string name; int age; Person(string name, int age) { this->name = name; this->age = age; } }; /* the object of hash function */ struct PersonHash { size_t operator()(const Person& per) const{ return hash<string>()(per.name) ^ hash<int>()(per.age); } }; /* the object of compare */ struct PersonCmp { bool operator()(const Person& pera, const Person& perb) const{ return pera.name == perb.name && pera.age == perb.age; } }; /* define the unordered_map type */ typedef unordered_map<Person, int, PersonHash, PersonCmp> umap; int main() { umap m; Person p1("Tom1",20); Person p2("Tom2",22); Person p3("Tom3",22); Person p4("Tom4",23); Person p5("Tom5",24); m.insert(umap::value_type(p3, 100)); m.insert(umap::value_type(p4, 100)); m.insert(umap::value_type(p5, 100)); m.insert(umap::value_type(p1, 100)); m.insert(umap::value_type(p2, 100)); /* 这里打印出来的顺序于插入顺序并不相同,确切的说是完全无序的 */ for(umap::iterator iter = m.begin(); iter != m.end(); iter++) { cout << iter->first.name << "\t" << iter->first.age << endl; } return 0; }
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