此篇是对《Android音频框架之一 详解audioPolicy流程及HAL驱动加载》 和《Android音频框架之二 用户录音启动流程源码走读》的延续,
当用户使用 AudioRecord 录音 API 创建 new AudioRecord 后,会创建文件流把 AudioRecord 的音频流写入到文件流或网络流中,
调用的方法时 audioRecord.read() 方法,把数据写入到文件流中,源码如下
public class RecorderDefine { private static String TAG = "Debug_dump_info:"; AudioRecord mRecord = null; AudioManager mAudioManager = null; boolean mReqStop = false; private static RecorderDefine mRecorderDefine = null; Thread mRecorderThread = null; private Method getServiceMethod; public RecorderDefine(){ init(); } public static RecorderDefine getInstance(){ if(mRecorderDefine == null ){ mRecorderDefine = new RecorderDefine(); } Log.d(TAG,"Create RecorderDefine.."); return mRecorderDefine; } public void StartRecorder(){ if(mRecorderThread == null){ mRecorderThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { recordAndPlay(); } }); } mRecorderThread.start(); } private final int kSampleRate = 44100; private final int kChannelMode = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO; private final int kEncodeFormat = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; private void init() { int minBufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(kSampleRate, kChannelMode, kEncodeFormat); mRecord = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.REMOTE_SUBMIX, kSampleRate, kChannelMode, kEncodeFormat, minBufferSize * 2); //>REMOTE_SUBMIX Log.d(TAG,"Create AudiRecord ..."); } private final int kFrameSize = 2048; private String filePath = "/voice-sub.pcm"; private String outfile = "/voice-sub.wav"; private void recordAndPlay() { FileOutputStream os = null; mRecord.startRecording(); byte[] buffer = new byte[kFrameSize]; int num = 0; try { os = new FileOutputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+filePath); while (!mReqStop) { num = mRecord.read(buffer, 0, kFrameSize); //> 读取 AudioRecord 中音频流 Log.d(TAG, "buffer = " + buffer.toString() + ", num = " + num); os.write(buffer, 0, num); //> 写入文件流中 } Log.d(TAG, "exit loop"); os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "Dump PCM to file failed"); } mRecord.stop(); mRecord.release(); mRecord = null; mReqStop = false; PcmToWavUtil pcmToWavUtil = new PcmToWavUtil(kSampleRate,2,kEncodeFormat);//> 把音频 pcm裸流转换为 wav 格式 pcmToWavUtil.pcmToWav(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+filePath, Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+outfile); Log.d(TAG, "out wav format file:" + outfile); } public void StopRecord(){ mReqStop = true; Log.d(TAG, "onClick StopRecord"); } }
此 wav 格式音频流就可以通过 VLC 播放器进行播放验证,下面会分享录制后的文件。
源码:android7.1 版本,硬件平台 RK3288-box。
上篇中已经走读 AudioRecord init过程,录制的startInput是在前面基础上,也就是说 init 过程已经获取设备相关信息,此部分可是创建设备、并启动 startInput 流。
用户在App中录音时,调用的 JNI 接口如下:
@ frameworks/base/core/jni/android_media_AudioRecord.cpp
static const JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
// name, signature, funcPtr
{"native_start", "(II)I", (void *)android_media_AudioRecord_start}, //> 启动录音JNI 接口
{"native_stop", "()V", (void *)android_media_AudioRecord_stop}, //> 停止录音 JNI 接口
{"native_setup", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;[IIIII[ILjava/lang/String;J)I",
(void *)android_media_AudioRecord_setup}, //> 设置 AudioRecord 参数
static jint android_media_AudioRecord_start(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jint event, jint triggerSession) { sp<AudioRecord> lpRecorder = getAudioRecord(env, thiz); if (lpRecorder == NULL ) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", NULL); return (jint) AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; } return nativeToJavaStatus( lpRecorder->start((AudioSystem::sync_event_t)event, (audio_session_t) triggerSession)); } static sp<AudioRecord> getAudioRecord(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) { Mutex::Autolock l(sLock); AudioRecord* const ar = (AudioRecord*)env->GetLongField(thiz, javaAudioRecordFields.nativeRecorderInJavaObj); return sp<AudioRecord>(ar); }
获取 lpRecorder 是谁呢? 就是程序在 init 时创建的 Audio client 端实例,通过此实例方法发送 同步事件到 系统 AudioRecord 服务,系统服务器启动录音。
调用的 start() 方法,就是 AudioRecord::start() 方法,见 step 2 中内容。下面是启动audioRecord的打印信息。
03-14 15:02:34.005 2239 2239 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: android::AudioRecord::AudioRecord(const android::String16 &) : 73 , create AudioRecord ...
03-14 15:02:34.005 2239 2239 D AudioRecord-JNI: Debug_dump_info: android_media_AudioRecord_setup,267 opPackageNameStr:com.dds.webrtc //> 调试 Demo 包名称
03-14 15:02:34.005 2239 2239 D AudioRecord-JNI: Debug_dump_info: android_media_AudioRecord_setup, 279, AudioRecord_setup for source=8 tags= flags=00000000
03-14 15:02:34.005 2239 2239 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info line:154 inputSource 8, sampleRate 44100, format 0x1, channelMask 0xc, frameCount 4096, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0, transferType 0, flags 0, opPackageName com.dds.webrtc uid -1, pid -1
03-14 15:02:34.005 2239 2239 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info line:194 Building AudioRecord with attributes: source=8 flags=0x0 tags=[]
03-14 15:02:34.005 2239 2239 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::set(audio_source_t, uint32_t, audio_format_t, audio_channel_mask_t, size_t, callback_t, void *, uint32_t, bool, audio_session_t, android::AudioRecord::transfer_type, audio_input_flags_t, int, pid_t, const audio_attributes_t *),237 mSessionId 17
03-14 11:06:59.373 1627 1627 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::openRecord_l(const Modulo<uint32_t> &, const android::String16 &) , 718
03-14 11:06:59.373 1627 1627 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::set(audio_source_t, uint32_t, audio_format_t, audio_channel_mask_t, size_t, callback_t, void *, uint32_t, bool, audio_session_t, android::AudioRecord::transfer_type, audio_input_flags_t, int, pid_t, const audio_attributes_t *),263 set() runStatus:0
03-14 11:06:59.373 1627 1627 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::set(audio_source_t, uint32_t, audio_format_t, audio_channel_mask_t, size_t, callback_t, void *, uint32_t, bool, audio_session_t, android::AudioRecord::transfer_type, audio_input_flags_t, int, pid_t, const audio_attributes_t *),287 set() run over
03-14 11:06:59.373 1627 1627 D AudioRecord-JNI: Debug_dump_info: android_media_AudioRecord_setup,359 //> _setup接口 JNI 调用
AudioRecord::start() 源码如下
@ frameworks/av/media/libmedia/AudioRecord.cpp status_t AudioRecord::start(AudioSystem::sync_event_t event, audio_session_t triggerSession) { ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %d sync event %d trigger session %d", __LINE__, event, triggerSession); AutoMutex lock(mLock); if (mActive) { return NO_ERROR; } mMarkerReached = false; mActive = true; status_t status = NO_ERROR; if (!(flags & CBLK_INVALID)) { status = mAudioRecord->start(event, triggerSession); //> 把事件和 Session发送至 服务端 if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) { flags |= CBLK_INVALID; } } if (status != NO_ERROR) { mActive = false; ALOGE("start() status %d", status); } else { sp<AudioRecordThread> t = mAudioRecordThread; if (t != 0) { t->resume(); } else { mPreviousPriority = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0); get_sched_policy(0, &mPreviousSchedulingGroup); androidSetThreadPriority(0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); } } return status; }
系统调试日志,此 Session id 就是在init阶段建立的,服务端根据此 id 启动Input流,由此引发对 TinyAlsaHAL 层函数的调用。
3-14 17:53:49.592 11539 11655 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: 295 sync event 0 trigger session 0 //> 发送 事件提示信息 03-14 17:53:49.596 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: virtual status_t android::AudioPolicyManager::startInput(audio_io_handle_t, audio_session_t),1641 startInput() input 30 03-14 17:53:49.596 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: audio_devices_t android::AudioPolicyManager::getDeviceAndMixForInputSource(audio_source_t, android::AudioMix **),5045 03-14 17:53:49.596 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: audio_devices_t android::AudioPolicyManager::getDeviceAndMixForInputSource(audio_source_t, android::AudioMix **),5049 03-14 17:53:49.597 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: virtual audio_devices_t android::AudioPolicyManager::getDeviceForInputSource(audio_source_t) , 5058 mInputRoutes.size:1 03-14 17:53:49.597 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: virtual audio_devices_t android::AudioPolicyManager::getDeviceForInputSource(audio_source_t) , 5066 routeIndex:1 03-14 17:53:49.597 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioPolicyManager::setInputDevice(audio_io_handle_t, audio_devices_t, bool, audio_patch_handle_t *) , 4924 03-14 17:53:49.598 229 289 D AudioFlinger::PatchPanel: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioFlinger::PatchPanel::createAudioPatch(const struct audio_patch *, audio_patch_handle_t *) , 164 03-14 17:53:49.598 229 289 D AudioFlinger::PatchPanel: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioFlinger::PatchPanel::createAudioPatch(const struct audio_patch *, audio_patch_handle_t *) , 245 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioParameter: Debug_dump_info: android::AudioParameter::AudioParameter(const android::String8 &) : 64 , create AudioParameter ... 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters: kvpairs = a2dp_sink_address=0;input_source=8;routing=-2147483392 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters : 1994 source: 8 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters : 2000 in->device:256 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters , 2012 Device:256 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters , 2018 03-14 17:53:49.599 229 11558 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters: exit: status(0) 03-14 17:53:49.600 229 289 D AudioFlinger::PatchPanel: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioFlinger::PatchPanel::createAudioPatch(const struct audio_patch *, audio_patch_handle_t *) , 343 03-14 17:53:49.600 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: setInputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 44 03-14 17:53:49.600 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: found 1 profiles, 0 outputs 03-14 17:53:49.600 229 229 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: opening output for device 00008000 with params 0 profile 0xb0f13300 03-14 17:53:49.601 229 229 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: adev_open_output_stream devices = 0x8000, flags = 0, samplerate = 48000 03-14 17:53:49.601 229 229 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: adev_open_output_stream : 2397 03-14 17:53:49.601 229 229 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: out->config.rate = 44100, out->config.channels = 2 out->config.format = 0,out->config.flag = 0
@ hardware/rockchip/audio/tinyalsa_hal/audio_hw.c static int start_input_stream(struct stream_in *in) { struct audio_device *adev = in->dev; int ret = 0; //ALOGV("Debug_dump_info: %s : %d , in->device: 0x%04x \n ", __func__, __LINE__, in->device); ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s : %d enter process", __func__, __LINE__ ); in_dump(in, 0); route_pcm_open(getRouteFromDevice(in->device | AUDIO_DEVICE_BIT_IN)); if(in->input_source == 0x08){ //> Remote_submix type ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s : %d ,PCM_CARD:%d PCM_DEVICE:%d PCM_IN:%d ", __func__, __LINE__, PCM_CARD, PCM_DEVICE_SCO, PCM_IN); in->pcm = pcm_open(PCM_CARD, PCM_DEVICE_SCO, PCM_IN, in->config); }else{ ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s : %d ,PCM_CARD:%d PCM_DEVICE:%d PCM_IN:%d ", __func__, __LINE__, PCM_CARD, PCM_DEVICE, PCM_IN); in->pcm = pcm_open(PCM_CARD, PCM_DEVICE, PCM_IN, in->config); } if (in->pcm && !pcm_is_ready(in->pcm)) { ALOGE("Debug_dump_info: pcm_open() failed: %s", pcm_get_error(in->pcm)); pcm_close(in->pcm); return -ENOMEM; } /* if no supported sample rate is available, use the resampler */ if (in->resampler) in->resampler->reset(in->resampler); in->frames_in = 0; adev->input_source = in->input_source; adev->in_device = in->device; adev->in_channel_mask = in->channel_mask; ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s : %d , sourceType: %4x \n ", __func__, __LINE__, in->input_source); if (in->device & AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET) start_bt_sco(adev); /* initialize volume ramp */ in->ramp_frames = (CAPTURE_START_RAMP_MS * in->requested_rate) / 1000; in->ramp_step = (uint16_t)(USHRT_MAX / in->ramp_frames); in->ramp_vol = 0;; ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s : %d exit process", __func__, __LINE__ ); return 0; }
笔者在源码中修改对 Remote_submix 输入源类型支持,对应的声卡和PCM_DEVICE如源码中描述,读者如不是很了解对应关系,
请参考《ubuntu 20 使用命令行 snd-aloop 实现内录音、录制音乐播放器的音频》 博文内容,snd-aloop声卡驱动配置文件中,
已经指定此 PCM_DEVICE 为 1 时,通过 snd-aloop驱动获取的音频数据,就是系统播放音频内容。
03-14 15:03:29.299 230 1409 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: setInputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 44
03-14 15:03:29.300 230 1409 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: found 1 profiles, 0 outputs
03-14 15:03:29.300 230 1409 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: opening output for device 00008000 with params 0 profile 0xac813300
03-14 15:03:29.300 230 1409 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: adev_open_output_stream devices = 0x8000, flags = 0, samplerate = 48000
03-14 15:03:29.300 230 1409 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: adev_open_output_stream : 2397
03-14 15:03:29.300 230 1409 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: out->config.rate = 44100, out->config.channels = 2 out->config.format = 0,out->config.flag = 0
03-14 15:03:29.302 230 1409 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: AudioPolicyManager::startInput() input source = 8
03-14 15:03:29.304 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: start_input_stream : 826 enter process
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: getInputRouteFromDevice :361 device:80000100
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D alsa_route: Debug_dump_info: enter route_pcm_open() route: 25
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D alsa_route: Debug_dump_info:route 25 error for codec or hdmi!
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D alsa_route: Debug_dump_info: route_pcm_open exit
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: start_input_stream : 876 ,PCM_CARD:0 PCM_DEVICE:1 PCM_IN:268435456 /> 打开的 SND 和 PCM_DEVICE
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: start_input_stream : 898 , sourceType: 8
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: start_input_stream : 906 exit process
声卡设备打开完成,解下来就是读取 AudioRecord 的音频数据。
@ hardware/rockchip/audio/tinyalsa_hal/audio_hw.c static ssize_t in_read(struct audio_stream_in *stream, void* buffer, size_t bytes) { int ret = 0; struct stream_in *in = (struct stream_in *)stream; struct audio_device *adev = in->dev; size_t frames_rq = bytes / audio_stream_in_frame_size(stream); /* * acquiring hw device mutex systematically is useful if a low * priority thread is waiting on the input stream mutex - e.g. * executing in_set_parameters() while holding the hw device * mutex */ pthread_mutex_lock(&in->lock); if (in->standby) { pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock); ret = start_input_stream(in); pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock); if (ret < 0) goto exit; in->standby = false; #ifdef AUDIO_3A if (adev->voice_api != NULL) { adev->voice_api->start(); } #endif } /*if (in->num_preprocessors != 0) ret = process_frames(in, buffer, frames_rq); else */ ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s: line:%d ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = read_frames(in, buffer, frames_rq); if (ret > 0) ret = 0; #ifdef AUDIO_3A do { if (adev->voice_api != NULL) { int ret = 0; ret = adev->voice_api->quueCaputureBuffer(buffer, bytes); if (ret < 0) break; ret = adev->voice_api->getCapureBuffer(buffer, bytes); if (ret < 0) memset(buffer, 0x00, bytes); } } while (0); ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s: line:%d ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); #endif //if (in->ramp_frames > 0) // in_apply_ramp(in, buffer, frames_rq); /* * Instead of writing zeroes here, we could trust the hardware * to always provide zeroes when muted. */ //if (ret == 0 && adev->mic_mute) // memset(buffer, 0, bytes); #ifdef SPEEX_DENOISE_ENABLE if(!adev->mic_mute && ret== 0) { int index = 0; int startPos = 0; spx_int16_t* data = (spx_int16_t*) buffer; int channel_count = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(in->channel_mask); int curFrameSize = bytes/(channel_count*sizeof(int16_t)); long ch; if(curFrameSize != 2*in->mSpeexFrameSize) ALOGD("the current request have some error mSpeexFrameSize %d bytes %d ",in->mSpeexFrameSize,bytes); ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s line %d , startPos: %d ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, startPos); while(curFrameSize >= startPos+in->mSpeexFrameSize) { for(index = startPos; index< startPos +in->mSpeexFrameSize ; index++ ) in->mSpeexPcmIn[index-startPos] = data[index*channel_count]/2 + data[index*channel_count+1]/2; speex_preprocess_run(in->mSpeexState,in->mSpeexPcmIn); #ifndef TARGET_RK2928 for(ch = 0 ; ch < channel_count; ch++) for(index = startPos; index< startPos + in->mSpeexFrameSize ; index++ ) { data[index*channel_count+ch] = in->mSpeexPcmIn[index-startPos]; } #else for(index = startPos; index< startPos + in->mSpeexFrameSize ; index++ ) { int tmp = (int)in->mSpeexPcmIn[index-startPos]+ in->mSpeexPcmIn[index-startPos]/2; data[index*channel_count+0] = tmp > 32767 ? 32767 : (tmp < -32768 ? -32768 : tmp); } for(int ch = 1 ; ch < channel_count; ch++) for(index = startPos; index< startPos + in->mSpeexFrameSize ; index++ ) { data[index*channel_count+ch] = data[index*channel_count+0]; } #endif startPos += in->mSpeexFrameSize; } } #endif exit: if (ret < 0) usleep(bytes * 1000000 / audio_stream_in_frame_size(stream) / in_get_sample_rate(&stream->common)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&in->lock); return bytes; }
03-14 15:03:29.305 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read: line:2128 03-14 15:03:29.308 2239 2277 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: virtual bool android::AudioRecord::AudioRecordThread::threadLoop() , 1268 03-14 15:03:29.308 2239 2277 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: nsecs_t android::AudioRecord::processAudioBuffer() , 926 03-14 15:03:29.308 2239 2277 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: virtual bool android::AudioRecord::AudioRecordThread::threadLoop() , 1268 03-14 15:03:29.314 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: ssize_t android::AudioRecord::read(void *, size_t, bool) , 881 03-14 15:03:29.328 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: frames_wr:0,buf.frame_count:1024,frame_size:4==== 03-14 15:03:29.328 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read line 2167 , startPos: 0 03-14 15:03:29.329 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read: line:2128 03-14 15:03:29.329 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(android::AudioRecord::Buffer *, const struct timespec *, struct timespec *, size_t *) , 838 frameCount:512 03-14 15:03:29.329 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: buffer = [B@7be48d1, num = 2048 03-14 15:03:29.329 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: ssize_t android::AudioRecord::read(void *, size_t, bool) , 881 03-14 15:03:29.329 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(android::AudioRecord::Buffer *, const struct timespec *, struct timespec *, size_t *) , 838 frameCount:512 03-14 15:03:29.329 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: buffer = [B@7be48d1, num = 2048 03-14 15:03:29.330 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: ssize_t android::AudioRecord::read(void *, size_t, bool) , 881 03-14 15:03:29.351 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: frames_wr:0,buf.frame_count:1024,frame_size:4==== 03-14 15:03:29.351 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read line 2167 , startPos: 0 03-14 15:03:29.352 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read: line:2128 03-14 15:03:29.352 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(android::AudioRecord::Buffer *, const struct timespec *, struct timespec *, size_t *) , 838 frameCount:512 03-14 15:03:29.352 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: buffer = [B@7be48d1, num = 2048 03-14 15:03:29.352 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: ssize_t android::AudioRecord::read(void *, size_t, bool) , 881 03-14 15:03:29.352 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(android::AudioRecord::Buffer *, const struct timespec *, struct timespec *, size_t *) , 838 frameCount:512 03-14 15:03:29.352 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: buffer = [B@7be48d1, num = 2048
用户点击按钮停止录音,调用 JNI 接口是 android_media_AudioRecord_stop() 对应着 AudioRecord::stop() 方法,源码如下:
void AudioRecord::stop() { AutoMutex lock(mLock); if (!mActive) { return; } mActive = false; mProxy->interrupt(); mAudioRecord->stop(); // Note: legacy handling - stop does not clear record marker and // periodic update position; we update those on start(). ALOGD("Debug_dump_info: %s , %d ", __func__, __LINE__); sp<AudioRecordThread> t = mAudioRecordThread; if (t != 0) { t->pause(); } else { setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, mPreviousPriority); set_sched_policy(0, mPreviousSchedulingGroup); } }
此部分牵扯出 AudioPoxy 相关内容,我不在此展开,我们知道是通过 JNI 接口来停止录音的。姑且这样吧。调试日志如下:
03-14 15:03:43.938 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: ssize_t android::AudioRecord::read(void *, size_t, bool) , 881 03-14 15:03:43.942 2239 2239 D Debug_dump_info:: onClick StopRecord //> 点击停止录音 03-14 15:03:43.958 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: frames_wr:0,buf.frame_count:1024,frame_size:4==== 03-14 15:03:43.958 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read line 2167 , startPos: 0 03-14 15:03:43.959 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read: line:2128 03-14 15:03:43.959 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: status_t android::AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(android::AudioRecord::Buffer *, const struct timespec *, struct timespec *, size_t *) , 838 frameCount:512 03-14 15:03:43.960 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: buffer = [B@7be48d1, num = 2048 03-14 15:03:43.960 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: exit loop //> 退出录音 03-14 15:03:43.981 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: frames_wr:0,buf.frame_count:1024,frame_size:4==== 03-14 15:03:43.981 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_read line 2167 , startPos: 0 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters: kvpairs = routing=0 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters : 1994 source: -2 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters : 2000 in->device:256 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters , 2012 Device:256 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters , 2018 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 2278 D AudioHardwareTiny: Debug_dump_info: in_set_parameters: exit: status(0) 03-14 15:03:43.986 230 230 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: resetInputDevice() releaseAudioPatch returned 0 03-14 15:03:43.987 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: void android::AudioRecord::stop() , 364 //> 停止录音 03-14 15:03:43.988 2239 2951 D AudioRecord: Debug_dump_info: virtual android::AudioRecord::AudioRecordThread::~AudioRecordThread() , 1263 03-14 15:03:43.989 230 300 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: Debug_dump_info: void android::AudioPolicyManager::closeInput(audio_io_handle_t),4245 closeInput(30) //> 关闭输入流 03-14 15:03:44.091 2239 2951 D Debug_dump_info:: out wav format file:/voice-sub.wav
1>. 用户 new AudioRecord() 调用是 audio_setup() 方法,初始化 input 设备;
2>. 开始录音、调用是 audio_start() 方法,打开声卡设备并读取音频流数据;
3>. 停止录音、调用是 audio_stop() 方法,关闭输入设备。
至此连续三篇内容,基本把通过 snd-aloop 虚拟声卡、实现 Android系统声音录制全过程给如实的说清楚了,我把录制的音频文件放到网盘上,
如果有读者想验证这个内容的话,其中还涉及到 android 系统相关属性配置、编译文件 Android.mk 内容修改,后期我有时间会继续分享
《Android 8.1 系统裁剪、定制化实践 snd-aloop 内录音》内容。
附录 pcmToWav.java 源码
public class PcmToWavUtil { /** * 缓存的音频大小 */ private int mBufferSize; /** * 采样率 */ private int mSampleRate; /** * 声道数 */ private int mChannel; /** * @param sampleRate sample rate、采样率 * @param channel channel、声道 * @param encoding Audio data format、音频格式 */ PcmToWavUtil(int sampleRate, int channel, int encoding) { this.mSampleRate = sampleRate; this.mChannel = channel; this.mBufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(mSampleRate, mChannel, encoding); } /** * pcm文件转wav文件 * * @param inFilename 源文件路径 * @param outFilename 目标文件路径 */ public void pcmToWav(String inFilename, String outFilename) { FileInputStream in; FileOutputStream out; long totalAudioLen; long totalDataLen; long longSampleRate = mSampleRate; int channels = mChannel == AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO ? 1 : 2; long byteRate = 16 * mSampleRate * channels / 8; byte[] data = new byte[mBufferSize]; try { in = new FileInputStream(inFilename); out = new FileOutputStream(outFilename); totalAudioLen = in.getChannel().size(); totalDataLen = totalAudioLen + 36; writeWaveFileHeader(out, totalAudioLen, totalDataLen, longSampleRate, channels, byteRate); while (in.read(data) != -1) { out.write(data); } in.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 加入wav文件头 */ private void writeWaveFileHeader(FileOutputStream out, long totalAudioLen, long totalDataLen, long longSampleRate, int channels, long byteRate) throws IOException { byte[] header = new byte[44]; // RIFF/WAVE header header[0] = 'R'; header[1] = 'I'; header[2] = 'F'; header[3] = 'F'; header[4] = (byte) (totalDataLen & 0xff); header[5] = (byte) ((totalDataLen >> 8) & 0xff); header[6] = (byte) ((totalDataLen >> 16) & 0xff); header[7] = (byte) ((totalDataLen >> 24) & 0xff); //WAVE header[8] = 'W'; header[9] = 'A'; header[10] = 'V'; header[11] = 'E'; // 'fmt ' chunk header[12] = 'f'; header[13] = 'm'; header[14] = 't'; header[15] = ' '; // 4 bytes: size of 'fmt ' chunk header[16] = 16; header[17] = 0; header[18] = 0; header[19] = 0; // format = 1 header[20] = 1; header[21] = 0; header[22] = (byte) channels; header[23] = 0; header[24] = (byte) (longSampleRate & 0xff); header[25] = (byte) ((longSampleRate >> 8) & 0xff); header[26] = (byte) ((longSampleRate >> 16) & 0xff); header[27] = (byte) ((longSampleRate >> 24) & 0xff); header[28] = (byte) (byteRate & 0xff); header[29] = (byte) ((byteRate >> 8) & 0xff); header[30] = (byte) ((byteRate >> 16) & 0xff); header[31] = (byte) ((byteRate >> 24) & 0xff); // block align header[32] = (byte) (2 * 16 / 8); header[33] = 0; // bits per sample header[34] = 16; header[35] = 0; //data header[36] = 'd'; header[37] = 'a'; header[38] = 't'; header[39] = 'a'; header[40] = (byte) (totalAudioLen & 0xff); header[41] = (byte) ((totalAudioLen >> 8) & 0xff); header[42] = (byte) ((totalAudioLen >> 16) & 0xff); header[43] = (byte) ((totalAudioLen >> 24) & 0xff); out.write(header, 0, 44); } }
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