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Groovy入门(一)—— Groovy语法_groovy去除换行符



1. 注释

1.1. 单行注释


  1. // a standalone single line comment
  2. println "hello" // a comment till the end of the line
1.2. 多行注释

多行注释以 /* 开头,以 */ 结尾,可以出现在程序的任何位置。

  1. /* a standalone multiline comment
  2. spanning two lines */
  3. println "hello" /* a multiline comment starting
  4. at the end of a statement */
  5. println 1 /* one */ + 2 /* two */
1.3. GroovyDoc

GroovyDoc以 /** 开头,以 */结尾,中间行一般可以选择性的以 * 开头。


  • 类型定义 (classes, interfaces, enums, annotations)
  • 字段或属性定义
  • 方法定义
  1. /**
  2. * A Class description
  3. */
  4. class Person {
  5. /** the name of the person */
  6. String name
  7. /**
  8. * Creates a greeting method for a certain person.
  9. *
  10. * @param otherPerson the person to greet
  11. * @return a greeting message
  12. */
  13. String greet(String otherPerson) {
  14. "Hello ${otherPerson}"
  15. }
  16. }
1.4. Shebang line


  1. #!/usr/bin/env groovy
  2. println "Hello from the shebang line"

2. 关键字

as assert break case catch class const continue def default do else enum extends false finally for goto if implements import in instanceof interfacenew null package return super switch this throwthrows trait true try while

3. 标识符

3.1. 普通标识符(Normal identifiers)



  • 'a' to 'z' (lowercase ascii letter)
  • 'A' to 'Z' (uppercase ascii letter)
  • '\u00C0' to '\u00D6'
  • '\u00D8' to '\u00F6'
  • '\u00F8' to '\u00FF'
  • '\u0100' to '\uFFFE'


  1. def name
  2. def item3
  3. def with_underscore
  4. def $dollarStart
3.2. 引用标识符(Quoted identifiers)


  1. def map = [:]
  2. map."an identifier with a space and double quotes" = "ALLOWED"
  3. map.'with-dash-signs-and-single-quotes' = "ALLOWED"
  4. assert map."an identifier with a space and double quotes" == "ALLOWED"
  5. assert map.'with-dash-signs-and-single-quotes' == "ALLOWED"


  1. map.'single quote'
  2. map."double quote"
  3. map.'''triple single quote'''
  4. map."""triple double quote"""
  5. map./slashy string/
  6. map.$/dollar slashy string/$

4. String

Groovy支持java.lang.String和GString(groovy.lang.GString)字符串类型,其中GString在一些编程语言中被称作interpolated stringsWikipedia - String interpolation

4.1. 单引号字符串(Single quoted string)


'a single quoted string'
4.2. 字符串拼接


assert 'ab' == 'a' + 'b'
4.3. 三单引号字符串(Triple single quoted string)



  1. def aMultilineString = '''line one
  2. line two
  3. line three'''



  1. def startingAndEndingWithANewline = '''
  2. line one
  3. line two
  4. line three
  5. '''


  1. def strippedFirstNewline = '''\
  2. line one
  3. line two
  4. line three
  5. '''
  6. assert !strippedFirstNewline.startsWith('\n')
4.4. 双引号字符串
"a double quoted string"


4.4.1 字符串插值(String interpolation)

除了单引号字符串和三单引号字符串以外,任何Groovy表达式可以出现在所有的字符串字面量中。插值实际上是替换字符串中的占位符。占位符表达式是被${}围绕或以$为前缀的点表达式(dotted expressions),当GString传递给一个以String类型作为参数的方法时,会调用toString方法,将占位符替换为表达式所代表的值。eg:

  1. def name = 'Guillaume' // a plain string
  2. def greeting = "Hello ${name}"
  3. assert greeting.toString() == 'Hello Guillaume'
  1. def sum = "The sum of 2 and 3 equals ${2 + 3}"
  2. assert sum.toString() == 'The sum of 2 and 3 equals 5'

实际上${}中不仅可以使用表达式,也可以写声明语句,但是这些语句的返回值为null,例如"The sum of 1 and 2 is equal to ${def a = 1; def b = 2; a + b}"在Groovy中是被支持的,但是一般在Groovy中不推荐这样写。更好的写法是在GString中只使用简单的占位符。

使用$点表达式(dotted expressions),eg:

  1. def person = [name: 'Guillaume', age: 36]
  2. assert "$person.name is $person.age years old" == 'Guillaume is 36 years old'

使用$点表达式(dotted expressions)的时候,只允许a.ba.b.c的写法,不能调用方法,否则会抛出groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException的异常。因为Groovy在替换插值时调用的是toString方法。

  1. def number = 3.14
  2. shouldFail(MissingPropertyException) {
  3. println "$number.toString()" // groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException
  4. }

"$number.toString()" 替换为 "${number.toString}()" 可以正常运行。

4.4.2. 特殊的插值闭包表达式(Special case of interpolating closure expressions)


  1. def sParameterLessClosure = "1 + 2 == ${-> 3}"
  2. assert sParameterLessClosure == '1 + 2 == 3'
  3. def sOneParamClosure = "1 + 2 == ${ w -> w << 3}"
  4. assert sOneParamClosure == '1 + 2 == 3'


  • 闭包是无参的
  • 闭包包含一个java.io.StringWriter参数,可以通过追加内容到>>后面的方式添加。


闭包表达式和普通表达式唯一的不同是:lazy evaluation 。详情移步 —> Wikipedia - Lazy evaluation

  1. def number = 1
  2. def eagerGString = "value == ${number}"
  3. def lazyGString = "value == ${ -> number }"
  4. assert eagerGString == "value == 1"
  5. assert lazyGString == "value == 1"
  6. number = 2
  7. assert eagerGString == "value == 1" // eagerGString不会再次求值
  8. assert lazyGString == "value == 2" // lazyGString会再次求值
4.4.3. GString and String hashCodes

尽管GString可以代替String,但是他们还一处不同:他们的hashCodes不同。原生的Java String 是immutable(不可变的),但是GString所表示的String却是可变的,依赖于的它的插值。即使GString和Java原生String类型有相同的字面量,它们的hashCodes的值可能不同。eg:

assert "one: ${1}".hashCode() != "one: 1".hashCode()


  1. def key = "a"
  2. def m = ["${key}": "letter ${key}"]
  3. assert m["a"] == null
4.5. 三双引号字符串( Triple double quoted string)


  1. def name = 'Groovy'
  2. def template = """
  3. Dear Mr ${name},
  4. You're the winner of the lottery!
  5. Yours sincerly,
  6. Dave
  7. """
  8. assert template.toString().contains('Groovy')
4.6. Slashy string

/作为界定符的字符串,叫做Slashy string。它通常被用于写正则表达式,因为不需要转译的反斜线``。

  1. def fooPattern = /.*foo.*/
  2. assert fooPattern == '.*foo.*'


  1. def escapeSlash = /The character \/ is a forward slash/
  2. assert escapeSlash == 'The character / is a forward slash'

Slashy string允许跨行,eg:

  1. def multilineSlashy = /one
  2. two
  3. three/
  4. assert multilineSlashy.contains('\n')

Slashy string支持插值操作,类似GString。eg:

  1. def color = 'blue'
  2. def interpolatedSlashy = /a ${color} car/
  3. assert interpolatedSlashy == 'a blue car'

如果Slashy string是空字符串//,那么编译过程中会把//当做注释。

4.7. Dollar slashy string

Dollar slashy string相当于跨行的GString,以$/开头,以/$结尾。以$作为转译字符,可以转译另一个$/

4.8. 字符(Characters)


  1. char c1 = 'A' // 类型声明为char
  2. assert c1 instanceof Character
  3. def c2 = 'B' as char // 通过as将类型强制指定为char
  4. assert c2 instanceof Character
  5. def c3 = (char)'C' // 通过类型转换
  6. assert c3 instanceof Character

5. 数值(Numbers)

5.1. 整型(Integral literals)


  • byte
  • char
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • java.lang.BigInteger


  1. // primitive types 原始类型
  2. byte b = 1
  3. char c = 2
  4. short s = 3
  5. int i = 4
  6. long l = 5
  7. // infinite precision 引用类型
  8. BigInteger bi = 6


  1. def a = 1
  2. assert a instanceof Integer
  3. // Integer.MAX_VALUE
  4. def b = 2147483647
  5. assert b instanceof Integer
  6. // Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1
  7. def c = 2147483648
  8. assert c instanceof Long
  9. // Long.MAX_VALUE
  10. def d = 9223372036854775807
  11. assert d instanceof Long
  12. // Long.MAX_VALUE + 1
  13. def e = 9223372036854775808
  14. assert e instanceof BigInteger


  • 2进制是以0b开头的数字
  • 8进制是以0开头的数字
  • 16进制是以0x开头的数字
5.2. 浮点数(Decimal literals)


  • float
  • double
  • java.lang.BigDecimal


  1. // primitive types
  2. float f = 1.234
  3. double d = 2.345
  4. // infinite precision
  5. BigDecimal bd = 3.456
  6. assert 1e3 == 1_000.0
  7. assert 2E4 == 20_000.0
  8. assert 3e+1 == 30.0
  9. assert 4E-2 == 0.04
  10. assert 5e-1 == 0.5


5.3. 数值中使用下划线


  1. long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L
  2. long socialSecurityNumbers = 999_99_9999L
  3. double monetaryAmount = 12_345_132.12
  4. long hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E
  5. long hexWords = 0xFFEC_DE5E
  6. long maxLong = 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffL
  7. long alsoMaxLong = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807L
  8. long bytes = 0b11010010_01101001_10010100_10010010
5.4. 数值类型后缀(Number type suffixes)


  • BigInteger类型后缀为Gg
  • Long类型后缀为Ll
  • Integer类型后缀为Ii
  • Bigdecimal类型后缀为Gg
  • Double类型后缀为Dd
  • Float类型后缀为Ff


  1. assert 42I == new Integer('42')
  2. assert 42i == new Integer('42') // lowercase i more readable
  3. assert 123L == new Long("123") // uppercase L more readable
  4. assert 2147483648 == new Long('2147483648') // Long type used, value too large for an Integer
  5. assert 456G == new BigInteger('456')
  6. assert 456g == new BigInteger('456')
  7. assert 123.45 == new BigDecimal('123.45') // default BigDecimal type used
  8. assert 1.200065D == new Double('1.200065')
  9. assert 1.234F == new Float('1.234')
  10. assert 1.23E23D == new Double('1.23E23')
  11. assert 0b1111L.class == Long // binary
  12. assert 0xFFi.class == Integer // hexadecimal
  13. assert 034G.class == BigInteger // octal

6. Boolean


7. List


  1. def numbers = [1, 2, 3]
  2. assert numbers instanceof List
  3. assert numbers.size() == 3


def heterogeneous = [1, "a", true]


  1. def arrayList = [1, 2, 3]
  2. assert arrayList instanceof java.util.ArrayList
  3. def linkedList = [2, 3, 4] as LinkedList
  4. assert linkedList instanceof java.util.LinkedList
  5. LinkedList otherLinked = [3, 4, 5]
  6. assert otherLinked instanceof java.util.LinkedList


  1. def letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
  2. assert letters[0] == 'a'
  3. assert letters[1] == 'b'
  4. assert letters[-1] == 'd'
  5. assert letters[-2] == 'c'
  6. letters[2] = 'C'
  7. assert letters[2] == 'C'
  8. letters << 'e'
  9. assert letters[ 4] == 'e'
  10. assert letters[-1] == 'e'
  11. assert letters[1, 3] == ['b', 'd']
  12. assert letters[2..4] == ['C', 'd', 'e']

8. Arrays


  1. String[] arrStr = ['Ananas', 'Banana', 'Kiwi']
  2. assert arrStr instanceof String[]
  3. assert !(arrStr instanceof List)
  4. def numArr = [1, 2, 3] as int[]
  5. assert numArr instanceof int[]
  6. assert numArr.size() == 3
  7. //多维数组
  8. def matrix3 = new Integer[3][3]
  9. assert matrix3.size() == 3
  10. Integer[][] matrix2
  11. matrix2 = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  12. assert matrix2 instanceof Integer[][]


9. Maps


  1. def colors = [red: '#FF0000', green: '#00FF00', blue: '#0000FF']
  2. assert colors['red'] == '#FF0000'
  3. assert colors.green == '#00FF00'
  4. colors['pink'] = '#FF00FF'
  5. colors.yellow = '#FFFF00'
  6. assert colors.pink == '#FF00FF'
  7. assert colors['yellow'] == '#FFFF00'
  8. assert colors instanceof java.util.LinkedHashMap



  1. def key = 'name'
  2. def person = [key: 'Guillaume'] // key实际上为"key"
  3. assert !person.containsKey('name')
  4. assert person.containsKey('key')
  5. person = [(key): 'Guillaume'] // key实际上为"name"
  6. assert person.containsKey('name')
  7. assert !person.containsKey('key')

