NET "CHA" TNM = "data_1";
NET "*/core_wrapper/transceiver_inst/RXRECCLK" TNM_NET = "rxrecclk";
TIMESPEC ts_rxrecclk = PERIOD "rxrecclk" 8 ns;
INST "*/core_wrapper/transceiver_inst/rx_elastic_buffer_inst/wr_addr_gray*" TNM = "wr_graycode";
INST "*/core_wrapper/transceiver_inst/rx_elastic_buffer_inst/rd_addr_gray*" TNM = "rd_graycode";
TIMESPEC ts_rx_skew_control1 = FROM "wr_graycode" TO FFS 14 ns DATAPATHONLY;
TIMESPEC ts_rx_skew_control2 = FROM "rd_graycode" TO FFS 14 ns DATAPATHONLY;
INST "*/core_wrapper/transceiver_inst/rx_elastic_buffer_inst/rd_data*" TNM = "fifo_read";
TIMESPEC ts_ram_read_false_path = FROM RAMS TO "fifo_read" 6 ns DATAPATHONLY;
NET "*/mac_engine_inst/i_rst_gen/reset2_o" TNM_NET = "reset2_o";
NET "*/mac_engine_inst/sw_rst" TNM_NET = "sw_rst";
NET "*/mac_engine_inst/reset2_o_int" TNM_NET = "reset2_o_int";
NET "*/mac_engine_inst/sw_rst_int" TNM_NET = "sw_rst_int";
TIMESPEC TS_IGNORE1 = FROM "reset2_o" TO "reset2_o_int" TIG ;
TIMESPEC TS_IGNORE2 = FROM "sw_rst" TO "sw_rst_int" TIG ;
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