userId | visitDate | visitCount |
u01 | 2017/1/21 | 5 |
u02 | 2017/1/23 | 6 |
u03 | 2017/1/22 | 8 |
u04 | 2017/1/20 | 3 |
u01 | 2017/1/23 | 6 |
u01 | 2017/2/21 | 8 |
u02 | 2017/1/23 | 6 |
u01 | 2017/2/22 | 4 |
用户id | 月份 | 小计 | 累积 |
u01 | 2017-01 | 11 | 11 |
u01 | 2017-02 | 12 | 23 |
u02 | 2017-01 | 12 | 12 |
u03 | 2017-01 | 8 | 8 |
u04 | 2017-01 | 3 | 3 |
u01 2017/1/21 5
u02 2017/1/23 6
u03 2017/1/22 8
u04 2017/1/20 3
u01 2017/1/23 6
u01 2017/2/21 8
u02 2017/1/23 6
u01 2017/2/22 4
create tbale action(
userId string,visitDate string ,visitCount int
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/viste.txt' into table action;
select action.userid ,date_format(regexp_rep(action.visitDate,'/','-'),'yyyy-MM') date_dt,action.visitCount from action;--t1
--select t1.userid,t1.date_dt,sum(t1.visitCount) from t1 group by t1.userid,t1.date_dt; --t2
select t1.userid,t1.date_dt,sum(t1.visitCount) sumvisitCount from
(select action.userid ,date_format(regexp_rep(action.visitDate,'/','-'),'yyyy-MM') date_dt,action.visitCount from action) t1 group by t1.userid,t1.date_dt; --t2
--select t2.userid,sum(t2.sumvisitCount) over (partiotion by userid order by sumvisitCount rows between unbounded preceding and current row) totalvisitCount from t2;
select t2.userid,sum(t2.sumvisitCount) over (partiotion by userid order by sumvisitCount rows between unbounded preceding and current row) totalvisitCount from (select t1.userid,t1.date_dt,sum(t1.visitCount) sumvisitCount from
(select action.userid ,date_format(regexp_rep(action.visitDate,'/','-'),'yyyy-MM') date_dt,action.visitCount from action) t1 group by t1.userid,t1.date_dt) t2
u1 a
u2 b
u1 b
u1 a
u3 c
u4 b
u1 a
u2 c
u5 b
u4 b
u6 c
u2 c
u1 b
u2 a
u2 a
u3 a
u5 a
u5 a
u5 a
create table visit(user_id string,shop string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t’;
load data local inpath ‘/opt/module/datas/visit.txt’ into table visit;
select shop,count(distinct user_id) uv from visit group by shop;
select shop,user_id,count(*) visitCount from visit group by shop ,user_id; --t1
--select t1.shop,t1.user_id,t1.visitCount
rank() over (partiton by t1.shop order by t1.visitCount desc) vc1,
dense_rank() over (partition by t1.shop order by t1.visitCount desc) vc2,
row_number() over (partition by t1.shop order by t1.visitCount desc) vc3,
from t1;--t2
select t1.shop,t1.user_id,t1.visitCount
rank() over (partiton by t1.shop order by t1.visitCount desc) vc1,
dense_rank() over (partition by t1.shop order by t1.visitCount desc) vc2,
row_number() over (partition by t1.shop order by t1.visitCount desc) vc3,
from (select shop,user_id,count(*) visitCount from visit group by shop ,user_id) t1; --t2
select * from t2 where t2.vc2<4;
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