1.1: 数据的采集
1.2: 数据的清洗转换处理
1.3: 数据的统计分析处理
1.4: 数据的导出操作
回顾: 原有的基础分层
- ODS层: 源数据层
- 作用: 对接数据源, 和数据源的数据保持相同的粒度(将数据源的数据完整的拷贝到ODS层中)
- 注意:
- 如果数据来源于文本文件, 可能会需要先对这些文本文件进行预处理(spark)操作, 将其中不规则的数据, 不完整的数据, 脏乱差的数据先过滤掉, 将其转换为一份结构化的数据, 然后灌入到ODS层
- DW层: 数据仓库层
- 作用: 进行数据分析的操作
- DA层: 数据应用层
- 作用: 存储DW层分析的结果, 用于对接后续的应用(图表, 推荐系统...)
- ODS层: 源数据层
- 作用: 对接数据源, 和数据源的数据保持相同的粒度(将数据源的数据完整的拷贝到ODS层中)
- 注意:
- 如果数据来源于文本文件, 可能会需要先对这些文本文件进行预处理(spark)操作, 将其中不规则的数据, 不完整的数据, 脏乱差的数据先过滤掉, 将其转换为一份结构化的数据, 然后灌入到ODS层
- 一般放置 事实表数据和少量的维度表数据
- DW层: 数据仓库层
- DWD层: 明细层
- 作用: 用于对ODS层数据进行清洗转换工作 , 以及进行少量的维度退化操作
- 少量:
- 1) 将多个事实表的数据合并为一个事实表操作
- 2) 如果维度表放置在ODS层 一般也是在DWD层完成维度退化
- DWM层: 中间层
- 作用: 1) 用于进行维度退化操作 2) 用于进行提前聚合操作(周期快照事实表)
- DWS层: 业务层
- 作用: 进行细化维度统计分析操作
- DA层: 数据应用层
- 作用: 存储基于DWS层再次分析的结果, 用于对接后续的应用(图表, 推荐系统...)
- 例如:
- 比如DWS层的数据表完成了基于订单表各项统计结果信息, 但是图表只需要其中销售额, 此时从DWS层将销售额的数据提取出来存储到DA层
- DIM层: 维度层
- 作用: 存储维度表数据
- 什么叫做维度退化: 是为了减少维度表的关联工作
- 做法: 将数据分析中可能在维度表中需要使用的字段, 将这些字段退化到事实表中, 这样后续在基于维度统计的时候, 就不需要在关联维度表, 事实表中已经涵盖了维度数据了
- 例如: 订单表, 原有订单表中只有用户id, 当我们需要根据用户维度进行统计分析的时候, 此时需要关联用户表, 找到用户的名称, 那么如果我们提前将用户的名称放置到订单表中, 那么是不是就不需要关联用户表, 而则就是维度退化
- 好处: 减少后续分析的表关联情况
- 弊端: 造成数据冗余
HUE: hadoop 用户体验
出现目的: 提升使用hadoop生态圈中相关软件便利性
核心: 是将各类hadoop生态圈的软件的操作界面集成在一个软件中 (大集成者)
- Oozie是一个用于管理Apache Hadoop作业的工作流调度程序系统。
- Oozie由Cloudera公司贡献给Apache的基于工作流引擎的开源框架,是用于Hadoop平台的开源的工作流调度引擎,是用来管理Hadoop作业,属于web应用程序,由Oozie client和Oozie Server两个组件构成,Oozie Server运行于Java Servlet容器(Tomcat)中的web程序。
- 1) 整个业务流程需要周期性重复干
- 2) 整个业务流程可以被划分为多个阶段
- 3) 每一个阶段存在依赖关系,前序没有操作, 后续也无法执行
- 如果发现实际生产中的某些业务满足了以上特征, 就可以尝试使用工作流来解决
请问, 大数据的工作流程是否可以使用工作流来解决呢? 完全可以的
请问: 如何实现一个工作流呢? 已经有爱心人士将工作流软件实现了, 只需要学习如何使用这些软件配置工作流程即可
- 单独使用:
- azkaban: 来源于领英公司 配置工作流的方式是通过类似于properties文件的方式来配置, 只需要简单的几行即可配置,提供了一个非常的好可视化界面, 通过界面可以对工作流进行监控管理, 号称 只要能够被shell所执行, azkaban都可以进行调度, 所以azkaban就是一个shell客户端软件
- oozie: 来源于apache 出现时间较早一款工作流调度工具, 整个工作流的配置主要采用XML方式进行配置, 整个XML配置是非常繁琐的, 如果配置一个MR, 相当于将MR重写一遍, 而且虽然提供了一个管理界面, 但是这个界面仅能查看, 无法进行操作, 而且界面异常卡顿
- 总结:
- azkaban要比oozie更加好用
- 如何和HUE结合使用:
- azkaban由于不属于apache旗下, 所以无法和HUE集成
- hue是属于apache旗下的, 所以HUE像集成一款工作流的调度工具, 肯定优先集成自家产品
- ooize也是属于apache旗下的, HUE对oozie是可以直接集成的, 集成之后, 只需要用户通过鼠标的方式点一点即可实现工作流的配置
- 总结:
- hue加入后, oozie要比azkaban更加好用
sqoop是隶属于Apache旗下的, 最早是属于cloudera公司的,是一个用户进行数据的导入导出的工具, 主要是将关系型的数据库(MySQL, oracle...)导入到hadoop生态圈(HDFS,HIVE,Hbase...) , 以及将hadoop生态圈数据导出到关系型数据库中
通过sqoop将数据导入到HIVE主要有二种方式: 原生API 和 hcatalog API
- 数据格式支持:
- 原生API 仅支持 textFile格式
- hcatalog API 支持多种hive的存储格式(textFile ORC sequenceFile parquet...)
- 数据覆盖:
- 原生API 支持数据覆盖操作
- hcatalog API 不支持数据覆盖,每一次都是追加操作
- 字段名:
- 原生API: 字段名比较随意, 更多关注字段的顺序, 会将关系型数据库的第一个字段给hive表的第一个字段...
- hcatalog API: 按照字段名进行导入操作, 不关心顺序
- 建议: 在导入的时候, 不管是顺序还是名字都保持一致
目前主要采用 hcatalog的方式
- 命令:
- sqoop list-databases --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --password 123456
- 命令:
- sqoop list-tables \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456
- 注意:
- \ 表示当前命令没有写完, 换行书写
- create database test default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
- use test;
- create table emp
- (
- id int not null
- primary key,
- name varchar(32) null,
- deg varchar(32) null,
- salary int null,
- dept varchar(32) null
- );
- INSERT INTO emp (id, name, deg, salary, dept) VALUES (1201, 'gopal', 'manager', 50000, 'TP');
- INSERT INTO emp (id, name, deg, salary, dept) VALUES (1202, 'manisha', 'Proof reader', 50000, 'TP');
- INSERT INTO emp (id, name, deg, salary, dept) VALUES (1203, 'khalil', 'php dev', 30000, 'AC');
- INSERT INTO emp (id, name, deg, salary, dept) VALUES (1204, 'prasanth', 'php dev', 30000, 'AC');
- INSERT INTO emp (id, name, deg, salary, dept) VALUES (1205, 'kranthi', 'admin', 20000, 'TP');
- create table emp_add
- (
- id int not null
- primary key,
- hno varchar(32) null,
- street varchar(32) null,
- city varchar(32) null
- );
- INSERT INTO emp_add (id, hno, street, city) VALUES (1201, '288A', 'vgiri', 'jublee');
- INSERT INTO emp_add (id, hno, street, city) VALUES (1202, '108I', 'aoc', 'sec-bad');
- INSERT INTO emp_add (id, hno, street, city) VALUES (1203, '144Z', 'pgutta', 'hyd');
- INSERT INTO emp_add (id, hno, street, city) VALUES (1204, '78B', 'old city', 'sec-bad');
- INSERT INTO emp_add (id, hno, street, city) VALUES (1205, '720X', 'hitec', 'sec-bad');
- create table emp_conn
- (
- id int not null
- primary key,
- phno varchar(32) null,
- email varchar(32) null
- );
- INSERT INTO emp_conn (id, phno, email) VALUES (1201, '2356742', 'gopal@tp.com');
- INSERT INTO emp_conn (id, phno, email) VALUES (1202, '1661663', 'manisha@tp.com');
- INSERT INTO emp_conn (id, phno, email) VALUES (1203, '8887776', 'khalil@ac.com');
- INSERT INTO emp_conn (id, phno, email) VALUES (1204, '9988774', 'prasanth@ac.com');
- INSERT INTO emp_conn (id, phno, email) VALUES (1205, '1231231', 'kranthi@tp.com');
- 以emp表为例:
- 命令1:
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp
- 说明:
- 默认情况下, 会将数据导入到操作sqoop用户的HDFS的家目录下,在此目录下会创建一个以导入表的表名为名称文件夹, 在此文件夹下莫每一条数据会运行一个mapTask, 数据的默认分隔符号为 逗号
- 思考: 是否更改其默认的位置呢?
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp \
- --delete-target-dir \
- --target-dir '/sqoop_works/emp_1'
- 思考: 是否调整map的数量呢?
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp \
- --delete-target-dir \
- --target-dir '/sqoop_works/emp_2' \
- --split-by id \
- -m 2
- 思考: 是否调整默认分隔符号呢? 比如调整为 \001
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp \
- --fields-terminated-by '\001' \
- --delete-target-dir \
- --target-dir '/sqoop_works/emp_3' \
- -m 1
- 以emp_add 表为例
- 第一步: 在HIVE中创建一个目标表
- create database hivesqoop;
- use hivesqoop;
- create table hivesqoop.emp_add_hive(
- id int,
- hno string,
- street string,
- city string
- )
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
- stored as orc ;
- 第二步: 通过sqoop完成数据导入操作
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp_add \
- --hcatalog-database hivesqoop \
- --hcatalog-table emp_add_hive \
- -m 1
- -- 以emp 表为例
- 方式一: 通过 where的方式
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp \
- --where 'id > 1205' \
- --delete-target-dir \
- --target-dir '/sqoop_works/emp_2' \
- --split-by id \
- -m 2
- 方式二: 通过SQL的方式
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'select deg from emp where 1=1 AND \$CONDITIONS' \
- --delete-target-dir \
- --target-dir '/sqoop_works/emp_4' \
- --split-by id \
- -m 1
- 注意:
- 如果SQL语句使用 双引号包裹, $CONDITIONS前面需要将一个\进行转义, 单引号是不需要的
- -- 以 emp_add
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp_add \
- --where 'id > 1205' \
- --hcatalog-database hivesqoop \
- --hcatalog-table emp_add_hive \
- -m 1
- 或者:
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'select * from emp_add where id>1205 and $CONDITIONS'
- --hcatalog-database hivesqoop \
- --hcatalog-table emp_add_hive \
- -m 1
需求: 将hive中 emp_add_hive 表数据导出到MySQL中
- # 第一步: 在mysql中创建目标表 (必须创建)
- create table test.emp_add_mysql(
- id INT ,
- hno VARCHAR(32) NULL,
- street VARCHAR(32) NULL,
- city VARCHAR(32) NULL
- );
- # 第二步: 执行sqoop命令导出数据
- sqoop export \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table emp_add_mysql \
- --hcatalog-database hivesqoop \
- --hcatalog-table emp_add_hive \
- -m 1
- 存在问题: 如果hive中表数据存在中文, 通过上述sqoop命令, 会出现中文乱码的问题
参数 | 说明 |
--connect | 连接关系型数据库的URL |
--username | 连接数据库的用户名 |
--password | 连接数据库的密码 |
--driver | JDBC的driver class |
--query或--e | 将查询结果的数据导入,使用时必须伴随参--target-dir,--hcatalog-table,如果查询中有where条件,则条件后必须加上$CONDITIONS关键字。 如果使用双引号包含sql,则$CONDITIONS前要加上\以完成转义:\$CONDITIONS |
--hcatalog-database | 指定HCatalog表的数据库名称。如果未指定,default则使用默认数据库名称。提供 --hcatalog-database不带选项--hcatalog-table是错误的。 |
--hcatalog-table | 此选项的参数值为HCatalog表名。该--hcatalog-table选项的存在表示导入或导出作业是使用HCatalog表完成的,并且是HCatalog作业的必需选项。 |
--create-hcatalog-table | 此选项指定在导入数据时是否应自动创建HCatalog表。表名将与转换为小写的数据库表名相同。 |
--hcatalog-storage-stanza 'stored as orc tblproperties ("orc.compress"="SNAPPY")' \ | 建表时追加存储格式到建表语句中,tblproperties修改表的属性,这里设置orc的压缩格式为SNAPPY |
-m | 指定并行处理的MapReduce任务数量。 -m不为1时,需要用split-by指定分片字段进行并行导入,尽量指定int型。 |
--split-by id | 如果指定-split by, 必须使用$CONDITIONS关键字, 双引号的查询语句还要加\ |
--hcatalog-partition-keys --hcatalog-partition-values | keys和values必须同时存在,相当于指定静态分区。允许将多个键和值提供为静态分区键。多个选项值之间用,(逗号)分隔。比如: --hcatalog-partition-keys year,month,day --hcatalog-partition-values 1999,12,31 |
--null-string '\N' --null-non-string '\N' | 指定mysql数据为空值时用什么符号存储,null-string针对string类型的NULL值处理,--null-non-string针对非string类型的NULL值处理 |
--hive-drop-import-delims | 设置无视字符串中的分割符(hcatalog默认开启) |
--fields-terminated-by '\t' | 设置字段分隔符 |
- 如何转换呢?
- 将每一个需求中涉及到维度以及涉及到指标从需求中分析出来, 同时找到涉及到那些表, 以及那些字段
- 目的:
- 涉及维度
- 涉及指标
- 涉及表
- 涉及字段
- 在此基础上, 还需要找到需要清洗那些数据, 需要转换那些数据, 如果有多个表, 表与表关联条件是什么...
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度 : 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量
- 涉及到表:
- web_chat_ems_2019_12 (事实表)
- 涉及到字段:
- 时间维度: create_time
- 转换操作: 将create_time后期转换为 yearinfo , quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo
- 思想: 当发现一个字段中涵盖多个字段的数据时候, 可以尝试将其拆分出来
- 指标字段: sid
- 说明: 先去重在统计操作
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 区域维度:
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量
- 涉及到表:
- web_chat_ems_2019_12
- 涉及到字段:
- 时间维度: create_time
- 区域维度: area
- 指标字段: sid
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天
- 地区维度:
- 涉及指标:
- 咨询人数
- 访问量 (在需求二中已经计算完成了, 此处可以省略)
- 涉及到表:
- web_chat_ems_2019_12
- 涉及到字段:
- 时间维度: create_time
- 地区维度: area
- 指标字段: sid
- 区分咨询人数: msg_count 必须 >= 1
- 说明:
- 当遇到指标需要计算比率问题的, 一般的处理方案是只需要计算其分子和分母的指标, 在最后DWS以及DA层进行统计计算
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量 (需求一, 已经计算完成, 不需要关心)
- 咨询人数
- 涉及到表:
- web_chat_ems_2019_12
- 涉及到字段:
- 时间维度: create_time
- 指标字段: sid
- 区分咨询人数: msg_count 必须 >= 1
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 天 小时
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量 (需求一, 已经实现了)
各个渠道访问量 / 总访问量
各个渠道下 咨询量/访问量占比
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 各个渠道
- 涉及指标:
- 咨询量
- 访问量
- 涉及表:
- web_chat_ems_2019_12
- 涉及字段:
- 各个渠道字段: origin_channel
- 时间维度: create_time
- 指标: sid
- 访问量和咨询量的划分:
- msg_count >= 1
各个搜索来源访问量 / 总访问量
各个搜索来源下 咨询量 / 各个搜索来源访问量
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 不同搜索来源
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量
- 涉及表:
- web_chat_ems_2019_12
- 涉及字段:
- 搜索来源: seo_source
- 时间维度: create_time
- 指标字段: sid
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 各个页面
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量
- 涉及表:
- web_chat_text_ems_2019_11 (事实表)
- 涉及字段:
- 各个页面: from_url
- 指标字段: count(1)
- 缺失: 时间维度字段
- 解决方案:
- 1) 查看这个表中是否有时间字段
- 2) 如果没有, 这个表是否另一个表有关联
- 3) 如果都解决不了, 找需求方
- 涉及维度:
- 固有维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 产品属性维度:
- 地区维度
- 来源渠道
- 搜索来源
- 受访页面
- 涉及指标:
- 访问量
- 咨询量
- 涉及表 :
- 事实表: web_chat_ems_2019_12 和 web_chat_text_ems_2019_11
- 维度表: 没有 (数仓建模, 不需要DIM层)
- 涉及字段:
- 时间维度:
- web_chat_ems: create_time
- 地区维度:
- web_chat_ems: area
- 来源渠道:
- web_chat_ems: origin_channel
- 搜索来源:
- web_chat_ems: seo_source
- 受访页面:
- web_chat_text_ems: from_url
- 指标字段:
- 访问量: sid
- 咨询量: sid
- 区分访问和咨询:
- web_chat_ems: msg_count >= 1 即为咨询数据
- 需要清洗数据: 没有清洗
- 需要转换字段: 时间字段
- 需要将create_time 转换为 yearinfo, quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo
- 一对一关系 : id = id
- 一对一关系其实本质就是一张表
第一步: 在hadoop01的mysql中建一个数据库
create database nev default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
第二步: 将项目资料中 nev.sql 脚本数据导入到nev数据库中
建模: 如何在hive中构建各个层次的表
- 作用: 对接数据源, 一般和数据源保持相同的粒度(将数据源数据完整的拷贝到ODS层)
- 建表比较简单:
- 业务库中对应表有那些字段, 需要在ODS层建一个与之相同字段的表即可, 额外在建表的时候, 需要构建为分区表, 分区字段为时间字段, 用于标记在何年何月何日将数据抽取到ODS层
- 此层会有二个表
- 作用: 存储维度表数据
- 此时不需要, 因为当前主题, 压根没有维度表
- 作用: 1) 清洗转换 2) 少量维度退化
- 思考1: 当前需要做什么清洗操作?
- 不需要进行清洗
- 思考2: 当前需要做什么转换操作?
- 需要对时间字段进行转换, 需要转换为 yearinfo, quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo
- 思考3: 当前需要做什么维度退化操作?
- 两个事实表合并在一起
- 建表字段 : 原有表的字段 + 转换后的字段+ 清洗后字段
- sid,session_id,ip,create_time,area,origin_channel,seo_source,
- from_url,msg_count,yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,
- hourinfo,referrer,landing_page_url,url_title,
- platform_description,other_params,history
- 思想:
- 当合并表个表的时候, 获取抽取数据时候, 处理方案有三种:
- 1) 当表中字段比较多的时候, 只需要抽取需要用的字段
- 2) 当无法确定需要用那些字段的时候, 采用全部抽取
- 3) 如果表中字段比较少, 不管用得上, 还是用不上, 都抽取
- 作用: 1) 维度退化操作 2) 提前聚合
- 思考1: 当前需要进行什么维度退化操作?
- 没有任何维度退化操作, 压根都没有DIM层
- 思考2: 当前需要进行什么提前聚合操作?
- 可以尝试先对小时进行提前聚合操作, 以便于后统计方便
- 思考3: 当前主题是否可以按照小时提前聚合呢?
- 目前不可以, 因为数据存在重复的问题, 无法提前聚合, 一旦聚合后, 会导致后续的统计出现不精确问题
- 作用: 细化维度统计操作
- 一般是一个指标会对应一个统计结果表
- 访问量:
- 涉及维度:
- 固有维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 产品属性维度:
- 地区维度
- 来源渠道
- 搜索来源
- 受访页面
- 建表字段: 指标统计字段 + 各个维度字段 + 三个经验字段(time_type,group_time,time_str)
- sid_total,sessionid_total,ip_total,yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,
- area,origin_channel,seo_source,from_url, time_type,group_time,time_str
- 咨询量:
- 涉及维度:
- 固有维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 产品属性维度:
- 地区维度
- 来源渠道
- 建表字段: 指标统计字段 + 各个维度字段 + 三个经验字段(time_type,group_time,time_str)
- sid_total,sessionid_total,ip_total,yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,
- area,origin_channel, time_type,group_time,time_str
- 注意: 如果不存在的维度字段的值, 设置为 -1 (业务指定, 表示没有这个维度)
- 作用: 对接应用, 应用需要什么数据, 从DWS层获取什么数据即可
- 此层目前不做任何处理, 已经全部需要都细化统计完成了, 后续具体用什么, 看图表支持了...
思考: 在创建表的时候, 需要考虑那些问题呢?
- 1) 表需要采用什么存储格式
- 2) 表需要采用什么压缩格式
- 3) 表需要构建什么类型表
- 情况一: 如果数据不是来源于普通文本文件的数据, 一般存储格式选择为列式的ORC存储
- 情况二: 如果数据来源于普通文本文件的数据, 一般存储格式选择为行式的textFile格式
- 当前项目: 数据是存储在mysql中, 选择为ORC存储格式
- 写多,读少: 优先考虑压缩比 建议选择 zlib gz
- 写多,读多: 优先考虑解压缩性能 建议选择 snappy LZO
- 如果空间比较充足, 建议各个层次都选择snappy压缩方案
- 一般情况下:
- hive中ODS层, 选择 zlib压缩方案
- hive中其他层次, 选择 snappy
- 当前项目:
- ODS: zlib
- 其他层次: snappy
ODS: orc + zlib
其他层次: orc + snappy
在进行数据统计分析的时候, 一般来说, 第一次统计分析都是全量统计分析 而后续的操作, 都是在结果基础上进行增量化统计操作
- 全量统计: 需要面对公司所有的数据进行统计分析, 数据体量一般比较大的
- 解决方案: 采用分批次执行(比如按年)
- 增量统计: 一般是以T+1模式统计, 当前的数据, 在第二天才会进行统计操作
- 每一天都是统计上一天的数据
- 思考: 分区表有什么作用呢?
- 当查询的时候, 指定分区字段, 可以减少查询表数据扫描量, 从而提升效率
回顾: 内部表和外部表如何选择呢?
- 1) 静态分区:
- 格式:
- load data [local] inpath '路径' into table 表名 partition(分区字段=值...)
- insert into table 表名 partition(分区字段=值....) + select语句
- 2) 动态分区:
- 格式:
- insert into table 表名 partition(分区字段1,分区字段2....) + select语句
- 注意事项:
- 1) 必须开启hive对动态分区的支持:
- 2) 必须开启hive的非严格模式
- 3) 保证select语句的最后的字段必须是分区字段数据(保证顺序)
- insert into table order partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select .... yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo from xxx;
- 3) 动静混合:
- 格式:
- insert into table 表名 partition(分区字段1,分区字段2=值1,分区字段3....) + select语句
- 注意事项:
- 1) 必须开启hive对动态分区的支持:
- 2) 必须开启hive的非严格模式
- 3) 保证select语句的最后的字段必须是动态分区字段数据(保证顺序)
- insert into table order partition(yearinfo,monthinfo='05',dayinfo)
- select .... yearinfo,dayinfo from xxx;
动态分区的优化点: 有序动态分区
- 什么时候需要优化?
- 有时候表中动态分区比较多, hive提升写入效率, 会启动多个reduce程序进行并行写入操作, 此时对内存消耗比较大, 有可能会出现内存溢出问题
- 解决方案: 开启有序动态分区
- 开启后, reduce不会再并行运行了, 只会运行一个, 大大降低了内存消耗, 从而能够正常的运行完成,但是效率会降低
- 需要在CM的hive的配置窗口下, 开启此配置
- 注意: 目前不改, 后续出现动态分区问题后, 在尝试开启
- 通过CM更改, 是全局更改, 是全局有效的, 相当于直接在hive-site.xml中更改
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- -- 访问咨询表
- CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_ods.web_chat_ems (
- id INT comment '主键',
- create_date_time STRING comment '数据创建时间',
- session_id STRING comment '七陌sessionId',
- sid STRING comment '访客id',
- create_time STRING comment '会话创建时间',
- seo_source STRING comment '搜索来源',
- seo_keywords STRING comment '关键字',
- ip STRING comment 'IP地址',
- area STRING comment '地域',
- country STRING comment '所在国家',
- province STRING comment '省',
- city STRING comment '城市',
- origin_channel STRING comment '投放渠道',
- user_match STRING comment '所属坐席',
- manual_time STRING comment '人工开始时间',
- begin_time STRING comment '坐席领取时间 ',
- end_time STRING comment '会话结束时间',
- last_customer_msg_time_stamp STRING comment '客户最后一条消息的时间',
- last_agent_msg_time_stamp STRING comment '坐席最后一下回复的时间',
- reply_msg_count INT comment '客服回复消息数',
- msg_count INT comment '客户发送消息数',
- browser_name STRING comment '浏览器名称',
- os_info STRING comment '系统名称')
- comment '访问会话信息表'
- stored as orc
- location '/user/hive/warehouse/itcast_ods.db/web_chat_ems_ods'
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
- -- 访问咨询附属表
- CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems (
- id INT COMMENT '主键来自MySQL',
- referrer STRING comment '上级来源页面',
- from_url STRING comment '会话来源页面',
- landing_page_url STRING comment '访客着陆页面',
- url_title STRING comment '咨询页面title',
- platform_description STRING comment '客户平台信息',
- other_params STRING comment '扩展字段中数据',
- history STRING comment '历史访问记录'
- ) comment 'EMS-PV测试表'
- stored as orc
- location '/user/hive/warehouse/itcast_ods.db/web_chat_text_ems_ods'
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
- create table if not exists itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd(
- session_id STRING comment '七陌sessionId',
- sid STRING comment '访客id',
- create_time bigint comment '会话创建时间',
- seo_source STRING comment '搜索来源',
- ip STRING comment 'IP地址',
- area STRING comment '地域',
- msg_count int comment '客户发送消息数',
- origin_channel STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- referrer STRING comment '上级来源页面',
- from_url STRING comment '会话来源页面',
- landing_page_url STRING comment '访客着陆页面',
- url_title STRING comment '咨询页面title',
- platform_description STRING comment '客户平台信息',
- other_params STRING comment '扩展字段中数据',
- history STRING comment '历史访问记录',
- hourinfo string comment '小时'
- )
- comment '访问咨询DWD表'
- partitioned by(yearinfo String,quarterinfo string, monthinfo String, dayinfo string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
- stored as orc
- location '/user/hive/warehouse/itcast_dwd.db/visit_consult_dwd'
- tblproperties ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- -- 访问量统计结果表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dws.visit_dws (
- sid_total INT COMMENT '根据sid去重求count',
- sessionid_total INT COMMENT '根据sessionid去重求count',
- ip_total INT COMMENT '根据IP去重求count',
- area STRING COMMENT '区域信息',
- seo_source STRING COMMENT '搜索来源',
- origin_channel STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- hourinfo STRING COMMENT '创建时间,统计至小时',
- time_str STRING COMMENT '时间明细',
- from_url STRING comment '会话来源页面',
- groupType STRING COMMENT '产品属性类型:1.地区;2.搜索来源;3.来源渠道;4.会话来源页面;5.总访问量',
- time_type STRING COMMENT '时间聚合类型:1、按小时聚合;2、按天聚合;3、按月聚合;4、按季度聚合;5、按年聚合;')
- comment 'EMS访客日志dws表'
- PARTITIONED BY(yearinfo STRING,quarterinfo STRING,monthinfo STRING,dayinfo STRING)
- stored as orc
- location '/user/hive/warehouse/itcast_dws.db/visit_dws'
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- -- 咨询量统计结果表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dws.consult_dws
- (
- sid_total INT COMMENT '根据sid去重求count',
- sessionid_total INT COMMENT '根据sessionid去重求count',
- ip_total INT COMMENT '根据IP去重求count',
- area STRING COMMENT '区域信息',
- origin_channel STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- hourinfo STRING COMMENT '创建时间,统计至小时',
- time_str STRING COMMENT '时间明细',
- groupType STRING COMMENT '产品属性类型:1.地区;2.来源渠道',
- time_type STRING COMMENT '时间聚合类型:1、按小时聚合;2、按天聚合;3、按月聚合;4、按季度聚合;5、按年聚合;'
- )
- COMMENT '咨询量DWS宽表'
- PARTITIONED BY (yearinfo string,quarterinfo STRING, monthinfo STRING, dayinfo string)
- LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/itcast_dws.db/consult_dws'
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
默认情况HDFS的副本有 3个副本
- 实际生产环境中, 一般HDFS副本也是以3个
- 如果数据不是特别重要, 也可以设置为只有2个副本
- 如果使用hadoop3.x以上的版本, 支持设置副本数量为 1.5
- 其中 0.5 不是指的存储了一半, 而是采用纠删码来存储这一份数据的信息, 而纠删码只占用数据的一半
如何配置副本数量: 直接在CM上HDFS的配置目录下配置
yarn: 用于资源的分配 (资源: 内存 CPU)
- 其中 nodemanager 用于出内存和CPU
- 其中datanode 用于出磁盘
- 注意: 每一个nodemanager 会向resourcemanager报告自己当前节点有多少核心数
- 默认: 8核 yarn不会自动校验每一个节点有多少核CUP
- 推荐调整配置: 当前节点有多少核, 就要向resourcemanager汇报多少核
- 如何查看当前这个节点有多少核呢?
- 方式一: 通过CM的主机目录来查看每一节点有多少核
- 方式二: 通过命令的方式来查看
- grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l
- 如何在yarn中配置各个节点的核心数呢?
- 直接在cm的yarn的配置目录下搜索: yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores
- 注意: 每一个nodemanager 会向resourcemanager报告自己当前节点有多少内存
- 默认: 8GB yarn不会自动校验每一个节点有多少内存
- 推荐配置: 剩余内存 * 80%
- 如何知道当前节点内存还剩余多少呢?
- 1) 通过CM的主机目录来查看每一节点有多少剩余内存
- 2) 通过命令方式查看: free -m
- 如何配置各个节点内存:
- 直接在cm的yarn的配置目录下搜索:
- yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb
- yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb : 与第一个保持一致
- yarn.app.mapreduce.am.command-opts : 略小于第一个配置的值(0.9)
- 注意,要同时设置yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb为一样的值,yarn.app.mapreduce.am.command-opts(JVM内存)的值要同步修改为略小的值(-Xmx1024m)。
- 配置项:yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs
- 推荐配置: 当前服务器挂载了几块磁盘, 就需要配置几个目录
- 目的: yarn在运行的过程中, 会产生一些临时文件, 这些临时文件应该存储在那些位置呢? 由这个本地目录配置决定
- 如何查看每一个磁盘挂载到了linux的什么目录下:
- df -h 查看对应磁盘挂载点即可
- mapreduce.map.memory.mb : 在运行MR的时候, 一个mapTask需要占用多大内存
- mapreduce.map.java.opts : 在运行MR的时候, 一个mapTask对应jvm需要占用多大内容
- mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb: 在运行MR的时候, 一个reduceTask需要占用多大内存
- mapreduce.reduce.java.opts : 在运行MR的时候, 一个reduceTask对应jvm需要占用多大内容
- 注意:
- jvm的内存配置要略小于对应内存
- 所有内存配置大小, 不要超过nodemanager的内存大小
- 此处推荐:
- 一般不做任何修改 默认即可
配置项: HiveServer2 的 Java 堆栈大小(字节)
- 说明: 如果这个配置比较少, 在执行SQL的时候, 就会出现以下的问题:
- 此错误, 说明hiveserver2已经宕机了, 此时需要条件hiveserver2的内存大小,调整后, 重启
- 配置: hive.load.dynamic.partitions.thread
- 说明:
- 在执行动态分区的时候, 最多允许多少个线程来运行动态分区操作, 线程越多 , 执行效率越高, 但是占用资源越大
- 默认值: 15
- 推荐:
- 先采用默认, 如果动态分区执行慢, 而且还有剩余资源, 可以尝试调大
- 调整位置;
- 直接在cm的hive的配置目录下调整
- 配置项: hive.exec.input.listing.max.threads
- 说明:
- 在运行SQL的时候, 可以使用多少个线程读取HDFS上数据, 线程越多, 读取效率越高, 占用资源越大
- 默认值: 15
- 推荐:
- 先采用默认, 如果读取数据执行慢, 而且还有剩余资源, 可以尝试调大
- map中间结果压缩配置:
- 建议: 在hive的会话窗口配置
- hive.exec.compress.intermediate: 是否hive对中间结果压缩
- 以下两个建议直接在cm上yarn的配置目录下直接配置
- mapreduce.map.output.compress : 是否开启map阶段的压缩
- mapreduce.map.output.compress.codec : 选择什么压缩方案
- 推荐配置:
- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec
- reduce最终结果压缩配置:
- 建议: 在hive的会话窗口配置
- hive.exec.compress.output: 是否开启对hive最终结果压缩配置
- 以下两个建议直接在cm上yarn的配置目录下直接配置
- mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress: 是否开启reduce端压缩配置
- mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.codec: 选择什么压缩方案
- 推荐配置:
- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec
- mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.type : 压缩方案
- 推荐配置:
- 说明:
- 如果hive上没有开启压缩, 及时配置MR的压缩, 那么也不会生效
配置项: hive.execution.engine
目的: 将业务端的数据导入到ODS层对应表中
- 业务端数据: mysql
- ODS层表: hive
- 如何将mysql的数据灌入到hive中: apache sqoop
- -- 访问咨询主表:
- id,create_date_time,session_id,sid,create_time,seo_source,seo_keywords,ip,
- AREA,country,province,city,origin_channel,USER AS user_match,manual_time,begin_time,end_time,
- last_customer_msg_time_stamp,last_agent_msg_time_stamp,reply_msg_count,
- msg_count,browser_name,os_info, '2021-09-24' AS starts_time
- FROM web_chat_ems_2019_07
- -- 访问咨询附属表
- *, '2021-09-24' AS start_time
- FROM web_chat_text_ems_2019_07
执行sqoop脚本, 完成数据采集
- -- 访问咨询主表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- id,create_date_time,session_id,sid,create_time,seo_source,seo_keywords,ip,
- AREA,country,province,city,origin_channel,USER AS user_match,manual_time,begin_time,end_time,
- last_customer_msg_time_stamp,last_agent_msg_time_stamp,reply_msg_count,
- msg_count,browser_name,os_info, "2021-09-24" AS starts_time
- FROM web_chat_ems_2019_07 where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table web_chat_ems \
- -m 1
- -- 访问咨询附属表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "2021-09-24" AS start_time
- FROM web_chat_text_ems_2019_07 where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table web_chat_text_ems \
- -m 1
- 1) 查看mysql共计有多少条数据
- SELECT COUNT(1) FROM web_chat_ems_2019_07; 211197
- SELECT COUNT(1) FROM web_chat_text_ems_2019_07; 105599
- 2) 到hive中对表查询一下一共多少条数据
- SELECT COUNT(1) FROM itcast_ods.web_chat_ems; 211197
- SELECT COUNT(1) FROM itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems; 105599
- 3) 查询其中一部分数据, 观察数据映射是否OK
- select * from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems limit 10;
- SELECT * FROM itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems limit 10;
从cm上查看hive的hiveserver2的服务, 服务给出报出信息为:
- 调整 hiveserver2的内存大小
- 直接在cm的hive的配置目录下, 寻找此配置: 调整为3GB
- 配置项: HiveServer2 的 Java 堆栈大小(字节)
- 调整后, 重启服务
目的: 将ODS层数据导入到DWD层
- DWD层作用:
- 1) 清洗转换操作 2) 少量维度退化操作
- 思考1: 是否需要做清洗转换操作, 如果需要做什么呢?
- 清洗操作: 不需要
- 转换操作: 将create_time日期 转换为 yearinfo quarterinfo monthinfo dayinfo hourinfo
- 额外加一个转换: 将create_time日期数据转换为时间戳
- 思考2: 是否需要进行维度退化操作, 如果需要做什么呢?
- 需要的, 将两个事实表合并称为一个事实表
SQL的实现: 未完成转换操作
- select
- wce.session_id,
- wce.sid,
- wce.create_time, -- 此处需要转换: 将字符串日期转换时间戳
- wce.seo_source,
- wce.ip,
- wce.area,
- wce.msg_count,
- wce.origin_channel,
- wcte.referrer,
- wcte.from_url,
- wcte.landing_page_url,
- wcte.url_title,
- wcte.platform_description,
- wcte.other_params,
- wcte.history,
- wce.create_time as hourinfo, -- 此处需求转换
- wce.create_time as yearinfo, -- 此处需求转换
- wce.create_time as quarterinfo, -- 此处需求转换
- wce.create_time as monthinfo, -- 此处需求转换
- wce.create_time as dayinfo -- 此处需求转换
- from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems wce join itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems wcte
- on wce.id = wcte.id;
思考: 如何进行转换操作:
- 转换1: 将create_time 转换为 int类型的数据 (说白: 转换为时间戳)
- 方案: 日期 转换时间戳的函数 unix_timestamp(string date, string pattern)
- 案例:
- select unix_timestamp('2019-07-01 23:45:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
- 转换2: 将create_time转换为 yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo:
- 方案一: 通过 year() quarter() month() day() hour()
- select year('2019-07-01 23:45:00') ; -- 2019
- select month('2019-07-01 23:45:00') ; -- 7
- select day('2019-07-01 23:45:00') ; -- 1
- select hour('2019-07-01 23:45:00') ; -- 23
- select quarter('2019-07-01 23:45:00'); -- 3
- 方案二: 通过字符串的截取操作 substr('字符串',从第几个截取, 截取多少个)
- select substr('2019-07-01 23:45:00',1,4); --2019
- select substr('2019-07-01 23:45:00',6,2); -- 07
- select substr('2019-07-01 23:45:00',9,2); -- 01
- select substr('2019-07-01 23:45:00',12,2); -- 23
- select
- wce.session_id,
- wce.sid,
- unix_timestamp(wce.create_time) as create_time,
- wce.seo_source,
- wce.ip,
- wce.area,
- wce.msg_count,
- wce.origin_channel,
- wcte.referrer,
- wcte.from_url,
- wcte.landing_page_url,
- wcte.url_title,
- wcte.platform_description,
- wcte.other_params,
- wcte.history,
- substr(wce.create_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- quarter(wce.create_time) as quarterinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems wce join itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems wcte
- on wce.id = wcte.id;
- 注意:
- 在执行转换操作的时候, 由于需要进行二表联查操作, 其中一个表数据量比较少, 此时hive会对其优化, 采用map join的方案进行处理, 而map join需要将小表的数据加载到内存中, 但是内存不足, 导致出现内存溢出错误, 此错误的报错可能会两个信息:
- 第一个错误信息: return code 1
- 第二个错误信息: return code -137 (等待一会会爆出来)
- 关闭掉map join 让其采用reduce join即可
- 如何关闭呢?
- set hive.auto.convert.join= false;
接下来: 将结果数据灌入到DWD层的表中
- --动态分区配置
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- --hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- insert into table itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- wce.session_id,
- wce.sid,
- unix_timestamp(wce.create_time) as create_time,
- wce.seo_source,
- wce.ip,
- wce.area,
- wce.msg_count,
- wce.origin_channel,
- wcte.referrer,
- wcte.from_url,
- wcte.landing_page_url,
- wcte.url_title,
- wcte.platform_description,
- wcte.other_params,
- wcte.history,
- substr(wce.create_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- quarter(wce.create_time) as quarterinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems wce join itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems wcte
- on wce.id = wcte.id;
目的: 将DWD层数据灌入到DWS层
DWS层作用: 细化维度统计操作
- 访问量:
- 固有维度:
- 时间维度: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 产品属性维度:
- 地区维度
- 来源渠道
- 搜索来源
- 受访页面
- 总访问量
以时间为基准, 统计总访问量
- -- 统计每年的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo;
- -- 统计每年各个受访页面的访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- from_url,
- '4' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,from_url;
- -- 统计每年,每季度各个受访页面的访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- from_url,
- '4' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,from_url;
- -- 统计每年,每季度,每月各个受访页面的访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- from_url,
- '4' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,from_url;
- -- 统计每年,每季度,每月.每天各个受访页面的访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- from_url,
- '4' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,from_url;
- -- 统计每年,每季度,每月.每天,每小时各个受访页面的访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- from_url,
- '4' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,from_url;
- 咨询量
- 维度:
- 固有维度:
- 时间: 年 季度 月 天 小时
- 产品属性维度:
- 地区
- 来源渠道
- 总咨询量
- 咨询和访问的区别:
- msg_count >=1 即为咨询数据
- -- 统计每年的总咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '3' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度的总咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '3' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月的总咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '3' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天的总咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '3' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时的总咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '3' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo;
- -- 统计每年各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,area;
目的: 从hive的DWS层将数据导出到mysql中对应目标表中
- 技术:
- Apache sqoop
- create database scrm_bi default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci;
- -- 访问量的结果表:
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scrm_bi.visit_dws (
- sid_total INT COMMENT '根据sid去重求count',
- sessionid_total INT COMMENT '根据sessionid去重求count',
- ip_total INT COMMENT '根据IP去重求count',
- area varchar(32) COMMENT '区域信息',
- seo_source varchar(32) COMMENT '搜索来源',
- origin_channel varchar(32) COMMENT '来源渠道',
- hourinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '创建时间,统计至小时',
- time_str varchar(32) COMMENT '时间明细',
- from_url varchar(32) comment '会话来源页面',
- groupType varchar(32) COMMENT '产品属性类型:1.地区;2.搜索来源;3.来源渠道;4.会话来源页面;5.总访问量',
- time_type varchar(32) COMMENT '时间聚合类型:1、按小时聚合;2、按天聚合;3、按月聚合;4、按季度聚合;5、按年聚合;',
- yearinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '年' ,
- quarterinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '季度',
- monthinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '月',
- dayinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '天'
- )comment 'EMS访客日志dws表';
- -- 咨询量的结果表:
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scrm_bi.consult_dws
- (
- sid_total INT COMMENT '根据sid去重求count',
- sessionid_total INT COMMENT '根据sessionid去重求count',
- ip_total INT COMMENT '根据IP去重求count',
- area varchar(32) COMMENT '区域信息',
- origin_channel varchar(32) COMMENT '来源渠道',
- hourinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '创建时间,统计至小时',
- time_str varchar(32) COMMENT '时间明细',
- groupType varchar(32) COMMENT '产品属性类型:1.地区;2.来源渠道',
- time_type varchar(32) COMMENT '时间聚合类型:1、按小时聚合;2、按天聚合;3、按月聚合;4、按季度聚合;5、按年聚合;',
- yearinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '年' ,
- quarterinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '季度',
- monthinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '月',
- dayinfo varchar(32) COMMENT '天'
- )COMMENT '咨询量DWS宽表';
- -- 先导出 咨询量数据
- sqoop export \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table consult_dws \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dws \
- --hcatalog-table consult_dws \
- -m 1
- sqoop export \
- --connect "jdbc:mysql://" \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table consult_dws \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dws \
- --hcatalog-table consult_dws \
- -m 1
- sqoop export \
- --connect "jdbc:mysql://" \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table visit_dws \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dws \
- --hcatalog-table visit_dws \
- -m 1
- 此错误是sqoop在运行导出的时候, 一旦执行MR后, 能够报出的唯一的错误: 标识导出失败
- 而具体因为什么导出失败, sqoop不知道
- 如何查阅具体报了什么错误呢? 必须查看MR的运行日志
- 如何查看MR的日志呢? jobHistory(19888)
点击job id后,进入页面后点击 logs
- 解决方案:
- 将mysql中的from_url字段的varchar长度改的更长一些即可
- -- 模拟访问咨询主表数据
- CREATE TABLE web_chat_ems_2021_09 AS
- SELECT * FROM web_chat_ems_2019_07 WHERE create_time BETWEEN '2019-07-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-07-01 23:59:59';
- -- 修改表中的时间字段
- UPDATE web_chat_ems_2021_09 SET create_time = CONCAT('2021-09-25 ',SUBSTR(create_time,12));
- -- 模拟访问咨询附属表数据
- CREATE TABLE web_chat_text_ems_2021_09 AS
- temp2.*
- (SELECT * FROM web_chat_ems_2019_07
- WHERE create_time BETWEEN '2019-07-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-07-01 23:59:59') temp1
- JOIN web_chat_text_ems_2019_07 temp2 ON temp1.id = temp2.id ;
- -- 注意:
- 在生产环境中, 每个表中应该都是有若干天的数据, 而不是仅仅只有一天
- -- 访问咨询的主表数据:
- id,create_date_time,session_id,sid,create_time,seo_source,seo_keywords,ip,
- AREA,country,province,city,origin_channel,USER AS user_match,manual_time,begin_time,end_time,
- last_customer_msg_time_stamp,last_agent_msg_time_stamp,reply_msg_count,
- msg_count,browser_name,os_info, '2021-09-26' AS starts_time
- FROM web_chat_ems_2021_09 WHERE create_time BETWEEN '2021-09-25 00:00:00' AND '2021-09-25 23:59:59'
- -- 访问咨询的附属表的数据
- temp2.*, '2021-09-26' AS start_time
- FROM (SELECT id FROM web_chat_ems_2021_09 WHERE create_time BETWEEN '2021-09-25 00:00:00' AND '2021-09-25 23:59:59') temp1
- JOIN web_chat_text_ems_2021_09 temp2 ON temp1.id = temp2.id
- -- 访问咨询主表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query "SELECT
- id,create_date_time,session_id,sid,create_time,seo_source,seo_keywords,ip,
- AREA,country,province,city,origin_channel,USER AS user_match,manual_time,begin_time,end_time,
- last_customer_msg_time_stamp,last_agent_msg_time_stamp,reply_msg_count,
- msg_count,browser_name,os_info, '2021-09-26' AS starts_time
- FROM web_chat_ems_2021_09 WHERE create_time BETWEEN '2021-09-25 00:00:00' AND '2021-09-25 23:59:59' and \$CONDITIONS" \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table web_chat_ems \
- -m 1
- -- 访问咨询附属表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query "SELECT
- temp2.*, '2021-09-26' AS start_time
- FROM (SELECT id FROM web_chat_ems_2021_09 WHERE create_time BETWEEN '2021-09-25 00:00:00' AND '2021-09-25 23:59:59') temp1
- JOIN web_chat_text_ems_2021_09 temp2 ON temp1.id = temp2.id where 1=1 and \$CONDITIONS" \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table web_chat_text_ems \
- -m 1
- 解决方案:
- 通过shell脚本的方式来执行, 通过脚本自动获取上一天的日期, 最后将shell脚本放置在ooize中, 进行自动化调度操作
要求: 此脚本能够实现自动获取上一天的日期数据, 并且还支持采集指定日期下数据
- 难度1: 如何通过shell脚本获取上一天的日期呢?
- date -d '-2 day' : 获取前二天的日期
- date -d '-1 year': 获取上一年日期
- date -d '-1 week': 获取上一周的日期
- date -d '-1 hour': 获取上一个小时日期
- 注意上述命令获取后的日期格式为: 2021年 09月 26日 星期日 08:48:12 CST
- 但是sqoop基本需要的是 2021-09-25 如何解决呢?
- date -d '-1 day' +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- 输出为:
- 2021-09-25 09:51:42
- 难度2: 如何让shell脚本接收外部的参数呢?
- $#: 获取外部传递了几个参数
- $N: 获取第几个参数
- 难度3: 如何在shell中实现判断操作
- 需求: 如果传递了参数, 设置为参数的值即可, 如果没有传递, 设置为上一天
- if [ $# == 1 ]
- then
- # 当条件成立的时候, 执行
- dateStr=$1
- else
- # 当条件不成立的执行
- dateStr=`date -d '-1 day' +'%Y-%m-%d'`
- fi
- echo ${dateStr}
- 注意:
- [] 两边都需要留有空格
- = 左右两边不能有空格
- 如果需要将命令执行结果赋值给一个变量, 必须给这个命令使用飘号引起来 (`) esc下面那个键
- 如果获取某一个变量的值: ${变量名}
- hadoop01: 家目录
- cd /root
- vim edu_mode_1_collect.sh
- 内容如下:
- #!/bin/bash
- export SQOOP_HOME=/usr/bin/sqoop
- if [ $# == 1 ]
- then
- dateStr=$1
- else
- dateStr=`date -d '-1 day' +'%Y-%m-%d'`
- fi
- dateNowStr=`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`
- yearStr=`date -d ${dateStr} +'%Y'`
- monthStr=`date -d ${dateStr} +'%m'`
- jdbcUrl='jdbc:mysql://'
- username='root'
- password='123456'
- m='1'
- ${SQOOP_HOME} import \
- --connect ${jdbcUrl} \
- --username ${username} \
- --password ${password} \
- --query "SELECT
- id,create_date_time,session_id,sid,create_time,seo_source,seo_keywords,ip,
- AREA,country,province,city,origin_channel,USER AS user_match,manual_time,begin_time,end_time,
- last_customer_msg_time_stamp,last_agent_msg_time_stamp,reply_msg_count,
- msg_count,browser_name,os_info, '${dateNowStr}' AS starts_time
- FROM web_chat_ems_${yearStr}_${monthStr} WHERE create_time BETWEEN '${dateStr} 00:00:00' AND '${dateStr}
- 23:59:59' and \$CONDITIONS" \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table web_chat_ems \
- -m ${m}
- ${SQOOP_HOME} import \
- --connect ${jdbcUrl} \
- --username ${username} \
- --password ${password} \
- --query "SELECT
- temp2.*, '${dateNowStr}' AS start_time
- FROM (SELECT id FROM web_chat_ems_${yearStr}_${monthStr} WHERE create_time BETWEEN '${dateStr} 00:00:00'
- AND '${dateStr} 23:59:59') temp1
- JOIN web_chat_text_ems_${yearStr}_${monthStr} temp2 ON temp1.id = temp2.id where 1=1 and \$CONDIT
- IONS" \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table web_chat_text_ems \
- -m ${m}
- sh edu_mode_1_collect.sh
- 可以在hive中查看对应分区下的数据, 如果有, 说明抽取成功了
- select * from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems where starts_time='2021-09-26' limit 10;
- --动态分区配置
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- --hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- insert into table itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- wce.session_id,
- wce.sid,
- unix_timestamp(wce.create_time) as create_time,
- wce.seo_source,
- wce.ip,
- wce.area,
- wce.msg_count,
- wce.origin_channel,
- wcte.referrer,
- wcte.from_url,
- wcte.landing_page_url,
- wcte.url_title,
- wcte.platform_description,
- wcte.other_params,
- wcte.history,
- substr(wce.create_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- quarter(wce.create_time) as quarterinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems wce join itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems wcte
- on wce.id = wcte.id;
- --动态分区配置
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- --hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- insert into table itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- wce.session_id,
- wce.sid,
- unix_timestamp(wce.create_time) as create_time,
- wce.seo_source,
- wce.ip,
- wce.area,
- wce.msg_count,
- wce.origin_channel,
- wcte.referrer,
- wcte.from_url,
- wcte.landing_page_url,
- wcte.url_title,
- wcte.platform_description,
- wcte.other_params,
- wcte.history,
- substr(wce.create_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- quarter(wce.create_time) as quarterinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from (select * from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems where starts_time='2021-09-26') wce join (select * from itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems where start_time='2021-09-26') wcte
- on wce.id = wcte.id;
- 解决方案:
- ./hive -e|-f 'sql语句|SQL脚本' -S
- 说明
- -S 表示静默执行
- hadoop01:
- cd /root
- vim edu_mode_1_handle.sh
- 内容如下
- #!/bin/bash
- export HIVE_HOME=/usr/bin/hive
- if [ $# == 1 ]
- then
- dateStr=$1
- else
- dateStr=`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`
- fi
- sqlStr="
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- insert into table itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- wce.session_id,
- wce.sid,
- unix_timestamp(wce.create_time) as create_time,
- wce.seo_source,
- wce.ip,
- wce.area,
- wce.msg_count,
- wce.origin_channel,
- wcte.referrer,
- wcte.from_url,
- wcte.landing_page_url,
- wcte.url_title,
- wcte.platform_description,
- wcte.other_params,
- wcte.history,
- substr(wce.create_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- quarter(wce.create_time) as quarterinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(wce.create_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from (select * from itcast_ods.web_chat_ems where starts_time='${dateStr}') wce join (select * from itcast_ods.web_chat_text_ems where start_time='${dateStr}') wcte
- on wce.id = wcte.id;
- "
- ${HIVE_HOME} -e "${sqlStr}" -S
- -- 访问量: 5条
- -- 统计每年的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo;
- -- 咨询量: 5条
- -- 统计每年各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,area;
- -- 访问量: 5条
- -- 统计每年的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='2021'
- group by yearinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo='09'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo='09' and dayinfo='25'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时的总访问量
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo='09' and dayinfo='25'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo;
- -- 咨询量: 5条
- -- 统计每年各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='2021'
- group by yearinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo='09'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo='09' and dayinfo='25'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,area;
- -- 统计每年每季度每月每天每小时各个地区的咨询量
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo='09' and dayinfo='25'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,area;
- 在统计年的时候, 只需要统计加上这一天以后这一年的数据即可, 之前年的数据是不需要统计的
- 在统计季度的时候,只需要统计加上这一天以后这一年对应的这一季度的数据即可, 之前的季度是不需要统计的
- 在统计月份的时候, 只需要统计加上这一天以后这一年对应的这一月份的数据即可,之前的月份不需要统计
- 在统计天的时候, 只需要统计新增的这一天即可
- 在统计小时的时候, 只需要统计新增的这一天的每个小时
思考: 在统计的过程中, 比如以年统计, 得到一个新的年的统计结果, 那么在DWS层表中是不是还有一个历史的结果呢? 如何解决呢
- 说明:
- 在统计的过程中, 会对之前的统计结果产生影响, 主要受影响:
- 年统计当年结果数据
- 季度统计当季度结果数据
- 月统计当月统计结果数据
- 注意: 天 和 小时是不受历史结果影响
- 解决方案:
- 将之前的结果受影响的结果值删除即可
- 如何删除呢? 注意hive不支持直接对表中某条数据删除
- 可以通过删除分区的方案进行处理
- 思考:
- 当年的统计结构数据在那个分区下存储着呢?
- yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='-1' and monthinfo ='-1' and dayinfo='-1'
- 此分区了存储了按年统计的各个产品属性维度的结果数据
- 当年当季度的统计结构数据再那个分区下
- yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo ='-1' and dayinfo='-1'
- 当年当季度当月的统计结果在那个分区下:
- yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo ='09' and dayinfo='-1'
- 执行删除:
- alter table xxx drop partition(yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='-1' and monthinfo ='-1' and dayinfo='-1');
- alter table xxx drop partition(yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo ='-1' and dayinfo='-1');
- alter table xxx drop partition(yearinfo='2021' and quarterinfo='3' and monthinfo ='09' and dayinfo='-1');
- hadoop01:
- cd /root
- vim edu_mode_1_analyse.sh
- 内容如下:
- #!/bin/bash
- export HIVE_HOME=/usr/bin/hive
- if [ $# == 1 ]
- then
- dateStr=$1
- else
- dateStr=`date -d '-1 day' +'%Y-%m-%d'`
- fi
- yearStr=`date -d ${dateStr} +'%Y'`
- monthStr=`date -d ${dateStr} +'%m'`
- month_for_quarter=`date -d ${dateStr} +'%-m'`
- quarterStr=$((($month_for_quarter-1)/3+1))
- dayStr=`date -d ${dateStr} +'%d'`
- sqlStr="
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- alter table itcast_dws.visit_dws drop partition(yearinfo='${yearStr}',quarterinfo='-1',monthinfo='-1',dayinfo='-1');
- alter table itcast_dws.visit_dws drop partition(yearinfo='${yearStr}',quarterinfo='${quarterStr}',monthinfo='-1',dayinfo='-1');
- alter table itcast_dws.visit_dws drop partition(yearinfo='${yearStr}',quarterinfo='${quarterStr}',monthinfo='${monthStr}}',dayinfo='-1');
- alter table itcast_dws.consult_dws drop partition(yearinfo='${yearStr}',quarterinfo='-1',monthinfo='-1',dayinfo='-1');
- alter table itcast_dws.consult_dws drop partition(yearinfo='${yearStr}',quarterinfo='${quarterStr}',monthinfo='-1',dayinfo='-1');
- alter table itcast_dws.consult_dws drop partition(yearinfo='${yearStr}',quarterinfo='${quarterStr}',monthinfo='${monthStr}}',dayinfo='-1');
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='${yearStr}'
- group by yearinfo;
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo;
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}' and monthinfo='${monthStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo;
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}' and monthinfo='${monthStr}' and dayinfo='${dayStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo;
- insert into table itcast_dws.visit_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as seo_source,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '-1' as from_url,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}' and monthinfo='${monthStr}' and dayinfo='${dayStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo;
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='${yearStr}'
- group by yearinfo,area;
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'_',quarterinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,area;
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '3' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}' and monthinfo='${monthStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,area;
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}' and monthinfo='${monthStr}' and dayinfo='${dayStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,area;
- insert into table itcast_dws.consult_dws partition(yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count(distinct sid) as sid_total,
- count(distinct session_id) as sessionid_total,
- count(distinct ip) as ip_total,
- area,
- '-1' as origin_channel,
- hourinfo,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- quarterinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.visit_consult_dwd where msg_count >= 1 and yearinfo='${yearStr}' and quarterinfo='${quarterStr}' and monthinfo='${monthStr}' and dayinfo='${dayStr}'
- group by yearinfo,quarterinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,area;
- "
- ${HIVE_HOME} -e "${sqlStr}" -S
- sh edu_mode_1_analyse.sh
- 测试:
- select * from itcast_dws.visit_dws where yearinfo='2021';
最后,将shell脚本配置到oozie (省略)
- 在执行导出的时候, 也需要将mysql中之前的统计的当年当季度和当月的结果数据删除, 然后重新导入操作
- 此时我们处理的方案, 要进行简化一些, 受影响最大范围当年的数据, 可以直接将当年的统计结果数据全部都删除, 然后重新到DWS层当年的所有数据
- hadoop01:
- cd /root
- vim edu_mode_1_export.sh
- 内容如下:
- #!/bin/bash
- export SQOOP_HOME=/usr/bin/sqoop
- if [ $# == 1 ]
- then
- TD_DATE=$1
- else
- TD_DATE=`date -d '-1 day' +'%Y-%m-%d'`
- fi
- TD_YEAR=`date -d ${TD_DATE} +%Y`
- mysql -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.52.150 -P3306 -e "delete from scrm_bi.visit_dws where yearinfo='$TD_YEAR'; delete from scrm_bi.consult_dws where yearinfo='$TD_YEAR';"
- jdbcUrl='jdbc:mysql://'
- username='root'
- password='123456'
- ${SQOOP_HOME} export \
- --connect ${jdbcUrl} \
- --username ${username} \
- --password ${password} \
- --table visit_dws \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dws \
- --hcatalog-table visit_dws \
- --hcatalog-partition-keys yearinfo \
- --hcatalog-partition-values $TD_YEAR \
- -m 1
- ${SQOOP_HOME} export \
- --connect ${jdbcUrl} \
- --username ${username} \
- --password ${password} \
- --table consult_dws \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dws \
- --hcatalog-table consult_dws \
- --hcatalog-partition-keys yearinfo \
- --hcatalog-partition-values $TD_YEAR \
- -m 1
- 主要分析什么内容:
- 1) 每一个需求涉及到那些维度, 那些直白
- 2) 每一个需求涉及到那些表, 表的字段
- 3) 找出需要进行清洗 转换的操作
- 4) 如果表涉及到多表, 需要找到表与表关联条件
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 新老维度
- 线上线下
- 涉及指标:
- 意向量
- 涉及到表:
- customer_relationship (客户意向表) (事实表)
- 涉及到字段:
- 时间维度: create_date_time
- 此处有转换操作: 将时间转换为yearinfo, monthinfo, dayinfo, hourinfo
- 新老维度: ?
- 线上线下: ?
- 指标字段: customer_id
- 计算方案: 先去重在统计
- 说明: 无法在DWM层进行提前聚合
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 新老维度:
- 地区维度:
- 线上线下
- 涉及指标:
- 意向量
- 涉及表:
- customer (客户表) (维度表)
- customer_relationship(客户意向表) (事实表)
- 涉及字段:
- 时间维度: 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 地区维度: 客户表.area
- 指标字段: 客户意向表.customer_id
- 表与表关联条件:
- 客户意向表.customer_id = 客户表.id
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 新老维度:
- 学科维度:
- 线上线下:
- 涉及指标:
- 意向量
- 涉及表:
- customer_clue(客户线索表) (维度表)
- customer_relationship(客户意向表) (事实表)
- itcast_subject(学科表) (维度表)
- 涉及字段:
- 时间维度:
- 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 新老维度:
- 客户线索表.clue_state
- 说明: 当字段的值为 'VALID_NEW_CLUES' 为新用户
- 暂定: 其他的值都是老用户
- 此处有转换: 将clue_state转换为clue_state_stat, 此新字段的值只有 0(老) 和 1(新)
- 线上线下维度:
- 客户意向表.origin_type
- 说明: 当字段的值为 'NETSERVICE' 或者 'PRESIGNUP' 表示为线上
- 暂定: 其他值都为线下
- 此处有转换: 将 origin_type 转换为 origin_type_stat 其中值只有 0(线下) 1(线上)
- 学科维度:
- 客户意向表.itcast_subject_id
- 学科.name
- 指标字段:
- 客户意向表.customer_id
- 表与表关联条件:
- 客户意向表.itcast_subject_id = 学科表.id
- 客户线索表.customer_relationship_id = 客户意向表.id
- 清洗操作:
- 客户线索表.deleted = false 数据保留下, 为true清洗掉
- 转换操作:
- 将学科id为 0 或者为 null的时候, 将其转换为 -1
- 原则:
- 1) 事实表存在的字段 要优先使用, 如果没有从维度表中查询
- 2) 当维度出现二元(比如: 新 老, 线上 线下...)的维度的时候, 建议将其转换为 0 和 1来标记
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 新老维度:
- 校区维度:
- 线上线下:
- 涉及指标:
- 意向量
- 涉及表:
- customer_clue(线索表)
- customer_relationship(客户意向表)
- itcast_school(校区表)
- 涉及字段:
- 新老维度: 线索表.clue_state (需要转换) --> clue_state_stat
- 线上线下: 客户意向表.origin_type(需要转换) --> origin_type_stat
- 时间维度: 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 校区维度:
- 客户意向表.itcast_school_id
- 校区表.name
- 指标字段:
- 客户意向表.customer_id
- 清洗操作:
- 线索表.deleted = false
- 表与表关系:
- 客户意向表.itcast_school_id = 校区表.id
- 客户线索表.customer_relationship_id = 客户意向表.id
- 转换操作:
- 将校区id为 0 或者为 null的时候, 将其转换为 -1
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 新老维度:
- 来源渠道:
- 线上线下:
- 涉及指标:
- 意向量
- 涉及表:
- customer_relationship(客户意向表)
- customer_clue(线索表)
- 涉及字段:
- 新老维度: 线索表.clue_state (需要转换) --> clue_state_stat
- 线上线下: 客户意向表.origin_type(需要转换) --> origin_type_stat
- 时间维度: 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 来源渠道: 客户意向表.origin_type
- 指标字段:
- 客户意向表.customer_id
- 说明:
- 线上线下是各个来源渠道的上卷维度
- 清洗操作:
- 线索表.deleted = false
- 表与表关联条件:
- 线索表.customer_relationship_id = 客户意向表.id
- 涉及维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 新老维度:
- 各咨询中心维度:
- 线上线下维度:
- 涉及指标:
- 意向量
- 涉及表:
- customer_relationship(客户意向表)
- employee(员工表)
- scrm_department(部门表)
- customer_clue(线索表)
- 涉及字段:
- 新老维度: 线索表.clue_state (需要转换) --> clue_state_stat
- 线上线下: 客户意向表.origin_type(需要转换) --> origin_type_stat
- 时间维度: 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 各咨询中心:
- 员工表.tdepart_id
- 部门表.name
- 指标字段:
- 客户意向表.customer_id
- 表与表的关联条件:
- 客户意向表.creator = 员工表.id
- 员工表.tdepart_id = 部门表.id
- 线索表.customer_relationship_id = 客户意向表.id
- 指标:
- 意向量
- 维度:
- 固有维度:
- 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时
- 线上线下:
- 新老维度:
- 产品属性维度:
- 地区维度:
- 校区维度:
- 学科维度;
- 来源渠道:
- 各咨询中心
- 涉及表:
- customer_relationship(客户意向表) (事实表)
- employee(员工表) (维度表)
- scrm_department(部门表) (维度表)
- customer_clue(线索表) (维度表)
- itcast_school(校区表) (维度表)
- itcast_subject(学科表) (维度表)
- customer (客户表) (维度表)
- 表与表关系:
- 客户意向表.creator = 员工表.id
- 员工表.tdepart_id = 部门表.id
- 线索表.customer_relationship_id = 客户意向表.id
- 客户意向表.itcast_school_id = 校区表.id
- 客户意向表.itcast_subject_id = 学科表.id
- 客户意向表.customer_id = 客户表.id
- 涉及字段:
- 时间维度: 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 线上线下: 客户意向表.origin_type --> origin_type_stat
- 新老维度: 线索表.clue_state --> clue_state_stat
- 地区维度: 客户表.area
- 校区维度: 客户意向表.itcast_school_id 和 校区表.name
- 学科维度: 客户意向表.itcast_subject_id 和 学科表.name
- 来源渠道: 客户意向表.origin_type
- 各咨询中心: 员工表.tdepart_id 和 部门表.name
- 指标字段: 客户意向表.customer_id
- 清洗字段: 线索表.deleted
- 需要清洗的内容: 将删除标记为true的数据删除
- 过滤出: 客户意向表.deleted = false
- 需要转换的内容:
- 1) 日期: 客户意向表.create_date_time
- 需要转换为: yearinfo monthinfo dayinfo hourinfo
- 2) 新老维度: 线索表.clue_state
- 说明: 当字段的值为 'VALID_NEW_CLUES' 为新用户
- 暂定: 其他的值都是老用户
- 需要转换为一个新的字段: clue_state_stat
- 此字段只有二个值: 0(老) 1(新)
- 3) 线上线下: 客户意向表.origin_type
- 说明: 当字段的值为 'NETSERVICE' 或者 'PRESIGNUP' 表示为线上
- 暂定: 其他值都为线下
- 需要转换为一个新的字段: origin_type_stat
- 此字段只有二个值 0(线下) 1(线上)
- 4) 校区和学科的id转换
- 需要将客户意向表中, 校区id 和 学科id 如果为 0或者 null 转换为 -1
create database scrm default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
- 放置事实表即可:
- customer_relationship(意向表 ) -- 本次主题的事实表
- customer_clue(线索表) -- 本次主题的维度表, 下次主题的事实表
- 建表操作:
- 表中字段与数据源中字段保持一致, 只需要多加一个 抽取时间的字段即可
- 请注意:
- 意向表 和 线索表中数据存在数据变更操作,需要采用缓慢渐变维的方式来解决
- 放置维度表:
- 5张表
- customer(客户表) --- 维度表
- itcast_subject(学科表) --- 维度表
- itcast_school(校区表) --- 维度表
- employee(员工表) --- 维度表
- scrm_department(部门表) --- 维度表
- 建表:
- 与数据源保持一致的字段即可, 多加一个 抽取时间的字段
```properties 需要清洗内容: 将标记为删除的数据进行过滤掉 需要转换内容: 1) 将create_date_time 转换为 yearinfo monthinfo dayinfo hourinfo 2) 将origin_type 转换为 origin_type_state (用于统计线上线下) 转换逻辑: origin_type的值为: NETSERVICE 或者 PRESIGNUP 认为线上 其余认为线下 3) 将clue_state 转换为 clue_state_stat (用于统计新老维度) 转换逻辑:clue_state的值为 VALID_NEW_CLUES 为新客户 其余暂定为老客户 4) 将校区和学科的 id字段, 如果为 0 或者 null 转换为 -1 ```
```properties DWD层表的构建: 必须字段(只能是事实表中字段) + 清洗的字段 + 转换的字段+ join字段 customer_relationship(意向表 ) --- 事实表 时间维度: create_date_time 线上线下: origin_type --> origin_type_stat 来源渠道: origin_type 校区维度: itcast_school_id 学科维度: itcast_subject_id 指标字段: customer_id, 关联条件的字段: creator,id 表字段的组成: customer_id, create_date_time,origin_type,itcast_school_id,itcast_subject_id,creator,id deleted,origin_type_stat,yearinfo monthinfo dayinfo hourinfo ```
```properties 此层后期处理的时候, 需要进行七表关联的操作 DWM层表的构建: 指标字段 + 各个表维度相关的字段 维度: 固有维度: 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时 新老维度: 线上线下 产品属性维度: 总意向量 地区(区域)维度 学科维度 校区维度 来源渠道 各咨询中心 DWM表的字段: customer_id, create_date_time, yearinfo monthinfo dayinfo hourinfo deleted (意义不大) clue_state_stat(此字段需要转换) origin_type_stat area, itcast_subject_id,itcast_subject_name itcast_school_id,itcast_school_name origin_type tdepart_id,tdepart_name ```
```properties DWS层表字段构成: 统计的字段 + 各个维度的字段 + 三个用于查询的字段 维度: 固有维度: 时间维度: 年 月 天 小时 新老维度: 线上线下 产品属性维度: 总意向量 地区(区域)维度 学科维度 校区维度 来源渠道 各咨询中心 DWS层表字段: customerid_total, yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo clue_state_stat, origin_type_stat, area itcast_subject_id,itcast_subject_name itcast_school_id,itcast_school_name origin_type tdepart_id,tdepart_name group_type time_type time_str ```
思考: 什么是分桶表?
主要是用于分文件的, 在建表的时候, 指定按照那些字段执行分桶操作, 并可以设置需要分多少个桶, 当插入数据的时候, 执行MR的分区的操作, 将数据分散各个分区(hive分桶)中, 默认分发方案: hash 取模
- create table test_buck(id int, name string)
- clustered by(id) sorted by (id asc) into 6 buckets -- 创建分桶表的SQL
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
- 标准格式:
- 1) 创建一张与分桶表一样的临时表,唯一区别这个表不是一个分桶表
- 2) 将数据加载到这个临时表中
- 3) 通过 insert into + select 语句将数据导入到分桶表中
- 说明: sqoop不支持直接对分桶表导入数据
- 1) 进行数据采样
- 案例1: 数据质量校验工作(一般会先判断各个字段数据的结构信息是否完整)
- 案例2: 在进行数据分析的时候, 一天需要编写N多条SQL, 但是每编写一条SQL后, 都需要对SQL做一个校验, 如果直接面对完整的数据集做校验, 会导致校验时间过长, 影响开发进度, 此时可以先采样出一部分数据
- 案例3: 在计算一些比率值,或者 在计算相对指标的时候, 也会基于采样数据来计算相对指标
- 比如: 计算当前月的销售额相对上个月 环比增长了百分之多少?
- 可以选择当前月和上个月抽取出百分之30的数据, 基于这个数据来计算
- 2) 提升查询的效率(单表|多表)
- 采样函数:
- tablesample(bucket x out of y on column)
- 放置位置: 紧紧放置表的后面 如果表有别名 必须放置别名的前面
- 说明:
- x: 从第几个桶开始进行采样
- y: 抽样比例(总桶数/y=分多少个桶)
- column: 分桶的字段, 可以省略的
- 注意:
- x 不能大于 y
- y 必须是表的分桶数量的倍数或者因子
- 案例:
- 1) 假设 A表有10个桶, 请分析, 下面的采样函数, 会将那些桶抽取出来
- tablesample(bucket 2 out of 5 on xxx)
- 会抽取几个桶呢? 总桶 / y = 分桶数量 2
- 抽取第几个编号的桶? (x+y)
- 2,7
- 2) 假设 A表有20个桶, 请分析, 下面的采样函数, 会将那些桶抽取出来
- tablesample(bucket 4 out of 4 on xxx)
- 会抽取几个桶呢? 总桶 / y = 分桶数量 5
- 抽取第几个编号的桶? (x+y)
- 4,8,12,16,20
对于单表效率的提升, 已经在前面讲过了, 这里不再讲解....
以下主要来讲解, 关于多表的效率的提升
思考: 当多表进行join的时候, 如何提升join效率呢?
- 可能出现的问题:
- 1) 可能出现数据倾斜的问题
- 2) 导致reduce压力较大
properties 在进行join的时候, 将小表的数据放置到每一个读取大表的mapTask的内存中, 让mapTask每读取一次大表的数据都和内存中小表的数据进行join操作, 将join上的结果输出到reduce端即可, 从而实现在map端完成join的操作
```sql 如何开启map Join set hive.auto.convert.join=true; -- 是否开启map Join set hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size=512000000; -- 设置小表最大的阈值(设置block cache 缓存大小)
map Join 不限制任何表 ```
```properties bucket map join的生效条件: 1) set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = true; --开启bucket map join 支持 2) 一个表的bucket数是另一个表bucket数的整数倍 3) bucket列 == join列 4) 必须是应用在map join的场景中 注意:如果表不是bucket的,则只是做普通join。 ```
properties 实现SMB map join的条件要求: 1) 一个表的bucket数等于另一个表bucket数(分桶数量是一致) 2) bucket列 == join列 == sort 列 3) 必须是应用在bucket map join的场景中 4) 开启相关的参数: -- 开启SMB map join set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join=true; set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join.noconditionaltask=true; --写入数据强制排序 set hive.enforce.sorting=true; set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge = true; -- 开启自动尝试SMB连接
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- -- 客户意向表(内部 分区 分桶表, 拉链表)
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_ods.`customer_relationship` (
- `id` int COMMENT '客户关系id',
- `create_date_time` STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_date_time` STRING COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- `deleted` int COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- `customer_id` int COMMENT '所属客户id',
- `first_id` int COMMENT '第一条客户关系id',
- `belonger` int COMMENT '归属人',
- `belonger_name` STRING COMMENT '归属人姓名',
- `initial_belonger` int COMMENT '初始归属人',
- `distribution_handler` int COMMENT '分配处理人',
- `business_scrm_department_id` int COMMENT '归属部门',
- `last_visit_time` STRING COMMENT '最后回访时间',
- `next_visit_time` STRING COMMENT '下次回访时间',
- `origin_type` STRING COMMENT '数据来源',
- `itcast_school_id` int COMMENT '校区Id',
- `itcast_subject_id` int COMMENT '学科Id',
- `intention_study_type` STRING COMMENT '意向学习方式',
- `anticipat_signup_date` STRING COMMENT '预计报名时间',
- `level` STRING COMMENT '客户级别',
- `creator` int COMMENT '创建人',
- `current_creator` int COMMENT '当前创建人:初始==创建人,当在公海拉回时为 拉回人',
- `creator_name` STRING COMMENT '创建者姓名',
- `origin_channel` STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `comment` STRING COMMENT '备注',
- `first_customer_clue_id` int COMMENT '第一条线索id',
- `last_customer_clue_id` int COMMENT '最后一条线索id',
- `process_state` STRING COMMENT '处理状态',
- `process_time` STRING COMMENT '处理状态变动时间',
- `payment_state` STRING COMMENT '支付状态',
- `payment_time` STRING COMMENT '支付状态变动时间',
- `signup_state` STRING COMMENT '报名状态',
- `signup_time` STRING COMMENT '报名时间',
- `notice_state` STRING COMMENT '通知状态',
- `notice_time` STRING COMMENT '通知状态变动时间',
- `lock_state` STRING COMMENT '锁定状态',
- `lock_time` STRING COMMENT '锁定状态修改时间',
- `itcast_clazz_id` int COMMENT '所属ems班级id',
- `itcast_clazz_time` STRING COMMENT '报班时间',
- `payment_url` STRING COMMENT '付款链接',
- `payment_url_time` STRING COMMENT '支付链接生成时间',
- `ems_student_id` int COMMENT 'ems的学生id',
- `delete_reason` STRING COMMENT '删除原因',
- `deleter` int COMMENT '删除人',
- `deleter_name` STRING COMMENT '删除人姓名',
- `delete_time` STRING COMMENT '删除时间',
- `course_id` int COMMENT '课程ID',
- `course_name` STRING COMMENT '课程名称',
- `delete_comment` STRING COMMENT '删除原因说明',
- `close_state` STRING COMMENT '关闭装填',
- `close_time` STRING COMMENT '关闭状态变动时间',
- `appeal_id` int COMMENT '申诉id',
- `tenant` int COMMENT '租户',
- `total_fee` DECIMAL COMMENT '报名费总金额',
- `belonged` int COMMENT '小周期归属人',
- `belonged_time` STRING COMMENT '归属时间',
- `belonger_time` STRING COMMENT '归属时间',
- `transfer` int COMMENT '转移人',
- `transfer_time` STRING COMMENT '转移时间',
- `follow_type` int COMMENT '分配类型,0-自动分配,1-手动分配,2-自动转移,3-手动单个转移,4-手动批量转移,5-公海领取',
- `transfer_bxg_oa_account` STRING COMMENT '转移到博学谷归属人OA账号',
- `transfer_bxg_belonger_name` STRING COMMENT '转移到博学谷归属人OA姓名',
- `end_time` STRING COMMENT '有效截止时间')
- comment '客户关系表'
- clustered by(id) sorted by(id) into 10 buckets
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
- -- 客户线索表: (内部分区分桶表, 拉链表)
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_ods.customer_clue (
- id int COMMENT 'customer_clue_id',
- create_date_time STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- update_date_time STRING COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- deleted STRING COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- customer_id int COMMENT '客户id',
- customer_relationship_id int COMMENT '客户关系id',
- session_id STRING COMMENT '七陌会话id',
- sid STRING COMMENT '访客id',
- status STRING COMMENT '状态(undeal待领取 deal 已领取 finish 已关闭 changePeer 已流转)',
- users STRING COMMENT '所属坐席',
- create_time STRING COMMENT '七陌创建时间',
- platform STRING COMMENT '平台来源 (pc-网站咨询|wap-wap咨询|sdk-app咨询|weixin-微信咨询)',
- s_name STRING COMMENT '用户名称',
- seo_source STRING COMMENT '搜索来源',
- seo_keywords STRING COMMENT '关键字',
- referrer STRING COMMENT '上级来源页面',
- from_url STRING COMMENT '会话来源页面',
- landing_page_url STRING COMMENT '访客着陆页面',
- url_title STRING COMMENT '咨询页面title',
- to_peer STRING COMMENT '所属技能组',
- manual_time STRING COMMENT '人工开始时间',
- begin_time STRING COMMENT '坐席领取时间 ',
- reply_msg_count int COMMENT '客服回复消息数',
- total_msg_count int COMMENT '消息总数',
- msg_count int COMMENT '客户发送消息数',
- comment STRING COMMENT '备注',
- finish_reason STRING COMMENT '结束类型',
- finish_user STRING COMMENT '结束坐席',
- end_time STRING COMMENT '会话结束时间',
- platform_description STRING COMMENT '客户平台信息',
- browser_name STRING COMMENT '浏览器名称',
- os_info STRING COMMENT '系统名称',
- area STRING COMMENT '区域',
- country STRING COMMENT '所在国家',
- province STRING COMMENT '省',
- city STRING COMMENT '城市',
- creator int COMMENT '创建人',
- name STRING COMMENT '客户姓名',
- idcard STRING COMMENT '身份证号',
- phone STRING COMMENT '手机号',
- itcast_school_id int COMMENT '校区Id',
- itcast_school STRING COMMENT '校区',
- itcast_subject_id int COMMENT '学科Id',
- itcast_subject STRING COMMENT '学科',
- wechat STRING COMMENT '微信',
- qq STRING COMMENT 'qq号',
- email STRING COMMENT '邮箱',
- gender STRING COMMENT '性别',
- level STRING COMMENT '客户级别',
- origin_type STRING COMMENT '数据来源渠道',
- information_way STRING COMMENT '资讯方式',
- working_years STRING COMMENT '开始工作时间',
- technical_directions STRING COMMENT '技术方向',
- customer_state STRING COMMENT '当前客户状态',
- valid STRING COMMENT '该线索是否是网资有效线索',
- anticipat_signup_date STRING COMMENT '预计报名时间',
- clue_state STRING COMMENT '线索状态',
- scrm_department_id int COMMENT 'SCRM内部部门id',
- superior_url STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取上级页面URL',
- superior_source STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取上级页面URL标题',
- landing_url STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取着陆页面URL',
- landing_source STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取着陆页面URL来源',
- info_url STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取留咨页URL',
- info_source STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取留咨页URL标题',
- origin_channel STRING COMMENT '投放渠道',
- course_id int COMMENT '课程编号',
- course_name STRING COMMENT '课程名称',
- zhuge_session_id STRING COMMENT 'zhuge会话id',
- is_repeat int COMMENT '是否重复线索(手机号维度) 0:正常 1:重复',
- tenant int COMMENT '租户id',
- activity_id STRING COMMENT '活动id',
- activity_name STRING COMMENT '活动名称',
- follow_type int COMMENT '分配类型,0-自动分配,1-手动分配,2-自动转移,3-手动单个转移,4-手动批量转移,5-公海领取',
- shunt_mode_id int COMMENT '匹配到的技能组id',
- shunt_employee_group_id int COMMENT '所属分流员工组',
- ends_time STRING COMMENT '有效时间')
- comment '客户关系表'
- clustered by(customer_relationship_id) sorted by(customer_relationship_id) into 10 buckets
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
- -- 客户表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dimen.`customer` (
- `id` int COMMENT 'key id',
- `customer_relationship_id` int COMMENT '当前意向id',
- `create_date_time` STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_date_time` STRING COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- `deleted` int COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- `name` STRING COMMENT '姓名',
- `idcard` STRING COMMENT '身份证号',
- `birth_year` int COMMENT '出生年份',
- `gender` STRING COMMENT '性别',
- `phone` STRING COMMENT '手机号',
- `wechat` STRING COMMENT '微信',
- `qq` STRING COMMENT 'qq号',
- `email` STRING COMMENT '邮箱',
- `area` STRING COMMENT '所在区域',
- `leave_school_date` date COMMENT '离校时间',
- `graduation_date` date COMMENT '毕业时间',
- `bxg_student_id` STRING COMMENT '博学谷学员ID,可能未关联到,不存在',
- `creator` int COMMENT '创建人ID',
- `origin_type` STRING COMMENT '数据来源',
- `origin_channel` STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `tenant` int,
- `md_id` int COMMENT '中台id')
- comment '客户表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- -- 学科表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dimen.`itcast_subject` (
- `id` int COMMENT '自增主键',
- `create_date_time` timestamp COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_date_time` timestamp COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- `deleted` STRING COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- `name` STRING COMMENT '学科名称',
- `code` STRING COMMENT '学科编码',
- `tenant` int COMMENT '租户')
- comment '学科字典表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- -- 校区表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dimen.`itcast_school` (
- `id` int COMMENT '自增主键',
- `create_date_time` timestamp COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_date_time` timestamp COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- `deleted` STRING COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- `name` STRING COMMENT '校区名称',
- `code` STRING COMMENT '校区标识',
- `tenant` int COMMENT '租户')
- comment '校区字典表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- -- 员工表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dimen.employee (
- id int COMMENT '员工id',
- email STRING COMMENT '公司邮箱,OA登录账号',
- real_name STRING COMMENT '员工的真实姓名',
- phone STRING COMMENT '手机号,目前还没有使用;隐私问题OA接口没有提供这个属性,',
- department_id STRING COMMENT 'OA中的部门编号,有负值',
- department_name STRING COMMENT 'OA中的部门名',
- remote_login STRING COMMENT '员工是否可以远程登录',
- job_number STRING COMMENT '员工工号',
- cross_school STRING COMMENT '是否有跨校区权限',
- last_login_date STRING COMMENT '最后登录日期',
- creator int COMMENT '创建人',
- create_date_time STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- update_date_time STRING COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- deleted STRING COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- scrm_department_id int COMMENT 'SCRM内部部门id',
- leave_office STRING COMMENT '离职状态',
- leave_office_time STRING COMMENT '离职时间',
- reinstated_time STRING COMMENT '复职时间',
- superior_leaders_id int COMMENT '上级领导ID',
- tdepart_id int COMMENT '直属部门',
- tenant int COMMENT '租户',
- ems_user_name STRING COMMENT 'ems用户名称'
- )
- comment '员工表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- -- 部门表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dimen.`scrm_department` (
- `id` int COMMENT '部门id',
- `name` STRING COMMENT '部门名称',
- `parent_id` int COMMENT '父部门id',
- `create_date_time` STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_date_time` STRING COMMENT '更新时间',
- `deleted` STRING COMMENT '删除标志',
- `id_path` STRING COMMENT '编码全路径',
- `tdepart_code` int COMMENT '直属部门',
- `creator` STRING COMMENT '创建者',
- `depart_level` int COMMENT '部门层级',
- `depart_sign` int COMMENT '部门标志,暂时默认1',
- `depart_line` int COMMENT '业务线,存储业务线编码',
- `depart_sort` int COMMENT '排序字段',
- `disable_flag` int COMMENT '禁用标志',
- `tenant` int COMMENT '租户')
- comment 'scrm部门表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dwd.`itcast_intention_dwd` (
- `rid` int COMMENT 'id',
- `customer_id` STRING COMMENT '客户id',
- `create_date_time` STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- `itcast_school_id` STRING COMMENT '校区id',
- `deleted` STRING COMMENT '是否被删除',
- `origin_type` STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `itcast_subject_id` STRING COMMENT '学科id',
- `creator` int COMMENT '创建人',
- `hourinfo` STRING COMMENT '小时信息',
- `origin_type_stat` STRING COMMENT '数据来源:0.线下;1.线上'
- )
- comment '客户意向dwd表'
- PARTITIONED BY(yearinfo STRING,monthinfo STRING,dayinfo STRING)
- clustered by(rid) sorted by(rid) into 10 buckets
- stored as ORC
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- create database itcast_dwm;
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dwm.`itcast_intention_dwm` (
- `customer_id` STRING COMMENT 'id信息',
- `create_date_time` STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- `area` STRING COMMENT '区域信息',
- `itcast_school_id` STRING COMMENT '校区id',
- `itcast_school_name` STRING COMMENT '校区名称',
- `deleted` STRING COMMENT '是否被删除',
- `origin_type` STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `itcast_subject_id` STRING COMMENT '学科id',
- `itcast_subject_name` STRING COMMENT '学科名称',
- `hourinfo` STRING COMMENT '小时信息',
- `origin_type_stat` STRING COMMENT '数据来源:0.线下;1.线上',
- `clue_state_stat` STRING COMMENT '新老客户:0.老客户;1.新客户',
- `tdepart_id` STRING COMMENT '创建者部门id',
- `tdepart_name` STRING COMMENT '咨询中心名称'
- )
- comment '客户意向dwm表'
- PARTITIONED BY(yearinfo STRING,monthinfo STRING,dayinfo STRING)
- clustered by(customer_id) sorted by(customer_id) into 10 buckets
- stored as ORC
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_dws.itcast_intention_dws (
- `customer_total` INT COMMENT '聚合意向客户数',
- `area` STRING COMMENT '区域信息',
- `itcast_school_id` STRING COMMENT '校区id',
- `itcast_school_name` STRING COMMENT '校区名称',
- `origin_type` STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `itcast_subject_id` STRING COMMENT '学科id',
- `itcast_subject_name` STRING COMMENT '学科名称',
- `hourinfo` STRING COMMENT '小时信息',
- `origin_type_stat` STRING COMMENT '数据来源:0.线下;1.线上',
- `clue_state_stat` STRING COMMENT '客户属性:0.老客户;1.新客户',
- `tdepart_id` STRING COMMENT '创建者部门id',
- `tdepart_name` STRING COMMENT '咨询中心名称',
- `time_str` STRING COMMENT '时间明细',
- `groupType` STRING COMMENT '产品属性类别:1.总意向量;2.区域信息;3.校区、学科组合分组;4.来源渠道;5.咨询中心;',
- `time_type` STRING COMMENT '时间维度:1、按小时聚合;2、按天聚合;3、按周聚合;4、按月聚合;5、按年聚合;'
- )
- comment '客户意向dws表'
- PARTITIONED BY(yearinfo STRING,monthinfo STRING,dayinfo STRING)
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
指的: 将业务库中的数据一对一导入到ODS层的对应表中
- 业务库: mysql
- ODS层: hive
- 技术: 使用apache sqoop
- # 客户表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "2021-09-27" AS start_time
- FROM customer where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dimen \
- --hcatalog-table customer \
- -m 1
- # 学科表:
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "2021-09-27" AS start_time
- FROM itcast_subject where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dimen \
- --hcatalog-table itcast_subject \
- -m 1
- # 校区表:
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "2021-09-27" AS start_time
- FROM itcast_school where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dimen \
- --hcatalog-table itcast_school \
- -m 1
- # 员工表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "2021-09-27" AS start_time
- FROM employee where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dimen \
- --hcatalog-table employee \
- -m 1
- # 部门表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "2021-09-27" AS start_time
- FROM scrm_department where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dimen \
- --hcatalog-table scrm_department \
- -m 1
- -- 客户意向表
- -- 第一步: 创建一张客户意向表的临时表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_ods.`customer_relationship_temp` (
- `id` int COMMENT '客户关系id',
- `create_date_time` STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_date_time` STRING COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- `deleted` int COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- `customer_id` int COMMENT '所属客户id',
- `first_id` int COMMENT '第一条客户关系id',
- `belonger` int COMMENT '归属人',
- `belonger_name` STRING COMMENT '归属人姓名',
- `initial_belonger` int COMMENT '初始归属人',
- `distribution_handler` int COMMENT '分配处理人',
- `business_scrm_department_id` int COMMENT '归属部门',
- `last_visit_time` STRING COMMENT '最后回访时间',
- `next_visit_time` STRING COMMENT '下次回访时间',
- `origin_type` STRING COMMENT '数据来源',
- `itcast_school_id` int COMMENT '校区Id',
- `itcast_subject_id` int COMMENT '学科Id',
- `intention_study_type` STRING COMMENT '意向学习方式',
- `anticipat_signup_date` STRING COMMENT '预计报名时间',
- `level` STRING COMMENT '客户级别',
- `creator` int COMMENT '创建人',
- `current_creator` int COMMENT '当前创建人:初始==创建人,当在公海拉回时为 拉回人',
- `creator_name` STRING COMMENT '创建者姓名',
- `origin_channel` STRING COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `comment` STRING COMMENT '备注',
- `first_customer_clue_id` int COMMENT '第一条线索id',
- `last_customer_clue_id` int COMMENT '最后一条线索id',
- `process_state` STRING COMMENT '处理状态',
- `process_time` STRING COMMENT '处理状态变动时间',
- `payment_state` STRING COMMENT '支付状态',
- `payment_time` STRING COMMENT '支付状态变动时间',
- `signup_state` STRING COMMENT '报名状态',
- `signup_time` STRING COMMENT '报名时间',
- `notice_state` STRING COMMENT '通知状态',
- `notice_time` STRING COMMENT '通知状态变动时间',
- `lock_state` STRING COMMENT '锁定状态',
- `lock_time` STRING COMMENT '锁定状态修改时间',
- `itcast_clazz_id` int COMMENT '所属ems班级id',
- `itcast_clazz_time` STRING COMMENT '报班时间',
- `payment_url` STRING COMMENT '付款链接',
- `payment_url_time` STRING COMMENT '支付链接生成时间',
- `ems_student_id` int COMMENT 'ems的学生id',
- `delete_reason` STRING COMMENT '删除原因',
- `deleter` int COMMENT '删除人',
- `deleter_name` STRING COMMENT '删除人姓名',
- `delete_time` STRING COMMENT '删除时间',
- `course_id` int COMMENT '课程ID',
- `course_name` STRING COMMENT '课程名称',
- `delete_comment` STRING COMMENT '删除原因说明',
- `close_state` STRING COMMENT '关闭装填',
- `close_time` STRING COMMENT '关闭状态变动时间',
- `appeal_id` int COMMENT '申诉id',
- `tenant` int COMMENT '租户',
- `total_fee` DECIMAL COMMENT '报名费总金额',
- `belonged` int COMMENT '小周期归属人',
- `belonged_time` STRING COMMENT '归属时间',
- `belonger_time` STRING COMMENT '归属时间',
- `transfer` int COMMENT '转移人',
- `transfer_time` STRING COMMENT '转移时间',
- `follow_type` int COMMENT '分配类型,0-自动分配,1-手动分配,2-自动转移,3-手动单个转移,4-手动批量转移,5-公海领取',
- `transfer_bxg_oa_account` STRING COMMENT '转移到博学谷归属人OA账号',
- `transfer_bxg_belonger_name` STRING COMMENT '转移到博学谷归属人OA姓名',
- `end_time` STRING COMMENT '有效截止时间')
- comment '客户关系表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
- -- 第二步: 编写sqoop命令 将数据导入到临时表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- *, "9999-12-31" as end_time , "2021-09-27" AS start_time
- FROM customer_relationship where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table customer_relationship_temp \
- -m 1
- -- 第三步: 执行 insert into + select 导入到目标表
- -- 动态分区配置
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- -- hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- -- 写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- insert into table itcast_ods.customer_relationship partition(start_time)
- select * from itcast_ods.customer_relationship_temp;
- -- 第一步: 创建客户线索表的临时表
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itcast_ods.customer_clue_temp (
- id int COMMENT 'customer_clue_id',
- create_date_time STRING COMMENT '创建时间',
- update_date_time STRING COMMENT '最后更新时间',
- deleted STRING COMMENT '是否被删除(禁用)',
- customer_id int COMMENT '客户id',
- customer_relationship_id int COMMENT '客户关系id',
- session_id STRING COMMENT '七陌会话id',
- sid STRING COMMENT '访客id',
- status STRING COMMENT '状态(undeal待领取 deal 已领取 finish 已关闭 changePeer 已流转)',
- users STRING COMMENT '所属坐席',
- create_time STRING COMMENT '七陌创建时间',
- platform STRING COMMENT '平台来源 (pc-网站咨询|wap-wap咨询|sdk-app咨询|weixin-微信咨询)',
- s_name STRING COMMENT '用户名称',
- seo_source STRING COMMENT '搜索来源',
- seo_keywords STRING COMMENT '关键字',
- referrer STRING COMMENT '上级来源页面',
- from_url STRING COMMENT '会话来源页面',
- landing_page_url STRING COMMENT '访客着陆页面',
- url_title STRING COMMENT '咨询页面title',
- to_peer STRING COMMENT '所属技能组',
- manual_time STRING COMMENT '人工开始时间',
- begin_time STRING COMMENT '坐席领取时间 ',
- reply_msg_count int COMMENT '客服回复消息数',
- total_msg_count int COMMENT '消息总数',
- msg_count int COMMENT '客户发送消息数',
- comment STRING COMMENT '备注',
- finish_reason STRING COMMENT '结束类型',
- finish_user STRING COMMENT '结束坐席',
- end_time STRING COMMENT '会话结束时间',
- platform_description STRING COMMENT '客户平台信息',
- browser_name STRING COMMENT '浏览器名称',
- os_info STRING COMMENT '系统名称',
- area STRING COMMENT '区域',
- country STRING COMMENT '所在国家',
- province STRING COMMENT '省',
- city STRING COMMENT '城市',
- creator int COMMENT '创建人',
- name STRING COMMENT '客户姓名',
- idcard STRING COMMENT '身份证号',
- phone STRING COMMENT '手机号',
- itcast_school_id int COMMENT '校区Id',
- itcast_school STRING COMMENT '校区',
- itcast_subject_id int COMMENT '学科Id',
- itcast_subject STRING COMMENT '学科',
- wechat STRING COMMENT '微信',
- qq STRING COMMENT 'qq号',
- email STRING COMMENT '邮箱',
- gender STRING COMMENT '性别',
- level STRING COMMENT '客户级别',
- origin_type STRING COMMENT '数据来源渠道',
- information_way STRING COMMENT '资讯方式',
- working_years STRING COMMENT '开始工作时间',
- technical_directions STRING COMMENT '技术方向',
- customer_state STRING COMMENT '当前客户状态',
- valid STRING COMMENT '该线索是否是网资有效线索',
- anticipat_signup_date STRING COMMENT '预计报名时间',
- clue_state STRING COMMENT '线索状态',
- scrm_department_id int COMMENT 'SCRM内部部门id',
- superior_url STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取上级页面URL',
- superior_source STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取上级页面URL标题',
- landing_url STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取着陆页面URL',
- landing_source STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取着陆页面URL来源',
- info_url STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取留咨页URL',
- info_source STRING COMMENT '诸葛获取留咨页URL标题',
- origin_channel STRING COMMENT '投放渠道',
- course_id int COMMENT '课程编号',
- course_name STRING COMMENT '课程名称',
- zhuge_session_id STRING COMMENT 'zhuge会话id',
- is_repeat int COMMENT '是否重复线索(手机号维度) 0:正常 1:重复',
- tenant int COMMENT '租户id',
- activity_id STRING COMMENT '活动id',
- activity_name STRING COMMENT '活动名称',
- follow_type int COMMENT '分配类型,0-自动分配,1-手动分配,2-自动转移,3-手动单个转移,4-手动批量转移,5-公海领取',
- shunt_mode_id int COMMENT '匹配到的技能组id',
- shunt_employee_group_id int COMMENT '所属分流员工组',
- ends_time STRING COMMENT '有效时间')
- comment '客户关系表'
- stored as orc
- TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
- -- 第二步: 编写sqoop命令 将数据导入到临时表
- sqoop import \
- --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --query 'SELECT
- id,create_date_time,update_date_time,deleted,customer_id,customer_relationship_id,session_id,sid,status,user as users,create_time,platform,s_name,seo_source,seo_keywords,ip,referrer,from_url,landing_page_url,url_title,to_peer,manual_time,begin_time,reply_msg_count,total_msg_count,msg_count,comment,finish_reason,finish_user,end_time,platform_description,browser_name,os_info,area,country,province,city,creator,name,"-1" as idcard,"-1" as phone,itcast_school_id,itcast_school,itcast_subject_id,itcast_subject,"-1" as wechat,"-1" as qq,"-1" as email,gender,level,origin_type,information_way,working_years,technical_directions,customer_state,valid,anticipat_signup_date,clue_state,scrm_department_id,superior_url,superior_source,landing_url,landing_source,info_url,info_source,origin_channel,course_id,course_name,zhuge_session_id,is_repeat,tenant,activity_id,activity_name,follow_type,shunt_mode_id,shunt_employee_group_id, "9999-12-31" as ends_time , "2021-09-27" AS starts_time
- FROM customer_clue where 1=1 and $CONDITIONS' \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_ods \
- --hcatalog-table customer_clue_temp \
- -m 1
- -- 第三步: 通过 insert into + select 导入到目标表
- insert into table itcast_ods.customer_clue partition(starts_time)
- select * from itcast_ods.customer_clue_temp;
作用: 清洗 和 转换 以及少量的维度退化
- 维度退化操作: 此层不需要做
- 清洗操作:
- 将标记删除的数据过滤掉
- 转换操作:
- 1) 将create_date_time 转换为 yearinfo monthinfo dayinfo hourinfo
- 2) 将origin_type 转换为 origin_type_state (用于统计线上线下)
- 转换逻辑: origin_type的值为: NETSERVICE 或者 PRESIGNUP 认为线上 其余认为线下
- 3) 将clue_state 转换为 clue_state_stat (用于统计新老维度) -- 当前层无法转换的 (只能在DWM)
- 转换逻辑:clue_state的值为 VALID_NEW_CLUES 为新客户 其余暂定为老客户
- 4) 将校区和学科的 id字段, 如果为 0 或者 null 转换为 -1
- select
- id as rid,
- customer_id,
- create_date_time,
- if(itcast_school_id is null OR itcast_school_id = 0 , '-1',itcast_school_id) as itcast_school_id,
- deleted,
- origin_type,
- if(itcast_subject_id is not null, if(itcast_subject_id != 0,itcast_subject_id,'-1'),'-1') as itcast_subject_id,
- creator,
- substr(create_date_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- if(origin_type in('NETSERVICE','PRESIGNUP'),'1','0') as origin_type_stat,
- substr(create_date_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.customer_relationship where deleted = 0 ;
将转换的SQL的结果保存到DWD层表中 (此操作, 并未执行, 而是执行后续的采样SQL)
- insert into table itcast_dwd.itcast_intention_dwd partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- id as rid,
- customer_id,
- create_date_time,
- if(itcast_school_id is null OR itcast_school_id = 0 , '-1',itcast_school_id) as itcast_school_id,
- deleted,
- origin_type,
- if(itcast_subject_id is not null, if(itcast_subject_id != 0,itcast_subject_id,'-1'),'-1') as itcast_subject_id,
- creator,
- substr(create_date_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- if(origin_type in('NETSERVICE','PRESIGNUP'),'1','0') as origin_type_stat,
- substr(create_date_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.customer_relationship where deleted = 0 ;
如果希望在灌入到DWD层的时候, 对数据进行采样操作: 比如只想要第5个桶
- explain
- insert into table itcast_dwd.itcast_intention_dwd partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- id as rid,
- customer_id,
- create_date_time,
- if(itcast_school_id is null OR itcast_school_id = 0 , '-1',itcast_school_id) as itcast_school_id,
- deleted,
- origin_type,
- if(itcast_subject_id is not null, if(itcast_subject_id != 0,itcast_subject_id,'-1'),'-1') as itcast_subject_id,
- creator,
- substr(create_date_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- if(origin_type in('NETSERVICE','PRESIGNUP'),'1','0') as origin_type_stat,
- substr(create_date_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.customer_relationship tablesample(bucket 5 out of 10 on id) where deleted = 0 ;
- --分区
- SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=10000;
- set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=100000;
- set hive.exec.max.created.files=150000;
- --hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- --分桶
- set hive.enforce.bucketing=true; -- 开启分桶支持, 默认就是true
- set hive.enforce.sorting=true; -- 开启强制排序
- insert into table itcast_dwd.itcast_intention_dwd partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- id as rid,
- customer_id,
- create_date_time,
- if(itcast_school_id is null OR itcast_school_id = 0 , '-1',itcast_school_id) as itcast_school_id,
- deleted,
- origin_type,
- if(itcast_subject_id is not null, if(itcast_subject_id != 0,itcast_subject_id,'-1'),'-1') as itcast_subject_id,
- creator,
- substr(create_date_time,12,2) as hourinfo,
- if(origin_type in('NETSERVICE','PRESIGNUP'),'1','0') as origin_type_stat,
- substr(create_date_time,1,4) as yearinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,6,2) as monthinfo,
- substr(create_date_time,9,2) as dayinfo
- from itcast_ods.customer_relationship tablesample(bucket 5 out of 10 on id) where deleted = 0 ;
由于DWM层的字段是来源于事实表和所有维度表中的字段, 此时如果生成DWM层数据, 必须要先将所有的表关联在一起
- 所有表的表与表之间的关联条件
- 客户意向表.creator = 员工表.id
- 员工表.tdepart_id = 部门表.id
- 线索表.customer_relationship_id = 客户意向表.id
- 客户意向表.itcast_school_id = 校区表.id
- 客户意向表.itcast_subject_id = 学科表.id
- 客户意向表.customer_id = 客户表.id
- select
- iid.customer_id,
- iid.create_date_time,
- c.area,
- iid.itcast_school_id,
- sch.name as itcast_school_name,
- iid.deleted,
- iid.origin_type,
- iid.itcast_subject_id,
- sub.name as itcast_subject_name,
- iid.hourinfo,
- iid.origin_type_stat,
- -- if(cc.clue_state = 'VALID_NEW_CLUES',1,if(cc.clue_state = 'VALID_PUBLIC_NEW_CLUE','0','-1')) as clue_state_stat, -- 此处有转换
- case cc.clue_state
- when 'VALID_NEW_CLUES' then '1'
- when 'VALID_PUBLIC_NEW_CLUE' then '0'
- else '-1'
- end as clue_state_stat,
- emp.tdepart_id,
- dept.name as tdepart_name,
- iid.yearinfo,
- iid.monthinfo,
- iid.dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.itcast_intention_dwd iid
- left join itcast_ods.customer_clue cc on cc.customer_relationship_id = iid.rid
- left join itcast_dimen.customer c on iid.customer_id = c.id
- left join itcast_dimen.itcast_subject sub on iid.itcast_subject_id = sub.id
- left join itcast_dimen.itcast_school sch on iid.itcast_school_id = sch.id
- left join itcast_dimen.employee emp on iid.creator = emp.id
- left join itcast_dimen.scrm_department dept on emp.tdepart_id = dept.id;
查看这条SQL语句, 相关的优化是否执行了呢?
- 开启优化:
- --分区
- SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=10000;
- set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=100000;
- set hive.exec.max.created.files=150000;
- --hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- --分桶
- set hive.enforce.bucketing=true; -- 开启分桶支持, 默认就是true
- set hive.enforce.sorting=true; -- 开启强制排序
- -- 优化:
- set hive.auto.convert.join=true; -- map join
- set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = true; -- 开启 bucket map join
- -- 开启SMB map join
- set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join=true;
- set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join.noconditionaltask=true;
- -- 写入数据强制排序
- set hive.enforce.sorting=true;
- set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge = true; -- 开启自动尝试SMB连接
- 通过 执行计划, 查看是否生效: explain
除了这个SMB 优化生效后, 其他的表的都是存在有map join的方案
最后执行SQL, 查看是否可以正常执行:
- 说明:
- 通过执行发现, 开启优化, 执行速度, 异常的缓慢, 一分钟才可以执行 1%
- 原因:
- 当前这种优化方案, 需要有非常的内存资源才可以运行, 如果没有, yarn会安排这些依次执行,导致执行效率更差
- 如果在生产环境中, 是完全可以开启的
- 目前解决方案: 关闭掉所有的优化来执行
- set hive.auto.convert.join=false;
- set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = false;
- set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join=false;
- set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join.noconditionaltask=false;
- set hive.enforce.sorting=false;
- set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge = false;
最终: 将查询出来的数据灌入到目标表即可
- --分区
- SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
- set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=10000;
- set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=100000;
- set hive.exec.max.created.files=150000;
- --hive压缩
- set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
- set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
- --写入时压缩生效
- set hive.exec.orc.compression.strategy=COMPRESSION;
- --分桶
- set hive.enforce.bucketing=true; -- 开启分桶支持, 默认就是true
- set hive.enforce.sorting=true; -- 开启强制排序
- -- 优化:
- set hive.auto.convert.join=false; -- map join
- set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = false; -- 开启 bucket map join
- -- 开启SMB map join
- set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join=false;
- set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join.noconditionaltask=false;
- -- 写入数据强制排序
- set hive.enforce.sorting=false;
- -- 开启自动尝试SMB连接
- set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge = false;
- insert into table itcast_dwm.itcast_intention_dwm partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- iid.customer_id,
- iid.create_date_time,
- c.area,
- iid.itcast_school_id,
- sch.name as itcast_school_name,
- iid.deleted,
- iid.origin_type,
- iid.itcast_subject_id,
- sub.name as itcast_subject_name,
- iid.hourinfo,
- iid.origin_type_stat,
- -- if(cc.clue_state = 'VALID_NEW_CLUES',1,if(cc.clue_state = 'VALID_PUBLIC_NEW_CLUE','0','-1')) as clue_state_stat, -- 此处有转换
- case cc.clue_state
- when 'VALID_NEW_CLUES' then '1'
- when 'VALID_PUBLIC_NEW_CLUE' then '0'
- else '-1'
- end as clue_state_stat,
- emp.tdepart_id,
- dept.name as tdepart_name,
- iid.yearinfo,
- iid.monthinfo,
- iid.dayinfo
- from itcast_dwd.itcast_intention_dwd iid
- left join itcast_ods.customer_clue cc on cc.customer_relationship_id = iid.rid
- left join itcast_dimen.customer c on iid.customer_id = c.id
- left join itcast_dimen.itcast_subject sub on iid.itcast_subject_id = sub.id
- left join itcast_dimen.itcast_school sch on iid.itcast_school_id = sch.id
- left join itcast_dimen.employee emp on iid.creator = emp.id
- left join itcast_dimen.scrm_department dept on emp.tdepart_id = dept.id;
目的: 生产DWS层的数据, 数据来源于DWM
- 指标: 意向量
- 维度:
- 固有维度: 时间(年 月 日 小时), 线上线下, 新老维度
- 产品属性维度: 地区, 学科维度, 校区维度, 咨询中心维度, 来源渠道,总意向量
- -- 统计每年 线上线下 新老用户的总意向量
- insert into table itcast_dws.itcast_intention_dws partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count( distinct customer_id) as customer_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as itcast_school_id,
- '-1' as itcast_school_name,
- '-1' as origin_type,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_id,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_name,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- origin_type_stat,
- clue_state_stat,
- '-1' as tdepart_id,
- '-1' as tdepart_name,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwm.itcast_intention_dwm
- group by yearinfo,origin_type_stat,clue_state_stat;
- -- 统计每年每月 线上线下 新老用户的总意向量
- insert into table itcast_dws.itcast_intention_dws partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count( distinct customer_id) as customer_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as itcast_school_id,
- '-1' as itcast_school_name,
- '-1' as origin_type,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_id,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_name,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- origin_type_stat,
- clue_state_stat,
- '-1' as tdepart_id,
- '-1' as tdepart_name,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '4' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwm.itcast_intention_dwm
- group by yearinfo,monthinfo,origin_type_stat,clue_state_stat;
- -- 统计每年每月每日 线上线下 新老用户的总意向量
- insert into table itcast_dws.itcast_intention_dws partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count( distinct customer_id) as customer_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as itcast_school_id,
- '-1' as itcast_school_name,
- '-1' as origin_type,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_id,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_name,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- origin_type_stat,
- clue_state_stat,
- '-1' as tdepart_id,
- '-1' as tdepart_name,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '2' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwm.itcast_intention_dwm
- group by yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,origin_type_stat,clue_state_stat;
- -- 统计每年每月每日每小时 线上线下 新老用户的总意向量
- insert into table itcast_dws.itcast_intention_dws partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count( distinct customer_id) as customer_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as itcast_school_id,
- '-1' as itcast_school_name,
- '-1' as origin_type,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_id,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_name,
- hourinfo,
- origin_type_stat,
- clue_state_stat,
- '-1' as tdepart_id,
- '-1' as tdepart_name,
- concat(yearinfo,'-',monthinfo,'-',dayinfo,' ',hourinfo) as time_str,
- '1' as grouptype,
- '1' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- monthinfo,
- dayinfo
- from itcast_dwm.itcast_intention_dwm
- group by yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo,hourinfo,origin_type_stat,clue_state_stat;
- -- 统计每年线上线下, 新老用户产生各个咨询中心的意向量
- insert into table itcast_dws.itcast_intention_dws partition(yearinfo,monthinfo,dayinfo)
- select
- count( distinct customer_id) as customer_total,
- '-1' as area,
- '-1' as itcast_school_id,
- '-1' as itcast_school_name,
- '-1' as origin_type,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_id,
- '-1' as itcast_subject_name,
- '-1' as hourinfo,
- origin_type_stat,
- clue_state_stat,
- tdepart_id,
- tdepart_name,
- yearinfo as time_str,
- '5' as grouptype,
- '5' as time_type,
- yearinfo,
- '-1' as monthinfo,
- '-1' as dayinfo
- from itcast_dwm.itcast_intention_dwm
- group by yearinfo,origin_type_stat,clue_state_stat,tdepart_id,tdepart_name;
指的: 从DWS层将数据导出到MYSQL中
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scrm_bi.itcast_intention (
- `customer_total` INT COMMENT '聚合意向客户数',
- `area` varchar(100) COMMENT '区域信息',
- `itcast_school_id` varchar(100) COMMENT '校区id',
- `itcast_school_name` varchar(100) COMMENT '校区名称',
- `origin_type` varchar(100) COMMENT '来源渠道',
- `itcast_subject_id` varchar(100) COMMENT '学科id',
- `itcast_subject_name` varchar(100) COMMENT '学科名称',
- `hourinfo` varchar(100) COMMENT '小时信息',
- `origin_type_stat` varchar(100) COMMENT '数据来源:0.线下;1.线上',
- `clue_state_stat` varchar(100) COMMENT '客户属性:0.老客户;1.新客户',
- `tdepart_id` varchar(100) COMMENT '创建者部门id',
- `tdepart_name` varchar(100) COMMENT '咨询中心名称',
- `time_str` varchar(100) COMMENT '时间明细',
- `groupType` varchar(100) COMMENT '产品属性类别:1.总意向量;2.区域信息;3.校区、学科组合分组;4.来源渠道;5.咨询中心;',
- `time_type` varchar(100) COMMENT '时间维度:1、按小时聚合;2、按天聚合;3、按周聚合;4、按月聚合;5、按年聚合;',
- yearinfo varchar(100) COMMENT '年' ,
- monthinfo varchar(100) COMMENT '月',
- dayinfo varchar(100) COMMENT '日'
- )
- comment '客户意向dws表';
- sqoop export \
- --connect "jdbc:mysql://" \
- --username root \
- --password 123456 \
- --table itcast_intention \
- --hcatalog-database itcast_dws \
- --hcatalog-table itcast_intention_dws \
- -m 1
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