[获取OpenHarmony系统版本]:标准系统解决方案(二进制)。以3.2 Release版本为例:
├──entry/src/main/ets // 代码区 │ ├──common │ │ └──constant │ │ └──CommonConstant.ets // 常量类 │ ├──entryability │ │ └──EntryAbility.ts // 本地启动ability │ ├──pages │ │ └──HomePage.ets // 本地主页面 │ ├──utils │ │ ├──AdjustUtil.ets // 调节工具类 │ │ ├──CropUtil.ets // 裁剪工具类 │ │ ├──DecodeUtil.ets // 解码工具类 │ │ ├──DrawingUtils.ets // Canvas画图工具类 │ │ ├──EncodeUtil.ets // 编码工具类 │ │ ├──LoggerUtil.ets // 日志工具类 │ │ ├──MathUtils.ets // 坐标转换工具类 │ │ └──OpacityUtil.ets // 透明度调节工具类 │ ├──view │ │ ├──AdjustContentView.ets // 色域调整视图 │ │ └──ImageSelect.ets // Canvas选择框实现类 │ ├──viewmodel │ │ ├──CropShow.ets // 选择框显示控制类 │ │ ├──CropType.ets // 按比例选取图片 │ │ ├──IconListViewModel.ets // icon数据 │ │ ├──ImageEditCrop.ets // 图片编辑操作类 │ │ ├──ImageFilterCrop.ets // 图片操作收集类 │ │ ├──ImageSizeItem.ets // 图片尺寸 │ │ ├──Line.ets // 线封装类 │ │ ├──MessageItem.ets // 多线程封装消息 │ │ ├──OptionViewModel.ets // 图片处理封装类 │ │ ├──PixelMapWrapper.ets // PixelMap封装类 │ │ ├──Point.ets // 点封装类 │ │ ├──Ratio.ets // 比例封装类 │ │ ├──Rect.ets // 矩形封装类 │ │ ├──RegionItem.ets // 区域封装类 │ │ └──ScreenManager.ts // 屏幕尺寸计算工具类 │ └──workers │ ├──AdjustBrightnessWork.ts // 亮度异步调节 │ └──AdjustSaturationWork.ts // 饱和度异步调节 └──entry/src/main/resources // 资源文件目录
// HomePage.ets aboutToAppear() { this.pixelInit(); ... } build() { Column() { ... Column() { if (this.isCrop && this.showCanvas && this.statusBar > 0) { if (this.isSaveFresh) { ImageSelect({ statusBar: this.statusBar }) } ... } else { if (this.isPixelMapChange) { Image(this.pixelMap) .scale({ x: this.imageScale, y: this.imageScale, z: 1 }) .objectFit(ImageFit.None) } ... } } ... } ... } async getResourceFd(filename: string) { const resourceMgr = getContext(this).resourceManager; const context = getContext(this); if (filename === CommonConstants.RAW_FILE_NAME) { let imageBuffer = await resourceMgr.getMediaContent($r("app.media.ic_low")) let filePath = context.cacheDir + '/' + filename; let file = fs.openSync(filePath, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE | fs.OpenMode.CREATE); let writeLen = fs.writeSync(file.fd, imageBuffer.buffer); fs.copyFileSync(filePath, context.cacheDir + '/' + CommonConstants.RAW_FILE_NAME_TEST); return file.fd; } else { let filePath = context.cacheDir + '/' + filename; let file = fs.openSync(filePath, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE | fs.OpenMode.CREATE); return file.fd; } } async getPixelMap(fileName: string) { const fd = await this.getResourceFd(fileName); const imageSourceApi = image.createImageSource(fd); if (!imageSourceApi) { Logger.error(TAG, 'imageSourceAPI created failed!'); return; } const pixelMap = await imageSourceApi.createPixelMap({ editable: true }); return pixelMap; }
// AdjustUtil.ets // rgb转hsv function rgb2hsv(red: number, green: number, blue: number) { let hsvH: number = 0, hsvS: number = 0, hsvV: number = 0; const rgbR: number = colorTransform(red); const rgbG: number = colorTransform(green); const rgbB: number = colorTransform(blue); const maxValue = Math.max(rgbR, Math.max(rgbG, rgbB)); const minValue = Math.min(rgbR, Math.min(rgbG, rgbB)); hsvV = maxValue * CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT; if (maxValue === 0) { hsvS = 0; } else { hsvS = Number((1 - minValue / maxValue).toFixed(CommonConstants.DECIMAL_TWO)) * CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT; } if (maxValue === minValue) { hsvH = 0; } if (maxValue === rgbR && rgbG >= rgbB) { hsvH = Math.floor(CommonConstants.ANGLE_60 * ((rgbG - rgbB) / (maxValue - minValue))); } if (maxValue === rgbR && rgbG < rgbB) { hsvH = Math.floor(CommonConstants.ANGLE_60 * ((rgbG - rgbB) / (maxValue - minValue)) + CommonConstants.ANGLE_360); } if (maxValue === rgbG) { hsvH = Math.floor(CommonConstants.ANGLE_60 * ((rgbB - rgbR) / (maxValue - minValue)) + CommonConstants.ANGLE_120); } if (maxValue === rgbB) { hsvH = Math.floor(CommonConstants.ANGLE_60 * ((rgbR - rgbG) / (maxValue - minValue)) + CommonConstants.ANGLE_240); } return [hsvH, hsvS, hsvV]; } // hsv转rgb function hsv2rgb(hue: number, saturation: number, value: number) { let rgbR: number = 0, rgbG: number = 0, rgbB: number = 0; if (saturation === 0) { rgbR = rgbG = rgbB = Math.round((value * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX) / CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT); return { rgbR, rgbG, rgbB }; } const cxmC = (value * saturation) / (CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT * CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT); const cxmX = cxmC * (1 - Math.abs((hue / CommonConstants.ANGLE_60) % CommonConstants.MOD_2 - 1)); const cxmM = (value - cxmC * CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT) / CommonConstants.CONVERT_INT; const hsvHRange = Math.floor(hue / CommonConstants.ANGLE_60); switch (hsvHRange) { case AngelRange.ANGEL_0_60: rgbR = (cxmC + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbG = (cxmX + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbB = (0 + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; break; case AngelRange.ANGEL_60_120: rgbR = (cxmX + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbG = (cxmC + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbB = (0 + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; break; case AngelRange.ANGEL_120_180: rgbR = (0 + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbG = (cxmC + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbB = (cxmX + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; break; case AngelRange.ANGEL_180_240: rgbR = (0 + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbG = (cxmX + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbB = (cxmC + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; break; case AngelRange.ANGEL_240_300: rgbR = (cxmX + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbG = (0 + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbB = (cxmC + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; break; case AngelRange.ANGEL_300_360: rgbR = (cxmC + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbG = (0 + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; rgbB = (cxmX + cxmM) * CommonConstants.COLOR_LEVEL_MAX; break; default: break; } return [ Math.round(rgbR), Math.round(rgbG), Math.round(rgbB) ]; }
说明: 当前裁剪功能采用pixelMap裁剪能力直接做切割,会有叠加效果,后续会通过增加选取框对当前功能进行优化。
// HomePage.ets cropImage(index: CropType) { this.currentCropIndex = index; switch (this.currentCropIndex) { case CropType.ORIGINAL_IMAGE: this.cropRatio = CropRatioType.RATIO_TYPE_FREE; break; case CropType.SQUARE: this.cropRatio = CropRatioType.RATIO_TYPE_1_1; break; case CropType.BANNER: this.cropRatio = CropRatioType.RATIO_TYPE_4_3; break; case CropType.RECTANGLE: this.cropRatio = CropRatioType.RATIO_TYPE_16_9; break; default: this.cropRatio = CropRatioType.RATIO_TYPE_FREE; break; } } // ImageFilterCrop.ets cropImage(pixelMap: PixelMapWrapper, realCropRect: RectF, callback: () => void) { let offWidth = realCropRect.getWidth(); let offHeight = realCropRect.getHeight(); if (pixelMap.pixelMap!== undefined) { pixelMap.pixelMap.crop({ size:{ height: vp2px(offHeight), width: vp2px(offWidth) }, x: vp2px(realCropRect.left), y: vp2px(realCropRect.top) }, callback); } }
// HomePage.ets rotateImage(rotateType: RotateType) { if (rotateType === RotateType.CLOCKWISE) { try { if (this.pixelMap !== undefined) { this.pixelMap.rotate(CommonConstants.CLOCK_WISE) .then(() => { this.flushPixelMapNew(); }) } } catch (error) { Logger.error(TAG, `there is a error in rotate process with ${error?.code}`); } } if (rotateType === RotateType.ANTI_CLOCK) { try { if (this.pixelMap !== undefined) { this.pixelMap.rotate(CommonConstants.ANTI_CLOCK) .then(() => { this.flushPixelMapNew(); }) } } catch (error) { Logger.error(TAG, `there is a error in rotate process with ${error?.code}`); } } }
说明: 当前亮度调节是在UI层面实现的,未实现细节优化算法,只做简单示例。调节后的图片会有色彩上的失真。
// AdjustContentView.ets // 转化成pixelMap及发送buffer到worker,返回数据刷新ui postToWorker(type: AdjustId, value: number, workerName: string) { let sliderValue = type === AdjustId.BRIGHTNESS ? this.brightnessLastSlider : this.saturationLastSlider; try { let workerInstance = new worker.ThreadWorker(workerName); const bufferArray = new ArrayBuffer(this.pixelMap.getPixelBytesNumber()); this.pixelMap.readPixelsToBuffer(bufferArray).then(() => { let message = new MessageItem(bufferArray, sliderValue, value); workerInstance.postMessage(message); if (this.postState) { this.deviceListDialogController.open(); } this.postState = false; workerInstance.onmessage = (event: MessageEvents) => { this.updatePixelMap(event) }; if (type === AdjustId.BRIGHTNESS) { this.brightnessLastSlider = Math.round(value); } else { this.saturationLastSlider = Math.round(value); } workerInstance.onexit = () => { if (workerInstance !== undefined) { workerInstance.terminate(); } } }); } catch (error) { Logger.error(`Create work instance fail, error message: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`) } } // AdjustBrightnessWork.ts // worker线程处理部分 workerPort.onmessage = function(event : MessageEvents) { let bufferArray = event.data.buf; let last = event.data.last; let cur = event.data.cur; let buffer = adjustImageValue(bufferArray, last, cur); workerPort.postMessage(buffer); workerPort.close(); } // AdjustUtil.ets // 倍率计算部分 export function adjustImageValue(bufferArray: ArrayBuffer, last: number, cur: number) { return execColorInfo(bufferArray, last, cur, HSVIndex.VALUE); }
// OpacityUtil.ets
export async function adjustOpacity(pixelMap: PixelMap, value: number) {
if (!pixelMap) {
const newPixelMap = pixelMap;
await newPixelMap.opacity(value / CommonConstants.SLIDER_MAX);
return newPixelMap;
说明: 当前饱和度调节是在UI层面实现的,未实现细节优化算法,只做简单示例。调节后的图片会有色彩上的失真。
// AdjustContentView.ets // 转化成pixelMap及发送buffer到worker,返回数据刷新ui postToWorker(type: AdjustId, value: number, workerName: string) { let sliderValue = type === AdjustId.BRIGHTNESS ? this.brightnessLastSlider : this.saturationLastSlider; try { let workerInstance = new worker.ThreadWorker(workerName); const bufferArray = new ArrayBuffer(this.pixelMap.getPixelBytesNumber()); this.pixelMap.readPixelsToBuffer(bufferArray).then(() => { let message = new MessageItem(bufferArray, sliderValue, value); workerInstance.postMessage(message); if (this.postState) { this.deviceListDialogController.open(); } this.postState = false; workerInstance.onmessage = (event: MessageEvents) => { this.updatePixelMap(event) }; if (type === AdjustId.BRIGHTNESS) { this.brightnessLastSlider = Math.round(value); } else { this.saturationLastSlider = Math.round(value); } workerInstance.onexit = () => { if (workerInstance !== undefined) { workerInstance.terminate(); } } }); } catch (error) { Logger.error(`Create work instance fail, error message: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); } } // AdjustSaturationWork.ts // worker线程处理部分 workerPort.onmessage = function(event : MessageEvents) { let bufferArray = event.data.buf; let last = event.data.last; let cur = event.data.cur; let buffer = adjustSaturation(bufferArray, last, cur) workerPort.postMessage(buffer); workerPort.close(); } // AdjustUtil.ets // 倍率计算部分 export function adjustSaturation(bufferArray: ArrayBuffer, last: number, cur: number) { return execColorInfo(bufferArray, last, cur, HSVIndex.SATURATION); }
// ImageSelect.ets async encode(pixelMap: PixelMap | undefined) { if (pixelMap === undefined) { return; } const newPixelMap = pixelMap; // 打包图片 const imagePackerApi = image.createImagePacker(); const packOptions: image.PackingOption = { format: CommonConstants.ENCODE_FORMAT, quality: CommonConstants.ENCODE_QUALITY } const imageData = await imagePackerApi.packing(newPixelMap, packOptions); Logger.info(TAG, `imageData's length is ${imageData.byteLength}`); // 获取相册路径 const context = getContext(this); const media = mediaLibrary.getMediaLibrary(context); const publicPath = await media.getPublicDirectory(mediaLibrary.DirectoryType.DIR_IMAGE); const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); // 创建图片资源 const imageAssetInfo = await media.createAsset( mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE, `${CommonConstants.IMAGE_PREFIX}_${currentTime}${CommonConstants.IMAGE_FORMAT}`, publicPath ); const imageFd = await imageAssetInfo.open(CommonConstants.ENCODE_FILE_PERMISSION); await fs.write(imageFd, imageData); // 释放资源 await imageAssetInfo.close(imageFd); imagePackerApi.release(); await media.release(); }
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