本文结合Deep learning的一个应用,Convolution Neural Network 进行一些基本应用,参考Lecun的Document 0.1进行部分拓展,与结果展示(in python)。
1. Convolution(卷积)
2. Pooling(降采样过程)
3. CNN结构
4. 跑实验
1. Convolution(卷积)
类似于高斯卷积,对imagebatch中的所有image进行卷积。对于一张图,其所有feature map用一个filter卷成一张feature map。 如下面的代码,对一个imagebatch(含两张图)进行操作,每个图初始有3张feature map(R,G,B), 用两个9*9的filter进行卷积,结果是,每张图得到两个feature map。
卷积操作由theano的conv.conv2d实现,这里我们用随机参数W,b。结果有点像edge detector是不是?
Code: (详见注释)
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Sat May 10 18:55:26 2014
- @author: rachel
- Function: convolution option of two pictures with same size (width,height)
- input: 3 feature maps (3 channels <RGB> of a picture)
- convolution: two 9*9 convolutional filters
- """
- from theano.tensor.nnet import conv
- import theano.tensor as T
- import numpy, theano
- rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455)
- # symbol variable
- input = T.tensor4(name = 'input')
- # initial weights
- w_shape = (2,3,9,9) #2 convolutional filters, 3 channels, filter shape: 9*9
- w_bound = numpy.sqrt(3*9*9)
- W = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low = -1.0/w_bound, high = 1.0/w_bound,size = w_shape),
- dtype = input.dtype),name = 'W')
- b_shape = (2,)
- b = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low = -.5, high = .5, size = b_shape),
- dtype = input.dtype),name = 'b')
- conv_out = conv.conv2d(input,W)
- #T.TensorVariable.dimshuffle() can reshape or broadcast (add dimension)
- #dimshuffle(self,*pattern)
- # >>>b1 = b.dimshuffle('x',0,'x','x')
- # >>>b1.shape.eval()
- # array([1,2,1,1])
- output &#

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