If you’re someone like me, you probably built up a lot of digital stuff over the years. Photos, documents, code, media, and everything in-between.
如果您像我一样,那么多年来,您可能积累了很多数字资料。 照片,文档,代码,媒体及其之间的所有内容。
This little how to is going to share how I backup my files.
突袭 (Unraid)
It all stars with Unraid. I was always fairly good about using Apple’s Time Machine to back up my local computer to an external hard drive. But as I amassed new computers over the years I began to lose track of files and versions. While an external hard drive works great, it wasn’t flexible for my multi computer multi OS lifestyle. I started looking for a single solution.
这一切都与Unraid并驾齐驱 。 对于使用Apple的Time Machine将本地计算机备份到外部硬盘驱动器方面,我一直都很擅长。 但是随着这些年来我积累了新计算机,我开始失去对文件和版本的跟踪。 虽然外部硬盘驱动器工作得很好,但对于我的多计算机多操作系统生活方式而言,它并不灵活。 我开始寻找一种解决方案。
Unraid is a wonderful OS built on top of Linux kernel v4. I won’t get into the details of Unraid in this post, but I highly suggest you check it out. I really love the flexibility and plethora of features. Unraid is not a RAID but can manage an array of drives that vary in size, speed, brand, and filesystem. In addition, by eliminating the use of traditional RAID-based technologies, it can scale on-demand by adding more drives and without needing to rebalance existing data. Unraid’s NAS functionality consists of a parity-protected array, user shares, and an optional cache pool. It’s fantastic.
Unraid是基于Linux内核v4构建的出色操作系统。 我不会在这篇文章中详细介绍Unraid,但我强烈建议您查看一下。 我真的很喜欢功能的灵活性和丰富性。 Unraid不是RAID,但可以管理大小,速度,品牌和文件系统不同的驱动器阵列。 此外,通过消除使用传统的基于RAID的技术,它可以通过添加更多驱动器按需扩展,而无需重新平衡现有数据。 Unraid的NAS功能包括一个受奇偶校验保护的阵列,用户共享和一个可选的缓存池。 这是梦幻般的。
Unraid also gives you the ability to install Docker Apps. These are little containers that let you execute code in a local virtual environment. The community is great here, its like going to the App store... you pick the apps you want, install, and you’re good to go.
Unraid还使您能够安装Docker Apps。 这些很小的容器使您可以在本地虚拟环境中执行代码。 这里的社区很棒,就像去App Store一样……您选择想要安装的应用程序,就很好了。
CloudBerry备份 (CloudBerry Backup)
I have to admit, CloudBerry wasn't the first backup app I looked at. There are several in the Unraid app store with varying levels of features and technicality needed to configure. Myself, I wanted something dead simple. I didn’t want to sysadmin my backup solution. For me, simple UI and set up were important.
我必须承认, CloudBerry不是我看过的第一个备份应用程序。 Unraid应用商店中有几种配置需要不同级别的功能和技术。 我自己,我想要一些简单的东西。 我不想对备份解决方案进行系统管理员。 对我来说,简单的UI和设置很重要。
CloudBerry has support for all the major cloud providers (i’ll get into my pick a little later), encryption, scheduling, an active community, and support. It’s not cheap. A one time fee of $149 for the Linux Ultimate version. But let's face it, do you REALLY want to cut corners in backing up all your data? No.
CloudBerry支持所有主要的云提供商(稍后再介绍),加密,计划,活跃的社区和支持。 不便宜 Linux Ultimate版本的一次性费用为149美元。 但是让我们面对现实吧,您是否真的想在备份所有数据时偷工减料? 没有。
让我们开始吧 (Let’s Get Started)
Search for CloudBerry on the Unraid app store and click to install.

This is the container config screen. I didn’t need to change anything here.
这是容器配置屏幕。 我不需要在这里进行任何更改。

If all goes well, you should see a successful install. Go to your containers and launch the WebUI.
如果一切顺利,您应该会看到安装成功。 转到您的容器并启动WebUI。

Welcome screen for CloudBerry. From here I clicked on ‘Back up files’
CloudBerry的欢迎屏幕。 在这里,我单击了“备份文件”

On the next screen it will ask for your cloud provider. I picked Backblaze B2.
在下一个屏幕上,它将询问您的云提供商。 我选择了Backblaze B2。
Backblaze B2 (Backblaze B2)
Backblaze had exactly what I needed: a cloud provider that is easy and affordable. I briefly explored using Google Drive, but it seemed a little unconventional and I didn’t want to put my files somewhere that I didn’t have full control over. Amazon was an consideration too but couldn’t get a straightforward price. Sure, they have calculators, but I became overwhelmed by all the options. I found the Backblaze pricing easy to understand.
Backblaze正是我所需要的:一个简单且价格合理的云提供商。 我曾短暂地使用Google云端硬盘进行过探索,但似乎有点不合常规,我不想将文件放在我无法完全控制的地方。 亚马逊也是考虑因素,但无法获得直接的价格。 当然,他们有计算器 ,但我对所有选择都不知所措。 我发现Backblaze的定价很容易理解 。

Head on over to Backblaze and sign up. Once in, create a new private bucket. Then click on App Keys and create a new application key. Take note of the Key ID and Application Key after created. Enter these into CloudBerry and select your bucket.
前往Backblaze并注册。 进入后,创建一个新的私有存储桶。 然后单击“应用程序密钥”并创建一个新的应用程序密钥。 创建后记下密钥ID和应用程序密钥。 将它们输入CloudBerry并选择您的存储桶。

Your cloud storage is all set up! Now on the configuring the backup.
您的云存储已全部设置好! 现在在配置备份。

On the next screens you’ll give your backup a name and pick the files you want to backup. If you’re using Unraid, your shares will be located under /storage. Apply any filters and enable encryption. Encryption is totally optional, but highly recommended. Just make sure you keep that password in a safe place!
在接下来的屏幕上,将为备份命名并选择要备份的文件。 如果您使用的是Unraid,则您的共享将位于/ storage下。 应用所有过滤器并启用加密。 加密是完全可选的,但强烈建议使用。 只要确保将密码保存在安全的地方即可!

On the next screens you’ll be able to set your retention policy and schedule. I went with the default retention policy (keep 3 versions). For the schedule, I selected monthly. Your frequency may vary.
在接下来的屏幕上,您将能够设置保留策略和计划。 我采用了默认保留策略(保留3个版本)。 对于时间表,我选择每月。 您的频率可能会有所不同。

And that’s it! If you enabled email reports you should see an email once your backup is complete.
就是这样! 如果启用了电子邮件报告,则备份完成后应该会看到一封电子邮件。
最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)
The best backup solution is something that disappears and reappears only when you need it. Hopefully I never have to use this. But if I do, I’m in good hands.
最好的备份解决方案是仅在需要时消失并重新出现。 希望我永远不必使用它。 但是,如果我这样做,那我就很好。
翻译自: https://medium.com/@rossingram/back-them-apps-up-unraid-cloudberry-backblaze-abacf0ba1dc8