1. K维树(KD-tree)
1.1 KD-tree 概念简介
KD-tree 又称 K 维树,是计算机科学中使用的一种数据结构,用来组织表示 K 维空间中点集合。它是一种带有其他约束条件的二分查找树。KD-tree对于区间和近邻搜索十分有用。我们为了达到目的,通常只在三个维度中进行处理,因此所有的 KD-tree 都将是三维 KD-tree。 如下图所示, KD-tree 的每一级在指定维度上分开所有的子节点。在树的根部所有子节点是以第一个指定的维度上被分开(即如果第一维坐标小于根节点的点它将被分在左边的子树中,如果大于根节点的点它将分在右边的子树中)。
树的每一级都在下一个维度上分开,所有其他的维度用完之后就回到第一个维度,建立 KD-tree 最高效的方法是像快速分类一样使用分割法,把指定维度的值放在根上,在该维度上包含较小数值的在左子树,较大的在右子树。然后分别在左边和右边的子树上重复这个过程,直到用户准备分类的最后一个树仅仅由一个元素组成。
1.2 PCL中KD-tree使用
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/kdtree/kdtree_flann.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <ctime> int main (int argc, char** argv) { srand (time (NULL)); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // Generate pointcloud data cloud->width = 1000; cloud->height = 1; cloud->points.resize (cloud->width * cloud->height); for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud->points.size (); ++i) { cloud->points[i].x = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); cloud->points[i].y = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); cloud->points[i].z = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); } pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ> kdtree; kdtree.setInputCloud (cloud); pcl::PointXYZ searchPoint; searchPoint.x = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); searchPoint.y = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); searchPoint.z = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); // K nearest neighbor search int K = 10; std::vector<int> pointIdxNKNSearch(K); std::vector<float> pointNKNSquaredDistance(K); std::cout << "K nearest neighbor search at (" << searchPoint.x << " " << searchPoint.y << " " << searchPoint.z << ") with K=" << K << std::endl; if ( kdtree.nearestKSearch (searchPoint, K, pointIdxNKNSearch, pointNKNSquaredDistance) > 0 ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pointIdxNKNSearch.size (); ++i) std::cout << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].x << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].y << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].z << " (squared distance: " << pointNKNSquaredDistance[i] << ")" << std::endl; } // Neighbors within radius search std::vector<int> pointIdxRadiusSearch; std::vector<float> pointRadiusSquaredDistance; float radius = 256.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); std::cout << "Neighbors within radius search at (" << searchPoint.x << " " << searchPoint.y << " " << searchPoint.z << ") with radius=" << radius << std::endl; if ( kdtree.radiusSearch (searchPoint, radius, pointIdxRadiusSearch, pointRadiusSquaredDistance) > 0 ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pointIdxRadiusSearch.size (); ++i) std::cout << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].x << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].y << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].z << " (squared distance: " << pointRadiusSquaredDistance[i] << ")" << std::endl; } return 0; }
pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ> kdtree;
kdtree.setInputCloud (cloud);
pcl::PointXYZ searchPoint;
searchPoint.x = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
searchPoint.y = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
searchPoint.z = 1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
设置临近点个数 (10),两个向量来存储搜索到的 K 近邻,两个向量中一个存储搜索到查询点近邻的索引,另一个存储对应近邻的距离平方
// K nearest neighbor search
int K = 10;
std::vector<int> pointIdxNKNSearch(K);
std::vector<float> pointNKNSquaredDistance(K);
std::cout << "K nearest neighbor search at (" << searchPoint.x
<< " " << searchPoint.y
<< " " << searchPoint.z
<< ") with K=" << K << std::endl;
1.3 KD-tree 算法伪代码
function kdtree (list of points pointList, int depth)
// Select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values
var int axis := depth mod k;
// Sort point list and choose median as pivot element
select median by axis from pointList;
// Create node and construct subtree
node.location := median;
node.leftChild := kdtree(points in pointList before median, depth+1);
node.rightChild := kdtree(points in pointList after median, depth+1);
return node;
2. 八叉树(octree)
2.1 octree 概念简介
八叉树结构是由 Hunter 博士于1978年首次提出的一种数据模型。八叉树结构通过对三维空间的几何实体进行体元剖分,每个体元具有相同的时间和空间复杂度,通过循环递归的划分方法对大小为 (2n∗2n∗2n)
的三维空间的几何对象进行剖分,从而构成一个具有根节点的方向图。在八叉树结构中如果被划分的体元具有相同的属性,则该体元构成一个叶节点;否则继续对该体元剖分成8个子立方体,依次递剖分,对于 (2n∗2n∗2n)大小的空间对象,最多剖分 n次,如下图所示。
2.2 在PCL中实现点云压缩
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/io/openni_grabber.h> #include <pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h> #include <pcl/compression/octree_pointcloud_compression.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sstream> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef WIN32 # define sleep(x) Sleep((x)*1000) #endif class SimpleOpenNIViewer { public: SimpleOpenNIViewer () : viewer (" Point Cloud Compression Example") { } void cloud_cb_ (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr &cloud) { if (!viewer.wasStopped ()) { // stringstream to store compressed point cloud std::stringstream compressedData; // output pointcloud pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloudOut (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> ()); // compress point cloud PointCloudEncoder->encodePointCloud (cloud, compressedData); // decompress point cloud PointCloudDecoder->decodePointCloud (compressedData, cloudOut); // show decompressed point cloud viewer.showCloud (cloudOut); } } void run () { bool showStatistics = true; // for a full list of profiles see: /io/include/pcl/compression/compression_profiles.h pcl::io::compression_Profiles_e compressionProfile = pcl::io::MED_RES_ONLINE_COMPRESSION_WITH_COLOR; // instantiate point cloud compression for encoding and decoding PointCloudEncoder = new pcl::io::OctreePointCloudCompression<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (compressionProfile, showStatistics); PointCloudDecoder = new pcl::io::OctreePointCloudCompression<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (); // create a new grabber for OpenNI devices pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (); // make callback function from member function boost::function<void (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr&)> f = boost::bind (&SimpleOpenNIViewer::cloud_cb_, this, _1); // connect callback function for desired signal. In this case its a point cloud with color values boost::signals2::connection c = interface->registerCallback (f); // start receiving point clouds interface->start (); while (!viewer.wasStopped ()) { sleep (1); } interface->stop (); // delete point cloud compression instances delete (PointCloudEncoder); delete (PointCloudDecoder); } pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer; pcl::io::OctreePointCloudCompression<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>* PointCloudEncoder; pcl::io::OctreePointCloudCompression<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>* PointCloudDecoder; }; int main (int argc, char **argv) { SimpleOpenNIViewer v; v.run (); return (0); }
Mesh(网格)是,点(Point,也可用Vertex表示)、法向量(Normal Vector)、面(Face),的集合,它定义了一个3D物体的形状。
4 4 4
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0.577 0.577 0.577
0 0 -1
-1 0 0
0 -1 0
3 1 2 3 0 0 0
3 0 2 1 1 1 1
3 0 3 2 2 2 2
3 1 3 0 3 3 3
k-d tree
k-d tree的概念
k-d tree,即k-dimensional tree,是一种高维索引树形数据结构,常用于在大规模的高维数据空间进行最近邻查找(Nearest Neighbor)和近似最近邻查找(Approximate Nearest Neighbor),例如图像检索和识别中的高维图像特征向量的K近邻查找与匹配。
k-d tree的每一级(level)在指定维度上分开所有的子节点。在树的根部,所有的子节点在第一个维度上被分开(第一维坐标小于根节点的点将被分在左边的子树中,大于根节点的点将被分在右边的子树中)。树的每一级都在下一个维度上分开,所有其他的维度用完之后就回到第一个维度**,直到你准备分类的最后一个树仅仅由有一个元素组成。**
用构建好的k-d tree查询最近邻的思路
k-d tree构建好以后,给出一个外来节点,需要查询它的最近邻,方法如下:
这个外来的节点与k-d tree的根节点进行比较,比较两者在根节点划分时的维度的值的大小,若这个外来节点在该维的值小,则进入根节点的左子树,否则进入右子树。依次类推,进行查找,直到到达树的叶子节点。(注意在每一级比较的都仅是划分时用的维度的值)
举个例子:例中的外来节点是(2, 4.5)
pcl应用k-d tree实例
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/kdtree/kdtree_flann.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <ctime> int main (int argc, char**argv) { srand (time (NULL)); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // 创建一个PointCloud<PointXYZ> boost共享指针,并进行实例化为cloud // 随机生成一个1000个点的无序点云 cloud->width =1000; // 注意因为cloud是指针,所以这里用-> cloud->height =1; cloud->points.resize (cloud->width * cloud->height); for (size_t i=0; i< cloud->points.size (); ++i) { cloud->points[i].x =1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); cloud->points[i].y =1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); cloud->points[i].z =1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); } pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ>kdtree; // 创建k-d tree对象 kdtree.setInputCloud (cloud); // 将cloud设为k-d tree是搜索空间 // 随机生成查询点 pcl::PointXYZ searchPoint; searchPoint.x=1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); searchPoint.y=1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); searchPoint.z=1024.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); int K =10; std::vector<int>pointIdxNKNSearch(K); // 设置一个整型的<vector>,用于存放第几近邻的索引 std::vector<float>pointNKNSquaredDistance(K); // 设置一个浮点型的<vector>, 用于存放第几近邻与查询点的平方距离 std::cout<<"K nearest neighbor search at ("<< searchPoint.x <<" "<< searchPoint.y <<" "<< searchPoint.z <<") with K="<< K <<std::endl; if ( kdtree.nearestKSearch (searchPoint, K, pointIdxNKNSearch, pointNKNSquaredDistance) >0 ) // 如果找到了近邻点 { for (size_t i=0; i<pointIdxNKNSearch.size (); ++i) { std::cout<<" "<< cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].x <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].y <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].z <<" (squared distance: "<<pointNKNSquaredDistance[i] <<")"<<std::endl; } } std::vector<int> pointIdxRadiusSearch; std::vector<float> pointRadiusSquaredDistance; float radius =256.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f); // 设置半径阈值 std::cout<<"Neighbors within radius search at ("<<searchPoint.x <<" "<<searchPoint.y<<" "<<searchPoint.z<<") with radius="<< radius <<std::endl; if ( kdtree.radiusSearch (searchPoint, radius, pointIdxRadiusSearch, pointRadiusSquaredDistance) >0 ) { for (size_t i=0; i<pointIdxRadiusSearch.size (); ++i) std::cout<<" "<< cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].x <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].y <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].z <<" (squared distance: "<<pointRadiusSquaredDistance[i] <<")"<<std::endl; } return 0; }
/** \brief Search for k-nearest neighbors for the given query point. * * \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index * (i.e., index >= cloud.points.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data. * * \param[in] point a given \a valid (i.e., finite) query point * \param[in] k the number of neighbors to search for * \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k a priori!) * \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k * a priori!) * \return number of neighbors found * * \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum number of points */ int nearestKSearch (const PointT &point, int k, std::vector<int> &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances) const override;
/** \brief Search for all the nearest neighbors of the query point in a given radius. * * \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index * (i.e., index >= cloud.points.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data. * * \param[in] point a given \a valid (i.e., finite) query point * \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere bounding all of p_q's neighbors * \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points * \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points * \param[in] max_nn if given, bounds the maximum returned neighbors to this value. If \a max_nn is set to * 0 or to a number higher than the number of points in the input cloud, all neighbors in \a radius will be * returned. * \return number of neighbors found in radius * * \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum number of points */ int radiusSearch (const PointT &point, double radius, std::vector<int> &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances, unsigned int max_nn = 0) const override;
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <ctime> int main (int argc, char**argv) { srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL)); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); cloud->width =1000; cloud->height =1; cloud->points.resize (cloud->width * cloud->height); for (size_t i=0; i< cloud->points.size (); ++i) //随机产生点云数据集 { cloud->points[i].x =1024.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); cloud->points[i].y =1024.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); cloud->points[i].z =1024.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); } float resolution =128.0f; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloudSearch<pcl::PointXYZ> octree(resolution); //设置最深层八叉树的最小体素尺寸,初始化八叉数 octree.setInputCloud (cloud); octree.addPointsFromInputCloud (); pcl::PointXYZ searchPoint; searchPoint.x=1024.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); searchPoint.y=1024.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); searchPoint.z=1024.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); std::vector<int>pointIdxVec; if (octree.voxelSearch (searchPoint, pointIdxVec)) { std::cout<<"Neighbors within voxel search at ("<<searchPoint.x<<" "<<searchPoint.y<<" "<<searchPoint.z<<")"<<std::endl; for (size_t i=0; i<pointIdxVec.size (); ++i) { std::cout<<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxVec[i]].x <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxVec[i]].y <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxVec[i]].z <<std::endl; } } int K =10; std::vector<int>pointIdxNKNSearch; std::vector<float>pointNKNSquaredDistance; std::cout<<"K nearest neighbor search at ("<<searchPoint.x<<" "<<searchPoint.y<<" "<<searchPoint.z<<") with K="<< K <<std::endl; if (octree.nearestKSearch (searchPoint, K, pointIdxNKNSearch, pointNKNSquaredDistance) >0) { for (size_t i=0; i<pointIdxNKNSearch.size (); ++i) { std::cout<<" "<< cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].x <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].y <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].z <<" (squared distance: "<<pointNKNSquaredDistance[i] <<")"<<std::endl; } } std::vector<int>pointIdxRadiusSearch; std::vector<float>pointRadiusSquaredDistance; float radius =256.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); std::cout<<"Neighbors within radius search at ("<<searchPoint.x<<" "<<searchPoint.y<<" "<<searchPoint.z<<") with radius="<< radius <<std::endl; if (octree.radiusSearch (searchPoint, radius, pointIdxRadiusSearch, pointRadiusSquaredDistance) >0) { for (size_t i=0; i<pointIdxRadiusSearch.size (); ++i) { std::cout<<" "<< cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].x <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].y <<" "<< cloud->points[pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].z <<" (squared distance: "<<pointRadiusSquaredDistance[i] <<")"<<std::endl; } } }
/** \brief Constructor.
* \param[in] resolution octree resolution at lowest octree level
OctreePointCloudSearch (const double resolution) :
OctreePointCloud<PointT, LeafContainerT, BranchContainerT> (resolution)
/** \brief Search for neighbors within a voxel at given point
* \param[in] point point addressing a leaf node voxel
* \param[out] point_idx_data the resultant indices of the neighboring voxel points
* \return "true" if leaf node exist; "false" otherwise
voxelSearch (const PointT& point, std::vector<int>& point_idx_data);
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <ctime> int main (int argc, char**argv) { srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL)); float resolution =32.0f; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloudChangeDetector<pcl::PointXYZ>octree (resolution); // 初始化空间变化检测对象 pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudA (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ); // 128个点的无序点云cloudA cloudA->width =128; cloudA->height =1; cloudA->points.resize (cloudA->width * cloudA->height); for (size_t i=0; i<cloudA->points.size (); ++i) { cloudA->points[i].x =64.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); cloudA->points[i].y =64.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); cloudA->points[i].z =64.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); } octree.setInputCloud (cloudA); octree.addPointsFromInputCloud (); // 用cloudA构建八叉树 octree.switchBuffers (); // 类OctreePointCloudChangeDetector定义在pcl/octree/octree_pointcloud_changedetector.h中,继承自Octree2BufBase类 // Octree2BufBase类允许同时在内存中保存和管理两个八叉树。 // 通过成员函数switchBuffers(),重置了八叉树对象的缓冲区,但把之前的八叉树数据仍保留在内存中。 pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudB (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ); // 128个点的无序点云cloudB cloudB->width =128; cloudB->height =1; cloudB->points.resize (cloudB->width *cloudB->height); for (size_t i=0; i<cloudB->points.size (); ++i) { cloudB->points[i].x =64.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); cloudB->points[i].y =64.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); cloudB->points[i].z =64.0f* rand () / (RAND_MAX +1.0f); } octree.setInputCloud (cloudB); octree.addPointsFromInputCloud (); // 用cloudB构建八叉树,新的八叉树和旧的八叉树共享八叉树对象,但同时在内存中驻留 std::vector<int>newPointIdxVector; // 放索引值 octree.getPointIndicesFromNewVoxels (newPointIdxVector); // 用于探测cloudB相对于cloudA增加的点集,但是不能探测在cloudA上减少的点集 std::cout<<"Output from getPointIndicesFromNewVoxels:"<<std::endl; for (size_t i=0; i<newPointIdxVector.size (); ++i) { std::cout<<i<<"# Index:"<<newPointIdxVector[i]<<" Point:"<<cloudB->points[newPointIdxVector[i]].x <<" "<<cloudB->points[newPointIdxVector[i]].y <<" "<<cloudB->points[newPointIdxVector[i]].z <<std::endl; } }
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