- void resize(InputArray src,//输入,原图像,即待改变大小的图像;
- OutputArray dst, //输出,改变大小之后的图像,这个图像和原图像具有相同的内容,只是大小和原图像不一样而已;
- Size dsize, //输出图像的大小。如果这个参数不为0,那么就代表将原图像缩放到这个Size(width,height)指定的大小;如果这个参数为0,那么原图像缩放之后的大小就要通过下面的公式来计算:
- double fx=0, // width方向的缩放比例,如果它是0,那么它就会按照(double)dsize.width/src.cols来计算;
- double fy=0, //height方向的缩放比例,如果它是0,那么它就会按照(double)dsize.height/src.rows来计算;
- int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR// 这个是指定插值的方式,图像缩放之后,肯定像素要进行重新计算的,就靠这个参数来指定重新计算像素的方式,有以下几种:
- INTER_LINEAR - 双线性插值,如果最后一个参数你不指定,默认使用这种方法
- INTER_AREA -区域插值 resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method.
- INTER_CUBIC - 4x4像素邻域内的双立方插值
- INTER_LANCZOS4 - 8x8像素邻域内的Lanczos插值
- );
- 使用注意事项:
- dsize和fx/fy不能同时为0,
最近邻插值法, 找到与之距离最相近的邻居(原来就存在的像素点, 黑点), 赋值与其相同。
- //最近邻域插值
- //根据目标图像的像素点(浮点坐标)找到原始图像中的4个像素点,取距离该像素点最近的一个原始像素值作为该点的值。
- #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- #include<cassert>
- namespace mycv {
- void nearestIntertoplation(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const int rows, const int cols);
- }//mycv
- double distance(const double x1, const double y1, const double x2, const double y2);//两点之间距离,这里用欧式距离
- int main()
- {
- cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lena.jpg", 0);
- if (img.empty()) return -1;
- cv::Mat dst;
- mycv::nearestIntertoplation(img, dst, 600, 600);
- cv::imshow("img", img);
- cv::imshow("dst", dst);
- cv::waitKey(0);
- return 0;
- return 0;
- }//main
- void mycv::nearestIntertoplation(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const int rows, const int cols)
- {
- //比例尺
- const double scale_row = static_cast<double>(src.rows) / rows;
- const double scale_col = static_cast<double>(src.rows) / cols;
- //扩展src到dst
- dst = cv::Mat(rows, cols, src.type());
- assert(src.channels() == 1 && dst.channels() == 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)//dst的行
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)//dst的列
- {
- //求插值的四个点
- double y = (i + 0.5) * scale_row + 0.5;
- double x = (j + 0.5) * scale_col + 0.5;
- int x1 = static_cast<int>(x);//col对应x
- if (x1 >= (src.cols - 2)) x1 = src.cols - 2;//防止越界
- int x2 = x1 + 1;
- int y1 = static_cast<int>(y);//row对应y
- if (y1 >= (src.rows - 2)) y1 = src.rows - 2;
- int y2 = y1 + 1;
- //根据目标图像的像素点(浮点坐标)找到原始图像中的4个像素点,取距离该像素点最近的一个原始像素值作为该点的值。
- assert(0 < x2 && x2 < src.cols && 0 < y2 && y2 < src.rows);
- std::vector<double> dist(4);
- dist[0] = distance(x, y, x1, y1);
- dist[1] = distance(x, y, x2, y1);
- dist[2] = distance(x, y, x1, y2);
- dist[3] = distance(x, y, x2, y2);
- int min_val = dist[0];
- int min_index = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < dist.size(); ++i)
- if (min_val > dist[i])
- {
- min_val = dist[i];
- min_index = i;
- }
- switch (min_index)
- {
- case 0:
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = src.at<uchar>(y1, x1);
- break;
- case 1:
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = src.at<uchar>(y1, x2);
- break;
- case 2:
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = src.at<uchar>(y2, x1);
- break;
- case 3:
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = src.at<uchar>(y2, x2);
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- }
- double distance(const double x1, const double y1, const double x2, const double y2)//两点之间距离,这里用欧式距离
- {
- return (x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2);//只需比较大小,返回距离平方即可
- }
已知两点(红色) ,在给出一个蓝点的x坐标, 求y。
- //线性内插(双线性插值)
- #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- #include<opencv2/core/matx.hpp>
- #include<cassert>
- namespace mycv {
- void bilinearIntertpolatioin(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const int rows, const int cols);
- }//mycv
- int main()
- {
- cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lena.jpg", 0);
- if (img.empty()) return -1;
- cv::Mat dst;
- mycv::bilinearIntertpolatioin(img, dst, 600, 600);
- cv::imshow("img", img);
- cv::imshow("dst", dst);
- cv::waitKey(0);
- return 0;
- }//main
- void mycv::bilinearIntertpolatioin(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const int rows, const int cols)
- {
- //比例尺
- const double scale_row = static_cast<double>(src.rows) / rows;
- const double scale_col = static_cast<double>(src.rows) / cols;
- //扩展src到dst
- dst = cv::Mat(rows, cols, src.type());
- assert(src.channels() == 1 && dst.channels() == 1);
- for(int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)//dst的行
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)//dst的列
- {
- //求插值的四个点
- double y = (i + 0.5) * scale_row + 0.5;
- double x = (j + 0.5) * scale_col + 0.5;
- int x1 = static_cast<int>(x);//col对应x
- if (x1 >= (src.cols - 2)) x1 = src.cols - 2;//防止越界
- int x2 = x1 + 1;
- int y1 = static_cast<int>(y);//row对应y
- if (y1 >= (src.rows - 2)) y1 = src.rows - 2;
- int y2 = y1 + 1;
- assert(0 < x2 && x2 < src.cols && 0 < y2 && y2 < src.rows);
- //插值公式,参考维基百科矩阵相乘的公式https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%8C%E7%BA%BF%E6%80%A7%E6%8F%92%E5%80%BC
- cv::Matx12d matx = { x2 - x, x - x1 };
- cv::Matx22d matf = { static_cast<double>(src.at<uchar>(y1, x1)), static_cast<double>(src.at<uchar>(y2, x1)),
- static_cast<double>(src.at<uchar>(y1, x2)), static_cast<double>(src.at<uchar>(y2, x2)) };
- cv::Matx21d maty = {
- y2 - y,
- y - y1
- };
- auto val = (matx * matf * maty);
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = val(0,0);
- }
- }
在数值分析这个数学分支中,双三次插值(英语:Bicubic interpolation)是二维空间中最常用的插值方法。在这种方法中,函数 f 在点 (x, y) 的值可以通过矩形网格中最近的十六个采样点的加权平均得到,在这里需要使用两个多项式插值三次函数,每个方向使用一个
那么这个a(i, j)便是介绍里面所说的加权系数了,所以关键是要把它求解出来。
- 求解加强系数代码如下:
- std::vector<double> mycv::getW(double coor, double a)
- {
- std::vector<double> w(4);
- int base = static_cast<int>(coor);//取整作为基准
- double e = coor - static_cast<double>(base);//多出基准的小数部分
- std::vector<double> tmp(4);//存放公式中 |x| <= 1, 1 < |x| < 2四个值
- // 4 x 4的16个点,所以tmp[0]和tmp[4]距离较远,值在[1, 2]区间
- tmp[0] = 1.0 + e;// 1 < x < 2
- tmp[1] = e;//x <= 1
- tmp[2] = 1.0 - e;// x <= 1
- tmp[3] = 2.0 - e;// 1 < x < 2
- //按照bicubic公式计算系数w
- // x <= 1
- w[1] = (a + 2.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[1], 3)) - (a + 3.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[1], 2)) + 1;
- w[2] = (a + 2.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[2], 3)) - (a + 3.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[2], 2)) + 1;
- // 1 < x < 2
- w[0] = a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[0], 3)) - 5.0 * a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[0], 2)) + 8.0*a*std::abs(tmp[0]) - 4.0*a;
- w[3] = a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[3], 3)) - 5.0 * a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[3], 2)) + 8.0*a*std::abs(tmp[3]) - 4.0*a;
- return w;
- }
- 求解出来之后,wx和wy就是4x4组成的16个系数,与插值所需要用到4x4的16个点相匹配。插值步骤的关键代码
- //4x4数量的点(rr, cc) -> (y, x)
- std::vector<std::vector<int> > src_arr = {
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc - 1), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc - 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc - 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc - 1)},
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc)},
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc + 1), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc + 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc + 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc + 1)},
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc + 2), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc + 2), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc + 2), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc + 2)}
- };
- for(int p = 0; p < 3; ++p)
- for (int q = 0; q < 3; ++q)
- {
- //val(p, q) = w(p,q) * src(p, q)
- val += wr[p] * wc[q] * static_cast<double>(src_arr[p][q]);
- }
- assert(i < dst.rows && j < dst.cols);
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = static_cast<int>(val);
- //双三次插值
- #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- #include<iostream>
- #include<vector>
- #include<cassert>
- namespace mycv {
- void bicubicInsterpolation(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const int rows, const int cols);
- std::vector<double> getW(double coor, double a = -0.5);//a默认-0.5
- }//mycv
- int main(void)
- {
- cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lena.jpg", 0);
- if (img.empty()) return -1;
- cv::Mat dst;
- mycv::bicubicInsterpolation(img, dst, 600, 600);
- cv::imshow("img", img);
- cv::imshow("dst", dst);
- cv::waitKey(0);
- return 0;
- }//main
- void mycv::bicubicInsterpolation(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const int rows, const int cols)
- {
- dst = cv::Mat(rows, cols, src.type(), cv::Scalar::all(0));//初始化dst
- //比例尺
- double row_scale = static_cast<double>(src.rows) / rows;
- double col_scale = static_cast<double>(src.cols) / cols;
- switch (src.channels())
- {
- case 1://灰度
- for(int i = 2; i < dst.rows - 2; ++i)
- for (int j = 2; j < dst.cols - 2; ++j)
- {
- //计算系数w
- double r = static_cast<double>(i * row_scale);
- double c = static_cast<double>(j * col_scale);
- //防止越界
- if (r < 1.0) r += 1.0;
- if (c < 1.0) c += 1.0;
- std::vector<double> wr = mycv::getW( r);
- std::vector<double> wc = mycv::getW( c);
- //最后计算插值得到的灰度值
- double val = 0;
- int cc = static_cast<int>(c);
- int rr = static_cast<int>(r);
- //防止越界
- if (cc > src.cols - 3)
- {
- cc = src.cols - 3;
- }
- if (rr > src.rows - 3) rr = src.rows - 3;
- assert(0 <= (rr - 1) && 0 <= (cc - 1) && (rr + 2) < src.rows && (cc + 2) < src.cols);
- //4x4数量的点(rr, cc) -> (y, x)
- std::vector<std::vector<int> > src_arr = {
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc - 1), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc - 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc - 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc - 1)},
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc)},
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc + 1), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc + 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc + 1), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc + 1)},
- { src.at<uchar>(rr - 1, cc + 2), src.at<uchar>(rr, cc + 2), src.at<uchar>(rr + 1, cc + 2), src.at<uchar>(rr + 2, cc + 2)}
- };
- for(int p = 0; p < 3; ++p)
- for (int q = 0; q < 3; ++q)
- {
- //val(p, q) = w(p,q) * src(p, q)
- val += wr[p] * wc[q] * static_cast<double>(src_arr[p][q]);
- }
- assert(i < dst.rows && j < dst.cols);
- dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = static_cast<int>(val);
- }
- break;
- case 3://彩色(原理一样多了两个通道而已)
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- std::vector<double> mycv::getW(double coor, double a)
- {
- std::vector<double> w(4);
- int base = static_cast<int>(coor);//取整作为基准
- double e = coor - static_cast<double>(base);//多出基准的小数部分
- std::vector<double> tmp(4);//存放公式中 |x| <= 1, 1 < |x| < 2四个值
- // 4 x 4的16个点,所以tmp[0]和tmp[4]距离较远,值在[1, 2]区间
- tmp[0] = 1.0 + e;// 1 < x < 2
- tmp[1] = e;//x <= 1
- tmp[2] = 1.0 - e;// x <= 1
- tmp[3] = 2.0 - e;// 1 < x < 2
- //按照bicubic公式计算系数w
- // x <= 1
- w[1] = (a + 2.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[1], 3)) - (a + 3.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[1], 2)) + 1;
- w[2] = (a + 2.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[2], 3)) - (a + 3.0) * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[2], 2)) + 1;
- // 1 < x < 2
- w[0] = a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[0], 3)) - 5.0 * a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[0], 2)) + 8.0*a*std::abs(tmp[0]) - 4.0*a;
- w[3] = a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[3], 3)) - 5.0 * a * std::abs(std::pow(tmp[3], 2)) + 8.0*a*std::abs(tmp[3]) - 4.0*a;
- return w;
- }
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