自旋锁(spinlock )
与 互斥量(mutex)
例如测试程序关键代码,每获取一次锁,执行 100000次 累加 操作(临界区较大),耗时比较长
//--每获取一次锁,执行 100000次 累加 操作
for (j = 0; j < 100000; j++) {
if (g_count++ == 123456789){
printf("Thread %lu wins!\n", (unsigned long)gettid());
尽管相比spin lock它会花费更多的开销(主要是上下文切换),但是它能适合实际开发中复杂的应用场景,在保证一定性能的前提下提供更大的灵活度。
消耗时间的地方:(系统调用,mutex会在锁冲突时调用system wait)
spin lock 性能更好(花费更少的cpu指令),但是它只适应用于临界区运行时间很短的场景。
例如测试程序关键线程代码,每获取一次锁,执行 1次 赋值和 pop_front 操作,耗时非常短
//--每获取一次锁,执行 1次 赋值和 pop_front 操作
i = the_list.front();
而在实际软件开发中,除非程序员对自己的程序的锁操作行为非常的了解,否则使用spin lock不是一个好主意。
通常一个多线程程序中对锁的操作有数以万次,如果失败的锁操作(contended lock requests)过多的话就会浪费很多的时间进行空等待。
1 编译spin lock版本 : g++ -o spin_version -DUSE_SPINLOCK spinlockvsmutex1.cc -lpthread
2 编译mutex 版本 : g++ -o mutex_version spinlockvsmutex1.cc -lpthread
// Name: spinlockvsmutex1.cc // Source: http://www.alexonlinux.com/pthread-mutex-vs-pthread-spinlock // Compiler(spin lock version): g++ -o spin_version -DUSE_SPINLOCK spinlockvsmutex1.cc -lpthread // Compiler(mutex version): g++ -o mutex_version spinlockvsmutex1.cc -lpthread #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <list> #include <pthread.h> #define LOOPS 50000000 using namespace std; list<int> the_list; //-- spinlock 或者 mutex #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spinlock_t spinlock; #else pthread_mutex_t mutex; #endif //Get the thread id pid_t gettid() { return syscall( __NR_gettid ); } void *consumer(void *ptr) { int i; //--打印线程ID printf("Consumer Thread ID %lu\n", (unsigned long)gettid()); while (1) { #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_lock(&spinlock); #else pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); #endif //--列表为空,结束 if (the_list.empty()) { #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_unlock(&spinlock); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif break; } //---取出列表第一个值 //--每获取一次锁,执行 1次 赋值和 pop_front 操作 //--耗时非常短 i = the_list.front(); the_list.pop_front(); #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_unlock(&spinlock); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #endif } return NULL; } int main() { int i; pthread_t thr1, thr2; struct timeval tv1, tv2; #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_init(&spinlock, 0); #else pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); #endif // Creating the list content... //--生产者,创建列表内容 for (i = 0; i < LOOPS; i++) the_list.push_back(i); // Measuring time before starting the threads... //--启动线程前时间 gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); //--创建两个消费者线程 pthread_create(&thr1, NULL, consumer, NULL); pthread_create(&thr2, NULL, consumer, NULL); //--主线程等待两个消费者线程结束 pthread_join(thr1, NULL); pthread_join(thr2, NULL); // Measuring time after threads finished... //--线程结束时间 gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); if (tv1.tv_usec > tv2.tv_usec) { tv2.tv_sec--; tv2.tv_usec += 1000000; } //--打印耗时 printf("Result - %ld.%ld\n", tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec, tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec); #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_destroy(&spinlock); #else pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); #endif return 0; }
wmx@wmx-ubuntu:~/workspace/Multi-core scheduling/spinlockvsmutex1$ time ./mutex_version
Consumer TID 17599
Consumer TID 17600
Result - 23.863041
real 0m26.455s
user 0m30.596s
sys 0m19.712s
wmx@wmx-ubuntu:~/workspace/Multi-core scheduling/spinlockvsmutex1$ time ./spin_version
Consumer TID 17606
Consumer TID 17607
Result - 3.743531
real 0m6.293s
user 0m9.719s
sys 0m0.317s
可以看见spin lock的版本在该程序中表现出来的性能更好。另外值得注意的是sys时间,mutex版本花费了更多的系统调用时间,这就是因为mutex会在锁冲突时调用system wait造成的。
//Name: svm2.c //Source: http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/DTrace_Topics_Locks //Compile(spin lock version): gcc -o spin -DUSE_SPINLOCK svm2.c -lpthread //Compile(mutex version): gcc -o mutex svm2.c -lpthread #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> //--线程数量 #define THREAD_NUM 2 pthread_t g_thread[THREAD_NUM]; //-- spinlock 或者 mutex #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spinlock_t g_spin; #else pthread_mutex_t g_mutex; #endif __uint64_t g_count; pid_t gettid() { return syscall(SYS_gettid); } void *run_amuck(void *arg) { int i, j; //--打印线程ID printf("Thread %lu started.\n", (unsigned long)gettid()); //--10000次请求锁 for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_lock(&g_spin); #else pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); #endif //--每获取一次锁,执行 100000次 累加 操作 //--耗时比较长 for (j = 0; j < 100000; j++) { //--打印优先完成的线程ID if (g_count++ == 123456789){ printf("Thread %lu wins!\n", (unsigned long)gettid()); } } #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_unlock(&g_spin); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); #endif } //--打印线程ID printf("Thread %lu finished!\n", (unsigned long)gettid()); return (NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, threads = THREAD_NUM; //--打印线程数量 printf("Creating %d threads...\n", threads); //-- spinlock 或者 mutex #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_init(&g_spin, 0); #else pthread_mutex_init(&g_mutex, NULL); #endif for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) pthread_create(&g_thread[i], NULL, run_amuck, (void *) i); /*! * @brief pthread_join * 主线程会一直等待直到等待的线程结束自己才结束 * 对线程的资源进行回收 */ for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) pthread_join(g_thread[i], NULL); printf("Done.\n"); return (0); }
wmx@wmx-ubuntu:~/workspace/Multi-core scheduling/spinlockvsmutex2$ time ./mutex
Creating 2 threads...
Thread 18389 started.
Thread 18390 started.
Thread 18389 wins!
Thread 18389 finished!
Thread 18390 finished!
real 0m3.150s
user 0m3.202s
sys 0m0.020s
wmx@wmx-ubuntu:~/workspace/Multi-core scheduling/spinlockvsmutex2$ time ./spin
Creating 2 threads...
Thread 18403 started.
Thread 18404 started.
Thread 18403 wins!
Thread 18403 finished!
Thread 18404 finished!
real 0m3.107s
user 0m4.641s
sys 0m0.004s
spin lock耗费了更多的user time。这就是因为两个线程分别运行在两个核上,大部分时间只有一个线程能拿到锁,所以另一个线程就一直在它运行的core上进行忙等待,CPU占用率一直是100%
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