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全志A64开发环境的搭建和遇到的问题_u-boot.fex will merge suni.fex

u-boot.fex will merge suni.fex



  1. $cd lichee
  2. $ ./build.sh -h
  3. Top level build script for lichee
  4. Examples:
  5. 1. Set the config option
  6. $ ./build.sh config
  7. 2. Build lichee using preset config value
  8. $ ./build.sh
  9. 3. Pack a linux, dragonboard image
  10. $ ./build.sh pack
  11. 4. Build lichee using command argument
  12. $ ./build.sh -p <platform>
  13. flags:
  14. -p,--platform: platform to build, e.g. sun9iw1p1 (default: '')
  15. -k,--kernel: kernel to build, e.g. 3.3 (default: 'linux-3.4')
  16. -b,--board: board to build, e.g. evb (default: '')
  17. -m,--module: module to build, e.g. buildroot, kernel, uboot, clean (default: '')
  18. -h,--[no]help: show this help (default: false)


  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ ./build.sh config
  2. Welcome to mkscript setup progress
  3. All available chips:
  4. 0. sun50iw1p1
  5. Choice: 0
  6. All available platforms:
  7. 0. android
  8. 1. ubuntu
  9. 2. linuxqt
  10. Choice: 0
  11. All available kernel:
  12. 0. linux-3.10
  13. Choice: 0
  14. All available boards:
  15. 0. t1
  16. 1. t1_v1
  17. Choice: 0

  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ ./build.sh
  2. INFO: ----------------------------------------
  3. INFO: build lichee ...
  4. INFO: chip: sun50iw1p1
  5. INFO: platform: android
  6. INFO: kernel: linux-3.10
  7. INFO: board: t1
  8. INFO: output: out/sun50iw1p1/android/t1
  9. INFO: ----------------------------------------
  10. INFO: build buildroot ...
  11. external toolchain has been installed
  12. external toolchain_32 has been installed
  13. INFO: build buildroot OK.
  14. INFO: build kernel ...
  15. INFO: prepare toolchain ...



我的产品型号是 tulip_t1,则选择:7

  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/android$ source build/envsetup.sh
  2. including device/softwinner/common/vendorsetup.sh
  3. including device/softwinner/tulip-t1/vendorsetup.sh
  4. including device/softwinner/tulip-t1_v1/vendorsetup.sh
  5. including device/generic/mini-emulator-arm64/vendorsetup.sh
  6. including device/generic/mini-emulator-mips/vendorsetup.sh
  7. including device/generic/mini-emulator-x86/vendorsetup.sh
  8. including device/generic/mini-emulator-armv7-a-neon/vendorsetup.sh
  9. including device/generic/mini-emulator-x86_64/vendorsetup.sh
  10. including device/moto/shamu/vendorsetup.sh
  11. including device/asus/flo/vendorsetup.sh
  12. including device/samsung/manta/vendorsetup.sh
  13. including device/htc/flounder/vendorsetup.sh
  14. including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
  15. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/android$ lunch
  16. You're building on Linux
  17. Lunch menu... pick a combo:
  18. 1. aosp_arm-eng
  19. 2. aosp_arm64-eng
  20. 3. aosp_mips-eng
  21. 4. aosp_mips64-eng
  22. 5. aosp_x86-eng
  23. 6. aosp_x86_64-eng
  24. 7. tulip_t1-eng
  25. 8. tulip_t1-user
  26. 9. tulip_t1_v1-eng
  27. 10. tulip_t1_v1-user
  28. 11. mini_emulator_arm64-userdebug
  29. 12. mini_emulator_mips-userdebug
  30. 13. mini_emulator_x86-userdebug
  31. 14. m_e_arm-userdebug
  32. 15. mini_emulator_x86_64-userdebug
  33. 16. aosp_shamu-userdebug
  34. 17. aosp_flo-userdebug
  35. 18. aosp_manta-userdebug
  36. 19. aosp_flounder-userdebug
  37. Which would you like? [aosp_arm-eng] 7

  1. $ extract-bsp
  2. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/android/device/softwinner/tulip-t1/bImage copied!
  3. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/android/device/softwinner/tulip-t1/modules copied!

  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/android$ make -j8
  2. ============================================
  5. TARGET_PRODUCT=tulip_t1
  7. TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
  9. TARGET_ARCH=arm64
  11. TARGET_CPU_VARIANT=generic
  12. TARGET_2ND_ARCH=arm
  13. TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT=armv7-a-neon
  14. TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT=cortex-a15
  15. HOST_ARCH=x86_64
  16. HOST_OS=linux
  17. HOST_OS_EXTRA=Linux-4.4.0-98-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty
  18. HOST_BUILD_TYPE=release
  20. OUT_DIR=out
  21. ============================================
  22. Checking build tools versions...
  23. including ./abi/cpp/Android.mk ...
  24. including ./art/Android.mk ...
  25. .............................................................................
  26. Installed file list: out/target/product/tulip-t1/installed-files.txt
  27. Target system fs image: out/target/product/tulip-t1/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
  28. Running:  mkuserimg.sh -s out/target/product/tulip-t1/system out/target/product/tulip-t1/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img ext4 system 1610612736 out/target/product/tulip-t1/root/file_contexts
  29. make_ext4fs -s -T -1 -S out/target/product/tulip-t1/root/file_contexts -l 1610612736 -a system out/target/product/tulip-t1/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/tulip-t1/system
  30. Creating filesystem with parameters:
  31.     Size: 1610612736
  32.     Block size: 4096
  33.     Blocks per group: 32768
  34.     Inodes per group: 8192
  35.     Inode size: 256
  36.     Journal blocks: 6144
  37.     Label:
  38.     Blocks: 393216
  39.     Block groups: 12
  40.     Reserved block group size: 95
  41. Created filesystem with 1969/98304 inodes and 140794/393216 blocks
  42. Install system fs image: out/target/product/tulip-t1/system.img
  43. out/target/product/tulip-t1/system.img+out/target/product/tulip-t1/obj/PACKAGING/recovery_patch_intermediates/recovery_from_boot.p maxsize=1644331392 blocksize=4224 total=552394391 reserve=16612992
  44. #### make completed successfully (01:35:12 (hh:mm:ss)) ####



  1. make[1]: 没有什么可以做的为 `dtbs'
  2. CHK include/generated/compile.h
  3. CHK kernel/config_data.h
  4. LD drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/built-in.o
  5. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/out/sun50iw1p1/android/common/buildroot/external-toolchain/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-ar: drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/built-in.o: 权限不够
  6. make[4]: *** [drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/built-in.o] 错误 1
  7. make[3]: *** [drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu] 错误 2
  8. make[3]: *** 正在等待未完成的任务....
  9. CC drivers/switch/switch_class.o
  10. CC drivers/thermal/thermal_core.o
  11. CC drivers/tty/tty_io.o
  12. CC drivers/tty/n_tty.o
  13. make[2]: *** [drivers/net/wireless] 错误 2
  14. make[1]: *** [drivers/net] 错误 2
  15. make[1]: *** 正在等待未完成的任务....
  16.    SHIPPED drivers/tty/vt/defkeymap.c
  17.   CC      drivers/tty/vt/consolemap_deftbl.o
  18.   CC      drivers/tty/vt/defkeymap.o
  19.   CC      drivers/tty/serial/kgdboc.o
  20.   CC      drivers/tty/serial/sunxi-uart.o
  21.   LD      drivers/tty/serial/built-in.o
  22.   LD      drivers/tty/vt/built-in.o
  23.   LD      drivers/tty/built-in.o
  24. make: *** [drivers] 错误 2
  25. ERROR: build kernel Faile
2../build.sh pack打包失败

  1. Service:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ ./build.sh pack
  2. INFO: packing firmware ...
  3. copying tools file
  4. copying configs file
  5. ./out/aultls32.fex
  6. ./out/aultools.fex
  7. ./out/cardscript.fex
  8. ./out/cardtool.fex
  9. ./out/diskfs.fex
  10. ./out/env_burn.cfg
  11. ./out/env.cfg
  12. ./out/image.cfg
  13. ./out/image_linux.cfg
  14. ./out/split_xxxx.fex
  15. ./out/sunxi.fex
  16. ./out/sys_config_1024x600.fex
  17. ./out/sys_config_1024x768.fex
  18. ./out/sys_config_800x480.fex
  19. ./out/sys_config.fex
  20. ./out/sys_config_hdmi_lcd_1080p.fex
  21. ./out/sys_config_tm121sds01.fex
  22. ./out/sys_config_vga_768p.fex
  23. ./out/sys_partition_dragonboard.fex
  24. ./out/sys_partition_dump.fex
  25. ./out/sys_partition.fex
  26. ./out/sys_partition_linux.fex
  27. ./out/sys_partition_private.fex
  28. ./out/test_config.fex
  29. ./out/toc0.fex
  30. ./out/toc1.fex
  31. ./out/usbtool.fex
  32. ./out/usbtool_test.fex
  33. copying boot resource
  34. copying boot file
  35. Script_to_dts: Can not find [sun50iw1p1-t1_v1.dts]. Will use common dts file instead.
  36. FATAL ERROR: Couldn't open output file /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/out/sun50iw1p1/android/common/sunxi.dtb: Permission denied #######权限不够
  37. Conver script to dts ok.
  38. merge_uboot: u-boot.fex will merge monitor.fex, generate u-boot.fex, mode secmonitor
  39. merge_uboot: num 746660 randto1k
  40. merge_uboot: num 41016 randto1k
  41. file1_len = b6800, file2_len = a400
  42. file[secmonitor] offset b6800,size a400
  43. merge_uboot:genrate /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/tools/pack/out/u-boot.fex ok
  44. merge_uboot: u-boot.fex will merge scp.fex, generate u-boot.fex, mode scp
  45. merge_uboot: num 104660 randto1k
  46. file1_len = c0c00, file2_len = 19c00
  47. file[scp] offset c0c00,size 19c00
  48. merge_uboot:genrate /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/tools/pack/out/u-boot.fex ok
  49. packing for android
  50. normal
  51. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/tools/pack/pctools/linux/eDragonEx/
  52. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/tools/pack/out
  53. Begin Parse sys_partion.fex
  54. Add partion boot-resource.fex BOOT-RESOURCE_FEX
  55. Add partion very boot-resource.fex BOOT-RESOURCE_FEX
  56. FilePath: boot-resource.fex
  57. FileLength=4f6400Add partion env.fex ENV_FEX000000000
  58. Add partion very env.fex ENV_FEX000000000
  59. FilePath: env.fex
  60. FileLength=20000Add partion boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000
  61. Add partion very boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000
  62. FilePath: boot.fex
  63. FileLength=f99000Add partion system.fex SYSTEM_FEX000000
  64. Add partion very system.fex SYSTEM_FEX000000
  65. FilePath: system.fex
  66. FileLength=1f0b7938Add partion recovery.fex RECOVERY_FEX0000
  67. Add partion very recovery.fex RECOVERY_FEX0000
  68. FilePath: recovery.fex
  69. FileLength=10c6000Add partion diskfs.fex DISKFS_FEX000000
  70. Add partion very diskfs.fex DISKFS_FEX000000
  71. FilePath: diskfs.fex
  72. .........................................................
  73. diskfs.fex Len: 0x200
  74. Vdiskfs.fex Len: 0x4
  75. open file arisc.fex Faied!
  76. BuildImage level_2 Failed 615
  77. BuildImg 615
  78. Dragon execute image.cfg Failed ! ArgCnt = 3, 615
  79. pack finish

sudo ./build.sh pack


(1)打包安卓系统遇到bootfex CreateFile failed 2和Dragon execute imagecfg Failed ! 错误

(2)求助!全志方案pack打包镜像出错,Dragon execute image.cfg Failed ! ArgCnt = 3, 400 [问题点数:20分,结帖人sgsxcwen]

3.pack打包的时候要求配置安卓镜像输出的路径“ERROR: please specify ANDROID_IMAGE_OUT env”

  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ sudo ./build.sh pack
  2. [sudo] password for litin:
  3. INFO: packing firmware ...
  4. copying tools file
  5. copying configs file
  6. ./out/aultls32.fex
  7. ./out/aultools.fex
  8. ./out/cardscript.fex
  9. ./out/cardtool.fex
  10. ./out/diskfs.fex
  11. ./out/env_burn.cfg
  12. ./out/env.cfg
  13. ./out/image.cfg
  14. ./out/image_linux.cfg
  15. ./out/split_xxxx.fex
  16. ./out/sunxi.fex
  17. ./out/sys_config_1024x600.fex
  18. ./out/sys_config_1024x768.fex
  19. ./out/sys_config_800x480.fex
  20. ./out/sys_config.fex
  21. ./out/sys_config_hdmi_lcd_1080p.fex
  22. ./out/sys_config_tm121sds01.fex
  23. ./out/sys_config_vga_768p.fex
  24. ./out/sys_partition_dragonboard.fex
  25. ./out/sys_partition_dump.fex
  26. ./out/sys_partition.fex
  27. ./out/sys_partition_linux.fex
  28. ./out/sys_partition_private.fex
  29. ./out/test_config.fex
  30. ./out/toc0.fex
  31. ./out/toc1.fex
  32. ./out/usbtool.fex
  33. ./out/usbtool_test.fex
  34. copying boot resource
  35. copying boot file
  36. Script_to_dts: Can not find [sun50iw1p1-t1.dts]. Will use common dts file instead.
  37. iniparser: syntax error in /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/out/sun50iw1p1/android/common/../../../../tools/pack/out/sys_config_fix.fex (312):
  38. -> spi-cpha
  39. iniparser: syntax error in /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/out/sun50iw1p1/android/common/../../../../tools/pack/out/sys_config_fix.fex (313):
  40. -> spi-cpol
  41. iniparser: syntax error in /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/out/sun50iw1p1/android/common/../../../../tools/pack/out/sys_config_fix.fex (314):
  42. -> spi-cs-high
  43. .....................................................................................
  44. merge_uboot: u-boot.fex will merge monitor.fex, generate u-boot.fex, mode secmonitor
  45. merge_uboot: num 746660 randto1k
  46. merge_uboot: num 41016 randto1k
  47. file1_len = b6800, file2_len = a400
  48. file[secmonitor] offset b6800,size a400
  49. merge_uboot:genrate /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/tools/pack/out/u-boot.fex ok
  50. merge_uboot: u-boot.fex will merge scp.fex, generate u-boot.fex, mode scp
  51. merge_uboot: num 104660 randto1k
  52. file1_len = c0c00, file2_len = 19c00
  53. file[scp] offset c0c00,size 19c00
  54. merge_uboot:genrate /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/tools/pack/out/u-boot.fex ok
  55. packing for android
  56. ERROR: please specify ANDROID_IMAGE_OUT env


  1. vi lichee/tools/pack/
  2. 添加下面路径即可
  3. ANDROID_IMAGE_OUT=~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/android/out/target/product/tulip-t1_v1/



  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ ls linux-3.10/arch/arm64/configs/
  2. defconfig sun50iw1p1smp_android_defconfig sun50iw1p1smp_defconfig sun50iw1p1smp_min_defconfig

  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ find . -name "sys_config.fex"
  2. ./tools/pack/chips/sun50iw1p1/configs/t1/sys_config.fex
  3. ./tools/pack/chips/sun50iw1p1/configs/t1_v1/sys_config.fex
  4. ./tools/pack/out/sys_config.fex





  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ ./build.sh
  2. INFO: ----------------------------------------
  3. INFO: build lichee ...
  4. INFO: chip: sun50iw1p1
  5. INFO: platform: android
  6. INFO: kernel: linux-3.10
  7. INFO: board: t1
  8. INFO: output: out/sun50iw1p1/android/t1
  9. INFO: ----------------------------------------
  10. INFO: build buildroot ...
  11. external toolchain has been installed
  12. external toolchain_32 has been installed
  13. INFO: build buildroot OK.
  14. INFO: build kernel ...
  15. INFO: prepare toolchain ...
  16. Building kernel
  17. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/linux-3.10/output/lib/modules/3.10.65
  18. lichee_chip = sun50iw1p1
  19. Using default config sun50iw1p1smp_android_defconfig ...
  20. scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
  21. drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/Kconfig:50:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
  22. CHK include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
  23. CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h
  24. CC scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.s
  25. CALL scripts/checksyscalls.sh
  26. GEN scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.h
  27. HOSTCC scripts/mod/file2alias.o
  28. HOSTLD scripts/mod/modpost
  29. make[1]: 没有什么可以做的为 `dtbs'
  30. CHK include/generated/compile.h
  31. GZIP kernel/config_data.gz
  32. CHK kernel/config_data.h
  33. LD drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/built-in.o
  34. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/out/sun50iw1p1/android/common/buildroot/external-toolchain/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-ar: drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/built-in.o: 权限不够
  35. make[4]: *** [drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/built-in.o] 错误 1
  36. make[3]: *** [drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu] 错误 2
  37. make[3]: *** 正在等待未完成的任务....
  38. make[2]: *** [drivers/net/wireless] 错误 2
  39. make[1]: *** [drivers/net] 错误 2
  40. make[1]: *** 正在等待未完成的任务....
  41. make: *** [drivers] 错误 2
  42. ERROR: build kernel Failed


 vi linux-3.10/arch/arm64/configs/sun50iw1p1smp_android_defconfig

  1. litin@linuxService:~/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee$ ./build.sh
  2. INFO: ----------------------------------------
  3. INFO: build lichee ...
  4. INFO: chip: sun50iw1p1
  5. INFO: platform: android
  6. INFO: kernel: linux-3.10
  7. INFO: board: t1
  8. INFO: output: out/sun50iw1p1/android/t1
  9. INFO: ----------------------------------------
  10. INFO: build buildroot ...
  11. external toolchain has been installed
  12. external toolchain_32 has been installed
  13. INFO: build buildroot OK.
  14. INFO: build kernel ...
  15. INFO: prepare toolchain ...
  16. Building kernel
  17. /home/litin/Android/allwinner/cqa64_android_v5.1/lichee/linux-3.10/output/lib/modules/3.10.65
  18. lichee_chip = sun50iw1p1
  19. Using default config sun50iw1p1smp_android_defconfig ...
  20. scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
  21. drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/Kconfig:50:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
  22. *
  23. * Restart config...
  24. *
  25. *
  26. * Wireless LAN
  27. *
  28. Wireless LAN (WLAN) [Y/n/?] y
  29. USB ZD1201 based Wireless device support (USB_ZD1201) [N/m/y/?] n
  30. Wireless RNDIS USB support (USB_NET_RNDIS_WLAN) [N/m/y/?] n
  31. Enable WiFi control function abstraction (WIFI_CONTROL_FUNC) [N/y/?] n
  32. Broadcom FullMAC wireless cards support (BCMDHD) [M/n/y/?] m
  33. Firmware path (BCMDHD_FW_PATH) [/system/vendor/modules/fw_bcmdhd.bin] /system/vendor/modules/fw_bcmdhd.bin
  34. NVRAM path (BCMDHD_NVRAM_PATH) [/system/vendor/modules/nvram.txt] /system/vendor/modules/nvram.txt
  35. Enable Chip Interface
  36. > 1. SDIO bus interface support (BCMDHD_SDIO)
  37. choice[1]: 1
  38. Interrupt type
  39. > 1. Out-of-Band Interrupt (BCMDHD_OOB)
  40. 2. In-Band Interrupt (BCMDHD_SDIO_IRQ)
  41. choice[1-2?]: 1
  42. Broadcom IEEE802.11n embedded FullMAC WLAN driver (BRCMFMAC) [N/m/y/?] n
  43. IEEE 802.11 for Host AP (Prism2/2.5/3 and WEP/TKIP/CCMP) (HOSTAP) [N/m/y/?] n
  44. Marvell 8xxx Libertas WLAN driver support (LIBERTAS) [N/m/y/?] n
  45. Marvell WiFi-Ex Driver (MWIFIEX) [N/m/y/?] n
  46. Realtek 8188E USB WiFi (RTL8188EU) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
  47. Realtek 8723B SDIO or SPI WiFi (RTL8723BS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
  48. Realtek 8723BS_VQ0 WiFi (RTL8723BS_VQ0) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
  49. Realtek 8189F SDIO WiFi (RTL8189FS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
  50. #
  51. # configuration written to .config
  52. #



  1. shell@tulip-t1_v1:/ $ set pll start
  2. set pll end
  3. beign to init dram
  4. DRAM driver version: V1.0
  5. DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3)
  6. DRAM clk = 672 MHz
  7. DRAM zq value: 003b3bbb
  8. rsb_send_initseq: rsb clk 400Khz -> 3Mhz
  9. PMU: AXP81X
  10. ddr voltage = 1500 mv
  11. DRAM single rank full DQ OK
  12. DRAM size = 1024 MB
  13. DRAM init ok
  14. init dram ok

  1. set pll start
  2. set pll end
  3. beign to init dram
  4. DRAM driver version: V1.0
  5. DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3)
  6. DRAM clk = 672 MHz
  7. DRAM zq value: 003b3bbb
  8. rsb_send_initseq: rsb clk 400Khz -> 3Mhz
  9. PMU: AXP81X
  10. ddr voltage = 1500 mv
  11. DRAM single rank full DQ OK
  12. DRAM size = 1024 MB
  13. DRAM init ok
  14. init dram ok
  15. U-Boot 2014.07 (Sep 16 2015 - 18:08:34) Allwinner Technology
  16. uboot commit : ad5f4db37d600c2566902ed7e243eaa9b670a563
  17. uboot:normal mode
  18. without secure monitor
  19. [ 2.522]pmbus: ready
  20. axp read error
  21. probe axp81X failed
  22. axp_probe error
  23. [ 2.556]PMU: cpux 408 Mhz,AXI=136 Mhz
  24. PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB1=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz AHB2=200Mhz MBus=400Mhz
  25. DRAM: 496 MiB
  26. fdt addr: 0x56eb8460
  27. Relocation Offset is: 15f0a000
  28. In: serial
  29. Out: serial
  30. Err: serial
  31. gic: normal mode

