给你一个链表,每 k 个节点一组进行翻转,请你返回翻转后的链表。
k 是一个正整数,它的值小于或等于链表的长度。
如果节点总数不是 k 的整数倍,那么请将最后剩余的节点保持原有顺序。
示例 :
当 k = 2 时,应当返回: 2->1->4->3->5
当 k = 3 时,应当返回: 3->2->1->4->5
说明 :
/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: ListNode* reverseKGroup(ListNode* head, int k) { if(head==nullptr||head->next==nullptr) return head; ListNode* tail = head; for(int i=0;i<k;i++) { if(tail==nullptr) return head; tail = tail->next; } ListNode* newhead = reverse_subchain(head, tail); head->next = reverseKGroup(tail, k); return newhead; } ListNode* reverse_subchain(ListNode* head, ListNode* tail){ ListNode* pre = nullptr; ListNode* next = nullptr; while(head!=tail) { next = head->next; head->next = pre; pre = head; head = next; } return pre; } };
关于 reverse_subchain函数解释如下:
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.next = None class Solution: def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode: dummy = ListNode(0) p = dummy while True: count = k stack = [] tmp = head while count and tmp: stack.append(tmp) tmp = tmp.next count -= 1 # 注意,目前tmp在k+1的位置 # 说明剩下的结点不够一组 if count: p.next = head break # 翻转 while stack: p.next = stack.pop() p = p.next # 与剩下链表串起来 p.next = tmp head = tmp return dummy.next
pre tail head dummy 1 2 3 4 5 我们用tail 移到要翻转的部分最后一个元素 pre head tail dummy 1 2 3 4 5 cur 我们尾插法的意思就是,依次把cur移到tail后面 pre tail head dummy 2 3 1 4 5 cur 依次类推 pre tail head dummy 3 2 1 4 5 cur ....
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.next = None class Solution: def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode: dummy = ListNode(0) dummy.next = head pre = dummy tail = dummy while True: count = k while count and tail: count -= 1 tail = tail.next if not tail: break head = pre.next while pre.next != tail: cur = pre.next; pre.next = cur.next cur.next = tail.next tail.next = cur pre = head tail = head return dummy.next
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