from numpy.linalg import norm
from heapq import heappush,heappop
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def MyNorm(a, b, order):
a = np.array(a)
b = np.array(b)
return norm(a - b, order)
def ReconstructPath(OldDict, BestNode):
path = [BestNode]
while BestNode in OldDict:
BestNode = OldDict[BestNode]
return path
def astar(array, start, goal):
directions = [(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0),(1,1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(-1,-1)] # 8个方向 ClosedList = set() OldDict = {} gscore = {start:0} # 定义一个字典,start是key fscore = {start:MyNorm(start, goal, 1)} # 定义f字典 OpenList = [] heappush(OpenList, (fscore[start], start)) # 将(fscore[start], start)放入最小优先级队列,按fscore[start]排序,start是真正存储元素 # while OpenList is not empty while OpenList: # 选择一个 OPEN 表没有设置的 f 值最小的节点 BESTNODE,移到 CLOSED 表 BestNode = heappop(OpenList)[1] if BestNode == goal: return ReconstructPath(OldDict, BestNode) ClosedList.add(BestNode) for i, j in directions: # 对当前节点的 8 个后继节点一一进行检查 Successor = BestNode[0] + i, BestNode[1] + j ## 判断节点是否在地图范围内,并判断是否为障碍物 if 0 <= Successor[0] < array.shape[0]: if 0 <= Successor[1] < array.shape[1]: if array[Successor[0]][Successor[1]] == 1: # 1为障碍物 continue else: # array bound y walls continue else: # array bound x walls continue # Ignore the Successor which is already evaluated. if Successor in ClosedList: continue # g(SUC)=g(BES)+h(BES,SUC),将两个节点间的欧氏距离作为启发函数 tentative_gScore = gscore[BestNode] + MyNorm(BestNode, Successor, 2) if Successor not in [i[1] for i in OpenList]: # 若SUCCESSOR不在OPEN表或CLOSED表中,则将其填入 OPEN 表 heappush(OpenList, (fscore.get(Successor, np.inf), Successor)) elif tentative_gScore >= gscore.get(Successor, np.inf): # This is not a better path. continue # This path is the BEST until now. OldDict[Successor] = BestNode gscore[Successor] = tentative_gScore # 修正父节点的 g 值和 f 值,记录 g(OLD),将successor到目标点的曼哈顿距离作为启发函数 fscore[Successor] = tentative_gScore + MyNorm(Successor, goal, 1) return False
if name == “main”:
nmap = np.array([
path = astar(nmap, (0,0), (10,13)) # 设置起点和终点,测试图像尺寸为50x50
for i in range(len(path)):
nmap[path[i]] = 88
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