- echo 'export VREP_ROOT="$HOME/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_5_0_Linux"' >> ~/.bashrc
- source ~/.bashrc
1.找到 vrep.py和 vrepConst.py两个文件
如果是ubuntu系统找到 remoteApi.so
在 安装目录/programming/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/Linux/64Bit
如果是window系统找到 remoteApi.dll
在 安装目录/programming/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/Windows/64Bit
1.找到 sim.py 和 simConst.py 两个文件
如果是ubuntu系统找到 remoteApi.so
在 安装目录/programming/legacyRemoteApi/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/Ubuntu18_04
如果是window系统找到 remoteApi.dll
在 安装目录/programming/legacyRemoteApi/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/Windows
- class VREP():
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- self.lock = threading.Lock()
- self.linear_velocity = 1
- self.speed = 0.026781272888183594 # m/s
- try:
- vrep.simxFinish(-1) # 关掉之前连接
- self.clientID = vrep.simxStart(
- '', 19997, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to CoppeliaSim
- if self.clientID != -1:
- print('connect successfully')
- else:
- # Terminar este script
- sys.exit("[Error]: no se puede conectar")
- except:
- print('[Error]: Check if CoppeliaSim is open')
- self.running = False
- # self.start_sim()
- def creat_agv(self, i):
- """
- return agv = (agv1_handle,leftMotor1_handle, rightMotor1_handle)
- """
- _agv_name = "Pioneer_p3dx#"+str(i)
- _left_motor = "Pioneer_p3dx_leftMotor#"+str(i)
- _right_motor = "Pioneer_p3dx_rightMotor#"+str(i)
- agv = (self.get_handle(_agv_name),
- self.get_handle(_left_motor), self.get_handle(_right_motor))
- return agv
- def get_handle(self, name):
- with self.lock:
- e, handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(
- self.clientID, name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
- if e != 0:
- print("[Error]: get {} handle error !!!".format(name))
- return handle
- from . import vrep
- import threading
- import time
- import numpy as np
- import sys
- class VREP():
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- self.lock = threading.Lock()
- self.linear_velocity = 1
- self.speed = 0.026781272888183594 # m/s
- try:
- vrep.simxFinish(-1) # 关掉之前连接
- self.clientID = vrep.simxStart(
- '', 19997, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to CoppeliaSim
- if self.clientID != -1:
- print('connect successfully')
- else:
- # Terminar este script
- sys.exit("[Error]: no se puede conectar")
- except:
- print('[Error]: Check if CoppeliaSim is open')
- self.running = False
- # self.start_sim()
- def __del__(self):
- # if self.clientID:
- # 断开与V-REP仿真的连接
- self.running = False
- vrep.simxStopSimulation(
- self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) # 关闭仿真
- vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID)
- time.sleep(1) # 仿真开启延时5s
- vrep.simxFinish(-1) # 关闭连接
- def start_sim(self):
- with self.lock:
- res = vrep.simxStartSimulation(
- self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
- if res == vrep.simx_return_ok:
- self.running = True
- print("仿真环境已启动")
- else:
- print("[Error]: 仿真环境启动失败")
- def finish_sim(self):
- with self.lock:
- vrep.simxStopSimulation(
- self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) # 关闭仿真
- self.running = False
- def get_handle(self, name):
- with self.lock:
- e, handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(
- self.clientID, name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
- if e != 0:
- print("[Error]: get {} handle error !!!".format(name))
- return handle
- def stop_sim(self):
- with self.lock:
- res = vrep.simxStopSimulation(
- self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot)
- if res == vrep.simx_return_ok:
- print("仿真环境已关闭")
- else:
- print("[Error]: 仿真环境关闭失败")
- def get_pose(self, handle):
- """
- agv_name: handle
- return : agv pose [x, y, z]
- """
- with self.lock:
- e, res = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(
- self.clientID, handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
- if e != 0:
- return [None, None, None]
- else:
- return res
- def get_ori(self, handle):
- with self.lock:
- e, res = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(
- self.clientID, handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
- if e != 0:
- return [None, None, None]
- else:
- return np.rad2deg(res)
- def get_joint(self, handle):
- with self.lock:
- e, res = vrep.simxGetJointPosition(
- self.clientID, handle, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
- if e != 0:
- return [None, None, None]
- else:
- return res
- def get_obj_matrix(self, obj_name):
- with self.lock:
- _, obj_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(
- self.clientID, obj_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
- return vrep.getObjectMatrix(obj_handle)
- def set_joint_velocity(self, handle, speed):
- with self.lock:
- res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(
- self.clientID, handle, speed, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot)
奔驰的战猪 两轮差速机器人运动学模型_两轮差速运动学模型-CSDN博客
- def run(self, agv_num, lspeed, rspeed):
- """
- speed: 0.029628699166434153 m/s
- 或 0.3070062009269009 弧度/s
- 或 17.59015959745676 角度/s
- 轮子直径: 0.19411166926398632
- """
- left_motor_handle = self.agvs[agv_num][1]
- right_motor_handle = self.agvs[agv_num][2]
- r_res = self.set_joint_velocity(right_motor_handle, rspeed)
- l_res = self.set_joint_velocity(left_motor_handle, lspeed)
- class PIDControl:
- def __init__(self, Kp=0.25, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.1, integral_upper_limit=20, integral_lower_limit=-20):
- self.Kp = Kp #影响相应速度
- self.Ki = Ki #补偿
- self.Kd = Kd #消除震荡
- self.integral_upper_limit = integral_upper_limit
- self.integral_lower_limit = integral_lower_limit
- self.prev_error = 0
- self.integral = 0
- def update(self, setpoint, actual_position, dt):
- error = setpoint - actual_position
- self.integral += error * dt
- derivative = self.Kd * (error - self.prev_error) / dt
- self.prev_error = error
- proportional = self.Kp * error
- integral = self.Ki * self.clip(self.integral, self.integral_lower_limit, self.integral_upper_limit)
- control_increment = proportional + derivative + integral
- print("[PID]: 比例:{:.3f}, 积分:{:.3f}, 微分:{:.3f}, error:{:.3f}, p: {:.3f}"\
- .format(proportional,integral, derivative,error,control_increment))
- return control_increment
- @staticmethod
- def clip(value, lower_limit, upper_limit):
- if value < lower_limit:
- # print(f"lower_limit:{lower_limit}, upper_limit:{upper_limit}")
- return lower_limit
- elif value > upper_limit:
- # print(f"lower_limit:{lower_limit}, upper_limit:{upper_limit}")
- return upper_limit
- else:
- return value
- def clear(self):
- self.integral = 0
- self.prev_error = 0
- def move_l(self, agv_num, tar_pose, s=5, e=0.1, rate=0.01):
- pid = PIDControl(0.05, 0.02, 0.0, 5,-5)
- print(f"[Dispath]:agv-{agv_num} runing new potint--target:{tar_pose}")
- time_start = time.time()
- distance = 100
- agv_handle = self.agvs[agv_num][0]
- car_pose = self.get_pose(agv_handle)
- car_angle = self.get_ori(agv_handle)[2]
- car_radians = np.radians(car_angle)
- rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(car_radians), -np.sin(car_radians), 0],
- [np.sin(car_radians), np.cos(car_radians), 0],
- [0, 0, 1]])
- vector_ = np.array(
- [tar_pose[0] - car_pose[0], tar_pose[1] - car_pose[1], 0])
- # 将向量差转换到B坐标系中
- transformed_vector = np.dot(rotation_matrix.T, vector_)
- dif_angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(
- transformed_vector[1], transformed_vector[0]))
- while distance > e:
- time.sleep(rate)
- car_pose = self.get_pose(agv_handle)
- car_angle = self.get_ori(agv_handle)[2]
- car_radians = np.radians(car_angle)
- rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(car_radians), -np.sin(car_radians), 0],
- [np.sin(car_radians), np.cos(car_radians), 0],
- [0, 0, 1]])
- vector_ = np.array(
- [tar_pose[0] - car_pose[0], tar_pose[1] - car_pose[1], 0])
- # 将向量差转换到B坐标系中
- transformed_vector = np.dot(rotation_matrix.T, vector_)
- # 计算旋转角度(方位角度)
- dif_angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(
- transformed_vector[1], transformed_vector[0]))
- # TODO use pid
- distance = np.linalg.norm(vector_)
- p = pid.update(0, dif_angle, rate)
- print(f"[AGV] movel====>> pid: {p},tar_angle: {0}, dif_angle: {dif_angle}, distanc:{distance} \n")
- # 减速
- if distance < 0.5:
- print(f"[AGV] movel==== 0.5 distance:{distance}")
- self.run(agv_num, (s+p)/2, (s-p)/2)
- elif distance < 0.1:
- print(f"[AGV] movel==== 0.5 distance:{distance}")
- self.run(agv_num, (s+p)/3, (s-p)/3)
- else:
- self.run(agv_num, s+p, s-p)
- self.run(agv_num, 0, 0)
- # time.sleep(1)
- return time.time() - time_start
- def move_c(self, agv_num, tar_angle, e=0.25, rate=0.01):
- pid = PIDControl(Kp=0.05, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.0005)
- time_start = time.time()
- cur_angle = self.get_ori(self.agvs[agv_num][0])[2]
- tar_matrix = R.from_euler('xyz', [0,0,tar_angle], degrees=True).as_matrix()
- while abs(tar_angle - cur_angle) > e:
- time.sleep(rate)
- cur_angle = self.get_ori(self.agvs[agv_num][0])[2]
- cur_rotation_matrix = R.from_euler('xyz', [0,0,cur_angle], degrees=True).as_matrix()
- C = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(tar_matrix), cur_rotation_matrix)
- yaw = R.from_matrix(C).as_euler('xyz')
- yaw = np.degrees(yaw)[-1]
- vl = pid.update(0, yaw, rate)
- print("[AGV] movec vl:{:.3f}, 误差角:{:.3f}, tar_angle:{:.3f}, cur_angle:{:.3f}\n"\
- .format(vl, yaw,tar_angle,cur_angle))
- self.run(agv_num, -vl, vl)
- self.run(agv_num, 0, 0)
- pid.clear()
- return time.time() - time_start
- def move_offset_c(self, agv_num, angle, e=0.5, rate=0.01):
- pid = PIDControl(Kp=0.05, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.0005)
- time_start = time.time()
- cur_angle = self.get_ori(self.agvs[agv_num][0])[2]
- cur_rotation_matrix = R.from_euler('xyz', [0,0,cur_angle], degrees=True).as_matrix()
- angle_matrix = R.from_euler('xyz', [0,0,angle], degrees=True).as_matrix()
- tar_matrix = np.dot(cur_rotation_matrix,angle_matrix)
- tar_angle = R.from_matrix(tar_matrix).as_euler('xyz')[-1]
- yaw = 10
- while abs(yaw) > e:
- time.sleep(rate)
- cur_angle = self.get_ori(self.agvs[agv_num][0])[2]
- cur_rotation_matrix = R.from_euler('xyz', [0,0,cur_angle], degrees=True).as_matrix()
- C = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(tar_matrix), cur_rotation_matrix)
- yaw = R.from_matrix(C).as_euler('xyz')
- yaw = np.degrees(yaw)[-1]
- vl = pid.update(0, yaw, rate)
- print("[AGV] movec vl:{:.3f}, 误差角:{:.3f}, tar_angle:{:.3f}, cur_angle:{:.3f}\n"\
- .format(vl, yaw,tar_angle,cur_angle))
- self.run(agv_num, -vl, vl)
- self.run(agv_num, 0, 0)
- pid.clear()
- return time.time() - time_start
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