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在发布Llama 3之后,我在我的8G内存M1 Macbook上对三个模型进行了本地测试:gemma:2b(我本想使用gemma:7b,但在ollama中遇到了‘模型未找到’的错误。因此,这不是一个公平的比较。如果你知道原因,请在下面留言),llama3:8b和Mistral:7.3b。这篇博客展示了测试问题及其答案,并评估了每个模型的正确性和详细性能。我使用基于Python的ollama库来查询模型并根据执行时间、峰值内存使用和响应准确性来评估它们。下面是用于测试的Python脚本.
- import time
- import psutil
- from memory_profiler import memory_usage
- import ollama
- model_names = ['gemma:2b', 'llama3', 'mistral']
- questions = [
- "What is the capital of France?",
- "Explain the theory of relativity.",
- "Who wrote 'Pride and Prejudice'?",
- "How does photosynthesis work?"
- ]
- def ask_questions(model, questions):
- for question in questions:
- print(f"Question: {question}")
- def model_call():
- return ollama.chat(model=model, messages=[{'role': 'user', 'content': question}])
- start_time = time.time()
- memory_and_response = memory_usage(proc=model_call, interval=0.01, retval=True, max_usage=True)
- peak_memory, response = memory_and_response
- end_time = time.time()
- answer = response['message']['content'] if 'message' in response and 'content' in response['message'] else "No valid response"
- elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
- print(f"Answer: {answer}\nTime taken: {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds\nPeak memory used: {peak_memory:.2f} MB\n")
- print("--------------------------------------------------")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- for model_name in model_names:
- load_start = time.time()
- model = model_name
- load_end = time.time()
- load_time = load_end - load_start
- print(f"\nTesting model: {model_name}\nModel loading time: {load_time:.2f} seconds")
- ask_questions(model, questions)

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