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推荐收藏!掌握这16种Midjourney的艺术风格,实现艺术创作自由(含提示词示例)_midjourney styles

midjourney styles



在这篇文章中,我将向你介绍能最大限度提升你的 Midjourney 体验的最佳风格关键词。从水彩画、油画和浮雕等经典风格,到 3D 艺术、拼贴画和像素艺术等数字表现形式,再到极简主义、抽象艺术和超现实主义等特定艺术运动。

这里介绍的每一种风格都能让我们拓展 Midjourney的功能边界。此外,探索这些风格可能会让我们发现全新的创意途径。



General Styles

这是在 Midjourney 中最通用的风格,主要生成照片或插图

提示示例:Fashion Portrait [Photography / Illustration] of a beautiful woman with brown long hair in 90s, by Michelangelo, she wears sunglasses, dynamic pose, self confident and cool, attractive, black clothes, black choker on her neck, cinematic movie scene, close up intensity — stylize 500 — v 6.0
时尚肖像[摄影/插图]:米开朗基罗笔下的 90 年代棕色长发美女,她戴着墨镜,姿势动感十足,自信冷艳,魅力十足,黑色衣服,脖子上戴着黑色吊坠,电影场景,特写强度 - stylize 500 - v 6.0

Beautiful woman with brown long hair in 90s
90 年代棕色长发美女



Genre Styles



Science Fiction 科幻小说

Futuristic, cyber, space, machinery, mecha, solar.


⬆️ 示例提示:

Photography of a solarpunk city in the clouds, sharp edges, modular construction, cinematic movie still, light blue and grey, hexagons, clouds in the background, bokeh — v 6
云中的太阳朋克城市摄影,边缘锐利,模块化结构,电影剧照,浅蓝色和灰色,六边形,背景云,虚化 - v 6

Starship at full speed, in the style of spacepunk, sharp edges, modular construction, cinematic movie still, brown and grey, hexagons, cloud city background, bokeh — v 6
全速行驶的星际飞船,太空朋克风格,边缘锐利,模块化结构,电影剧照,棕色和灰色,六边形,云城背景,虚化 - v 6

Photo of a cyberpunk menacing droid with a large gun, sharp edges, modular construction, cinematic movie still, silver and grey, hexagons, dystopic urban background, bokeh — v 6
赛博朋克风格的机器人手持大枪的照片,边缘锋利,模块化结构,电影剧照,银色和灰色,六边形,晦暗的城市背景,虚化 - v 6

Solarpunk city in the clouds | Spacepunk starship at full speed | Cyberpunk menacing droid with gun
云中的太阳朋克城市 | 全速行驶的太空朋克星际飞船 | 持枪的赛博朋克机器人气势汹汹







Mythical, sandal, ancient, mystic, magic

⬆️ 示例提示_:_

Digital painting of a divine god blessing a cleric, in the style of fantasy gods, luminous, magical, hyper detailed art, cinematic movie still, white and gold tones, temple background — niji 6
神灵为牧师祈福的数字绘画,奇幻神灵风格,光亮、神奇、超精细艺术,电影剧照,白色和金色色调,寺庙背景 - Niji 6

Art illustration of gold dragon breathing fire, in the style of unreal engine and octane render, luminous, magical, hyper detailed art, cinematic movie still, blue and gold tones, battle background — niji 6
金龙喷火的艺术插画,采用虚幻引擎和 octane 渲染的风格,明亮、神奇、超精细的艺术,电影剧照,蓝色和金色色调,战斗背景 - Niji 6

Art of powerful wizard casting a spell, in the style of digital art, bright colors, magical, hyper detailed art, cinematic movie still, blue and gold tones, magical tower in the background — niji 6
强大的巫师施法的艺术,数字艺术风格,色彩鲜艳,神奇,超精细艺术,电影剧照,蓝色和金色色调,背景中的魔法塔 - Niji 6

Divine God blessing a cleric | Gold dragon breathing fire | Powerful wizard casting a spell
神圣的神祝福牧师 | 金龙喷火 | 强大的巫师施法





Necro, ghoul, evil, hell, gothic, dread, undead

⬆️ 示例提示_:_

Gauzy sheet ghost covered in glowing green ectoplasm, smoke tentacles flowing in the wind, mournful, cloudy black sky, very dark and gloomy, eerie, ethereal gothic imagery — v 6.0
朦胧的片状幽灵覆盖着发光的绿色外质,烟雾触手随风飘动,哀伤的阴云密布的黑色天空,非常黑暗阴沉,阴森恐怖,空灵的哥特式意象 - v 6.0

Insane vampire girl with sharp teeth, manic smile, sharp teeth, character art, mournful, cloudy black sky, very dark and gloomy, light blue, white and black, eerie, ethereal gothic imagery — chaos 10 — v 6
锋利牙齿的疯狂吸血鬼女孩、狂躁的微笑、锋利的牙齿、人物艺术、哀伤、乌云密布的黑色天空、非常黑暗和阴沉、浅蓝色、白色和黑色、阴森恐怖、空灵的哥特式意象 - chaos 10 - v 6

Malignant dark castle of Sin under an oversized full moon, mournful, cloudy black sky, very dark and gloomy, red and black, eerie, ethereal gothic imagery — chaos 10 — v 6
超大满月下恶毒黑暗的罪恶城堡,哀伤、乌云密布的黑色天空,非常黑暗阴沉,红色和黑色,阴森、空灵的哥特式意象 - chaos 10 - v 6

Gauzy sheet ghost | Insane vampire girl with sharp teeth | Malignant dark castle of Sin
朦胧的床单幽灵 | 牙齿锋利的疯狂吸血鬼女孩 | 恶毒的黑暗罪恶城堡




Renaissance, medieval, western, soviet, samurai

⬆️ 示例提示_:_

Dynamic action photography of Samurais in combat under a tree in the style of National Geographic, red, pink and white tones, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, multiple details, clouds in the background — v 6
国家地理风格的树下武士战斗动态摄影,红色、粉色和白色色调,超写实、超细腻、多细节,背景为云彩 - v 6

Front photography of cowboy aiming a gun, cinematic movie poster, dust, wind, sun, daylight, dramatic mood, western background, bokeh — v 6
正面摄影:牛仔瞄准枪口、电影海报、灰尘、风、阳光、日光、戏剧性氛围、西部背景、虚化 - v 6

Photography of roman ship in the sea in the style of National Geographic, grey, gold and white tones, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, multiple details, clouds in the background — v 6
国家地理风格的海中罗马船摄影,灰色、金色和白色色调,超写实、超细腻、多细节,背景为云彩 - v 6

Samurais in combat | Cowboy holding a gun | Roman ship in the sea
战斗中的武士 | 持枪的牛仔 | 海中的罗马船

Surreal sepia press photograph set in 1850, a futuristic giant mecha head buried in the foreground, surrounded by settler men trying to unearth it wearing 1800s bushman clothing and hats, the setting is a rocky and rugged forest, hazy in the distance — ar 16:9 — stylize 1000 — v 6

超现实的棕褐色新闻照片,背景设定在 1850 年,一个未来主义的巨型机械头埋在前景中,周围是试图挖出它的定居者,他们穿着 1800 年代的丛林人服装,戴着帽子,背景是一片岩石嶙峋的森林,远处一片朦胧–AR 16:9 - Stylize 1000 - V 6






⬆️ 示例提示:

Abstract artifact, sleek black metal, macro photography — v 6
抽象艺术品、时尚黑金属、微距摄影 - v 6

Subject’s head is a mess of circular scrawling lines of light, in the style of abstract painting — stylize 200 — niji 6
被摄体的头部是一团乱麻,光的线条环形涂鸦,具有抽象画的风格 - stylize 200 - niji 6

Model wearing abstract black sculpture in the style of hard-edged geometry, futuristic fashion, abstractcore, white background, bold fashion — v 6
模特身着抽象的黑色雕塑,硬边几何风格,未来主义时尚,抽象核心,白色背景,大胆时尚 - v 6

Abstract Wallpaper | Abstract head of circular scrawling lines of light | Model wearing abstract architecture
抽象壁纸 | 抽象头像的圆形涂鸦光线 | 穿着抽象建筑的模特





⬆️ 示例提示:

Minimalism shot of Samurai in zen garden, muted colors, orange black and light grey, unusual angle, mist, symmetric — v 6.0
极简主义拍摄禅宗花园中的武士,柔和的色彩,橙色、黑色和浅灰色,不同寻常的角度,薄雾,对称 - v 6.0

Minimalism, macro close-up, portrait, futuristic high fashion, storyteller style— stylize 750 — v 6
极简主义、微距特写、肖像、未来主义高级时装、故事讲述人风格–风格化 750 - v 6

Minimalist photography of futuristic temple of digital gods, white and light grey, oversized planet above, mist, faithful — v 6
未来派数码神庙的极简主义摄影,白色和浅灰色,上方超大的星球,薄雾,忠实 - v 6

Samurai in zen garden | Futuristic high fashion | Futuristic temple of digital gods
禅院武士 | 未来派高级时装 | 未来派数码神殿





⬆️ 示例提示:

Surreal illustration of woman walking in the clouds with fluorescent spoondrift, light tracing, layered curve, ultra detailed — stylize 250 — v 6
超现实插画:云中漫步的女子与荧光勺漂流,光线描边,分层曲线,超精细 - stylize 250 - v 6

Surreal head whirling with dreams, digital illustration in the style of Peter Mohrbacher, in beautiful colors, extreme detail, symbolism — v 6
超现实的梦幻头像,彼得-莫尔巴赫(Peter Mohrbacher)风格的数字插画,色彩绚丽,细节丰富,具有象征意义 - v 6

Surreal painting of a man standing up in front of a hole in the ground with clouds and mountains in the sky, in the style of detailed dreamscapes — v 6
超现实画作,画中人站在一个地洞前,天空中云雾缭绕,山峦起伏,画风细腻梦幻 - - v 6

Woman walking in the clouds | Head whirling with dreams | Man standing up in front of a hole
云中漫步的女子 | 头顶梦幻的旋涡 | 洞前站立的男子





⬆️ 示例提示:

Illustration of a fantasy landscape, in the style of Impressionism, dark beige and red and sky-blue, detailed character design, atmospheric colors, brush strokes — stylize 250 — v 6.0
幻想风景插图,印象派风格,深米色、红色和天蓝色,人物设计细致,色彩大气,笔触 - stylize 250 — v 6.0

Photograph of a woman in a red dress with long hair, in the style of impressionism, concept art, digitally enhanced, crimson, flowing fabrics — stylize 750 — v 6.0
印象派风格、概念艺术、数字增强、深红色、飘逸面料的红裙长发女子照片 - stylize 750 - v 6.0

Portrait art of a man in the style of Impressionism, drawings and sketches, dark beige and red and sky-blue, eccentric detail placements, gestural markings, vibrant illustrations — v 6.0
印象派风格的男子肖像艺术、素描和速写、深米色、红色和天蓝色、古怪的细节位置、手势标记、生动的插图 - v 6.0

Fantasy landscape | Woman in a red dress with long hair | Portrait of a man
梦幻风景 | 长发红裙女子 | 男子肖像





⬆️ 示例提示:

Gothic girl holding a skull with both hands, face the skull, profile, realistic, black, red and white — v 6.0
哥特式女孩双手捧着骷髅,面对骷髅,轮廓,逼真,黑色,红色和白色 - v 6.0

Dynamic photography of black and red gothic cyborg with a glowing greatsword, studio light, realistic photo, dark orange burgundy, ornamented background, motion — v 6.0
手持发光巨剑的黑红色哥特机械人动态摄影,摄影棚灯光,写实照片,深橙色酒红色,装饰性背景,动态 - v 6.0

Panorama photograph of gothic oversized tower in the style of Natural Geographic, bystanders, clouds, black and red and white, hyper realistic — niji 6
自然地理》风格的哥特式超大塔楼全景照片,旁观者、云彩、黑色、红色和白色,超写实 - niji 6

Girl holding a skull | Cyborg with a glowing greatsword | Oversized tower
手持骷髅头的女孩 | 手持发光巨剑的生化人 | 超大型塔楼





⬆️ 示例提示:

Modern paper-cut art of a group of kids carry their backpacks on their way to school, in the distance is a modern school with its elaborate school gate in the middle of the picture, bright colors, orange and white colors, 3d relief — stylize 750 — v 6.0
一群孩子背着书包上学的现代剪纸艺术作品,远处是一所现代化的学校,精致的校门位于画面中央,色彩鲜艳,橙色和白色相间,3D 浮雕 - stylize 750 — v 6.0

Portrait of a beautiful woman with long flowing hair in the style of paper craft cutting, hyper realistic, multiple colors, hyper detailed — v 6.0
剪纸风格的飘逸长发美女肖像,超逼真、多色彩、超精细 - v 6.0

A creature of fierce intensity, blues greens yellows whites, papercraft — v 6.0
凶猛的生物,蓝绿黄白,纸艺 - v 6.0

Kids on their way to school | Beautiful woman | Creature of fierce intensity
上学路上的孩子们 | 美女 | 凶猛的生物





⬆️ 示例提示:
⬆️ 示例提示:

Watercolor illustration of a unicorn in the style of Arthur Rackham, atmospheric woodland imagery, romanticized depictions of wilderness, tangled nests, danish golden age — v 6.0
亚瑟-拉克姆(Arthur Rackham)风格的独角兽水彩插画,大气的林地意象,浪漫的荒野描绘,纠结的巢穴,丹麦黄金时代 - v 6.0

Frontal shot, minimal watercolor of a beautiful woman’s face. White background, white face, red lips, makeup — v 6.0
正面拍摄,美女脸部的极简水彩画。白色背景、白色脸庞、红色嘴唇、化妆 - v 6.0

A watercolor painting of a serene silver moonlit scene, with the moon’s light casting a soft and radiant glow over a tranquil pond, serene beauty and elegance, stars, nebula, contrast — v 6.0
一幅描绘宁静的银色月光场景的水彩画,月光在宁静的池塘上投下柔和而璀璨的光芒,宁静之美与优雅、星星、星云、对比 - v 6.0

Unicorn in the style of Arthur Rackham | Beautiful woman’s face | Serene silver moonlit scene
亚瑟-拉克姆风格的独角兽 | 美女的脸 | 宁静的银色月光场景



3D Illustration


⬆️ 示例提示:

3D illustration of a boy sitting casually on top of a cloud floating in the sky, wearing casual modern clothing, jeans jacket and sneakers shoes, clouds, smiling sun — v 6.0
3D插画:男孩随意地坐在漂浮在天空中的云朵之上,身着休闲现代服装、牛仔夹克和运动鞋,云朵,微笑的太阳 - v 6.0

3d art of a white angel of justice, mysterious, shadow, overhead has a glowing halo, middle ground, shiny texture, body has gold edge, black clean background, behind the emission of dazzling light — stylize 50 — v 6.0
3d 艺术的白色正义天使,神秘,阴影,头顶有发光的光环,中间的地面,闪亮的纹理,身体有金色的边缘,黑色干净的背景,背后发射耀眼的光芒 - 风格化 50 - v 6.0

3d art of a village of furry creatures, cute, cartoon, imaginary — v 6.0
毛茸茸的动物村庄的 3d 艺术,可爱,卡通,想象 - v 6.0

Boy sitting on top of a cloud | White angel of justice | Village of furry creatures
坐在云端的男孩 | 正义的白衣天使 | 毛茸茸的动物村



Oil Painting


⬆️ 示例提示:

Meticulously crafted oil painting for a wanted poster, showing a thin, handsome confident man, emphasis on facial features, portrayal of arrogance, commanding presence — v 6.0
为通缉海报精心制作的油画,展现了一位瘦削、英俊的自信男子,强调面部特征,刻画了傲慢、指挥若定的形象 - v 6.0

Oil painting of a futuristic priest holding an energy orb, ethereal, painterly, visible brush strokes, dramatic lighting, in the style of impasto, black light blue and grey, symmetric — v 6.0
油画:未来派牧师手持能量球,空灵,绘画,可见笔触,戏剧性照明,浮雕风格,黑色、浅蓝色和灰色,对称 - v 6.0

Abstract oil painting of a serene woman, impasto, earth colors, brush strokes, expressive texture — stylize 750 — v 6.0
抽象油画:宁静的女人,浮雕,大地色,笔触,富有表现力的纹理 - stylize 750 — v 6.0

Handsome confident man | Priest holding an energy orb | Serene woman
英俊自信的男子 | 手持能量球的牧师 | 宁静的女子



Line art


⬆️ 示例提示:

Bold and Vibrant line Illustration, portrait art, realistic, dystopic android with sunglasses, Green, black and light grey, photorealistic details — chaos 10 — v 6
大胆而生动的线条插画,肖像艺术,写实,戴着墨镜的dystopic android,绿色,黑色和浅灰色,逼真的细节 - chaos 10 - v 6

Bold and Vibrant line art, realistic portrait of man with glasses, cigar and smoke, in yellow and dark blue tones, photorealistic details — chaos 10 — v 6
大胆而生动的线条艺术,戴眼镜、抽雪茄、吸烟的男子逼真肖像,黄色和深蓝色调,逼真的细节 - chaos 10 - v 6

Minimalist line Illustration, Portrait Art, beautiful woman with flowers, Pink, blue and light grey — v 6
极简线条插画,肖像艺术,有花的美丽女人,粉色、蓝色和浅灰色 - v 6

Dystopic android with sunglasses | Man with glasses, cigar and smoke | Beautiful woman with flowers
戴墨镜的 Dystopic android | 戴眼镜、抽雪茄的男子 | 戴花的美女





⬆️ 示例提示:

Collage of a beautiful latina woman with long flowing hair and a dynamic mix of vogue and times magazines, juxtaposition, graphic design, 3D vectors, dot matrix, Fashion Louis Vuitton style advertising — v 6.0
长发飘飘的拉丁美女与《时尚》和《时代》杂志的动态混合拼贴、并置、平面设计、三维矢量、点阵、时尚路易威登风格广告 - v 6.0

Collage of the words AI and multiple words, minimal form, 3D CG movie poster, typography, album, modern lettering, multi-layered collages — v 6.0
AI 和多个单词的拼贴、极简形式、3D CG 电影海报、排版、相册、现代字母、多层拼贴 - v 6.0

Minimalistic collage of Michael Jordan in the style of multilayered collages, red, black and white, sports imagery, aggressive digital illustration, black-and-white art, urban street art, fragmented — v 6.0
迈克尔-乔丹的极简拼贴画,多层拼贴画风格,红色、黑色和白色,运动图像,咄咄逼人的数字插图,黑白艺术,城市街头艺术,碎片化 - v 6.0

Beautiful latina woman | Words AI | Michael Jordan
美丽的拉丁女子 | Words AI | 迈克尔-乔丹



Pixel Art


⬆️ 示例提示:

Futuristic android in the style of pixel art, dystopic background, backlit, close up intensity — v 6.0
像素艺术风格的未来派安卓系统,二元背景,背光,特写强度 - v 6.0

Pixel art low res illustration of a frontal close-up of a beautiful woman with blond hair, pink lips and blue eyes, ring light lightning, realistic hyper-detail, album covers — stylize 50 — v 6.0
像素艺术低分辨率插画,美女正面特写,金色头发,粉色嘴唇,蓝色眼睛,环形闪电,逼真的超细节,专辑封面 - 风格化 50 - v 6.0

Pixel art low res of a rocket launch — v 6.0
火箭发射的低像素艺术 - v 6.0

Futuristic android | Blonde woman | Rocket launch
未来派机器人 | 金发女性 | 火箭发射


















