AHK v2运行结果报错(0x80092004) 找不到对象或属性
用thqby大佬的WinHttpRequest.ahk库测试报错 0x80092004 找不到对象或属性
AHK v1运行失败报错 0x80092004 找不到对象或属性
想通过ahk编程,获取 https://autohotkey.com/download/2.0/version.txt 的文件内容。
在确认用浏览器可以正常访问情况下,用官方帮助中的示例运行会报错 Error: (0x80092004) 找不到对象或属性。用 thqby大佬的 WinHttpRequest.ahk 网络请求库 https://github.com/thqby/ahk2_lib/blob/master/WinHttpRequest.ahk 也报同样错误。
- whr := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
- whr.Open("GET", "https://autohotkey.com/download/2.0/version.txt", true)
- whr.Send()
- whr.WaitForResponse()
- version := whr.ResponseText
- MsgBox version
如果把参数 true改为 false ,报错如下:
- /************************************************************************
- * @file: WinHttpRequest.ahk
- * @description: 网络请求库
- * @author thqby
- * @date 2021/08/01
- * @version 0.0.18
- ***********************************************************************/
- #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
- whr := WinHttpRequest()
- whr.Open("Get", "https://www.autohotkey.com/download/2.0/version.txt", True)
- whr.Send()
- whr.WaitForResponse()
- MsgBox whr.ResponseText
- class WinHttpRequest {
- static AutoLogonPolicy := {
- Always: 0,
- OnlyIfBypassProxy: 1,
- Never: 2
- }
- static Option := {
- UserAgentString: 0,
- URL: 1,
- URLCodePage: 2,
- EscapePercentInURL: 3,
- SslErrorIgnoreFlags: 4,
- SelectCertificate: 5,
- EnableRedirects: 6,
- UrlEscapeDisable: 7,
- UrlEscapeDisableQuery: 8,
- SecureProtocols: 9,
- EnableTracing: 10,
- RevertImpersonationOverSsl: 11,
- EnableHttpsToHttpRedirects: 12,
- EnablePassportAuthentication: 13,
- MaxAutomaticRedirects: 14,
- MaxResponseHeaderSize: 15,
- MaxResponseDrainSize: 16,
- EnableHttp1_1: 17,
- EnableCertificateRevocationCheck: 18,
- RejectUserpwd: 19
- }
- static PROXYSETTING := {
- DIRECT: 1,
- PROXY: 2
- }
- SERVER: 0,
- PROXY: 1
- }
- static SecureProtocol := {
- SSL2: 0x08,
- SSL3: 0x20,
- TLS1: 0x80,
- TLS1_1: 0x200,
- TLS1_2: 0x800,
- All: 0xA8
- }
- static SslErrorFlag := {
- UnknownCA: 0x0100,
- CertWrongUsage: 0x0200,
- CertCNInvalid: 0x1000,
- CertDateInvalid: 0x2000,
- Ignore_All: 0x3300
- }
- __New(UserAgent := unset) {
- (this.whr := ComObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1')).Option[0] := IsSet(UserAgent) ? UserAgent : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36 Edg/89.0.774.68'
- }
- request(url, method := 'GET', post_data?, headers := {}) {
- this.Open(method, url)
- for k, v in headers.OwnProps()
- this.SetRequestHeader(k, v)
- this.Send(post_data?)
- return this.ResponseText
- }
- enableRequestEvents(Enable := true) {
- static vtable := init_vtable()
- if !Enable
- return this._ievents := this._ref := 0
- if this._ievents
- return
- IConnectionPointContainer := ComObjQuery(pwhr := ComObjValue(this.whr), '{B196B284-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}')
- DllCall('ole32\CLSIDFromString', 'str', '{F97F4E15-B787-4212-80D1-D380CBBF982E}', 'ptr', IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents := Buffer(16))
- ComCall(4, IConnectionPointContainer, 'ptr', IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents, 'ptr*', IConnectionPoint := ComValue(0xd, 0)) ; IConnectionPointContainer->FindConnectionPoint
- IWinHttpRequestEvents := Buffer(3 * A_PtrSize)
- NumPut('ptr', vtable.Ptr, 'ptr', ObjPtr(this), 'ptr', ObjPtr(IWinHttpRequestEvents), IWinHttpRequestEvents)
- ComCall(5, IConnectionPoint, 'ptr', IWinHttpRequestEvents, 'uint*', &dwCookie := 0) ; IConnectionPoint->Advise
- this._ievents := { __Delete: (*) => ComCall(6, IConnectionPoint, 'uint', dwCookie) }
- static init_vtable() {
- vtable := Buffer(A_PtrSize * 7), offset := vtable.Ptr
- for nParam in StrSplit('3113213')
- offset := NumPut('ptr', CallbackCreate(EventHandler.Bind(A_Index), , Integer(nParam)), offset)
- vtable.DefineProp('__Delete', { call: __Delete })
- return vtable
- static EventHandler(index, this, arg1 := 0, arg2 := 0) {
- if (index < 4) {
- IEvents := NumGet(this, A_PtrSize * 2, 'ptr')
- if index == 1
- NumPut('ptr', this, arg2)
- if index == 3
- ObjRelease(IEvents)
- else ObjAddRef(IEvents)
- return 0
- }
- req := ObjFromPtrAddRef(NumGet(this, A_PtrSize, 'ptr'))
- req.readyState := index - 2
- switch index {
- case 4: ; OnResponseStart
- try req.OnResponseStart(arg1, StrGet(arg2, 'utf-16'))
- case 5: ; OnResponseDataAvailable
- try req.OnResponseDataAvailable(
- NumGet((pSafeArray := NumGet(arg1, 'ptr')) + 8 + A_PtrSize, 'ptr'),
- NumGet(pSafeArray + 8 + A_PtrSize * 2, 'uint'))
- case 6: ; OnResponseFinished
- try req._ref := 0, req.OnResponseFinished()
- case 7: ; OnError
- try req.readyState := req._ref := 0, req.OnError(arg1, StrGet(arg2, 'utf-16'))
- }
- }
- static __Delete(this) {
- loop 7
- CallbackFree(NumGet(this, (A_Index - 1) * A_PtrSize, 'ptr'))
- }
- }
- }
- ;#region IWinHttpRequest https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winhttp/iwinhttprequest-interface
- SetProxy(ProxySetting, ProxyServer, BypassList) => this.whr.SetProxy(ProxySetting, ProxyServer, BypassList)
- SetCredentials(UserName, Password, Flags) => this.whr.SetCredentials(UserName, Password, Flags)
- SetRequestHeader(Header, Value) => this.whr.SetRequestHeader(Header, Value)
- GetResponseHeader(Header) => this.whr.GetResponseHeader(Header)
- GetAllResponseHeaders() => this.whr.GetAllResponseHeaders()
- Send(Body?) => (this._ievents && this._ref := this, this.whr.Send(Body?))
- Open(verb, url, async := false) {
- this.readyState := 0
- this.whr.Open(verb, url, async)
- this.readyState := 1
- }
- WaitForResponse(Timeout := -1) => this.whr.WaitForResponse(Timeout)
- Abort() => (this._ref := this.readyState := 0, this.whr.Abort())
- SetTimeouts(ResolveTimeout := 0, ConnectTimeout := 60000, SendTimeout := 30000, ReceiveTimeout := 30000) => this.whr.SetTimeouts(ResolveTimeout, ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout, ReceiveTimeout)
- SetClientCertificate(ClientCertificate) => this.whr.SetClientCertificate(ClientCertificate)
- SetAutoLogonPolicy(AutoLogonPolicy) => this.whr.SetAutoLogonPolicy(AutoLogonPolicy)
- Status => this.whr.Status
- StatusText => this.whr.StatusText
- ResponseText => this.whr.ResponseText
- ResponseBody {
- get {
- pSafeArray := ComObjValue(t := this.whr.ResponseBody)
- pvData := NumGet(pSafeArray + 8 + A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
- cbElements := NumGet(pSafeArray + 8 + A_PtrSize * 2, 'uint')
- return ClipboardAll(pvData, cbElements)
- }
- }
- ResponseStream => this.whr.responseStream
- Option[Opt] {
- get => this.whr.Option[Opt]
- set => (this.whr.Option[Opt] := Value)
- }
- Headers {
- get {
- m := Map(), m.Default := ''
- loop parse this.GetAllResponseHeaders(), '`r`n'
- if (p := InStr(A_LoopField, ':'))
- m[SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, p - 1)] .= LTrim(SubStr(A_LoopField, p + 1))
- return m
- }
- }
- /**
- * The OnError event occurs when there is a run-time error in the application.
- * @prop {(this,errCode,errDesc)=>void} OnError
- */
- OnError := 0
- /**
- * The OnResponseDataAvailable event occurs when data is available from the response.
- * @prop {(this,safeArray)=>void} OnResponseDataAvailable
- */
- OnResponseDataAvailable := 0
- /**
- * The OnResponseStart event occurs when the response data starts to be received.
- * @prop {(this,status,contentType)=>void} OnResponseDataAvailable
- */
- OnResponseStart := 0
- /**
- * The OnResponseFinished event occurs when the response data is complete.
- * @prop {(this)=>void} OnResponseDataAvailable
- */
- OnResponseFinished := 0
- ;#endregion
- readyState := 0, whr := 0, _ievents := 0
- static __New() {
- if this != WinHttpRequest
- return
- this.DeleteProp('__New')
- for prop in ['OnError', 'OnResponseDataAvailable', 'OnResponseStart', 'OnResponseFinished']
- this.Prototype.DefineProp(prop, { set: make_setter(prop) })
- make_setter(prop) => (this, value := 0) => value && (this.DefineProp(prop, { call: value }), this.enableRequestEvents())
- }
- }
- whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
- whr.Open("GET", "https://www.autohotkey.com/download/1.1/version.txt", true)
- whr.Send()
- whr.WaitForResponse()
- version := whr.ResponseText
- MsgBox % version
- #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
- req := ComObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
- req.open("GET", "https://www.autohotkey.com/download/2.0/version.txt", true)
- req.onreadystatechange := Ready
- req.send()
- Persistent
- Ready() {
- if (req.readyState != 4) ; 没有完成.
- return
- if (req.status == 200) ; OK.
- MsgBox "Latest AutoHotkey version: " req.responseText
- else
- MsgBox "Status " req.status,, 16
- ExitApp
- }
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