import bpy from mathutils import Matrix, Vector import os import numpy as np import math def normalize(vec): return vec / (np.linalg.norm(vec, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-9) def look_at(cam_location, point): # Cam points in positive z direction forward = point - cam_location forward = normalize(forward) tmp = np.array([0., -1., 0.]) right = np.cross(tmp, forward) right = normalize(right) up = np.cross(forward, right) up = normalize(up) mat = np.stack((right, up, forward, cam_location), axis=-1) hom_vec = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]]) if len(mat.shape) > 2: hom_vec = np.tile(hom_vec, [mat.shape[0], 1, 1]) mat = np.concatenate((mat, hom_vec), axis=-2) return mat def sample_spherical(n, radius=1.): xyz = np.random.normal(size=(n, 3)) xyz = normalize(xyz) * radius return xyz def set_camera_focal_length_in_world_units(camera_data, focal_length): scene = bpy.context.scene resolution_x_in_px = scene.render.resolution_x resolution_y_in_px = scene.render.resolution_y scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100 sensor_width_in_mm = camera_data.sensor_width sensor_height_in_mm = camera_data.sensor_height pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y if (camera_data.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL'): # the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor width is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm / pixel_aspect_ratio s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale / sensor_height_in_mm else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO' # the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor height is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale * pixel_aspect_ratio / sensor_height_in_mm camera_data.lens = focal_length / s_u def cv_cam2world_to_bcam2world(cv_cam2world): ''' :cv_cam2world: numpy array. :return: ''' R_bcam2cv = Matrix( ((1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1))) cam_location = Vector(cv_cam2world[:3, -1].tolist()) cv_cam2world_rot = Matrix(cv_cam2world[:3, :3].tolist()) cv_world2cam_rot = cv_cam2world_rot.transposed() cv_translation = -1. * cv_world2cam_rot * cam_location blender_world2cam_rot = R_bcam2cv * cv_world2cam_rot blender_translation = R_bcam2cv * cv_translation blender_cam2world_rot = blender_world2cam_rot.transposed() blender_cam_location = -1. * blender_cam2world_rot * blender_translation blender_matrix_world = Matrix(( blender_cam2world_rot[0][:] + (blender_cam_location[0],), blender_cam2world_rot[1][:] + (blender_cam_location[1],), blender_cam2world_rot[2][:] + (blender_cam_location[2],), (0, 0, 0, 1) )) return blender_matrix_world def get_world2cam_from_blender_cam(cam): # bcam stands for blender camera R_bcam2cv = Matrix( ((1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1))) # Transpose since the rotation is object rotation, # and we want coordinate rotation # Use matrix_world instead to account for all constraints location, rotation = cam.matrix_world.decompose()[0:2] # Matrix_world returns the cam2world matrix. R_world2bcam = rotation.to_matrix().transposed() # Convert camera location to translation vector used in coordinate changes # T_world2bcam = -1*R_world2bcam*cam.location # Use location from matrix_world to account for constraints: T_world2bcam = -1 * R_world2bcam * location # Build the coordinate transform matrix from world to computer vision camera R_world2cv = R_bcam2cv * R_world2bcam T_world2cv = R_bcam2cv * T_world2bcam # put into 3x4 matrix RT = Matrix(( R_world2cv[0][:] + (T_world2cv[0],), R_world2cv[1][:] + (T_world2cv[1],), R_world2cv[2][:] + (T_world2cv[2],), (0, 0, 0, 1) )) return RT def get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(camd): f_in_mm = camd.lens scene = bpy.context.scene resolution_x_in_px = scene.render.resolution_x resolution_y_in_px = scene.render.resolution_y scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100 sensor_width_in_mm = camd.sensor_width sensor_height_in_mm = camd.sensor_height pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y if (camd.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL'): # the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor width is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm / pixel_aspect_ratio s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale / sensor_height_in_mm else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO' # the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor height is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale * pixel_aspect_ratio / sensor_height_in_mm # Parameters of intrinsic calibration matrix K alpha_u = f_in_mm * s_u alpha_v = f_in_mm * s_v u_0 = resolution_x_in_px * scale / 2 v_0 = resolution_y_in_px * scale / 2 skew = 0 # only use rectangular pixels K = Matrix( ((alpha_u, skew, u_0), (0, alpha_v, v_0), (0, 0, 1))) return K def uniform_sample(r, n, seed): np.random.seed(seed) translations = [] u, v = np.random.rand(2, n) theat = 2 * np.pi * u phi = np.arccos(2 * v - 1) x = r * np.sin(theat) * np.cos(phi) y = r * np.sin(theat) * np.sin(phi) z = r * np.cos(theat) for i in range(n): if y[i] > 0: translations.append([x[i], y[i], z[i]]) return np.array(translations) def Fi_po(sphere_radius, num_steps): # 斐波那契采样 N = 2 * num_steps phi = (np.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2 translations = [] for i in range(num_steps): y = -((2 * i + 1) / N - 1) x = (np.sqrt(1 - y ** 2)) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (i + 1) * phi) z = (np.sqrt(1 - y ** 2)) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (i + 1) * phi) translations.append((x, y, z)) return sphere_radius * np.array(translations) def cond_mkdir(path): path = os.path.normpath(path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def dump(obj): for attr in dir(obj): if hasattr(obj, attr): print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr))) def get_archimedean_spiral(sphere_radius, num_steps=250): ''' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral, section "Spherical spiral". c = a / pi ''' a = 40 r = sphere_radius translations = [] i = a / 2 while i < a: theta = i / a * math.pi x = r * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(-i) z = r * math.sin(-theta + math.pi) * math.sin(-i) y = r * - math.cos(theta) translations.append((x, y, z)) i += a / (2 * num_steps) return np.array(translations) class BlenderInterface(): def __init__(self, resolution=128, background_color=(0, 0, 0)): self.resolution = resolution # Delete the default cube (default selected) bpy.ops.object.delete() # Deselect all. All new object added to the scene will automatically selected. self.blender_renderer = bpy.context.scene.render self.blender_renderer.use_antialiasing = False # 调节图像分辨率 self.blender_renderer.resolution_x = resolution self.blender_renderer.resolution_y = resolution self.blender_renderer.resolution_percentage = 100 self.blender_renderer.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' # set output format to .png self.blender_renderer.alpha_mode = 'TRANSPARENT' world = bpy.context.scene.world world.horizon_color = background_color world.light_settings.use_environment_light = True world.light_settings.environment_color = 'SKY_COLOR' world.light_settings.environment_energy = 1. lamp1 = bpy.data.lamps['Lamp'] lamp1.type = 'SUN' lamp1.shadow_method = 'NOSHADOW' lamp1.use_specular = False lamp1.energy = 1. bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN') lamp2 = bpy.data.lamps['Sun'] lamp2.shadow_method = 'NOSHADOW' lamp2.use_specular = False lamp2.energy = 1. bpy.data.objects['Sun'].rotation_euler = bpy.data.objects['Lamp'].rotation_euler bpy.data.objects['Sun'].rotation_euler[0] += 180 bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN') lamp2 = bpy.data.lamps['Sun.001'] lamp2.shadow_method = 'NOSHADOW' lamp2.use_specular = False lamp2.energy = 0.3 bpy.data.objects['Sun.001'].rotation_euler = bpy.data.objects['Lamp'].rotation_euler bpy.data.objects['Sun.001'].rotation_euler[0] += 90 # Set up the camera self.camera = bpy.context.scene.camera self.camera.data.sensor_height = self.camera.data.sensor_width # Square sensor set_camera_focal_length_in_world_units(self.camera.data, 525./512*resolution) # Set focal length to a common value (kinect) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') def import_mesh(self, fpath, scale=1., object_world_matrix=None): ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[-1] if ext == '.obj': bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=str(fpath), split_mode='OFF') elif ext == '.ply': bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath=str(fpath)) obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] dump(bpy.context.selected_objects) if object_world_matrix is not None: obj.matrix_world = object_world_matrix bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='BOUNDS') obj.location = (0., 0., 0.) # center the bounding box! if scale != 1.: bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(scale, scale, scale)) # Disable transparency & specularities M = bpy.data.materials for i in range(len(M)): M[i].use_transparency = False M[i].specular_intensity = 0.0 # Disable texture interpolation T = bpy.data.textures for i in range(len(T)): try: T[i].use_interpolation = False T[i].use_mipmap = False T[i].use_filter_size_min = True T[i].filter_type = "BOX" except: continue def render(self, output_dir, blender_cam2world_matrices, write_cam_params=False): if write_cam_params: img_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'rgb') pose_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'pose') cond_mkdir(img_dir) cond_mkdir(pose_dir) else: img_dir = output_dir cond_mkdir(img_dir) if write_cam_params: K = get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(self.camera.data) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'intrinsics.txt'), 'w') as intrinsics_file: intrinsics_file.write('%f %f %f 0.\n' % (K[0][0], K[0][2], K[1][2])) intrinsics_file.write('0. 0. 0.\n') intrinsics_file.write('1.\n') intrinsics_file.write('%d %d\n' % (self.resolution, self.resolution)) for i in range(len(blender_cam2world_matrices)): self.camera.matrix_world = blender_cam2world_matrices[i] # Render the object if os.path.exists(os.path.join(img_dir, '%06d.png' % i)): continue # Render the color image self.blender_renderer.filepath = os.path.join(img_dir, '%06d.png' % i) bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) if write_cam_params: # Write out camera pose # RT = get_world2cam_from_blender_cam(self.camera) cam2world = blender_cam2world_matrices[i] with open(os.path.join(pose_dir, '%06d.txt' % i), 'w') as pose_file: matrix_flat = [] for j in range(4): for k in range(4): matrix_flat.append(cam2world[j][k]) pose_file.write(' '.join(map(str, matrix_flat)) + '\n') # Remember which meshes were just imported meshes_to_remove = [] for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: meshes_to_remove.append(ob.data) bpy.ops.object.delete() # Remove the meshes from memory too for mesh in meshes_to_remove: bpy.data.meshes.remove(mesh) """ 这里是获得rgb和pose以及内参 为了使depth模式渲染的姿态与rgb一致,我们固定了每次渲染的随机参数,test、train、val的随机种子分别为8,6,7 当然随机种子可以修改,只是depth模式与rgb模式的一致 并且,这里随机的观察视角是在一个球面上,如果我们只需要一半 则真实的观察视角个数应当 等于 num_observations/2 当然,随机种子不一定刚好在正半球和负半球是相等的个数,可能存在几个微小的差异,但这没关系,不影响收集训练集、测试集和验证集 如果非要严格按照标准数据个数收集,我们可以测试一组正半球大于或等于负半球的观察数,多则删除 """ mode = 'test' num_observations = 200 sphere_radius = 4 # mesh_fpath是模型地址 mesh_fpath = '/home/liuyuxing/render_data/car/car_red_00/model_4_red/untitled.obj' # 存放输出文件地址 instance_dir = '/home/liuyuxing/render_data/car/car_red_00/model_4_red/train' renderer = BlenderInterface(resolution=400) # train_seed = 6 val_seed = 7 test_seed = 8 # uniform_sample()是在球面上均采样视角 # 可以根据需要更换采样方式,本文还提供了get_archimedean_spiral()和Fi_po() if mode == 'train': cam_locations = uniform_sample(sphere_radius, num_observations, 6) elif mode == 'test': cam_locations = uniform_sample(sphere_radius, num_observations, 8) elif mode == 'val': cam_locations = uniform_sample(sphere_radius, num_observations, 7) obj_location = np.zeros((1, 3)) cv_poses = look_at(cam_locations, obj_location) blender_poses = [cv_cam2world_to_bcam2world(m) for m in cv_poses] shapenet_rotation_mat = np.array([[1.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00], [0.0000000e+00, -1.0000000e+00, -1.2246468e-16], [0.0000000e+00, 1.2246468e-16, -1.0000000e+00]]) rot_mat = np.eye(3) hom_coords = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]]).reshape(1, 4) obj_pose = np.concatenate((rot_mat, obj_location.reshape(3, 1)), axis=-1) obj_pose = np.concatenate((obj_pose, hom_coords), axis=0) renderer.import_mesh(mesh_fpath, scale=1., object_world_matrix=obj_pose) renderer.render(instance_dir, blender_poses, write_cam_params=True)
map.offset[0] = -g_depth_clip_start
map.size[0] = 1 / (g_depth_clip_end - g_depth_clip_start)
修改相关参数的函数是:def render()
import bpy from mathutils import Matrix, Vector import os import numpy as np import math def normalize(vec): return vec / (np.linalg.norm(vec, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-9) def look_at(cam_location, point): # Cam points in positive z direction forward = point - cam_location forward = normalize(forward) tmp = np.array([0., -1., 0.]) right = np.cross(tmp, forward) right = normalize(right) up = np.cross(forward, right) up = normalize(up) mat = np.stack((right, up, forward, cam_location), axis=-1) hom_vec = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]]) if len(mat.shape) > 2: hom_vec = np.tile(hom_vec, [mat.shape[0], 1, 1]) mat = np.concatenate((mat, hom_vec), axis=-2) return mat def set_camera_focal_length_in_world_units(camera_data, focal_length): scene = bpy.context.scene resolution_x_in_px = scene.render.resolution_x resolution_y_in_px = scene.render.resolution_y scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100 sensor_width_in_mm = camera_data.sensor_width sensor_height_in_mm = camera_data.sensor_height pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y if (camera_data.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL'): # the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor width is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm / pixel_aspect_ratio s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale / sensor_height_in_mm else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO' # the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor height is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale * pixel_aspect_ratio / sensor_height_in_mm camera_data.lens = focal_length / s_u def cv_cam2world_to_bcam2world(cv_cam2world): ''' :cv_cam2world: numpy array. :return: ''' R_bcam2cv = Matrix( ((1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1))) cam_location = Vector(cv_cam2world[:3, -1].tolist()) cv_cam2world_rot = Matrix(cv_cam2world[:3, :3].tolist()) cv_world2cam_rot = cv_cam2world_rot.transposed() cv_translation = -1. * cv_world2cam_rot * cam_location blender_world2cam_rot = R_bcam2cv * cv_world2cam_rot blender_translation = R_bcam2cv * cv_translation blender_cam2world_rot = blender_world2cam_rot.transposed() blender_cam_location = -1. * blender_cam2world_rot * blender_translation blender_matrix_world = Matrix(( blender_cam2world_rot[0][:] + (blender_cam_location[0],), blender_cam2world_rot[1][:] + (blender_cam_location[1],), blender_cam2world_rot[2][:] + (blender_cam_location[2],), (0, 0, 0, 1) )) return blender_matrix_world def get_world2cam_from_blender_cam(cam): # bcam stands for blender camera R_bcam2cv = Matrix( ((1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1))) # Transpose since the rotation is object rotation, # and we want coordinate rotation # Use matrix_world instead to account for all constraints location, rotation = cam.matrix_world.decompose()[0:2] # Matrix_world returns the cam2world matrix. R_world2bcam = rotation.to_matrix().transposed() # Convert camera location to translation vector used in coordinate changes # T_world2bcam = -1*R_world2bcam*cam.location # Use location from matrix_world to account for constraints: T_world2bcam = -1 * R_world2bcam * location # Build the coordinate transform matrix from world to computer vision camera R_world2cv = R_bcam2cv * R_world2bcam T_world2cv = R_bcam2cv * T_world2bcam # put into 3x4 matrix RT = Matrix(( R_world2cv[0][:] + (T_world2cv[0],), R_world2cv[1][:] + (T_world2cv[1],), R_world2cv[2][:] + (T_world2cv[2],), (0, 0, 0, 1) )) return RT def get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(camd): f_in_mm = camd.lens scene = bpy.context.scene resolution_x_in_px = scene.render.resolution_x resolution_y_in_px = scene.render.resolution_y scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100 sensor_width_in_mm = camd.sensor_width sensor_height_in_mm = camd.sensor_height pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y if (camd.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL'): # the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor width is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm / pixel_aspect_ratio s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale / sensor_height_in_mm else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO' # the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal), # the sensor height is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale * pixel_aspect_ratio / sensor_height_in_mm # Parameters of intrinsic calibration matrix K alpha_u = f_in_mm * s_u alpha_v = f_in_mm * s_v u_0 = resolution_x_in_px * scale / 2 v_0 = resolution_y_in_px * scale / 2 skew = 0 # only use rectangular pixels K = Matrix( ((alpha_u, skew, u_0), (0, alpha_v, v_0), (0, 0, 1))) return K def uniform_sample(r, n, seed): np.random.seed(seed) translations = [] u, v = np.random.rand(2, n) theat = 2 * np.pi * u phi = np.arccos(2 * v - 1) x = r * np.sin(theat) * np.cos(phi) y = r * np.sin(theat) * np.sin(phi) z = r * np.cos(theat) for i in range(n): if y[i] > 0: translations.append([x[i], y[i], z[i]]) return np.array(translations) def Fi_po(sphere_radius, num_steps): N = 2 * num_steps phi = (np.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2 translations = [] for i in range(num_steps): y = -((2 * i + 1) / N - 1) x = (np.sqrt(1 - y ** 2)) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (i + 1) * phi) z = (np.sqrt(1 - y ** 2)) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (i + 1) * phi) translations.append((x, y, z)) return sphere_radius * np.array(translations) def cond_mkdir(path): path = os.path.normpath(path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def dump(obj): for attr in dir(obj): if hasattr(obj, attr): print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr))) def get_archimedean_spiral(sphere_radius, num_steps=250): ''' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral, section "Spherical spiral". c = a / pi ''' a = 40 r = sphere_radius translations = [] i = a / 2 while i < a: theta = i / a * math.pi x = r * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(-i) z = r * math.sin(-theta + math.pi) * math.sin(-i) y = r * - math.cos(theta) translations.append((x, y, z)) i += a / (2 * num_steps) return np.array(translations) class BlenderInterface(): def __init__(self, resolution=128, background_color=(0, 0, 0)): self.resolution = resolution # Delete the default cube (default selected) bpy.ops.object.delete() # Deselect all. All new object added to the scene will automatically selected. self.blender_renderer = bpy.context.scene.render self.blender_renderer.use_antialiasing = False self.blender_renderer.resolution_x = resolution self.blender_renderer.resolution_y = resolution self.blender_renderer.resolution_percentage = 100 self.blender_renderer.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' # set output format to .png # Add passes for additionally dumping albedo and normals. self.blender_renderer.layers["RenderLayer"].use_pass_normal = True self.blender_renderer.layers["RenderLayer"].use_pass_color = True self.blender_renderer.alpha_mode = 'TRANSPARENT' bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True world = bpy.context.scene.world world.horizon_color = background_color world.light_settings.use_environment_light = True world.light_settings.environment_color = 'SKY_COLOR' world.light_settings.environment_energy = 1. lamp1 = bpy.data.lamps['Lamp'] lamp1.type = 'SUN' lamp1.shadow_method = 'NOSHADOW' lamp1.use_specular = False lamp1.energy = 1. bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN') lamp2 = bpy.data.lamps['Sun'] lamp2.shadow_method = 'NOSHADOW' lamp2.use_specular = False lamp2.energy = 1. bpy.data.objects['Sun'].rotation_euler = bpy.data.objects['Lamp'].rotation_euler bpy.data.objects['Sun'].rotation_euler[0] += 180 bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN') lamp2 = bpy.data.lamps['Sun.001'] lamp2.shadow_method = 'NOSHADOW' lamp2.use_specular = False lamp2.energy = 1 bpy.data.objects['Sun.001'].rotation_euler = bpy.data.objects['Lamp'].rotation_euler bpy.data.objects['Sun.001'].rotation_euler[0] += 90 # bpy.data.cameras['Camera'].clip_start = 0.5 # bpy.data.cameras['Camera'].clip_end = 6 # Set up the camera self.camera = bpy.context.scene.camera cam_constraint = self.camera.constraints.new(type='TRACK_TO') cam_constraint.track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z' cam_constraint.up_axis = 'UP_Y' self.camera.data.sensor_height = self.camera.data.sensor_width # Square sensor set_camera_focal_length_in_world_units(self.camera.data, 525./512*resolution) # Set focal length to a common value (kinect) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') def import_mesh(self, fpath, scale=1., object_world_matrix=None): ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[-1] if ext == '.obj': bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=str(fpath), split_mode='OFF') elif ext == '.ply': bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath=str(fpath)) obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] dump(bpy.context.selected_objects) if object_world_matrix is not None: obj.matrix_world = object_world_matrix bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='BOUNDS') obj.location = (0., 0., 0.) # center the bounding box! if scale != 1.: bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(scale, scale, scale)) # Disable transparency & specularities M = bpy.data.materials for i in range(len(M)): M[i].use_transparency = False M[i].specular_intensity = 0.0 # Disable texture interpolation T = bpy.data.textures for i in range(len(T)): try: T[i].use_interpolation = False T[i].use_mipmap = False T[i].use_filter_size_min = True T[i].filter_type = "BOX" except: continue def render(self, output_dir, blender_cam2world_matrices, write_cam_params=False): # Set up rendering of depth map. bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree links = tree.links # Clear default nodes for n in tree.nodes: tree.nodes.remove(n) # Create input render layer node. render_layers = tree.nodes.new('CompositorNodeRLayers') depth_file_output = tree.nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeOutputFile") depth_file_output.label = 'Depth Output' # Remap as other types can not represent the full range of depth. map = tree.nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeMapValue") # Size is chosen kind of arbitrarily, try out until you're satisfied with resulting depth map. # map.offset[0] = -g_depth_clip_start # map.size[0] = 1 / (g_depth_clip_end - g_depth_clip_start) # 深度图保存的是0-255的像素,其对应相机最近截至距离和最远截至距离g_depth_clip_start~g_depth_clip_end # 每个深度像素表示相机到物体的真实距离(注意这里并非是z) # map.use_min = True # map.use_max = True # map.min[0] = 0.0 # map.max[0] = 1.0 # 深度范围:0.7~10.7 map.offset = [-0.7] map.size = [0.1] map.use_min = True map.min = [0] links.new(render_layers.outputs['Depth'], map.inputs[0]) links.new(map.outputs[0], depth_file_output.inputs[0]) scale_normal = tree.nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeMixRGB") scale_normal.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY' scale_normal.use_alpha = True scale_normal.inputs[2].default_value = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) links.new(render_layers.outputs['Normal'], scale_normal.inputs[1]) bias_normal = tree.nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeMixRGB") bias_normal.blend_type = 'ADD' bias_normal.use_alpha = True bias_normal.inputs[2].default_value = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0) links.new(scale_normal.outputs[0], bias_normal.inputs[1]) normal_file_output = tree.nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeOutputFile") normal_file_output.label = 'Normal Output' links.new(bias_normal.outputs[0], normal_file_output.inputs[0]) albedo_file_output = tree.nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeOutputFile") albedo_file_output.label = 'Albedo Output' links.new(render_layers.outputs['Color'], albedo_file_output.inputs[0]) for output_node in [depth_file_output, normal_file_output, albedo_file_output]: output_node.base_path = '' if write_cam_params: img_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'rgb') pose_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'pose') cond_mkdir(img_dir) cond_mkdir(pose_dir) else: img_dir = output_dir cond_mkdir(img_dir) # if write_cam_params: # K = get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(self.camera.data) # with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'intrinsics.txt'), 'w') as intrinsics_file: # intrinsics_file.write('%f %f %f 0.\n' % (K[0][0], K[0][2], K[1][2])) # intrinsics_file.write('0. 0. 0.\n') # intrinsics_file.write('1.\n') # intrinsics_file.write('%d %d\n' % (self.resolution, self.resolution)) for i in range(len(blender_cam2world_matrices)): self.camera.matrix_world = blender_cam2world_matrices[i] # Render the object if os.path.exists(os.path.join(img_dir, '%06d.png' % i)): continue # Render the color image self.blender_renderer.filepath = os.path.join(img_dir, '%06d' % i) depth_file_output.file_slots[0].path = self.blender_renderer.filepath + "_depth.png" normal_file_output.file_slots[0].path = self.blender_renderer.filepath + "_normal.png" albedo_file_output.file_slots[0].path = self.blender_renderer.filepath + "_albedo.png" bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) # if write_cam_params: # # Write out camera pose # # RT = get_world2cam_from_blender_cam(self.camera) # cam2world = blender_cam2world_matrices[i] # with open(os.path.join(pose_dir, '%06d.txt' % i), 'w') as pose_file: # matrix_flat = [] # for j in range(4): # for k in range(4): # matrix_flat.append(cam2world[j][k]) # pose_file.write(' '.join(map(str, matrix_flat)) + '\n') # Remember which meshes were just imported meshes_to_remove = [] for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: meshes_to_remove.append(ob.data) bpy.ops.object.delete() # Remove the meshes from memory too for mesh in meshes_to_remove: bpy.data.meshes.remove(mesh) """ 这里是渲染rgb的深度模式,这与渲染rgb、pose的代码一致,只不过是分开保存 为了使depth模式渲染的姿态与rgb一致,我们固定了每次渲染的随机参数,test、train、val的随机种子分别为8,6,7 当然随机种子可以修改,只是depth模式与rgb模式的一致 并且,这里随机的观察视角是在一个球面上,如果我们只需要一半 则真实的观察视角个数应当 等于 num_observations/2 当然,随机种子不一定刚好在正半球和负半球是相等的个数,可能存在几个微小的差异,但这没关系,不影响收集训练集、测试集和验证集 如果非要严格按照标准数据个数收集,我们可以测试一组正半球大于或等于负半球的观察数,多则删除 """ mode = 'test' num_observations = 200 sphere_radius = 4 mesh_fpath = '/home/liuyuxing/render_data/car/car_red_00/model_4_red/untitled.obj' instance_dir = '/home/liuyuxing/render_data/car/car_red_00/model_4_red/depth' renderer = BlenderInterface(resolution=400) # train_seed = 6 val_seed = 7 test_seed = 8 if mode == 'train': cam_locations = uniform_sample(sphere_radius, num_observations, 6) elif mode == 'test': cam_locations = uniform_sample(sphere_radius, num_observations, 8) elif mode == 'val': cam_locations = uniform_sample(sphere_radius, num_observations, 7) obj_location = np.zeros((1, 3)) cv_poses = look_at(cam_locations, obj_location) blender_poses = [cv_cam2world_to_bcam2world(m) for m in cv_poses] rot_mat = np.eye(3) hom_coords = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]]).reshape(1, 4) obj_pose = np.concatenate((rot_mat, obj_location.reshape(3, 1)), axis=-1) obj_pose = np.concatenate((obj_pose, hom_coords), axis=0) renderer.import_mesh(mesh_fpath, scale=1., object_world_matrix=obj_pose) renderer.render(instance_dir, blender_poses, write_cam_params=True)
import os class BatchRename(): def __init__(self): self.path = '/home/liuyuxing/PycharmProjects/nerf-pytorch-master/data/car_red/train/' def rename(self): filelist = os.listdir(self.path) filelist.sort() total_num = len(filelist) i = 0 for item in filelist: if item.endswith('.png'): # 要识别的文件格式尾缀 src = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.path), item) s = str(i) # s = s.zfill(6) dst = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.path), 'r_' + s + '.png') try: os.rename(src, dst) print('converting %s to %s ...' % (src, dst)) i = i + 1 except: continue print('total %d to rename & converted %d pngs' % (total_num, i)) if __name__ == '__main__': demo = BatchRename() demo.rename()
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