Private Sub Form_Load() '新手注意:游戏编程中, '通常将窗体的 BorderStyle 设置为“Fixed single”即不允许改变窗体大小 '通常将窗体的 MinButton 设置为“True”即允许最小化 '通常将窗体的 MaxButton 设置为“False”即禁止最大化 '初始化引擎并设置引擎初始化窗体和引擎分辨率,但最好是电脑常用的分辨率比如 640,480 、 800,600 、 1024,768 、 1366,768 CWVBDX9Initialization Me, 800, 600, CW_Windowed '初始化引擎(目标窗体,横向分辨率,纵向分辨率,窗口模式/全屏模式) Do While CWGameRun = True '进入游戏循环 If CWD3DDevice9.TestCooperativeLevel = 0 And Me.WindowState <> 1 Then '检测是否可以渲染(设备正常并且窗体未最小化时渲染) CWBeginScene '准备好绘制场景 '关于颜色:可以使用BAS模块中已经设置好的常用颜色,也可用CWColorARGB函数自行转换,A分量为不透明度,RGB分量对应的颜色请参考RGB颜色表 '关于颜色权重:颜色权重越高,该点的颜色在渐变过程中所占的区域就越大 '****************这里输入各种绘图代码********** CWDrawPoint 50, 50, CWRed '画点(横坐标,纵坐标,颜色) CWDrawLine 80, 50, 150, 50, CWRed '画线(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,终点横坐标,终点纵坐标,颜色) CWDrawLineEx 200, 50, 350, 50, 1, 2.5, CWRed, CWBlue '画渐变色线(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,终点横坐标,终点纵坐标,起点颜色权重,重点颜色权重,起点颜色,终点颜色) CWDrawHRect 400, 10, 150, 80, CWYellow '画空心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,颜色) CWDrawSRect 600, 10, 150, 80, CWGreen '画实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,颜色) CWDrawSRectXGC 50, 100, 150, 150, 1.5, 1, CWPurple, CWCyan '画横向渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,左边颜色权重,右边颜色权重,左边颜色,右边颜色) CWDrawSRectYGC 250, 100, 150, 150, 1, 1.5, CWBlue, CWYellow '画纵向渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,上边颜色权重,下边颜色权重,上边颜色,下边颜色) CWDrawSRectXCGC 450, 100, 150, 150, 2, 1, CWRed, CWYellow '画横向中心渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,中心颜色权重,两边颜色权重,中心颜色, 两边颜色) CWDrawSRectYCGC 650, 100, 150, 150, 2, 1, CWPurple, CWBlue '画纵向中心渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,中心颜色权重,两边颜色权重,中心颜色, 两边颜色) CWDrawSRectCGC 30, 300, 150, 150, 1.5, 1, CWRed, CWColorARGB(255, 125, 0, 125) '画中心渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,中心颜色权重,周边颜色权重,中心颜色, 周边颜色) CWDrawHCircle 300, 400, 100, CWBlue '画空心圆(圆心横坐标,圆心纵坐标,半径,颜色) CWDrawSCircle 500, 500, 100, CWPurple '画实心圆(圆心横坐标,圆心纵坐标,半径,颜色) CWDrawSCircleEx 620, 400, 150, 3, 1, CWHA_Yellow, CWRed '画中心渐变色实心圆(圆心横坐标,圆心纵坐标,半径,中心颜色权重,周边颜色权重,中心颜色, 周边颜色) '***********************绘图代码结束*********** CWPresentScene '呈现绘制的场景 '*******************************以下为固定写法,不要轻易改动*********************************** Else '当不满足渲染条件时 CWResetDevice '修复设备 End If Loop CWVBDX9Destory '销毁CoolWind引擎 End '退出 '*******************************以上为固定写法,不要轻易改动*********************************** End Sub
'****************************************************************************************************************** ' CoolWind2D 引擎完全开源免费,但仅供技术交流,请勿用于任何商业用途 ' ' 作者名单: ' VBDX9BAS.BAS:hhyjq007(百度贴吧 VB吧 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=vb) ' VBDX9TLB.TLB:acme_pjz(VBGOOD论坛 http://www.vbgood.com) ' ' 技术支持: ' 嘿嘿菌 hhyjq007:CoolWind2D原作者,建立引擎框架和实现基础功能 ' YY菌{3EA3E263-6945-4E1F-A573-492FB5A7799E}:修复了大量BUG和增加大量新功能 ' ' 有任何的意见建议或者疑问可以到百度贴吧VB吧或者VBGOOD论坛发帖讨论,也可以加入CoolWind游戏编程研究会一起讨论 ' CoolWind游戏编程研究会 群号:112915633 欢迎各位游戏编程爱好者的加入 '****************************************************************************************************************** Option Explicit '变量使用前必须声明 Public Declare Function CWSplitColor Lib "msvbvm60" Alias "#644" (ByVal Color As CWColorConstants) As CWColor Public Declare Function GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Address As Long, ByRef Value As Any) As Long Public Declare Function PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Address As Long, ByVal Value As Any) As Long Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm" () As Long Public Declare Function timeBeginPeriod Lib "winmm" (ByVal uPeriod As Long) As Long Public Declare Function timeEndPeriod Lib "winmm" (ByVal uPeriod As Long) As Long Public Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Public Declare Function mciSendStringA Lib "winmm" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, Optional ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, Optional ByVal uReturnLength As Long, Optional ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Public Declare Function mciSendStringW Lib "winmm" (ByVal lpstrCommand As Long, Optional ByVal lpstrReturnString As Long, Optional ByVal uReturnLength As Long, Optional ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetShortPathNameW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal LongPath As Long, ByVal ShortPath As Long, ByVal Length As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetShortPathNameA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer Public Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal DX As Long, ByVal DY As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long Public Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long Public Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long Public Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As D3DRECT) As Long Public Declare Function PtInRect Lib "user32" (lpRect As D3DRECT, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long Public Declare Function joyGetNumDevs Lib "winmm" () As Long Public Declare Function joyGetPosEx Lib "winmm" (ByVal uJoyID As Long, ByRef pji As JOYINFOEX) As Long Public Declare Function CombineTransform Lib "gdi32" (ByRef MatOut As CWMatrix, MatLeft As CWMatrix, MatRight As CWMatrix) As Long Public Declare Function GdipGetImageWidth Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Image As Long, ByRef Width As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GdipGetImageHeight Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Image As Long, ByRef Height As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GdipBitmapLockBits Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Bitmap As Long, Rect As Any, ByVal Flags As GpImageLockMode, ByVal Format As Long, LockedBitmapData As GpBitmapData) As Long Public Declare Function GdipBitmapUnlockBits Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Bitmap As Long, LockedBitmapData As GpBitmapData) As Long Public Type POINTAPI 'API鼠标位置类 X As Long Y As Long End Type Public Enum JOYFALGS 'API游戏手柄类 JOY_RETURNX = &H1 JOY_RETURNY = &H2 JOY_RETURNZ = &H4 JOY_RETURNR = &H8 JOY_RETURNU = &H10 JOY_RETURNV = &H20 JOY_RETURNPOV = &H40 JOY_RETURNBUTTONS = &H80 JOY_RETURNRAWDATA = &H100 JOY_RETURNPOVCTS = &H200 JOY_RETURNCENTERED = &H400 JOY_USEDEADZONE = &H800 JOY_RETURNALL = JOY_RETURNX Or JOY_RETURNY Or JOY_RETURNZ Or JOY_RETURNR Or JOY_RETURNU Or JOY_RETURNV Or JOY_RETURNPOV Or JOY_RETURNBUTTONS End Enum Public Enum JOYBUTTON 'API游戏手柄类 JOY_BUTTON1 = &H1 JOY_BUTTON2 = &H2 JOY_BUTTON3 = &H4 JOY_BUTTON4 = &H8 JOY_BUTTON5 = &H10 JOY_BUTTON6 = &H20 JOY_BUTTON7 = &H40 JOY_BUTTON8 = &H80 JOY_BUTTON9 = &H100 JOY_BUTTON10 = &H200 JOY_BUTTON11 = &H400 JOY_BUTTON12 = &H800 JOY_BUTTON13 = &H1000 JOY_BUTTON14 = &H2000 JOY_BUTTON15 = &H4000 JOY_BUTTON16 = &H8000 JOY_BUTTON17 = &H10000 JOY_BUTTON18 = &H20000 JOY_BUTTON19 = &H40000 JOY_BUTTON20 = &H80000 JOY_BUTTON21 = &H100000 JOY_BUTTON22 = &H200000 JOY_BUTTON23 = &H400000 JOY_BUTTON24 = &H800000 JOY_BUTTON25 = &H1000000 JOY_BUTTON26 = &H2000000 JOY_BUTTON27 = &H4000000 JOY_BUTTON28 = &H8000000 JOY_BUTTON29 = &H10000000 JOY_BUTTON30 = &H20000000 JOY_BUTTON31 = &H40000000 JOY_BUTTON32 = &H80000000 End Enum Public Type JOYINFOEX 'API游戏手柄类 dwSize As Long dwFlags As JOYFALGS dwXpos As Long dwYpos As Long dwZpos As Long dwRpos As Long dwUpos As Long dwVpos As Long dwButtons As JOYBUTTON dwButtonNumber As Long dwPOV As Long dwReserved1 As Long dwReserved2 As Long End Type Public Type Rect '长整数矩形类 Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Public Type GpRect 'GDI+矩形类 X As Long Y As Long Width As Long Height As Long End Type Const GpPixelFormat32bppARGB& = &H26200A Public Enum GpImageLockMode GpImageLockModeRead = 1& GpImageLockModeWrite = 2& GpImageLockModeUserInputBuf = 4& End Enum Public Type GpBitmapData Width As Long Height As Long Stride As Long PixelFormat As Long Scan0 As Long Reserved As Long End Type Public Type D2DVector '2D顶点类 X As Single Y As Single Z As Single Rhw As Single Color As CWColorConstants ' Specular As Long ' Tu As Single ' Tv As Single End Type Public Type CWMatrix '2D矩阵 m11 As Single: m12 As Single m21 As Single: m22 As Single mdx As Single: mdy As Single End Type Public Type CWColor '颜色类 Blue As Byte Green As Byte Red As Byte Alpha As Byte End Type Public Type CWPic '图片类 Tex As Direct3DTexture9 PICSize As D3DRECT End Type Public Type CWFont '字体类 SNum As Long End Type Public Type CWMusic '音乐类 ID As Long End Type Public Type CWMusicObj '音乐类 IsLoop As Boolean mc As FilgraphManager mp As IMediaPosition ba As IBasicAudio vw As IVideoWindow evt As IMediaEvent End Type Public Type CWKeyState '按键状态类 PUP As Boolean PDown As Boolean PUPMoment As Boolean PDownMoment As Boolean End Type Public Type CWKeyStateSP '鼠标滚轮状态类 PUP As Boolean PDown As Boolean PUPMoment As Boolean PDownMoment As Boolean RollUP As Boolean RollDown As Boolean End Type Public Type CWMouseState '鼠标类 X As Single Y As Single LeftKey As CWKeyState RightKey As CWKeyState MidKey As CWKeyStateSP BackKey As CWKeyState ForwardKey As CWKeyState End Type Public Type CWKeyboardState '键盘类 ESC As CWKeyState F1 As CWKeyState F2 As CWKeyState F3 As CWKeyState F4 As CWKeyState F5 As CWKeyState F6 As CWKeyState F7 As CWKeyState F8 As CWKeyState F9 As CWKeyState F10 As CWKeyState F11 As CWKeyState F12 As CWKeyState Insert As CWKeyState Delete As CWKeyState PageUp As CWKeyState PageDown As CWKeyState Home As CWKeyState End As CWKeyState UP As CWKeyState Down As CWKeyState Left As CWKeyState Right As CWKeyState Tab As CWKeyState Shift As CWKeyState Ctrl As CWKeyState Alt As CWKeyState Space As CWKeyState BackSpace As CWKeyState Enter As CWKeyState Num1 As CWKeyState Num2 As CWKeyState Num3 As CWKeyState Num4 As CWKeyState Num5 As CWKeyState Num6 As CWKeyState Num7 As CWKeyState Num8 As CWKeyState Num9 As CWKeyState Num0 As CWKeyState A As CWKeyState B As CWKeyState C As CWKeyState D As CWKeyState E As CWKeyState F As CWKeyState G As CWKeyState H As CWKeyState I As CWKeyState j As CWKeyState K As CWKeyState L As CWKeyState M As CWKeyState N As CWKeyState O As CWKeyState P As CWKeyState Q As CWKeyState R As CWKeyState S As CWKeyState T As CWKeyState U As CWKeyState V As CWKeyState W As CWKeyState X As CWKeyState Y As CWKeyState Z As CWKeyState End Type Public Type CWJoystickState '手柄类 IsConnected As Boolean IsPov As Boolean X As Single Y As Single Z As Single R As Single Pov As Single Btn(1 To 30) As CWKeyState End Type Enum CWSpriteState Ended Begined Drawed End Enum Enum CWLinePattern CWLP_Transparent CWLP_Solid = &HFFFFFFFF CWLP_Dash = &H7E7E7E7E CWLP_Dot = &H66666666 CWLP_DashDot = &H87E187E1 CWLP_DashDotDot = &H67E667E6 CWLP_Minus = &H3C3C3C3C CWLP_DashMinus = &HE3C7E3C7 CWLP_MinusDot = &HBDBDBDBD CWLP_MinusDotDot = &HC663C663 CWLP_Point = &HAAAAAAAA CWLP_InvPoint = &H55555555 CWLP_DotPointPoint = &HA5A5A5A5 End Enum Public WorldTransform As CWMatrix '世界阵列变换 Public MatrixIdentity As CWMatrix, CWSpState As CWSpriteState Public CWD3D9 As Direct3D9, CWD3DDevice9 As Direct3DDevice9, CWSprite As D3DXSprite, CWSpriteSP As D3DXSprite 'DX9定义 Public CWDpp9 As D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS '画布 Public CWD3Dc9 As D3DCAPS9 '设备特性 Public CWLine As D3DXLine Public CWGameRun As Boolean '运行状态 Public CWWindowSwitch As Boolean '全屏窗口切换 Public CWLongTime As Long, CWFrameCount As Long, CWTimeNow As Long Public CWFPS As Integer Public CWFrm As Object, CWHwnd As Long, CWDModelX As Integer, CWDModelY As Integer, CWDModelW As Integer '窗口定义 Public CWFrmHei As Long, CWFrmWid As Long, CWFrmSHei As Long, CWFrmSWid As Long, CWMTempC As Long '窗口定义 Public CWFontList() As D3DXFont, CWFontNum As Long '文字处理列表 Public CWMusicList() As CWMusicObj, CWMusicNum As Long '音乐处理列表 Public IsActive As Boolean, IsHitWnd As Boolean Public CWMouse As CWMouseState Public CWKeyboard As CWKeyboardState Public CWJoystick() As CWJoystickState Public CWP_PubRollCD As D3DVECTOR '精灵贴图常用固定值 Enum CWDisplayModel '显示模式常量 CW_Windowed = 1 '窗口化 CW_FullScreen = 0 '全屏 End Enum Enum CWFAlign '文字对齐常量 CWF_LeftAl = DT_LEFT Or DT_WORDBREAK CWF_RightAl = DT_RIGHT Or DT_WORDBREAK CWF_CenterAl = DT_CENTER Or DT_WORDBREAK End Enum Enum CWFBStyle '字体粗细常量 CWF_Normal = 400 CWF_Bold = 700 End Enum Enum CWMPModel '音乐播放模式常量 CWM_Resume CWM_Once CWM_Repeat CWM_Restart End Enum Public Const CWP_FVFConst As Long = D3DFVF_XYZRHW Or D3DFVF_DIFFUSE Public Const CWP_SpriteConst As Long = D3DXSPRITE_DONOTMODIFY_RENDERSTATE Or D3DXSPRITE_DONOTSAVESTATE '精灵参数常量 Public Const Pi As Single = 3.14159265358979 'π常量 Public Const CWKD As Boolean = True Public Const CWKU As Boolean = False Public Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 Public Const HTCAPTION = 2 Public Const RightButtonUpDown = &H18 '*********************常用颜色列表*************************** Enum CWColorConstants CWColorNone = &H0 '完全无色 CWTransparent = &HFFFFFF '透明有色(方便位运算截取颜色部分) CWBlack = &HFF000000 '黑色 CWWhite = &HFFFFFFFF '白色 CWGrey = &HFF808080 '灰色 CWRed = &HFFFF0000 '红色 CWGreen = &HFF00FF00 '绿色 CWBlue = &HFF0000FF '蓝色 CWYellow = &HFFFFFF00 '黄色 CWPurple = &HFFFF00FF '紫色 CWCyan = &HFF00FFFF '青色 CWOrange = &HFFFF8000 '橙色 CWkelly = &HFF80FF00 '黄绿色 CWFuchsia = &HFFFF0080 '紫红色 CWViolet = &HFF8000FF '蓝紫色 CWTurquoise = &HFF00FF80 '青绿色 CWCyanine = &HFF0080FF '青蓝色 CWHA_Black = &H80000000 '半透明黑色 CWHA_White = &H80FFFFFF '半透明白色 CWHA_Grey = &H80808080 '半透明灰色 CWHA_Red = &H80FF0000 '半透明红色 CWHA_Green = &H8000FF00 '半透明绿色 CWHA_Blue = &H800000FF '半透明蓝色 CWHA_Yellow = &H80FFFF00 '半透明黄色 CWHA_Purple = &H80FF00FF '半透明紫色 CWHA_Cyan = &H8000FFFF '半透明青色 CWHA_Orange = &H80FF8000 '橙色 CWHA_kelly = &H8080FF00 '黄绿色 CWHA_Fuchsia = &H80FF0080 '紫红色 CWHA_Violet = &H808000FF '蓝紫色 CWHA_Turquoise = &H8000FF80 '青绿色 CWHA_Cyanine = &H800080FF '青蓝色 End Enum '其他颜色请参考RGB颜色列表用CWColorARGB函数自行转换 '*********************常用颜色列表*************************** Public Sub CWVBDX9Initialization(ByVal Frm As Object, ByVal ScrWidth As Integer, ByVal ScrHeight As Integer, ByVal IniState As CWDisplayModel, Optional ByVal Zoom As Single = 1!) Dim I As Integer, Anti As Integer, JSorH As Long If App.PrevInstance = True Then MsgBox "游戏已经在运行", vbInformation, "重复运行" End Exit Sub End If timeBeginPeriod 1 On Error GoTo CWFIniEDH Frm.ScaleMode = 3 '窗口显示区大小按像素计算 Frm.BorderStyle = 0 Frm.Caption = Frm.Caption Frm.Width = ScrWidth * Zoom * 15 '保证窗口显示区符合即将初始化的引擎分辨率,防止图形失真 Frm.Height = ScrHeight * Zoom * 15 If IniState = CW_Windowed Then Frm.BorderStyle = 1 Frm.Caption = Frm.Caption End If Set CWFrm = Frm CWHwnd = Frm.hWnd CWDModelX = ScrWidth CWDModelY = ScrHeight CWDModelW = IniState Frm.Show CWFrmHei = Frm.Height CWFrmSHei = Frm.ScaleHeight CWFrmWid = Frm.Width CWFrmSWid = Frm.ScaleWidth CWMTempC = (CWDModelX * 15 - CWFrmWid) / 2 With MatrixIdentity .m11 = 1!: .m22 = 1! ': .m33 = 1!: .m44 = 1! End With WorldTransform = MatrixIdentity On Error GoTo CWIniEHD Set CWD3D9 = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION) '①设置DX9对象 With CWDpp9 '②设置DX9设备对象,定义对象的D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS属性(相当于弄好一块墙布) .BackBufferWidth = ScrWidth .BackBufferHeight = ScrHeight .Windowed = IniState .SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD .BackBufferCount = 1 .BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 .hDeviceWindow = CWHwnd .PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE '开启垂直同步 End With ' On Error Resume Next ' Anti = 0 ' For i = 16 To 2 Step -2 '检测抗锯齿倍数 ' Err.Clear ' CWD3D9.CheckDeviceMultiSampleType 0, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 1, i ' CWD3D9.CheckDeviceMultiSampleType 0, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 0, i ' If Err.Number = 0 Then ' Anti = i ' Exit For ' End If ' Next ' If Anti > 0 Then CWDpp9.MultiSampleType = Anti '抗锯齿 On Error GoTo CWIniEHD CWD3D9.GetDeviceCaps 0, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, CWD3Dc9 JSorH = 0 If CWD3Dc9.DevCaps And D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT Then '检测是否支持硬件顶点渲染 If (CWD3Dc9.VertexShaderVersion And &HFFFF&) >= &H200& Then JSorH = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING End If End If If JSorH = 0 Then JSorH = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING CWD3Dc9.VertexShaderVersion = 0 End If Set CWD3DDevice9 = CWD3D9.CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, CWHwnd, JSorH, CWDpp9) CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE ' Alpha 混合的效果比 Alpha 测试好,但 Alpha 测试是直接剔除不透明像素,不需要做混合运算,可以提高性能。 ' Alpha 混合(实现透明度功能,可以全透明、不透明、半透明) CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA ' Alpha 测试(只能实现全透明和不透明,不能半透明,但是效率比 Alpha 混合高) CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHAREF, 1 CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_LIGHTING, False '描绘时不必使用光线 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, False '描绘时不必使用Z-Buffer D3DXCreateSprite CWD3DDevice9, CWSprite D3DXCreateSprite CWD3DDevice9, CWSpriteSP D3DXCreateLine CWD3DDevice9, CWLine CWP_PubRollCD.X = 0 CWP_PubRollCD.Y = 0 CWP_PubRollCD.Z = 0 CWFPS = 60 CWFrameCount = 60 CWLongTime = 0 ReDim CWFontList(0) CWFontNum = 0 CWMusicNum = 0 CWWindowSwitch = False CWGameRun = True '游戏状态设置为运行 ReDim CWJoystick(0 To joyGetNumDevs() - 1) Exit Sub CWIniEHD: MsgBox "引擎初始化失败,请确认您完整安装了Directx 9.0c最新版。如仍然出现该问题请确认您的显卡是否兼容DirectX 9.0c。", vbInformation, "初始化错误" End Exit Sub CWFIniEDH: MsgBox "窗体初始化失败,作为CoolWind引擎初始化的窗体必须是具有句柄和客户区的对象。", vbInformation, "初始化错误" End End Sub '准备好绘制场景 Public Sub CWBeginScene(Optional ByVal BackColor As CWColorConstants) If CWGameRun = True Then IsActive = GetActiveWindow() = CWHwnd CWMouseCheck '鼠标检测 If IsActive Then CWKeyboardCheck '键盘检测 CWJoystickCheck '摇杆检测 End If End If CWD3DDevice9.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, BackColor, 0!, 0 '清除深度缓冲区 CWD3DDevice9.BeginScene End Sub '呈现绘制的场景 Public Sub CWPresentScene() CWD3DDevice9.EndScene '场景结束 DoEvents '让系统能够处理其他信息(如获取键盘、鼠标状态等) CWMediaLoopRepair CWD3DDevice9.Present ByVal 0, ByVal 0, 0, ByVal 0 '刷新 CWGetFPS '获取FPS If CWFPS > 86 Then Sleep 10 '窗口被完全遮挡时降低CPU占用 If CWWindowSwitch = True Then CWWindowSw End If End Sub Public Sub SaveScreenShot(file_name As String, Optional ByVal Format As D3DXIMAGE_FILEFORMAT = D3DXIFF_PNG) '截屏 Dim BackBuffer As Direct3DSurface9 Set BackBuffer = CWD3DDevice9.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO) D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileW file_name, Format, BackBuffer, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0& Set BackBuffer = Nothing ''' enum D3DXIMAGE_FILEFORMAT ''' D3DXIFF_BMP = 0 ''' D3DXIFF_JPG = 1 ''' D3DXIFF_TGA = 2 ''' D3DXIFF_PNG = 3 ''' D3DXIFF_DDS = 4 ''' D3DXIFF_PPM = 5 ''' D3DXIFF_DIB = 6 ''' D3DXIFF_HDR = 7 ''' D3DXIFF_PFM = 8 ''' end enum End Sub Public Sub CWResetDevice() '重置设备 Dim I As Long On Error GoTo CWResetEHD If CWD3DDevice9.TestCooperativeLevel = D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET Then '检测到设备丢失 CWSprite.OnLostDevice CWSpriteSP.OnLostDevice CWLine.OnLostDevice If CWFontNum > 0 Then For I = 1 To CWFontNum CWFontList(I).OnLostDevice Next End If CWD3DDevice9.Reset CWDpp9 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA '描绘时开启透明色 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHAREF, 1 CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_LIGHTING, False '描绘时不必使用光线 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, False '描绘时不必使用Z-Buffer CWSprite.OnResetDevice '由于纹理、字体已经设置为系统托管,暂时用不上 CWSpriteSP.OnResetDevice CWLine.OnResetDevice For I = 1 To CWFontNum CWFontList(I).OnResetDevice Next End If Sleep 1 DoEvents Exit Sub CWResetEHD: MsgBox "修复设备失败", vbInformation, "设备丢失" End Sub Public Sub CWWindowSw() Dim I As Long On Error GoTo CWResetEHD Select Case CWDpp9.Windowed Case CW_Windowed CWDpp9.Windowed = CW_FullScreen CWDModelW = CW_FullScreen CWFrm.BorderStyle = 0 CWFrm.Caption = CWFrm.Caption Case CW_FullScreen CWDpp9.Windowed = CW_Windowed CWDModelW = CW_Windowed CWFrm.BorderStyle = 1 CWFrm.Caption = CWFrm.Caption End Select CWSprite.OnLostDevice CWSpriteSP.OnLostDevice CWLine.OnLostDevice If CWFontNum > 0 Then For I = 1 To CWFontNum CWFontList(I).OnLostDevice Next End If CWD3DDevice9.Reset CWDpp9 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA '描绘时开启透明色 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHAREF, 1 CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_LIGHTING, False '描绘时不必使用光线 CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, False '描绘时不必使用Z-Buffer CWSprite.OnResetDevice '由于纹理、字体已经设置为系统托管,暂时用不上 CWSpriteSP.OnResetDevice CWLine.OnResetDevice For I = 1 To CWFontNum CWFontList(I).OnResetDevice Next If CWDModelW = CW_Windowed Then CWFrm.Left = CWFrm.Left + 300 CWFrm.Top = CWFrm.Top + 300 CWFrm.Height = CWFrmHei CWFrm.Width = CWFrmWid End If CWWindowSwitch = False Exit Sub CWResetEHD: MsgBox "全屏/窗口模式切换失败", vbInformation, "设备丢失" CWWindowSwitch = False End Sub Public Sub CWWinFullScrSwitch() CWWindowSwitch = True End Sub Public Sub CWVBDX9Destory() '销毁CoolWind引擎 Dim I As Long 'mciSendStringW StrPtr("close all") Set CWSprite = Nothing Set CWSpriteSP = Nothing If CWFontNum > 0 Then For I = 1 To CWFontNum Set CWFontList(I) = Nothing Next End If Set CWD3DDevice9 = Nothing Set CWD3D9 = Nothing timeEndPeriod 1 End Sub Public Sub CWLoadPic(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PicPath As String, Optional ByVal SColor As CWColorConstants) Dim DXInfo As D3DXIMAGE_INFO On Error GoTo CWLPEHD D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW CWD3DDevice9, PicPath, D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2, D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, SColor, DXInfo, ByVal 0, Pic.Tex Pic.PICSize.X1 = 0 Pic.PICSize.Y1 = 0 Pic.PICSize.X2 = DXInfo.Width Pic.PICSize.Y2 = DXInfo.Height If Pic.PICSize.X2 <> 0 And Pic.PICSize.Y2 <> 0 Then Exit Sub End If CWLPEHD: MsgBox "找不到图片或不支持的图片格式", vbInformation, "纹理初始化失败" End End Sub Public Sub CWMapPic(Pic As CWPic, PicSrc As CWPic, ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, ByVal SrcW As Long, ByVal SrcH As Long) Pic.PICSize.X1 = PicSrc.PICSize.X1 + SrcX Pic.PICSize.Y1 = PicSrc.PICSize.Y1 + SrcY Pic.PICSize.X2 = Pic.PICSize.X1 + SrcW Pic.PICSize.Y2 = Pic.PICSize.Y1 + SrcH Set Pic.Tex = PicSrc.Tex End Sub Public Sub CWLoadPicFromGDIP(Pic As CWPic, ByVal GpBmp As Long) Dim GpBmpDat As GpBitmapData, lrc As D3DLOCKED_RECT On Error GoTo CWLPEHD With GpBmpDat If GdipGetImageWidth(GpBmp, .Width) Then GoTo CWLPEHD If GdipGetImageHeight(GpBmp, .Height) Then GoTo CWLPEHD D3DXCreateTexture CWD3DDevice9, .Width, .Height, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, Pic.Tex Pic.Tex.LockRect 0, lrc, ByVal 0&, D3DLOCK_DISCARD Or D3DLOCK_DONOTWAIT Or D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE Or D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK .Stride = lrc.Pitch .Scan0 = lrc.pBits .PixelFormat = GpPixelFormat32bppARGB If GdipBitmapLockBits(GpBmp, ByVal 0&, GpImageLockModeRead Or GpImageLockModeUserInputBuf, .PixelFormat, GpBmpDat) Then GoTo CWLPEHD GdipBitmapUnlockBits GpBmp, GpBmpDat Pic.Tex.UnlockRect 0 Pic.PICSize.X1 = 0 Pic.PICSize.Y1 = 0 Pic.PICSize.X2 = .Width Pic.PICSize.Y2 = .Height End With If Pic.PICSize.X2 <> 0 And Pic.PICSize.Y2 <> 0 Then Exit Sub End If CWLPEHD: MsgBox "非GDI+位图或不支持的像素格式", vbInformation, "纹理初始化失败" End End Sub Public Property Get CWPicGetPixel(Pic As CWPic, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As CWColorConstants X = X + Pic.PICSize.X1 Y = Y + Pic.PICSize.Y1 If 0 = PtInRect(Pic.PICSize, X, Y) Then Exit Property Dim rc As D3DRECT, lrc As D3DLOCKED_RECT rc.X1 = X: rc.Y1 = Y rc.X2 = X: rc.Y2 = Y Pic.Tex.LockRect 0, lrc, rc, D3DLOCK_READONLY Or D3DLOCK_DONOTWAIT Or D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE Or D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK GetMem4 lrc.pBits, CWPicGetPixel Pic.Tex.UnlockRect 0 End Property Public Property Let CWPicSetPixel(Pic As CWPic, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Value As CWColorConstants) X = X + Pic.PICSize.X1 Y = Y + Pic.PICSize.Y1 If 0 = PtInRect(Pic.PICSize, X, Y) Then Exit Property Dim rc As D3DRECT, lrc As D3DLOCKED_RECT rc.X1 = X: rc.Y1 = Y rc.X2 = X: rc.Y2 = Y Pic.Tex.LockRect 0, lrc, rc, D3DLOCK_DISCARD Or D3DLOCK_DONOTWAIT Or D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE Or D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK PutMem4 lrc.pBits, Value Pic.Tex.UnlockRect 0 End Property ' 绘制图片(不缩放、不裁剪、不旋转) Public Sub CWPaintPic(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) If Pic.Tex Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX With TexMatrix .m11 = WorldTransform.m11 .m12 = WorldTransform.m12 .m21 = WorldTransform.m21 .m22 = WorldTransform.m22 .m33 = 1! .m44 = 1! TransformationEx .m41, .m42, PaintX, PaintY, WorldTransform End With CWSprite.SetTransform TexMatrix CWSprite.Draw Pic.Tex, Pic.PICSize, CWP_PubRollCD, CWP_PubRollCD, HColor CWSpState = Drawed End Sub ' 绘制图片(缩放、不裁剪、不旋转) Public Sub CWPaintPic2(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal PaintWidth As Single, ByVal PaintHeight As Single, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) If Pic.Tex Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX With TexMatrix .m11 = PaintWidth / (Pic.PICSize.X2 - Pic.PICSize.X1) .m22 = PaintHeight / (Pic.PICSize.Y2 - Pic.PICSize.Y1) .m33 = 1! .m44 = 1! .m12 = .m11 * WorldTransform.m12 .m21 = .m22 * WorldTransform.m21 .m11 = .m11 * WorldTransform.m11 .m22 = .m22 * WorldTransform.m22 TransformationEx .m41, .m42, PaintX, PaintY, WorldTransform End With CWSprite.SetTransform TexMatrix CWSprite.Draw Pic.Tex, Pic.PICSize, CWP_PubRollCD, CWP_PubRollCD, HColor CWSpState = Drawed End Sub ' 绘制图片(不缩放、裁剪、不旋转) Public Sub CWPaintPicEx(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal CutX As Integer, ByVal CutY As Integer, ByVal CutWidth As Integer, ByVal CutHeight As Integer, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) If Pic.Tex Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX, TexCut As D3DRECT With TexMatrix .m11 = WorldTransform.m11 .m12 = WorldTransform.m12 .m21 = WorldTransform.m21 .m22 = WorldTransform.m22 .m33 = 1! .m44 = 1! TransformationEx .m41, .m42, PaintX, PaintY, WorldTransform End With With TexCut .X1 = Pic.PICSize.X1 + CutX .Y1 = Pic.PICSize.Y1 + CutY .X2 = .X1 + CutWidth .Y2 = .Y1 + CutHeight End With CWSprite.SetTransform TexMatrix CWSprite.Draw Pic.Tex, TexCut, CWP_PubRollCD, CWP_PubRollCD, HColor CWSpState = Drawed End Sub ' 绘制图片(缩放、裁剪、不旋转) Public Sub CWPaintPicEx2(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal PaintWidth As Single, ByVal PaintHeight As Single, ByVal CutX As Integer, ByVal CutY As Integer, ByVal CutWidth As Integer, ByVal CutHeight As Integer, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) If Pic.Tex Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX, TexCut As D3DRECT With TexMatrix .m11 = PaintWidth / CutWidth .m22 = PaintHeight / CutHeight .m33 = 1! .m44 = 1! .m12 = .m11 * WorldTransform.m12 .m21 = .m22 * WorldTransform.m21 .m11 = .m11 * WorldTransform.m11 .m22 = .m22 * WorldTransform.m22 TransformationEx .m41, .m42, PaintX, PaintY, WorldTransform End With With TexCut .X1 = Pic.PICSize.X1 + CutX .Y1 = Pic.PICSize.Y1 + CutY .X2 = .X1 + CutWidth .Y2 = .Y1 + CutHeight End With CWSprite.SetTransform TexMatrix CWSprite.Draw Pic.Tex, TexCut, CWP_PubRollCD, CWP_PubRollCD, HColor CWSpState = Drawed End Sub ' 绘制图片(缩放、裁剪、旋转) Public Sub CWPaintPicExEx(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal CutX As Integer, ByVal CutY As Integer, ByVal CutWidth As Integer, ByVal CutHeight As Integer _ , Optional ByVal ZoomX As Single = 1, Optional ByVal ZoomY As Single = 1, Optional ByVal RollX As Single, Optional ByVal RollY As Single, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) PaintX = RollX - PaintX PaintY = RollY - PaintY Call CWPaintPicFull(Pic, RollX, RollY, CutX, CutY, CutWidth, CutHeight, ZoomX, ZoomY, PaintX, PaintY, , PaintX, PaintY, RollAngle, HColor) End Sub ' 绘制图片(先旋转后缩放,可裁剪) Public Sub CWPaintPicExEx1(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal CutX As Integer, ByVal CutY As Integer, ByVal CutWidth As Integer, ByVal CutHeight As Integer _ , Optional ByVal ZoomX As Single = 1, Optional ByVal ZoomY As Single = 1, Optional ByVal CenterX As Single, Optional ByVal CenterY As Single, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) Call CWPaintPicFull(Pic, PaintX, PaintY, CutX, CutY, CutWidth, CutHeight, ZoomX, ZoomY, CenterX, CenterY, -RollAngle, CenterX, CenterY, RollAngle, HColor) End Sub ' 绘制图片(先缩放后旋转,可裁剪) Public Sub CWPaintPicExEx2(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal CutX As Integer, ByVal CutY As Integer, ByVal CutWidth As Integer, ByVal CutHeight As Integer _ , Optional ByVal ZoomX As Single = 1, Optional ByVal ZoomY As Single = 1, Optional ByVal CenterX As Single, Optional ByVal CenterY As Single, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) Call CWPaintPicFull(Pic, PaintX, PaintY, CutX, CutY, CutWidth, CutHeight, ZoomX, ZoomY, CenterX, CenterY, , CenterX, CenterY, RollAngle, HColor) End Sub ' 绘制图片(完整版:缩放和旋转独立,不存在先后关系,可裁剪) Public Sub CWPaintPicFull(Pic As CWPic, ByVal PaintX As Single, ByVal PaintY As Single, ByVal CutX As Integer, ByVal CutY As Integer, ByVal CutWidth As Integer, ByVal CutHeight As Integer _ , Optional ByVal ZoomX As Single = 1, Optional ByVal ZoomY As Single = 1, Optional ByVal ZoomCX As Single, Optional ByVal ZoomCY As Single, Optional ByVal ZoomAngle As Single _ , Optional ByVal RollX As Single, Optional ByVal RollY As Single, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single, Optional ByVal HColor As CWColorConstants = CWWhite) If Pic.Tex Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX, TexCut As D3DRECT Dim TexCoordinate As D3DXVECTOR2, ScaleCoordinate As D3DXVECTOR2, ScaleCenterCoordinate As D3DXVECTOR2, RollCoordinate As D3DXVECTOR2 With TexCut .X1 = Pic.PICSize.X1 + CutX .Y1 = Pic.PICSize.Y1 + CutY .X2 = .X1 + CutWidth .Y2 = .Y1 + CutHeight End With With TexCoordinate .X = PaintX - RollX .Y = PaintY - RollY End With With ScaleCoordinate .X = ZoomX .Y = ZoomY End With With ScaleCenterCoordinate .X = ZoomCX .Y = ZoomCY End With With RollCoordinate '设置图片的转动轴坐标 .X = RollX .Y = RollY End With D3DXMatrixTransformation2D TexMatrix, ScaleCenterCoordinate, ZoomAngle, ScaleCoordinate, RollCoordinate, RollAngle, TexCoordinate With TexMatrix ZoomX = .m11: RollX = .m12 RollY = .m21: ZoomY = .m22 PaintX = .m41: PaintY = .m42 .m11 = ZoomX * WorldTransform.m11 + RollX * WorldTransform.m21 .m12 = ZoomX * WorldTransform.m12 + RollX * WorldTransform.m22 .m21 = RollY * WorldTransform.m11 + ZoomY * WorldTransform.m21 .m22 = RollY * WorldTransform.m12 + ZoomY * WorldTransform.m22 TransformationEx .m41, .m42, PaintX, PaintY, WorldTransform End With CWSprite.SetTransform TexMatrix CWSprite.Draw Pic.Tex, TexCut, CWP_PubRollCD, CWP_PubRollCD, HColor CWSpState = Drawed End Sub '画点(横坐标,纵坐标,颜色) Public Sub CWDrawPoint(ByVal OX As Single, ByVal OY As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) '画点 Dim Vector2D As D2DVector With Vector2D TransformationEx .X, .Y, OX, OY, WorldTransform '改变阵列 .Rhw = 1! .Color = CColor End With CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_POINTLIST, 1, Vector2D, LenB(Vector2D) End Sub '画线(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,终点横坐标,终点纵坐标,颜色) Public Sub CWDrawLine(ByVal OX As Single, ByVal OY As Single, ByVal DX As Single, ByVal DY As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) '划线 Call CWDrawLineEx(OX, OY, DX, DY, 1!, 1!, CColor, CColor) End Sub ' '画渐变色线(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,终点横坐标,终点纵坐标,起点颜色权重,重点颜色权重,起点颜色,终点颜色) Public Sub CWDrawLineEx(ByVal OX As Single, ByVal OY As Single, ByVal DX As Single, ByVal DY As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal DRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal DColor As CWColorConstants) Dim X!, Y!, S!, Vector2D(0 To 1) As D2DVector Transformation OX, OY, WorldTransform Transformation DX, DY, WorldTransform X = (OX - DX): Y = (OY - DY) S = Abs2(X, Y) X = 0.5! * X / S: Y = 0.5! * Y / S With Vector2D(0) .X = OX + X .Y = OY + Y .Rhw = ORHW .Color = OColor End With With Vector2D(1) .X = DX - X .Y = DY - Y .Rhw = DRHW .Color = DColor End With CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_LINELIST, 1, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawLine2(ByVal OX As Single, ByVal OY As Single, ByVal DX As Single, ByVal DY As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal Antialias As Boolean, Optional ByVal Pattern As CWLinePattern = CWLP_Solid, Optional ByVal Width As Single = 1!, Optional ByVal PatternScale As Single = 1!) Dim Vector2D(0 To 1) As D3DXVECTOR2 With Vector2D(0) TransformationEx .X, .Y, OX, OY, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5!: .Y = .Y - 0.5! End With With Vector2D(1) TransformationEx .X, .Y, DX, DY, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5!: .Y = .Y - 0.5! End With CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) With CWLine .SetAntialias Antialias .SetPattern Pattern .SetWidth Width .SetPatternScale PatternScale .Begin .Draw Vector2D(0), 2, CColor .End End With End Sub Public Sub CWDrawLine2Ex(PointList() As D3DXVECTOR2, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal Antialias As Boolean, Optional ByVal Pattern As CWLinePattern = CWLP_Solid, Optional ByVal Width As Single = 1!, Optional ByVal PatternScale As Single = 1!) Dim I&, Vector2D() As D3DXVECTOR2 Vector2D = PointList For I = LBound(Vector2D) To UBound(Vector2D) With Vector2D(I) Transformation .X, .Y, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5!: .Y = .Y - 0.5! End With Next CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) With CWLine .SetAntialias Antialias .SetPattern Pattern .SetWidth Width .SetPatternScale PatternScale .Begin .Draw Vector2D(LBound(Vector2D)), UBound(Vector2D) - LBound(Vector2D) + 1, CColor .End End With End Sub Public Sub CWDrawHTriangle(ByVal X1 As Single, ByVal Y1 As Single, ByVal X2 As Single, ByVal Y2 As Single, ByVal X3 As Single, ByVal Y3 As Single, ByVal Color As CWColorConstants) Dim Vector2D(0 To 2) As D2DVector With Vector2D(0) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X1, Y1, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With With Vector2D(1) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X2, Y2, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With With Vector2D(2) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X3, Y3, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With Vector2D(3) = Vector2D(0) CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 3, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSTriangle(ByVal X1 As Single, ByVal Y1 As Single, ByVal X2 As Single, ByVal Y2 As Single, ByVal X3 As Single, ByVal Y3 As Single, ByVal Color As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSTriangleEx(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, 1!, 1!, 1!, Color, Color, Color) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSTriangleEx(ByVal X1 As Single, ByVal Y1 As Single, ByVal X2 As Single, ByVal Y2 As Single, ByVal X3 As Single, ByVal Y3 As Single, ByVal RHW1 As Single, ByVal RHW2 As Single, ByVal RHW3 As Single, ByVal Color1 As CWColorConstants, ByVal Color2 As CWColorConstants, ByVal Color3 As CWColorConstants) Dim Vector2D(0 To 2) As D2DVector With Vector2D(0) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X1, Y1, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = RHW1 .Color = Color1 End With With Vector2D(1) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X2, Y2, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = RHW2 .Color = Color2 End With With Vector2D(2) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X3, Y3, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = RHW3 .Color = Color3 End With CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 1, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub ''画空心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,颜色) Public Sub CWDrawHRect(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawHPlg(SX, SY, SX + SWidth, SY, SX, SY + SHeight, CColor) End Sub '画实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSRect(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSPlgEx(SX, SY, SX + SWidth, SY, SX, SY + SHeight, 1, 1, 1, CColor, CColor, CColor) End Sub '画横向渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,左边颜色权重,右边颜色权重,左边颜色,右边颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSRectXGC(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal LRHW As Single, ByVal RRHW As Single, ByVal LColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal RColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSPlgEx(SX, SY, SX + SWidth, SY, SX, SY + SHeight, LRHW, RRHW, LRHW, LColor, RColor, LColor) End Sub '画纵向渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,上边颜色权重,下边颜色权重,上边颜色,下边颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSRectYGC(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal TRHW As Single, ByVal BRHW As Single, ByVal TColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal BColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSPlgEx(SX, SY, SX + SWidth, SY, SX, SY + SHeight, TRHW, TRHW, BRHW, TColor, TColor, BColor) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawHPlg(ByVal X1 As Single, ByVal Y1 As Single, ByVal X2 As Single, ByVal Y2 As Single, ByVal X3 As Single, ByVal Y3 As Single, ByVal Color As CWColorConstants) Dim Vector2D(0 To 4) As D2DVector With Vector2D(1) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X1, Y1, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With With Vector2D(2) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X2, Y2, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With With Vector2D(0) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X3, Y3, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With With Vector2D(3) .X = Vector2D(0).X + Vector2D(2).X - Vector2D(1).X .Y = Vector2D(0).Y + Vector2D(2).Y - Vector2D(1).Y .Rhw = 1! .Color = Color End With Vector2D(4) = Vector2D(0) CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 4, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSPlg(ByVal X1 As Single, ByVal Y1 As Single, ByVal X2 As Single, ByVal Y2 As Single, ByVal X3 As Single, ByVal Y3 As Single, ByVal Color As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSPlgEx(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, 1!, 1!, 1!, Color, Color, Color) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSPlgEx(ByVal X1 As Single, ByVal Y1 As Single, ByVal X2 As Single, ByVal Y2 As Single, ByVal X3 As Single, ByVal Y3 As Single, ByVal RHW1 As Single, ByVal RHW2 As Single, ByVal RHW3 As Single, ByVal Color1 As CWColorConstants, ByVal Color2 As CWColorConstants, ByVal Color3 As CWColorConstants) Dim Vector2D(0 To 3) As D2DVector With Vector2D(1) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X1, Y1, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = RHW1 .Color = Color1 End With With Vector2D(2) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X2, Y2, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = RHW2 .Color = Color2 End With With Vector2D(0) TransformationEx .X, .Y, X3, Y3, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5! .Y = .Y - 0.5! .Rhw = RHW3 .Color = Color3 End With With Vector2D(3) .X = Vector2D(0).X + Vector2D(2).X - Vector2D(1).X .Y = Vector2D(0).Y + Vector2D(2).Y - Vector2D(1).Y .Rhw = RHW2 + RHW3 - RHW1 If Color1 = Color2 Then .Color = Color3 ElseIf Color1 = Color3 Then .Color = Color2 Else Dim T&, c1 As CWColor, c2 As CWColor, c3 As CWColor, c4 As CWColor c1 = CWSplitColor(Color1) c2 = CWSplitColor(Color2) c3 = CWSplitColor(Color3) T = CLng(c2.Alpha) + CLng(c3.Alpha) - CLng(c1.Alpha) If T > 255 Then c4.Alpha = 255 Else If T < 0 Then c4.Alpha = 0 Else c4.Alpha = T T = CLng(c2.Red) + CLng(c3.Red) - CLng(c1.Red) If T > 255 Then c4.Red = 255 Else If T < 0 Then c4.Red = 0 Else c4.Red = T T = CLng(c2.Green) + CLng(c3.Green) - CLng(c1.Green) If T > 255 Then c4.Green = 255 Else If T < 0 Then c4.Green = 0 Else c4.Green = T T = CLng(c2.Blue) + CLng(c3.Blue) - CLng(c1.Blue) If T > 255 Then c4.Blue = 255 Else If T < 0 Then c4.Blue = 0 Else c4.Blue = T GetMem4 VarPtr(c4), .Color End If End With CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub '画横向中心渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,中心颜色权重,两边颜色权重,中心颜色, 两边颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSRectXCGC(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal CRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSRectCGCEx(SX, SY, SWidth, SHeight, ORHW, CRHW, ORHW, CRHW, OColor, CColor, OColor, CColor) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSRectYCGC(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal CRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSRectCGCEx(SX, SY, SWidth, SHeight, ORHW, CRHW, CRHW, ORHW, OColor, CColor, CColor, OColor) End Sub '画中心渐变色实心矩形(起点横坐标,起点纵坐标,宽度,高度,中心颜色权重,周边颜色权重,中心颜色, 周边颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSRectCGC(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal CRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Dim HAW As Single, HAH As Single, HARHW As Single HAW = 0.5! * SWidth HAH = 0.5! * SHeight HARHW = Abs(CRHW - ORHW) / Abs2(HAW, HAH) '+ CRHW Call CWDrawSRectCGCEx(SX, SY, SWidth, SHeight, ORHW, CRHW, HAW * HARHW, HAH * HARHW, OColor, CColor, CColor, CColor) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSRectCGCEx(ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SWidth As Single, ByVal SHeight As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal CRHW As Single, ByVal XRHW As Single, ByVal YRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal XColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal YColor As CWColorConstants) Dim I&, Vector2D(0 To 9) As D2DVector, HAW As Single, HAH As Single HAW = 0.5 * SWidth HAH = 0.5 * SHeight Vector2D(0).X = SX + HAW Vector2D(0).Y = SY + HAH Vector2D(0).Color = OColor Vector2D(0).Rhw = ORHW Vector2D(1).X = SX Vector2D(1).Y = SY Vector2D(1).Color = CColor Vector2D(1).Rhw = CRHW Vector2D(2).X = SX + HAW Vector2D(2).Y = SY Vector2D(2).Color = XColor Vector2D(2).Rhw = XRHW Vector2D(3).X = SX + SWidth Vector2D(3).Y = SY Vector2D(3).Color = CColor Vector2D(3).Rhw = CRHW Vector2D(4).X = SX + SWidth Vector2D(4).Y = SY + HAH Vector2D(4).Color = YColor Vector2D(4).Rhw = YRHW Vector2D(5).X = SX + SWidth Vector2D(5).Y = SY + SHeight Vector2D(5).Color = CColor Vector2D(5).Rhw = CRHW Vector2D(6).X = SX + HAW Vector2D(6).Y = SY + SHeight Vector2D(6).Color = XColor Vector2D(6).Rhw = XRHW Vector2D(7).X = SX Vector2D(7).Y = SY + SHeight Vector2D(7).Color = CColor Vector2D(7).Rhw = CRHW Vector2D(8).X = SX Vector2D(8).Y = SY + HAH Vector2D(8).Color = YColor Vector2D(8).Rhw = YRHW For I = 0 To 8 With Vector2D(I) Transformation .X, .Y, WorldTransform .X = .X - 0.5!: .Y = .Y - 0.5! End With Next Vector2D(9) = Vector2D(1) CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 8, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub '画实心圆(圆心横坐标,圆心纵坐标,半径,颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSCircle(ByVal CX As Single, ByVal CY As Single, ByVal RR As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSEllipseEx(CX, CY, RR, RR, 1, 1, CColor, CColor) End Sub '画中心渐变色实心圆(圆心横坐标,圆心纵坐标,半径,中心颜色权重,周边颜色权重,中心颜色, 周边颜色) Public Sub CWDrawSCircleEx(ByVal CX As Single, ByVal CY As Single, ByVal RR As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal CRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawSEllipseEx(CX, CY, RR, RR, ORHW, CRHW, OColor, CColor) End Sub '画空心圆(圆心横坐标,圆心纵坐标,半径,颜色) Public Sub CWDrawHCircle(ByVal CX As Single, ByVal CY As Single, ByVal RR As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants) Call CWDrawHEllipse(CX, CY, RR, RR, CColor) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSEllipse(ByVal CX As Single, ByVal CY As Single, ByVal RX As Single, ByVal RY As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single) Call CWDrawSEllipseEx(CX, CY, RX, RY, 1, 1, CColor, CColor, RollAngle) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawSEllipseEx(ByVal CX As Single, ByVal CY As Single, ByVal RX As Single, ByVal RY As Single, ByVal ORHW As Single, ByVal CRHW As Single, ByVal OColor As CWColorConstants, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single) Dim Vector2D() As D2DVector, I&, C&, R! Dim X!, Y!, S1!, S2!: S1 = Cos(RollAngle): S2 = Sin(RollAngle) With WorldTransform X = RX * .m11 + RY * .m21 Y = RX * .m12 + RY * .m22 If X <= 0 Or Y <= 0 Then Exit Sub C = Abs2(X, Y) If C < 4& Then C = 4& End With ReDim Vector2D(0 To C + 1) With Vector2D(0) TransformationEx X, Y, CX, CY, WorldTransform .X = X - 0.5! .Y = Y - 0.5! .Rhw = ORHW .Color = OColor End With For I = 0 To C With Vector2D(I + 1) R = 2 * Pi * I / C X = RX * Cos(R) Y = RY * Sin(R) .X = X * S1 - Y * S2 + CX .Y = X * S2 + Y * S1 + CY TransformationEx X, Y, .X, .Y, WorldTransform .X = X - 0.5! .Y = Y - 0.5! .Rhw = CRHW .Color = CColor End With Next CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, C, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub Public Sub CWDrawHEllipse(ByVal CX As Single, ByVal CY As Single, ByVal RX As Single, ByVal RY As Single, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal RollAngle As Single) Dim Vector2D() As D2DVector, I&, C&, R! Dim X!, Y!, S1!, S2!: S1 = Cos(RollAngle): S2 = Sin(RollAngle) With WorldTransform X = RX * .m11 + RY * .m21 Y = RX * .m12 + RY * .m22 If X <= 0 Or Y <= 0 Then Exit Sub C = Abs2(X, Y) If C < 4& Then C = 4& End With ReDim Vector2D(0 To C) For I = 0 To C With Vector2D(I) R = 2 * Pi * I / C X = RX * Cos(R) Y = RY * Sin(R) .X = X * S1 - Y * S2 + CX .Y = X * S2 + Y * S1 + CY TransformationEx X, Y, .X, .Y, WorldTransform .X = X - 0.5! .Y = Y - 0.5! .Rhw = 1 .Color = CColor End With Next CWPaintPicFlush ' 要先提交精灵的绘制,再画图形(否则层级会有问题) CWD3DDevice9.SetTexture 0, Nothing CWD3DDevice9.SetFVF CWP_FVFConst CWD3DDevice9.DrawPrimitiveUP D3DPT_LINESTRIP, C, Vector2D(0), LenB(Vector2D(0)) End Sub Public Sub CWLoadFont(CFont As CWFont, ByVal FName As String, ByVal FSize As Long, Optional ByVal FBold As CWFBStyle = CWF_Normal, Optional ByVal FItalic As Boolean) CWFontNum = CWFontNum + 1 CFont.SNum = CWFontNum ReDim Preserve CWFontList(CWFontNum) D3DXCreateFontW CWD3DDevice9, FSize, 0, FBold, 0, FItalic, 1, 0, 4, 0, FName, CWFontList(CWFontNum) End Sub Public Sub CWCalcrFont(CFont As CWFont, ByVal Text As String, ByRef OutWidth As Long, ByRef OutHeight As Long, Optional ByVal SingleLine As Boolean) Dim rc As D3DRECT, txtl As Long txtl = Len(Text) If txtl <> 0 Then Dim fmt&: fmt = DT_CALCRECT Or DT_NOCLIP If SingleLine Then fmt = fmt Or DT_SINGLELINE CWFontList(CFont.SNum).DrawTextW Nothing, ByVal Text, txtl, rc, fmt, CWColorNone OutWidth = rc.X2 - rc.X1 OutHeight = rc.Y2 - rc.Y1 ElseIf SingleLine Then CWFontList(CFont.SNum).DrawTextW Nothing, vbNullChar, 1, rc, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_SINGLELINE, CWColorNone OutWidth = 0 OutHeight = rc.Y2 - rc.Y1 Else OutWidth = 0 OutHeight = 0 End If End Sub Public Sub CWPrintFont(CFont As CWFont, ByVal Text As String, ByVal PrintX As Long, ByVal PrintY As Long, ByVal FBOXWidth As Long, ByVal FBOXHeight As Long, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal FAlign As CWFAlign) Dim rc As D3DRECT, txtl As Long, TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX txtl = Len(Text) If txtl = 0 Then Exit Sub rc.X1 = PrintX rc.Y1 = PrintY rc.X2 = PrintX + FBOXWidth rc.Y2 = PrintY + FBOXHeight If CWSpState = Ended Then CWFontList(CFont.SNum).DrawTextW Nothing, ByVal Text, txtl, rc, FAlign, CColor Exit Sub End If With TexMatrix .m11 = WorldTransform.m11 .m12 = WorldTransform.m12 .m21 = WorldTransform.m21 .m22 = WorldTransform.m22 .m33 = 1! .m44 = 1! .m41 = WorldTransform.mdx .m42 = WorldTransform.mdy End With CWSprite.SetTransform TexMatrix If CWFontList(CFont.SNum).DrawTextW(CWSprite, ByVal Text, txtl, rc, FAlign, CColor) > 0 Then CWSpState = Drawed End If End Sub Public Sub CWPrintFontTop(CFont As CWFont, ByVal Text As String, ByVal PrintX As Long, ByVal PrintY As Long, ByVal FBOXWidth As Long, ByVal FBOXHeight As Long, ByVal CColor As CWColorConstants, Optional ByVal FAlign As CWFAlign) Dim rc As D3DRECT, txtl As Long, TexMatrix As D3DMATRIX txtl = Len(Text) If txtl = 0 Then Exit Sub rc.X1 = PrintX rc.Y1 = PrintY rc.X2 = PrintX + FBOXWidth rc.Y2 = PrintY + FBOXHeight If CWSpState = Ended Then CWFontList(CFont.SNum).DrawTextW Nothing, ByVal Text, txtl, rc, FAlign, CColor Exit Sub End If With TexMatrix .m11 = WorldTransform.m11 .m12 = WorldTransform.m12 .m21 = WorldTransform.m21 .m22 = WorldTransform.m22 .m33 = 1! .m44 = 1! .m41 = WorldTransform.mdx .m42 = WorldTransform.mdy End With CWSpriteSP.SetTransform TexMatrix CWFontList(CFont.SNum).DrawTextW CWSpriteSP, ByVal Text, txtl, rc, FAlign, CColor End Sub Public Sub CWLoadMusic(Music As CWMusic, ByVal MPath As String) Dim PathS As String, dshow As New FilgraphManager PathS = GetShortName(MPath) Set dshow = New FilgraphManager dshow.RenderFile PathS With Music If .ID = 0 Then CWMusicNum = CWMusicNum + 1 .ID = CWMusicNum ReDim Preserve CWMusicList(1 To CWMusicNum) End If End With With CWMusicList(Music.ID) Set .mc = dshow Set .mp = dshow Set .ba = dshow Set .vw = dshow Set .evt = dshow On Error Resume Next With .vw .AutoShow = False .Owner = CWHwnd End With End With End Sub Public Sub CWPlayMusic(Music As CWMusic, ByVal MPState As CWMPModel) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) Select Case MPState Case CWM_Once .IsLoop = False Case CWM_Repeat .IsLoop = True If .mp.CurrentPosition > .mp.Duration - 0.1 Then .mp.CurrentPosition = 0 End If Case CWM_Restart .IsLoop = False .mp.CurrentPosition = 0 End Select .mc.Run End With End Sub Public Sub CWPauseMusic(Music As CWMusic) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) .mc.Pause End With End Sub Public Sub CWStopMusic(Music As CWMusic) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) .mc.Stop .mp.CurrentPosition = 0 .mc.StopWhenReady End With End Sub Public Sub CWDelMusic(Music As CWMusic) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) If Not (.mc Is Nothing) Then .mc.Stop Set .mc = Nothing End If Set .mp = Nothing Set .ba = Nothing Set .vw = Nothing End With End Sub ' 设置音量 Public Sub CWSetMusicVol(Music As CWMusic, ByVal mVolume As Single) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) .ba.Volume = VolumeToDecibel(mVolume) End With End Sub ' 设置声道平衡 Public Sub CWSetMusicPan(Music As CWMusic, ByVal mBalance As Single) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) If mBalance > 0 Then .ba.Balance = -VolumeToDecibel(1000 - mBalance) Else .ba.Balance = VolumeToDecibel(1000 + mBalance) End If End With End Sub ' 设置速度(音高) Public Sub CWSetMusicRate(Music As CWMusic, ByVal mPitch As Single) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) .mp.Rate = mPitch End With End Sub ' 获取播放时长(整数部分为秒数,小数部分用于微调) Public Property Get CWMusicDuration(Music As CWMusic) As Double With CWMusicList(Music.ID) CWMusicDuration = .mp.Duration End With End Property ' 获取播放进度 Public Property Get CWMusicPosition(Music As CWMusic) As Double With CWMusicList(Music.ID) CWMusicPosition = .mp.CurrentPosition End With End Property ' 设置播放进度 Public Property Let CWMusicPosition(Music As CWMusic, ByVal mPos As Double) With CWMusicList(Music.ID) .mp.CurrentPosition = mPos End With End Property ' PicMode 为Ture表示PS的线性减淡模式(用于贴图作为光源) ' PicMode 为False表示原来的光照模式(用于填充图形作为光源) Public Sub LightEFOpen(Optional ByVal PicMode As Boolean) CWPaintPicFlush If PicMode Then CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE Else CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_DESTCOLOR CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA End If End Sub Public Sub LightEFClose() CWPaintPicFlush CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA End Sub Public Sub CWClipperOpen(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long) CWPaintPicFlush Dim rc As D3DRECT With rc .X1 = X: .X2 = X + Width .Y1 = Y: .Y2 = Y + Height End With With CWD3DDevice9 .SetRenderState D3DRS_SCISSORTESTENABLE, True .SetScissorRect rc End With End Sub Public Sub CWClipperClose() CWPaintPicFlush CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_SCISSORTESTENABLE, False End Sub Public Sub CWCheckKey(ByVal CWKeyAscii As Integer, CWKeySpecies As CWKeyState) Select Case GetAsyncKeyState(CWKeyAscii) < 0 Case CWKU If CWKeySpecies.PUP Then CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = False If CWKeySpecies.PDown Then CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = True CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = False CWKeySpecies.PUP = True CWKeySpecies.PDown = False Case CWKD If CWKeySpecies.PDown Then CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = False If CWKeySpecies.PUP Then CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = True CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = False CWKeySpecies.PDown = True CWKeySpecies.PUP = False End Select End Sub Public Sub CWCheckKeySP(ByVal CWKeyAscii As Integer, CWKeySpecies As CWKeyStateSP) Select Case GetAsyncKeyState(CWKeyAscii) < 0 Case CWKU If CWKeySpecies.PUP Then CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = False If CWKeySpecies.PDown Then CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = True CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = False CWKeySpecies.PUP = True CWKeySpecies.PDown = False Case CWKD If CWKeySpecies.PDown Then CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = False If CWKeySpecies.PUP Then CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = True CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = False CWKeySpecies.PDown = True CWKeySpecies.PUP = False End Select End Sub Public Sub CWCheckKeyMul(ByVal CWKeyAscii1 As Integer, ByVal CWKeyAscii2 As Integer, CWKeySpecies As CWKeyState) Select Case (GetAsyncKeyState(CWKeyAscii1) < 0) Or (GetAsyncKeyState(CWKeyAscii2) < 0) Case CWKU If CWKeySpecies.PUP Then CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = False If CWKeySpecies.PDown Then CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = True CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = False CWKeySpecies.PUP = True CWKeySpecies.PDown = False Case CWKD If CWKeySpecies.PDown Then CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = False If CWKeySpecies.PUP Then CWKeySpecies.PDownMoment = True CWKeySpecies.PUPMoment = False CWKeySpecies.PDown = True CWKeySpecies.PUP = False End Select End Sub Public Sub CWKeyboardCheck() '键盘检测 CWCheckKey vbKeyA, CWKeyboard.A CWCheckKey vbKeyB, CWKeyboard.B CWCheckKey vbKeyC, CWKeyboard.C CWCheckKey vbKeyD, CWKeyboard.D CWCheckKey vbKeyE, CWKeyboard.E CWCheckKey vbKeyF, CWKeyboard.F CWCheckKey vbKeyG, CWKeyboard.G CWCheckKey vbKeyH, CWKeyboard.H CWCheckKey vbKeyI, CWKeyboard.I CWCheckKey vbKeyJ, CWKeyboard.j CWCheckKey vbKeyK, CWKeyboard.K CWCheckKey vbKeyL, CWKeyboard.L CWCheckKey vbKeyM, CWKeyboard.M CWCheckKey vbKeyN, CWKeyboard.N CWCheckKey vbKeyO, CWKeyboard.O CWCheckKey vbKeyP, CWKeyboard.P CWCheckKey vbKeyQ, CWKeyboard.Q CWCheckKey vbKeyR, CWKeyboard.R CWCheckKey vbKeyS, CWKeyboard.S CWCheckKey vbKeyT, CWKeyboard.T CWCheckKey vbKeyU, CWKeyboard.U CWCheckKey vbKeyV, CWKeyboard.V CWCheckKey vbKeyW, CWKeyboard.W CWCheckKey vbKeyX, CWKeyboard.X CWCheckKey vbKeyY, CWKeyboard.Y CWCheckKey vbKeyZ, CWKeyboard.Z CWCheckKey vbKeyUp, CWKeyboard.UP CWCheckKey vbKeyDown, CWKeyboard.Down CWCheckKey vbKeyLeft, CWKeyboard.Left CWCheckKey vbKeyRight, CWKeyboard.Right CWCheckKey vbKeySpace, CWKeyboard.Space CWCheckKey 13, CWKeyboard.Enter 'CWCheckKey vbKeyShift, CWKeyboard.Shift CWCheckKeyMul &HA0, &HA1, CWKeyboard.Shift 'CWCheckKey vbKeyControl, CWKeyboard.Ctrl CWCheckKeyMul &HA2, &HA3, CWKeyboard.Ctrl 'CWCheckKey vbKeyMenu, CWKeyboard.Alt '需要修正 CWCheckKeyMul &HA4, &HA5, CWKeyboard.Alt CWCheckKey vbKeyTab, CWKeyboard.Tab CWCheckKey vbKeyBack, CWKeyboard.BackSpace CWCheckKey vbKeyF1, CWKeyboard.F1 CWCheckKey vbKeyF2, CWKeyboard.F2 CWCheckKey vbKeyF3, CWKeyboard.F3 CWCheckKey vbKeyF4, CWKeyboard.F4 CWCheckKey vbKeyF5, CWKeyboard.F5 CWCheckKey vbKeyF6, CWKeyboard.F6 CWCheckKey vbKeyF7, CWKeyboard.F7 CWCheckKey vbKeyF8, CWKeyboard.F8 CWCheckKey vbKeyF9, CWKeyboard.F9 CWCheckKey vbKeyF10, CWKeyboard.F10 CWCheckKey vbKeyF11, CWKeyboard.F11 CWCheckKey vbKeyF12, CWKeyboard.F12 CWCheckKey vbKeyInsert, CWKeyboard.Insert CWCheckKey vbKeyDelete, CWKeyboard.Delete CWCheckKey vbKeyPageUp, CWKeyboard.PageUp CWCheckKey vbKeyPageDown, CWKeyboard.PageDown CWCheckKey vbKeyHome, CWKeyboard.Home CWCheckKey vbKeyEnd, CWKeyboard.End CWCheckKeyMul vbKey0, vbKeyNumpad0, CWKeyboard.Num0 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey1, vbKeyNumpad1, CWKeyboard.Num1 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey2, vbKeyNumpad2, CWKeyboard.Num2 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey3, vbKeyNumpad3, CWKeyboard.Num3 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey4, vbKeyNumpad4, CWKeyboard.Num4 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey5, vbKeyNumpad5, CWKeyboard.Num5 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey6, vbKeyNumpad6, CWKeyboard.Num6 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey7, vbKeyNumpad7, CWKeyboard.Num7 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey8, vbKeyNumpad8, CWKeyboard.Num8 CWCheckKeyMul vbKey9, vbKeyNumpad9, CWKeyboard.Num9 CWCheckKey vbKeyEscape, CWKeyboard.ESC End Sub Public Sub CWMouseCheck() '鼠标检测 Dim CWMXY As POINTAPI GetCursorPos CWMXY If CWDModelW = CW_FullScreen Then CWMouse.X = CWMXY.X CWMouse.Y = CWMXY.Y If IsActive Then CWCheckKey vbKeyLButton, CWMouse.LeftKey CWCheckKey vbKeyRButton, CWMouse.RightKey CWCheckKeySP vbKeyMButton, CWMouse.MidKey CWCheckKey 5, CWMouse.BackKey CWCheckKey 6, CWMouse.ForwardKey End If Else Dim rc As D3DRECT IsHitWnd = WindowFromPoint(CWMXY.X, CWMXY.Y) = CWHwnd GetClientRect CWHwnd, rc ScreenToClient CWHwnd, CWMXY If IsHitWnd Then IsHitWnd = PtInRect(rc, CWMXY.X, CWMXY.Y) CWMouse.X = (CWMXY.X - rc.X1) * CWDModelX / (rc.X2 - rc.X1) CWMouse.Y = (CWMXY.Y - rc.Y1) * CWDModelY / (rc.Y2 - rc.Y1) If IsActive And IsHitWnd Then CWCheckKey vbKeyLButton, CWMouse.LeftKey CWCheckKey vbKeyRButton, CWMouse.RightKey CWCheckKeySP vbKeyMButton, CWMouse.MidKey CWCheckKey 5, CWMouse.BackKey CWCheckKey 6, CWMouse.ForwardKey End If End If End Sub Public Property Get CWCheckJoyAxis(ByVal jixPos As Long, ByVal Flag As JOYFALGS) As Single If Flag Then jixPos = jixPos \ 256 CWCheckJoyAxis = (jixPos - 127 + (jixPos >= &H80&)) / 127! End If End Property Public Sub CWCheckJoyButton(State As CWKeyState, ByVal IsDown As Boolean) If IsDown Then If State.PDown Then State.PDownMoment = False If State.PUP Then State.PDownMoment = True State.PUPMoment = False State.PDown = True State.PUP = False Else If State.PUP Then State.PUPMoment = False If State.PDown Then State.PUPMoment = True State.PDownMoment = False State.PUP = True State.PDown = False End If End Sub Public Sub CWJoystickCheck() '摇杆检测 Dim I&, j&, jix As JOYINFOEX jix.dwSize = LenB(jix) For I = LBound(CWJoystick) To UBound(CWJoystick) jix.dwFlags = JOY_RETURNALL With CWJoystick(I) .IsConnected = 0 = joyGetPosEx(I, jix) If .IsConnected Then ' 读取手柄成功 .IsPov = jix.dwPOV >= 0 .X = CWCheckJoyAxis(jix.dwXpos, jix.dwFlags And JOY_RETURNX) .Y = CWCheckJoyAxis(jix.dwYpos, jix.dwFlags And JOY_RETURNY) .Z = CWCheckJoyAxis(jix.dwZpos, jix.dwFlags And JOY_RETURNZ) .R = CWCheckJoyAxis(jix.dwRpos, jix.dwFlags And JOY_RETURNR) If Not .IsPov Then .Pov = 0 Else If jix.dwPOV > 0 Then .Pov = jix.dwPOV * 0.01! Else .Pov = 360! Dim jb&: jb = 1 For j = LBound(.Btn) To UBound(.Btn) CWCheckJoyButton .Btn(j), jix.dwButtons And jb jb = jb * 2 Next Else ' 读取手柄失败 (可能是未插入的原因) ZeroMemory CWJoystick(I), LenB(CWJoystick(I)) End If End With Next End Sub Public Sub AltBUGRepair(ByVal KeyCode As Integer) If KeyCode = 18 Then mouse_event RightButtonUpDown, 0, 0, 0, 0 SendMessage CWHwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0& End If End Sub Public Sub MediaBUGRepair() Dim Music As CWMusic For Music.ID = 1 To CWMusicNum CWDelMusic Music Next End Sub Public Sub CWMediaLoopRepair() On Error Resume Next Dim I&, evc& For I = 1 To CWMusicNum With CWMusicList(I) If .IsLoop And Not (.mp Is Nothing) Then .evt.WaitForCompletion 0, evc If 1 = evc Then .mp.CurrentPosition = 0 End If End With Next End Sub Public Property Get CWColorARGB(ByVal A As Byte, ByVal R As Byte, ByVal G As Byte, ByVal B As Byte) As CWColorConstants Dim bgra As CWColor With bgra .Alpha = A .Red = R .Green = G .Blue = B End With GetMem4 VarPtr(bgra), CWColorARGB End Property Public Property Get CWColorRGBA(ByVal R As Byte, ByVal G As Byte, ByVal B As Byte, Optional ByVal A As Byte = 255) As CWColorConstants Dim bgra As CWColor With bgra .Alpha = A .Red = R .Green = G .Blue = B End With GetMem4 VarPtr(bgra), CWColorRGBA End Property Public Property Get GetShortName(ByVal sLongPath As String) As String Dim sShortPath As String, L As Long sShortPath = String$(259, vbNullChar) L = GetShortPathNameW(StrPtr(sLongPath), StrPtr(sShortPath), 260) GetShortName = Left$(sShortPath, L) End Property Public Sub CWGetFPS() If timeGetTime - CWLongTime > 1000 Then CWLongTime = timeGetTime CWFPS = CWFrameCount CWFrameCount = 0 Else CWFrameCount = CWFrameCount + 1 End If End Sub Public Sub CWSetFPS() Dim S As Long S = (CLng(1000 / 40) - (timeGetTime - CWTimeNow)) If S > 0 Then Sleep S CWTimeNow = timeGetTime End Sub Public Sub CWPaintPicBegin() If CWSpState <> Ended Then Exit Sub CWSpriteSP.Begin (CWP_SpriteConst Or D3DXSPRITE_SORT_TEXTURE) CWSprite.Begin (CWP_SpriteConst) CWSpState = Begined End Sub Public Sub CWPaintPicEnd() If CWSpState = Ended Then Exit Sub CWSpState = Ended CWSprite.End CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, True CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWD3DDevice9.SetSamplerState 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER CWSpriteSP.End End Sub Public Sub CWPaintPicFlush() If CWSpState <> Drawed Then Exit Sub CWSpState = Begined CWSprite.Flush End Sub Public Property Get CRad(ByVal Angle As Single) As Single CRad = Angle * Pi / 180! End Property Public Property Get Abs2(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) As Single Abs2 = Sqr(X * X + Y * Y) End Property Public Property Get VolumeToDecibel(ByVal Volume As Single) As Long If Volume <= 0.01 Then VolumeToDecibel = -10000 ElseIf Volume >= 1000# Then VolumeToDecibel = 0 Else VolumeToDecibel = CLng(2000# * Log(Volume * 0.001) / Log(10#)) End If End Property '格式转换 Public Sub Transformation(ByRef X!, ByRef Y!, Matrix As CWMatrix) Call TransformationEx(X, Y, X, Y, Matrix) End Sub '格式转换 Public Sub TransformationEx(ByRef OutX!, ByRef OutY!, ByVal InX!, ByVal InY!, Matrix As CWMatrix) With Matrix OutX = InX * .m11 + InY * .m21 + .mdx OutY = InX * .m12 + InY * .m22 + .mdy End With End Sub ' X = Pt.X - Rect.X: Y = Pt.Y - Rect.Y ' Width = Rect.Width: Height = Rect.Height Public Property Get CWPtInRect(ByVal X!, ByVal Y!, ByVal Width!, ByVal Height!) As Boolean CWPtInRect = X >= 0! And Y >= 0! And X <= Width And Y <= Height End Property ' X = Rect1.X - Rect2.X: Y = Rect1.Y - Rect2.Y ' Width1 = Rect1.Width: Height1 = Rect1.Height ' Width2 = Rect2.Width: Height2 = Rect2.Height Public Property Get CWRectInRect(ByVal X!, ByVal Y!, ByVal Width1!, ByVal Height1!, ByVal Width2!, ByVal Height2!) As Boolean CWRectInRect = 0! <= X + Width1 And 0! <= Y + Height1 And X <= Width2 And Y <= Height2 End Property ' X = Pt.X - Circle.X: Y = Pt.Y - Circle.Y: R = Circle.R ' X = Circle1.X - Circle2.X: Y = Circle1.Y - Circle2.Y: R = Circle1.R + Circle2.R Public Property Get CWPtInCircle(ByVal X!, ByVal Y!, ByVal R!) As Boolean CWPtInCircle = X * X + Y * Y <= R * R End Property
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