在自然语言处理任务中,首先需要考虑词如何在计算机中表示。通常,有两种表示方式:one-hot representation和distribution representation。
1. 离散表示(one-hot representation)
2. 分布式表示(distribution representation)
1.A neural probabilistic language model
2.Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
3.Recurrent neural network based language model
1.图解Word2vec,读这一篇就够了 重点推荐
4.【word2vec】算法原理 公式推导_夏目的博客-CSDN博客_word2vec公式
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -#-coding:utf-8 -*-
- # author:by ucas vv
- # datetime:2021/10/21 13:04:43
- # software:PyCharm
- """
- 1.下载数据or找个实验数据,进行数据预处理,
- ①对于中文可能有乱码问题,都使用utf-8加载
- ②matplotlib中文变成方框问题,使用下面代码解决
- # 用来正常显示中文标签
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
- # 用来正常显示负号,否则负号会显示成方块
- plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
- 2.将原词汇数据转换为字典映射,求三大参数,即word2index,index2word,word2one-hot
- 3.为 skip-gram模型 建立一个扫描器
- 4.建立并训练 skip-gram 模型
- 5.开始训练模型
- 6.结果可视化
- """
- import numpy as np
- import jieba
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
- from tqdm import trange
- from tqdm import tqdm
- # 加载停用词词表
- def load_stop_words():
- """
- 停用词是指在信息检索中,
- 为节省存储空间和提高搜索效率,
- 在处理自然语言数据(或文本)之前或之后
- 会自动过滤掉某些字或词
- """
- with open('data/stopwords.txt', "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- return f.read().split("\n")
- # 加载文本,切词
- def cut_words():
- stop_words = load_stop_words()
- with open('data/zhDemoTest.txt', encoding='utf8') as f:
- allData = f.readlines()
- result = []
- for words in allData:
- c_words = jieba.lcut(words)
- result.append([word for word in c_words if word not in stop_words])
- return result
- # 用一个集合存储所有的词
- wordList = []
- # 获得word2index
- word_2_index = {}
- data = cut_words()
- count = 0
- for words in data:
- for word in words:
- if word not in word_2_index.keys():
- word_2_index[word] = count
- count += 1
- wordList.append(word)
- index_2_word = {}
- # 获得 index2word
- for word in word_2_index.keys():
- index_2_word[word_2_index[word]] = word
- print("word2index len= ", len(word_2_index))
- print("word2index= ", word_2_index)
- print("index2word len= ", len(index_2_word))
- print("index2word=", index_2_word)
- print("word len={},wordLsit={}".format(len(wordList), wordList))
- # 传入一个词,获得其对应的one-hot向量
- def getOneHotWordVec(input_word, word2Index):
- """
- :param input_word: 输入的一个词,比如输入一个“政界”
- :param word2Index: 字面意思
- :return: 返回输入词所对应的ont-hot向量
- """
- oneHot = np.zeros(shape=(len(word2Index), 1))
- oneHot[word2Index[input_word]] = 1
- return oneHot
- # word = '目前'
- # print(repr(word) + "的onehot=", getOneHotWordVec(word, word_2_index))
- # 返回一个词表
- def getWindows(input_word_list, window_size):
- """
- :param input_word_list: 所有词的集合
- :param window_size: 窗口大小表示,当前词与其他词距离为size的词
- 比如
- words = [
- '目前', '粮食', '出现', '阶段性',
- '过剩', '恰好', '换', '森林', '草地',
- '再造', '西部', '秀美', '山川', '\n'
- ]
- 令window_size = 3
- 则会返回Dataset= [('目前', '粮食'), ('目前', '出现'),
- ('目前', '阶段性'), ('粮食', '目前'), ('粮食', '出现'),
- ('粮食', '阶段性'), ('粮食', '过剩'), ('出现', '目前'),
- ('出现', '粮食'), ('出现', '阶段性'), ('出现', '过剩'),
- ('出现', '恰好'), ('阶段性', '目前'), ('阶段性', '粮食'),
- ('阶段性', '出现'), ('阶段性', '过剩'), ('阶段性', '恰好'),
- ('阶段性', '换'), ('过剩', '粮食'), ('过剩', '出现'),
- ('过剩', '阶段性'), ('过剩', '恰好'), ('过剩', '换'),
- ('过剩', '森林'), ('恰好', '出现'), ('恰好', '阶段性'),
- ('恰好', '过剩'), ('恰好', '换'), ('恰好', '森林'),
- ('恰好', '草地'), ('换', '阶段性'), ('换', '过剩'),
- ('换', '恰好'), ('换', '森林'), ('换', '草地'),
- ('换', '再造'), ('森林', '过剩'), ('森林', '恰好'),
- ('森林', '换'), ('森林', '草地'), ('森林', '再造'),
- ('森林', '西部'), ('草地', '恰好'), ('草地', '换'),
- ('草地', '森林'), ('草地', '再造'), ('草地', '西部'),
- ('草地', '秀美'), ('再造', '换'), ('再造', '森林'),
- ('再造', '草地'), ('再造', '西部'), ('再造', '秀美'),
- ('再造', '山川'), ('西部', '森林'), ('西部', '草地'),
- ('西部', '再造'), ('西部', '秀美'), ('西部', '山川'),
- ('西部', '\n'), ('秀美', '草地'), ('秀美', '再造'),
- ('秀美', '西部'), ('秀美', '山川'), ('秀美', '\n'),
- ('山川', '再造'), ('山川', '西部'), ('山川', '秀美'),
- ('山川', '\n'), ('\n', '西部'), ('\n', '秀美'),
- ('\n', '山川')
- ]
- 这个距离不是远大越好,也不是越小越好,越大的话包括的范围太小了,
- 可能没有什么关联的词也都一起训练。范围太小的话可能导致中心词与
- 其他词的联系不足
- :return: 词表集合
- """
- Dataset = []
- # 获取
- length = len(input_word_list)
- for i in range(length):
- # 取前后n个单词
- for j in range(i - window_size, i + window_size + 1, 1):
- # print("j=", j)
- if j < 0 or j > (length - 1) or j == i:
- continue
- Dataset.append((input_word_list[i], input_word_list[j]))
- return Dataset
- # 生成训练集
- def getTrain(input_word_list, window_size, word2index):
- """
- :param input_word_list: 所有词的集合,一维数组,里面存着所有词,和上面的wordList一样
- :param window_size: 与中心词相关联的几个词,比如"北京"这个词,他们的前window_size个词都是相关联的
- :param word2index: 词与索引的字典
- :return:返回训练集合x,y
- """
- X_train, y_train = [], []
- Dataset = getWindows(input_word_list, window_size)
- # print("Dataset=", Dataset)
- batch_size = 100
- for i in trange(1, 100000, batch_size):
- # 每个中心词和上下文词都在当前窗口内
- for centre_word, context_word in Dataset[i: i + batch_size - 1]:
- # 拿到x的one-hot向量
- X_train.append(getOneHotWordVec(centre_word, word2index))
- y_train.append(getOneHotWordVec(context_word, word2index))
- # print("X_train", X_train)
- # print("y_train", y_train)
- return X_train, y_train
- X_train, y_train = getTrain(wordList, 3, word_2_index)
- print("X_train len=", len(X_train))
- print("y_train len=", len(y_train))
- X_train = np.array(X_train)
- print("x转换成array完成")
- y_train = np.array(y_train)
- print("y转换成array完成")
- print("X_train array shape=", X_train.shape)
- print("y_train array shape=", y_train.shape)
- X_train = X_train.reshape(6392, 37956)
- print("reshape之后X_train.shape=", X_train.shape)
- y_train = y_train.reshape(6392, 37956)
- print("reshape之后y_train.shape=", y_train.shape)
- print("X_train=", X_train)
- print("y_train=", y_train)
- # 初始化权重矩阵,有个两个矩阵,分别是VxD 和 DxV,为什么这么定义,参考论文的原理
- def weightInit(dimension, pDimension):
- # 第一层矩阵初始化
- W1 = np.random.randn(pDimension, dimension)
- # 第一层偏置初始化
- b1 = np.random.randn(pDimension, 1)
- # 第二层矩阵初始化,维度和是第一个矩阵的转置
- W2 = np.random.randn(dimension, pDimension)
- # 第二层偏置初始化
- b2 = np.random.randn(dimension, 1)
- return W1, b1, W2, b2
- # relu激活函数
- def relu(z):
- return np.maximum(0, z)
- # softmax函数
- def softmax(z):
- ex = np.exp(z)
- return ex / np.sum(ex, axis=0)
- # 前向传播
- def forward(x, W1, b1, W2, b2):
- # 第一层前向传播即 权重与输入的x的乘积加上偏置
- Z1 = np.dot(W1, x) + b1
- # 添加一个rule函数
- Z1 = relu(Z1)
- # 第二层前向传播即 上一层的输出作为当前层的输入与当前权重的乘积,再加上第二层的偏置值
- Z2 = np.dot(W2, Z1) + b2
- # 将第二层的输出值经过softmax函数,得到概率值
- ypred = softmax(Z2)
- return Z1, Z2, ypred
- # 误差计算
- def errorCalculation(y, ypred, m):
- error = -(np.sum(np.multiply(y, np.log(ypred)))) / m
- return error
- # 反向传播
- def backProp(W1, b1, W2, b2, Z1, Z2, y, ypred, x):
- dW1 = np.dot(relu(np.dot(W2.T, ypred - y)), x.T)
- db1 = relu(np.dot(W2.T, ypred - y))
- dW2 = np.dot(ypred - y, Z1.T)
- db2 = ypred - y
- return dW1, db1, dW2, db2
- # 模型训练
- def model(x, y, epoches=10, learning_rate=0.00001):
- # x的行列数
- dimension = x.shape[0]
- m = x.shape[1]
- # 生成词向量维度,300表示生成的词向量用300行数字表示这个词
- pDimension = 300
- W1, b1, W2, b2 = weightInit(dimension, pDimension)
- error = []
- for i in tqdm(range(epoches)):
- Z1, Z2, ypred = forward(x, W1, b1, W2, b2)
- error.append(errorCalculation(y, ypred, m))
- dW1, db1, dW2, db2 = backProp(W1, b1, W2, b2, Z1, Z2, y, ypred, x)
- # 更新权重和偏置
- W1 = W1 - learning_rate * dW1
- b1 = b1 - learning_rate * db1
- W2 = W2 - learning_rate * dW2
- b2 = b2 - learning_rate * db2
- print("error=", error)
- return ypred, error, W1, W2
- # 传入训练集和epoch次数,以及学习率
- ypred, error, W1, W2 = model(X_train, y_train, 10, 0.00001)
- W = np.add(W1, W2.T) / 2
- print("W=", W)
- # 生成词嵌入字典,即{单词1:词向量1,单词2:词向量2...}的格式
- word_2_vec = {}
- for word in word_2_index.keys():
- # 词向量矩阵中某个词的索引所对应的那一列即为所该词的词向量
- word_2_vec[word] = W[:, word_2_index[word]]
- print("word2vec=", word_2_vec)
- pca = PCA(n_components=2)
- principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(W.T)
- # 降维后在生成一个词嵌入字典,即即{单词1:(维度一,维度二),单词2:(维度一,维度二)...}的格式
- word2ReduceDimensionVec = {}
- for word in word_2_index.keys():
- word2ReduceDimensionVec[word] = principalComponents[word_2_index[word], :]
- # 将生成的字典写入到文件中,字符集要设定utf8,不然中文乱码
- with open("zh_vector.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for key in word_2_index.keys():
- f.write('\n')
- f.writelines('"' + str(key) + '":' + str(word_2_vec[key]))
- f.write('\n')
- # 将词向量可视化
- plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
- # 只画出1000个,太多显示效果很差
- count = 0
- for word, wordvec in word2ReduceDimensionVec.items():
- if count < 1000:
- plt.scatter(wordvec[0], wordvec[1])
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 用来正常显示中文标签
- plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 用来正常显示负号,否则负号会显示成方块
- plt.annotate(word, (wordvec[0], wordvec[1]))
- count += 1
- plt.show()
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