Python依赖库,使用pip install即可
numpy==1.16.3 matplotlib==3.1.0 Pillow==6.0.0 easydict==1.9 opencv-contrib-python== opencv-python== pandas==1.1.5 PyYAML==5.3.1 scikit-image==0.17.2 scikit-learn==0.24.0 scipy==1.5.4 seaborn==0.11.2 tqdm==4.55.1 xmltodict==0.12.0 pybaseutils==0.7.6 librosa==0.8.1 pyaudio==0.2.11 pydub==0.23.1
语音处理中常用的特征值: Mel频谱图(Mel Spectrogram)和Mel频率倒谱系数(Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient, MFCC),参考文章:https://www.cnblogs.com/Ge-ronimo/p/17281385.html
data, sr = librosa.load(path, sr, mono)
- # -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
- import numpy as np
- import librosa
- def read_audio(audio_file, sr=16000, mono=True):
- """
- 默认将多声道音频文件转换为单声道,并返回一维数组;
- 如果你需要处理多声道音频文件,可以使用 mono=False,参数来保留所有声道,并返回二维数组。
- :param audio_file:
- :param sr: sampling rate
- :param mono: 设置为true是单通道,否则是双通道
- :return:
- """
- audio_data, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=sr, mono=mono)
- audio_data = audio_data.T.reshape(-1)
- return audio_data, sr
- def print_vector(name, data):
- np.set_printoptions(precision=7, suppress=False)
- print("------------------------%s------------------------\n" % name)
- print("{}".format(data.tolist()))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sr = None
- audio_file = "data/data_s1.wav"
- data, sr = read_audio(audio_file, sr=sr, mono=False)
- print("sr = %d, data size=%d" % (sr, len(data)))
- print_vector("audio data", data)
C/C++读取音频文件:需要根据音频的数据格式进行解码,参考:C语言解析wav文件格式 ,本项目已经实现C/C++版本的读取音频数据,可支持单声道和双声道音频数据(mono)
- /**
- * 读取音频文件,目前仅支持wav格式文件
- * @param filename wav格式文件
- * @param out 输出音频数据
- * @param sr 输出音频采样率
- * @param mono 设置为true是单通道,否则是双通道
- * @return
- */
- int read_audio(const char *filename, vector<float> &out, int *sr, bool mono = true);
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include "librosa/audio_utils.h"
- #include "librosa/librosa.h"
- using namespace std;
- int main() {
- int sr = -1;
- string audio_file = "../data/data_s1.wav";
- vector<float> data;
- int res = read_audio(audio_file.c_str(), data, &sr, false);
- if (res < 0) {
- printf("read wav file error: %s\n", audio_file.c_str());
- return -1;
- }
- printf("sr = %d, data size=%d\n", sr, data.size());
- print_vector("audio data", data);
- return 0;
- }
测试和对比Python和C++版本读取音频文件数据,经过多轮测试,二者的读取的音频数值差异已经很小,基本已经对齐python librosa库的librosa.load()函数
数值对比 | |
C++版本 | |
Python版本 |
- def librosa_feature_melspectrogram(y,
- sr=16000,
- n_mels=128,
- n_fft=2048,
- hop_length=256,
- win_length=None,
- window="hann",
- center=True,
- pad_mode="reflect",
- power=2.0,
- fmin=0.0,
- fmax=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- 计算音频梅尔频谱图(Mel Spectrogram)
- :param y: 音频时间序列
- :param sr: 采样率
- :param n_mels: number of Mel bands to generate产生的梅尔带数
- :param n_fft: length of the FFT window FFT窗口的长度
- :param hop_length: number of samples between successive frames 帧移(相邻窗之间的距离)
- :param win_length: 窗口的长度为win_length,默认win_length = n_fft
- :param window:
- :param center: 如果为True,则填充信号y,以使帧 t以y [t * hop_length]为中心。
- 如果为False,则帧t从y [t * hop_length]开始
- :param pad_mode:
- :param power: 幅度谱的指数。例如1代表能量,2代表功率,等等
- :param fmin: 最低频率(Hz)
- :param fmax: 最高频率(以Hz为单位),如果为None,则使用fmax = sr / 2.0
- :param kwargs:
- :return: 返回Mel频谱shape=(n_mels,n_frames),n_mels是Mel频率的维度(频域),n_frames为时间帧长度(时域)
- """
- mel = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=y,
- sr=sr,
- S=None,
- n_mels=n_mels,
- n_fft=n_fft,
- hop_length=hop_length,
- win_length=win_length,
- window=window,
- center=center,
- pad_mode=pad_mode,
- power=power,
- fmin=fmin,
- fmax=fmax,
- **kwargs)
- return mel
- /***
- * compute mel spectrogram similar with librosa.feature.melspectrogram
- * @param x input audio signal
- * @param sr sample rate of 'x'
- * @param n_fft length of the FFT size
- * @param n_hop number of samples between successive frames
- * @param win window function. currently only supports 'hann'
- * @param center same as librosa
- * @param mode pad mode. support "reflect","symmetric","edge"
- * @param power exponent for the magnitude melspectrogram
- * @param n_mels number of mel bands
- * @param fmin lowest frequency (in Hz)
- * @param fmax highest frequency (in Hz)
- * @return mel spectrogram matrix
- */
- static std::vector <std::vector<float>> melspectrogram(std::vector<float> &x, int sr,
- int n_fft, int n_hop, const std::string &win, bool center,
- const std::string &mode,
- float power, int n_mels, int fmin, int fmax)
版本 | 数值对比 |
C++版本 | |
Python版本 |
Python版可使用librosa库的librosa.feature.mfcc实现MFCC(Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients)
- def librosa_feature_mfcc(y,
- sr=16000,
- n_mfcc=128,
- n_mels=128,
- n_fft=2048,
- hop_length=256,
- win_length=None,
- window="hann",
- center=True,
- pad_mode="reflect",
- power=2.0,
- fmin=0.0,
- fmax=None,
- dct_type=2,
- **kwargs):
- """
- 计算音频MFCC
- :param y: 音频时间序列
- :param sr: 采样率
- :param n_mfcc: number of MFCCs to return
- :param n_mels: number of Mel bands to generate产生的梅尔带数
- :param n_fft: length of the FFT window FFT窗口的长度
- :param hop_length: number of samples between successive frames 帧移(相邻窗之间的距离)
- :param win_length: 窗口的长度为win_length,默认win_length = n_fft
- :param window:
- :param center: 如果为True,则填充信号y,以使帧 t以y [t * hop_length]为中心。
- 如果为False,则帧t从y [t * hop_length]开始
- :param pad_mode:
- :param power: 幅度谱的指数。例如1代表能量,2代表功率,等等
- :param fmin: 最低频率(Hz)
- :param fmax: 最高频率(以Hz为单位),如果为None,则使用fmax = sr / 2.0
- :param kwargs:
- :return: 返回MFCC shape=(n_mfcc,n_frames)
- """
- # MFCC 梅尔频率倒谱系数
- mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y,
- sr=sr,
- S=None,
- n_mfcc=n_mfcc,
- n_mels=n_mels,
- n_fft=n_fft,
- hop_length=hop_length,
- win_length=win_length,
- window=window,
- center=center,
- pad_mode=pad_mode,
- power=power,
- fmin=fmin,
- fmax=fmax,
- dct_type=dct_type,
- **kwargs)
- return mfcc
- /***
- * compute mfcc similar with librosa.feature.mfcc
- * @param x input audio signal
- * @param sr sample rate of 'x'
- * @param n_fft length of the FFT size
- * @param n_hop number of samples between successive frames
- * @param win window function. currently only supports 'hann'
- * @param center same as librosa
- * @param mode pad mode. support "reflect","symmetric","edge"
- * @param power exponent for the magnitude melspectrogram
- * @param n_mels number of mel bands
- * @param fmin lowest frequency (in Hz)
- * @param fmax highest frequency (in Hz)
- * @param n_mfcc number of mfccs
- * @param norm ortho-normal dct basis
- * @param type dct type. currently only supports 'type-II'
- * @return mfcc matrix
- */
- static std::vector<std::vector<float>> mfcc(std::vector<float> &x, int sr,
- int n_fft, int n_hop, const std::string &win, bool center, const std::string &mode,
- float power, int n_mels, int fmin, int fmax,
- int n_mfcc, bool norm, int type)
版本 | 数值对比 |
C++版本 | |
Python版本 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- if [ ! -d "build/" ];then
- mkdir "build"
- else
- echo "exist build"
- fi
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make -j4
- sleep 1
- ./main
- /****
- * @Author : 390737991@qq.com
- * @E-mail :
- * @Date :
- * @Brief : C/C++实现Melspectrogram和MFCC
- */
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include "librosa/audio_utils.h"
- #include "librosa/librosa.h"
- #include "librosa/cv_utils.h"
- using namespace std;
- int main() {
- int sr = -1;
- int n_fft = 400;
- int hop_length = 160;
- int n_mel = 64;
- int fmin = 80;
- int fmax = 7600;
- int n_mfcc = 64;
- int dct_type = 2;
- float power = 2.f;
- bool center = false;
- bool norm = true;
- string window = "hann";
- string pad_mode = "reflect";
- //string audio_file = "../data/data_d2.wav";
- string audio_file = "../data/data_s1.wav";
- vector<float> data;
- int res = read_audio(audio_file.c_str(), data, &sr, false);
- if (res < 0) {
- printf("read wav file error: %s\n", audio_file.c_str());
- return -1;
- }
- printf("n_fft = %d\n", n_fft);
- printf("n_mel = %d\n", n_mel);
- printf("hop_length = %d\n", hop_length);
- printf("fmin, fmax = (%d,%d)\n", fmin, fmax);
- printf("sr = %d, data size=%d\n", sr, data.size());
- //print_vector("audio data", data);
- // compute mel Melspectrogram
- vector<vector<float>> mels_feature = librosa::Feature::melspectrogram(data, sr, n_fft, hop_length, window,
- center, pad_mode, power, n_mel, fmin, fmax);
- int mels_w = (int) mels_feature.size();
- int mels_h = (int) mels_feature[0].size();
- cv::Mat mels_image = vector2mat<float>(get_vector(mels_feature), 1, mels_h);
- print_feature("mels_feature", mels_feature);
- printf("mels_feature size(n_frames,n_mels)=(%d,%d)\n", mels_w, mels_h);
- image_show("mels_feature(C++)", mels_image, 10);
- // compute MFCC
- vector<vector<float>> mfcc_feature = librosa::Feature::mfcc(data, sr, n_fft, hop_length, window, center, pad_mode,
- power, n_mel, fmin, fmax, n_mfcc, norm, dct_type);
- int mfcc_w = (int) mfcc_feature.size();
- int mfcc_h = (int) mfcc_feature[0].size();
- cv::Mat mfcc_image = vector2mat<float>(get_vector(mfcc_feature), 1, mfcc_h);
- print_feature("mfcc_feature", mfcc_feature);
- printf("mfcc_feature size(n_frames,n_mfcc)=(%d,%d)\n", mfcc_w, mfcc_h);
- image_show("mfcc_feature(C++)", mfcc_image, 10);
- cv::waitKey(0);
- printf("finish...");
- return 0;
- }
- # -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- @Author :
- @E-mail :
- @Date : 2023-08-01 22:27:56
- @Brief :
- """
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- import librosa
- def cv_show_image(title, image, use_rgb=False, delay=0):
- """
- 调用OpenCV显示图片
- :param title: 图像标题
- :param image: 输入是否是RGB图像
- :param use_rgb: True:输入image是RGB的图像, False:返输入image是BGR格式的图像
- :param delay: delay=0表示暂停,delay>0表示延时delay毫米
- :return:
- """
- img = image.copy()
- if img.shape[-1] == 3 and use_rgb:
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # 将BGR转为RGB
- # cv2.namedWindow(title, flags=cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
- cv2.namedWindow(title, flags=cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
- cv2.imshow(title, img)
- cv2.waitKey(delay)
- return img
- def librosa_feature_melspectrogram(y,
- sr=16000,
- n_mels=128,
- n_fft=2048,
- hop_length=256,
- win_length=None,
- window="hann",
- center=True,
- pad_mode="reflect",
- power=2.0,
- fmin=0.0,
- fmax=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- 计算音频梅尔频谱图(Mel Spectrogram)
- :param y: 音频时间序列
- :param sr: 采样率
- :param n_mels: number of Mel bands to generate产生的梅尔带数
- :param n_fft: length of the FFT window FFT窗口的长度
- :param hop_length: number of samples between successive frames 帧移(相邻窗之间的距离)
- :param win_length: 窗口的长度为win_length,默认win_length = n_fft
- :param window:
- :param center: 如果为True,则填充信号y,以使帧 t以y [t * hop_length]为中心。
- 如果为False,则帧t从y [t * hop_length]开始
- :param pad_mode:
- :param power: 幅度谱的指数。例如1代表能量,2代表功率,等等
- :param fmin: 最低频率(Hz)
- :param fmax: 最高频率(以Hz为单位),如果为None,则使用fmax = sr / 2.0
- :param kwargs:
- :return: 返回Mel频谱shape=(n_mels,n_frames),n_mels是Mel频率的维度(频域),n_frames为时间帧长度(时域)
- """
- mel = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=y,
- sr=sr,
- S=None,
- n_mels=n_mels,
- n_fft=n_fft,
- hop_length=hop_length,
- win_length=win_length,
- window=window,
- center=center,
- pad_mode=pad_mode,
- power=power,
- fmin=fmin,
- fmax=fmax,
- **kwargs)
- return mel
- def librosa_feature_mfcc(y,
- sr=16000,
- n_mfcc=128,
- n_mels=128,
- n_fft=2048,
- hop_length=256,
- win_length=None,
- window="hann",
- center=True,
- pad_mode="reflect",
- power=2.0,
- fmin=0.0,
- fmax=None,
- dct_type=2,
- **kwargs):
- """
- 计算音频MFCC
- :param y: 音频时间序列
- :param sr: 采样率
- :param n_mfcc: number of MFCCs to return
- :param n_mels: number of Mel bands to generate产生的梅尔带数
- :param n_fft: length of the FFT window FFT窗口的长度
- :param hop_length: number of samples between successive frames 帧移(相邻窗之间的距离)
- :param win_length: 窗口的长度为win_length,默认win_length = n_fft
- :param window:
- :param center: 如果为True,则填充信号y,以使帧 t以y [t * hop_length]为中心。
- 如果为False,则帧t从y [t * hop_length]开始
- :param pad_mode:
- :param power: 幅度谱的指数。例如1代表能量,2代表功率,等等
- :param fmin: 最低频率(Hz)
- :param fmax: 最高频率(以Hz为单位),如果为None,则使用fmax = sr / 2.0
- :param kwargs:
- :return: 返回MFCC shape=(n_mfcc,n_frames)
- """
- # MFCC 梅尔频率倒谱系数
- mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y,
- sr=sr,
- S=None,
- n_mfcc=n_mfcc,
- n_mels=n_mels,
- n_fft=n_fft,
- hop_length=hop_length,
- win_length=win_length,
- window=window,
- center=center,
- pad_mode=pad_mode,
- power=power,
- fmin=fmin,
- fmax=fmax,
- dct_type=dct_type,
- **kwargs)
- return mfcc
- def read_audio(audio_file, sr=16000, mono=True):
- """
- 默认将多声道音频文件转换为单声道,并返回一维数组;
- 如果你需要处理多声道音频文件,可以使用 mono=False,参数来保留所有声道,并返回二维数组。
- :param audio_file:
- :param sr: sampling rate
- :param mono: 设置为true是单通道,否则是双通道
- :return:
- """
- audio_data, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=sr, mono=mono)
- audio_data = audio_data.T.reshape(-1)
- return audio_data, sr
- def print_feature(name, feature):
- h, w = feature.shape[:2]
- np.set_printoptions(precision=7, suppress=True, linewidth=(11 + 3) * w)
- print("------------------------{}------------------------".format(name))
- for i in range(w):
- v = feature[:, i].reshape(-1)
- print("data[{:0=3d},:]={}".format(i, v))
- def print_vector(name, data):
- np.set_printoptions(precision=7, suppress=False)
- print("------------------------%s------------------------\n" % name)
- print("{}".format(data.tolist()))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sr = None
- n_fft = 400
- hop_length = 160
- n_mel = 64
- fmin = 80
- fmax = 7600
- n_mfcc = 64
- dct_type = 2
- power = 2.0
- center = False
- norm = True
- window = "hann"
- pad_mode = "reflect"
- audio_file = "data/data_s1.wav"
- data, sr = read_audio(audio_file, sr=sr, mono=False)
- print("n_fft = %d" % n_fft)
- print("n_mel = %d" % n_mel)
- print("hop_length = %d" % hop_length)
- print("fmin, fmax = (%d,%d)" % (fmin, fmax))
- print("sr = %d, data size=%d" % (sr, len(data)))
- # print_vector("audio data", data)
- mels_feature = librosa_feature_melspectrogram(y=data,
- sr=sr,
- n_mels=n_mel,
- n_fft=n_fft,
- hop_length=hop_length,
- win_length=None,
- fmin=fmin,
- fmax=fmax,
- window=window,
- center=center,
- pad_mode=pad_mode,
- power=power)
- print_feature("mels_feature", mels_feature)
- print("mels_feature size(n_frames,n_mels)=({},{})".format(mels_feature.shape[1], mels_feature.shape[0]))
- cv_show_image("mels_feature(Python)", mels_feature, delay=10)
- mfcc_feature = librosa_feature_mfcc(y=data,
- sr=sr,
- n_mfcc=n_mfcc,
- n_mels=n_mel,
- n_fft=n_fft,
- hop_length=hop_length,
- win_length=None,
- fmin=fmin,
- fmax=fmax,
- window=window,
- center=center,
- pad_mode=pad_mode,
- power=power,
- dct_type=dct_type)
- print_feature("mfcc_feature", mfcc_feature)
- print("mfcc_feature size(n_frames,n_mfcc)=({},{})".format(mfcc_feature.shape[1], mfcc_feature.shape[0]))
- cv_show_image("mfcc_feature(Python)", mfcc_feature, delay=10)
- cv2.waitKey(0)
- 提供C++版的read_audio()函数读取音频文件,目前仅支持wav格式文件,支持单/双声道音频读取
- 提供C++版的librosa::Feature::melspectrogram(),实现melspectrogram功能
- 提供C++版的librosa::Feature::mfcc(),实现MFCC功能
- 提供OpenCV图谱显示方式
- 项目demo自带测试数据,编译build完成后,即可运行
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