Implement int sqrt(int x)
Compute and return the square root of x.
采用二分查找法; 犹豫输入x是int型 ,int最大范围是2147483647 ,所以返回结果的范围0-46340. 注意要根据确定的区间去查找正确的返回值,如果大于46340的数的平方将超出int的表示范围。
- int sqrt(int x) {
- if(x==0||x==1)
- return x;
- if(x >=2147395600)
- return 46340;
- int high = 46339*2-1;
- int low = 1;
- while(low <= high){
- int mid = (high+low)/2;
- int hpow = (mid+1)*(mid+1);
- int lpow = mid*mid;
- if(x>=lpow && x<hpow)
- return mid;
- else if(x<lpow)
- high = mid-1;
- else
- low = mid+1;
- }
- }
Since sqrt(x) is composed of binary bits, I calculate sqrt(x) by deciding every bit from the most significant to least significant.
- public int sqrt(int x) {
- if(x==0)
- return 0;
- int h=0;
- while((long)(1<<h)*(long)(1<<h)<=x) // firstly, find the most significant bit
- h++;
- h--;
- int b=h-1;
- int res=(1<<h);
- while(b>=0){ // find the remaining bits
- if((long)(res | (1<<b))*(long)(res |(1<<b))<=x)
- res|=(1<<b);
- b--;
- }
- return res;
- }
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