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Arrow之 RecordBatch_arrow::recordbatch




/// \class RecordBatch
/// \brief Collection of equal-length arrays matching a particular Schema
/// A record batch is table-like data structure that is semantically a sequence
/// of fields, each a contiguous Arrow array
class ARROW_EXPORT RecordBatch {
  virtual ~RecordBatch() = default;

  /// \param[in] schema The record batch schema
  /// \param[in] num_rows length of fields in the record batch. Each array
  /// should have the same length as num_rows
  /// \param[in] columns the record batch fields as vector of arrays
  static std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> Make(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema,
                                           int64_t num_rows,
                                           std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Array>> columns);

  /// \brief Construct record batch from vector of internal data structures
  /// \since 0.5.0
  /// This class is intended for internal use, or advanced users.
  /// \param schema the record batch schema
  /// \param num_rows the number of semantic rows in the record batch. This
  /// should be equal to the length of each field
  /// \param columns the data for the batch's columns
  static std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> Make(
      std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, int64_t num_rows,
      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> columns);

  /// \brief Convert record batch to struct array
  /// Create a struct array whose child arrays are the record batch's columns.
  /// Note that the record batch's top-level field metadata cannot be reflected
  /// in the resulting struct array.
  Result<std::shared_ptr<StructArray>> ToStructArray() const;

  /// \brief Construct record batch from struct array
  /// This constructs a record batch using the child arrays of the given
  /// array, which must be a struct array.  Note that the struct array's own
  /// null bitmap is not reflected in the resulting record batch.
  static Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> FromStructArray(
      const std::shared_ptr<Array>& array);

  /// \brief Determine if two record batches are exactly equal
  /// \param[in] other the RecordBatch to compare with
  /// \param[in] check_metadata if true, check that Schema metadata is the same
  /// \return true if batches are equal
  bool Equals(const RecordBatch& other, bool check_metadata = false) const;

  /// \brief Determine if two record batches are approximately equal
  bool ApproxEquals(const RecordBatch& other) const;

  // \return the table's schema
  /// \return true if batches are equal
  const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema() const { return schema_; }

  /// \brief Retrieve all columns at once
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Array>> columns() const;

  /// \brief Retrieve an array from the record batch
  /// \param[in] i field index, does not boundscheck
  /// \return an Array object
  virtual std::shared_ptr<Array> column(int i) const = 0;

  /// \brief Retrieve an array from the record batch
  /// \param[in] name field name
  /// \return an Array or null if no field was found
  std::shared_ptr<Array> GetColumnByName(const std::string& name) const;

  /// \brief Retrieve an array's internal data from the record batch
  /// \param[in] i field index, does not boundscheck
  /// \return an internal ArrayData object
  virtual std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> column_data(int i) const = 0;

  /// \brief Retrieve all arrays' internal data from the record batch.
  virtual ArrayDataVector column_data() const = 0;

  /// \brief Add column to the record batch, producing a new RecordBatch
  /// \param[in] i field index, which will be boundschecked
  /// \param[in] field field to be added
  /// \param[in] column column to be added
  virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> AddColumn(
      int i, const std::shared_ptr<Field>& field,
      const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) const = 0;

  /// \brief Add new nullable column to the record batch, producing a new
  /// RecordBatch.
  /// For non-nullable columns, use the Field-based version of this method.
  /// \param[in] i field index, which will be boundschecked
  /// \param[in] field_name name of field to be added
  /// \param[in] column column to be added
  virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> AddColumn(
      int i, std::string field_name, const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) const;

  /// \brief Replace a column in the table, producing a new Table
  virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> SetColumn(
      int i, const std::shared_ptr<Field>& field,
      const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) const = 0;

  /// \brief Remove column from the record batch, producing a new RecordBatch
  /// \param[in] i field index, does boundscheck
  virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> RemoveColumn(int i) const = 0;

  virtual std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> ReplaceSchemaMetadata(
      const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata>& metadata) const = 0;

  /// \brief Name in i-th column
  const std::string& column_name(int i) const;

  /// \return the number of columns in the table
  int num_columns() const;

  /// \return the number of rows (the corresponding length of each column)
  int64_t num_rows() const { return num_rows_; }

  /// \brief Slice each of the arrays in the record batch
  /// \param[in] offset the starting offset to slice, through end of batch
  /// \return new record batch
  virtual std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> Slice(int64_t offset) const;

  /// \brief Slice each of the arrays in the record batch
  /// \param[in] offset the starting offset to slice
  /// \param[in] length the number of elements to slice from offset
  /// \return new record batch
  virtual std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> Slice(int64_t offset, int64_t length) const = 0;

  /// \return PrettyPrint representation suitable for debugging
  std::string ToString() const;

  /// \brief Perform cheap validation checks to determine obvious inconsistencies
  /// within the record batch's schema and internal data.
  /// This is O(k) where k is the total number of fields and array descendents.
  /// \return Status
  virtual Status Validate() const;

  /// \brief Perform extensive validation checks to determine inconsistencies
  /// within the record batch's schema and internal data.
  /// This is potentially O(k*n) where n is the number of rows.
  /// \return Status
  virtual Status ValidateFull() const;

  RecordBatch(const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema, int64_t num_rows);

  std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema_;
  int64_t num_rows_;

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std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> RecordBatch::Make(
    std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, int64_t num_rows,
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> columns) {
  DCHECK_EQ(schema->num_fields(), static_cast<int>(columns.size()));
  return std::make_shared<SimpleRecordBatch>(std::move(schema), num_rows,
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/// \class SimpleRecordBatch
/// \brief A basic, non-lazy in-memory record batch
class SimpleRecordBatch : public RecordBatch {
  SimpleRecordBatch(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, int64_t num_rows,
                    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Array>> columns)
      : RecordBatch(std::move(schema), num_rows), boxed_columns_(std::move(columns)) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
      columns_[i] = boxed_columns_[i]->data();

  SimpleRecordBatch(const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema, int64_t num_rows,
                    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> columns)
      : RecordBatch(std::move(schema), num_rows), columns_(std::move(columns)) {

  std::shared_ptr<Array> column(int i) const override {
    std::shared_ptr<Array> result = internal::atomic_load(&boxed_columns_[i]);
    if (!result) {
      result = MakeArray(columns_[i]);
      internal::atomic_store(&boxed_columns_[i], result);
    return result;

  std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> column_data(int i) const override { return columns_[i]; }

  ArrayDataVector column_data() const override { return columns_; }

  Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> AddColumn(
      int i, const std::shared_ptr<Field>& field,
      const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) const override {
    ARROW_CHECK(field != nullptr);
    ARROW_CHECK(column != nullptr);

    if (!field->type()->Equals(column->type())) {
      return Status::TypeError("Column data type ", field->type()->name(),
                               " does not match field data type ",
    if (column->length() != num_rows_) {
      return Status::Invalid(
          "Added column's length must match record batch's length. Expected length ",
          num_rows_, " but got length ", column->length());

    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto new_schema, schema_->AddField(i, field));

    return RecordBatch::Make(new_schema, num_rows_,
                             internal::AddVectorElement(columns_, i, column->data()));

  Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> SetColumn(
      int i, const std::shared_ptr<Field>& field,
      const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) const override {
    ARROW_CHECK(field != nullptr);
    ARROW_CHECK(column != nullptr);

    if (!field->type()->Equals(column->type())) {
      return Status::TypeError("Column data type ", field->type()->name(),
                               " does not match field data type ",
    if (column->length() != num_rows_) {
      return Status::Invalid(
          "Added column's length must match record batch's length. Expected length ",
          num_rows_, " but got length ", column->length());

    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto new_schema, schema_->SetField(i, field));
    return RecordBatch::Make(new_schema, num_rows_,
                             internal::ReplaceVectorElement(columns_, i, column->data()));

  Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> RemoveColumn(int i) const override {
    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto new_schema, schema_->RemoveField(i));

    return RecordBatch::Make(new_schema, num_rows_,
                             internal::DeleteVectorElement(columns_, i));

  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> ReplaceSchemaMetadata(
      const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata>& metadata) const override {
    auto new_schema = schema_->WithMetadata(metadata);
    return RecordBatch::Make(new_schema, num_rows_, columns_);

  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> Slice(int64_t offset, int64_t length) const override {
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> arrays;
    for (const auto& field : columns_) {
      arrays.emplace_back(field->Slice(offset, length));
    int64_t num_rows = std::min(num_rows_ - offset, length);
    return std::make_shared<SimpleRecordBatch>(schema_, num_rows, std::move(arrays));

  Status Validate() const override {
    if (static_cast<int>(columns_.size()) != schema_->num_fields()) {
      return Status::Invalid("Number of columns did not match schema");
    return RecordBatch::Validate();

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> columns_;

  // Caching boxed array data
  mutable std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Array>> boxed_columns_;
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Make Array for Record_Batch


Status ArrayFromJSON(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& type, util::string_view json_string,
                     std::shared_ptr<Array>* out) {
  std::shared_ptr<Converter> converter;
  RETURN_NOT_OK(GetConverter(type, &converter));

  rj::Document json_doc;
  json_doc.Parse<kParseFlags>(json_string.data(), json_string.length());
  if (json_doc.HasParseError()) {
    return Status::Invalid("JSON parse error at offset ", json_doc.GetErrorOffset(), ": ",

  // The JSON document should be an array, append it
  return converter->Finish(out);
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