- !pip install jieba
- !pip install wordcloud
- # Linux系统默认字体文件路径
- !ls /usr/share/fonts/
- # 查看系统可用的ttf格式中文字体
- !fc-list :lang=zh | grep ".ttf"
- #!wget https://mydueros.cdn.bcebos.com/font/simhei.ttf # 下载中文字体
- # #创建字体目录fonts
- #!mkdir .fonts
- # # 复制字体文件到该路径
- !cp simhei.ttf .fonts/
- #设置当前字体为默认字体
- !cp simhei.ttf /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/
- !fc-list :lang=zh | grep ".ttf"
- #安装模型
- !hub install porn_detection_lstm==1.1.0
- !pip install --upgrade paddlehub
- from __future__ import print_function
- import requests
- import json
- import re #正则匹配
- import time #时间处理模块
- import jieba #中文分词
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
- from PIL import Image
- from wordcloud import WordCloud #绘制词云模块
- import paddlehub as hub
- import collections
collections 模块是Python标准库,是数据结构常用模块
- #请求爱奇艺评论接口,返回response信息
- def getMovieinfo(url):
- '''
- 请求爱奇艺评论接口,返回response信息
- 参数 url: 评论的url
- :return: response信息
- '''
- # url = r"https://sns-comment.iqiyi.com/v3/comment/get_comments.action?agent_type=118&agent_version=9.11.5&authcookie=null&business_type=17&content_id=15068699100&hot_size=0&last_id=241062754621&page=&page_size=40"
- headers = {
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'
- }
- try:
- response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
- # print(response.status_code)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- # 状态码为200时表示成功, 服务器已成功处理了请求
- json_text = json.loads(response.text)
- return json_text
- # print(json_text)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return None
- #解析json数据,获取评论
- def saveMovieInfoToFile(json_text):
- '''
- 解析json数据,获取评论
- 参数 lastId:最后一条评论ID arr:存放文本的list
- :return: 新的lastId
- '''
- arr = []
- for i in range(40):
- # json_text.get('data').get('comments')得到的结果是列表
- # 由于page_size的值为40,因此需要循环40次
- comment = json_text.get('data').get('comments')[i].get('content')
- arr.append(comment)
- # lastId 的获取
- lastId = json_text.get('data').get('comments')[39].get('id')
- # print('comment获取成功,lastId:%s' % lastId)
- return arr,lastId
- #去除文本中特殊字符
- def clear_special_char(content):
- '''
- 正则处理特殊字符
- 参数 content:原文本
- return: 清除后的文本
- '''
- s = r'[^\u4e00-\u9fa5a-zA-Z0-9]'
- # 用空格替换文本中特殊字符
- content= re.sub(s,'',content)
- return content
- def fenci(content):
- '''
- 利用jieba进行分词
- 参数 text:需要分词的句子或文本
- return:分词结果
- '''
- words = [i for i in jieba.lcut(text)]
- return words
- def stopwordslist(file_path):
- '''
- 创建停用词表
- 参数 file_path:停用词文本路径
- return:停用词list
- '''
- with open(file_path, encoding='UTF-8') as words:
- stopwords = [i.strip() for i in words.readlines()]
- return stopwords
- def movestopwords(file_path):
- '''
- 去除停用词,统计词频
- 参数 file_path:停用词文本路径 stopwords:停用词list counts: 词频统计结果
- return:None
- '''
- clean_word_list = []
- # 使用set集合可以更快的查找某元素是否在这个集合中
- stopwords = set(stopwordslist(file_path))
- # 遍历获取到的分词结果,去除停用词
- for word in all_words:
- if word not in stopwords and len(word) > 1:
- clean_word_list.append(word)
- # 由于没有返回值的限制,所以此处现在main()中定义counts变量,再使用全局变量counts,此句是对counts为全局变量的声明
- global counts
- # collections.Counter(clean_word_list)就是前边多导入的一个package,返回的值是一个有序字典,并且带有词频
- counts = collections.Counter(clean_word_list)
- return None
- def drawcounts(counts,topN):
- '''
- 绘制词频统计表
- 参数 counts: 词频统计结果 num:绘制topN
- return:none
- '''
- # counts.most_common(topN)返回的是一个列表,并且每个元素是一个元组,元组中的第一个元素是词,第二个元素是词频
- word_counts_topN = counts.most_common(topN) # 获取前topN最高频的词
- word_counts = []
- labels = []
- # 对列表进行遍历,获取词频word_counts 和该词的labels
- for ele in word_counts_topN:
- labels.append(ele[0])
- word_counts.append(ele[1])
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 指定默认字体
- plt.figure(figsize=(12,9))
- plt.bar(range(topN), word_counts,color='r',tick_label=labels,facecolor='#9999ff',edgecolor='white')
- # 这里是调节横坐标的倾斜度,rotation是度数,以及设置刻度字体大小
- plt.xticks(rotation=45,fontsize=20)
- plt.yticks(fontsize=20)
- plt.legend()
- plt.title('''前%d词频统计结果''' % topN,fontsize = 24)
- plt.savefig('bar_result.jpg')
- plt.show()
- return
- import sys
- import os
- import paddlehub as hub
- # 加载模型
- humanseg = hub.Module(name = "deeplabv3p_xception65_humanseg")
- # 抠图
- results = humanseg.segmentation(data = {"image":['bgbg.png']})
- for result in results:
- print(result['origin'])
- print(result['processed'])
- def drawcloud(word_f):
- '''
- 根据词频绘制词云图
- 参数 word_f:统计出的词频结果
- return:none
- '''
- mask = np.array(Image.open('/home/aistudio/humanseg_output/bgbg.png')) # 定义词频背景
- wc = WordCloud(
- background_color='white', # 设置背景颜色
- font_path='/home/aistudio/simhei.ttf', # 设置字体格式
- mask=mask, # 设置背景图
- max_words=120, # 最多显示词数
- max_font_size=100 , # 字体最大值
- min_font_size = 10,
- width = 400,
- height= 600,
- scale=2 # 调整图片清晰度,值越大越清楚
- )
- wc.generate_from_frequencies(word_f) # 从字典生成词云
- wc.to_file('/home/aistudio/pic3.png') # 将图片输出为文件
- def text_detection():
- '''
- 使用hub对评论进行内容分析
- return:分析结果
- '''
- test_text = []
- # 配置hub模型
- porn_detection_lstm = hub.Module(name='porn_detection_lstm')
- # 读取评论,并存入test_text 下
- with open("./dataset/comments.txt", "r") as f:
- for line in f:
- if len(line) <= 1:
- continue
- else:
- test_text.append(line)
- input_dict = {'text':test_text}
- results = porn_detection_lstm.detection(data=input_dict,use_gpu=True,batch_size=1)
- for index,item in enumerate(results):
- if item['porn_detection_key'] == 'porn':
- print(item['text'], ':', item['porn_probs'])
- #评论是多分页的,得多次请求爱奇艺的评论接口才能获取多页评论,有些评论含有表情、特殊字符之类的
- #num 是页数,一页10条评论,假如爬取1000条评论,设置num=100
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- text_list = []
- # 起始url
- url = r"https://sns-comment.iqiyi.com/v3/comment/get_comments.action?agent_type=118&agent_version=9.11.5&authcookie=null&business_type=17&content_id=15068699100&hot_size=0&last_id=241062754621&page=&page_size=40"
- # 停用词路径
- file_path = r'./work/stopwords.txt'
- # 停用词list
- topN = 10
- counts = None
- stopwords = stopwordslist(file_path)
- # 评论获取
- for i in range(30):
- json_text = getMovieinfo(url)
- arr,lastId = saveMovieInfoToFile(json_text)
- text_list.extend(arr)
- time.sleep(0.5)
- # print('lastId:%s,评论抓取成功' %lastId)
- # 去除特殊字符
- for text in arr:
- # 去除文本中特殊字符
- if text and len(text) > 2:
- content = clear_special_char(text)
- text_list.append(content)
- # print('数据获取成功')
- url = r"https://sns-comment.iqiyi.com/v3/comment/get_comments.action?agent_type=118&agent_version=9.11.5&authcookie=null&business_type=17&content_id=15068699100&hot_size=0&last_id=" +lastId+ "&page=&page_size=40"
- with open("./dataset/comments.txt", "w") as f:
- # 评论写入txt文档
- for line in text_list:
- if line != None:
- f.writelines(line)
- # print(line)
- f.writelines("\n")
- print('*' * 50)
- print('写入完成')
- print('共爬取评论:%d' %len(text_list))
- # 评论分词
- all_words = []
- for text in text_list:
- if text:
- all_words.extend(fenci(text))
- # 分词结果 去除停用词
- movestopwords(file_path)
- # 绘制词频展示图
- drawcounts(counts,topN)
- # 绘制词云
- drawcloud(counts)
- # print("----")
- display(Image.open('pic3.png')) #显示生成的词云图像
- # text_detection()#显示色情评论及其概率
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