Redux Toolkit 是什么?
Redux Toolkit 是 Redux 官方强烈推荐,开箱即用的一个高效的 Redux 开发工具集。它旨在成为标准的 Redux 逻辑开发模式,我们强烈建议你使用它。
它包括几个实用程序功能,这些功能可以简化最常见场景下的 Redux 开发,包括配置 store、定义 reducer,不可变的更新逻辑、甚至可以立即创建整个状态的 “切片 slice”,而无需手动编写任何 action creator 或者 action type。它还自带了一些最常用的 Redux 插件,例如用于异步逻辑 Redux Thunk,用于编写选择器 selector 的函数 Reselect ,你都可以立刻使用。
Redux Toolkit 包含:
configureStore():封装了createStore,简化配置项,提供一些现成的默认配置项。它可以自动组合 slice 的 reducer,可以添加任何 Redux 中间件,默认情况下包含 redux-thunk,并开启了 Redux DevTools 扩展。
createReducer() 帮你将 action type 映射到 reducer 函数,而不是编写 switch…case 语句。另外,它会自动使用 immer 库来让你使用普通的 mutable 代码编写更简单的 immutable 更新,例如 state.todos[3].completed = true。
createAction() 生成给定 action type 字符串的 action creator 函数。该函数本身已定义了 toString(),因此可以代替常量类型使用。
createSlice() 接收一组 reducer 函数的对象,一个 slice 切片名和初始状态 initial state,并自动生成具有相应 action creator 和 action type 的 slice reducer。
createAsyncThunk: 接收一个 action type 字符串和一个返回值为 promise 的函数, 并生成一个 thunk 函数,这个 thunk 函数可以基于之前那个 promise ,dispatch 一组 type 为 pending/fulfilled/rejected 的 action。
createEntityAdapter: 生成一系列可复用的 reducer 和 selector,从而管理 store 中的规范化数据。
createSelector 来源于 Reselect 库,重新 export 出来以方便使用。
// A mock function to mimic making an async request for data
export function fetchCount(amount = 1) {
return new Promise<{ data: number }>((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve({ data: amount }), 500),
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice, PayloadAction } from "@reduxjs/toolkit" import { RootState, AppThunk } from "../../app/store" import { fetchCount } from "./counterAPI" export interface CounterState { value: number status: "idle" | "loading" | "failed" } const initialState: CounterState = { value: 0, status: "idle", } // The function below is called a thunk and allows us to perform async logic. It // can be dispatched like a regular action: `dispatch(incrementAsync(10))`. This // will call the thunk with the `dispatch` function as the first argument. Async // code can then be executed and other actions can be dispatched. Thunks are // typically used to make async requests. export const incrementAsync = createAsyncThunk( "counter/fetchCount", async (amount: number) => { const response = await fetchCount(amount) // The value we return becomes the `fulfilled` action payload return response.data }, ) export const counterSlice = createSlice({ name: "counter", initialState, // The `reducers` field lets us define reducers and generate associated actions reducers: { increment: (state) => { // Redux Toolkit allows us to write "mutating" logic in reducers. It // doesn't actually mutate the state because it uses the Immer library, // which detects changes to a "draft state" and produces a brand new // immutable state based off those changes state.value += 1 }, decrement: (state) => { state.value -= 1 }, // Use the PayloadAction type to declare the contents of `action.payload` incrementByAmount: (state, action: PayloadAction<number>) => { state.value += action.payload }, }, // The `extraReducers` field lets the slice handle actions defined elsewhere, // including actions generated by createAsyncThunk or in other slices. extraReducers: (builder) => { builder .addCase(incrementAsync.pending, (state) => { state.status = "loading" }) .addCase(incrementAsync.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.status = "idle" state.value += action.payload }) .addCase(incrementAsync.rejected, (state) => { state.status = "failed" }) }, }) export const { increment, decrement, incrementByAmount } = counterSlice.actions // The function below is called a selector and allows us to select a value from // the state. Selectors can also be defined inline where they're used instead of // in the slice file. For example: `useSelector((state: RootState) => state.counter.value)` export const selectCount = (state: RootState) => state.counter.value // We can also write thunks by hand, which may contain both sync and async logic. // Here's an example of conditionally dispatching actions based on current state. export const incrementIfOdd = (amount: number): AppThunk => (dispatch, getState) => { const currentValue = selectCount(getState()) if (currentValue % 2 === 1) { dispatch(incrementByAmount(amount)) } } export default counterSlice.reducer
import { useState } from "react" import { useAppSelector, useAppDispatch } from "../../app/hooks" import { decrement, increment, incrementByAmount, incrementAsync, incrementIfOdd, selectCount, } from "./counterSlice" import styles from "./Counter.module.css" export function Counter() { const count = useAppSelector(selectCount) const dispatch = useAppDispatch() const [incrementAmount, setIncrementAmount] = useState("2") const incrementValue = Number(incrementAmount) || 0 return ( <div> <div className={styles.row}> <button className={styles.button} aria-label="Decrement value" onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())} > - </button> <span className={styles.value}>{count}</span> <button className={styles.button} aria-label="Increment value" onClick={() => dispatch(increment())} > + </button> </div> <div className={styles.row}> <input className={styles.textbox} aria-label="Set increment amount" value={incrementAmount} onChange={(e) => setIncrementAmount(e.target.value)} /> <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => dispatch(incrementByAmount(incrementValue))} > Add Amount </button> <button className={styles.asyncButton} onClick={() => dispatch(incrementAsync(incrementValue))} > Add Async </button> <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => dispatch(incrementIfOdd(incrementValue))} > Add If Odd </button> </div> </div> ) }
import { createSlice, configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' const counterSlice = createSlice({ name: 'counter', initialState: { value: 0 }, reducers: { incremented: state => { // Redux Toolkit 允许在 reducers 中编写 "mutating" 逻辑。 // 它实际上并没有改变 state,因为使用的是 Immer 库,检测到“草稿 state”的变化并产生一个全新的 // 基于这些更改的不可变的 state。 state.value += 1 }, decremented: state => { state.value -= 1 } } }) export const { incremented, decremented } = counterSlice.actions const store = configureStore({ reducer: counterSlice.reducer }) // 可以订阅 store store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState())) // 将我们所创建的 action 对象传递给 `dispatch` store.dispatch(incremented()) // {value: 1} store.dispatch(incremented()) // {value: 2} store.dispatch(decremented()) // {value: 1}
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