名称 | 中文释义 | 统一类型ID | 分配的号码 | 规范 |
Generic Access | 通用访问 | org.bluetooth.service.generic_access | 0x1800 | GSS |
Alert Notification Service | 闹钟通知 | org.bluetooth.service.alert_notification | 0x1811 | GSS |
Automation IO | 自动化输入输出 | org.bluetooth.service.automation_io | 0x1815 | GSS |
Battery Service | 电池数据 | org.bluetooth.service.battery_service | 0x180F | GSS |
Binary Sensor | 二元传感器 | GATT Service UUID | 0x183B | BSS |
Blood Pressure | 血压 | org.bluetooth.service.blood_pressure | 0x1810 | GSS |
Body Composition | 身体组成 | org.bluetooth.service.body_composition | 0x181B | GSS |
Bond Management Service | 设备绑定管理 | org.bluetooth.service.bond_management | 0x181E | GSS |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring | 动态血糖检测 | org.bluetooth.service.continuous_glucose_monitoring | 0x181F | GSS |
Current Time Service | 当前时间 | org.bluetooth.service.current_time | 0x1805 | GSS |
Cycling Power | 骑行能量 | org.bluetooth.service.cycling_power | 0x1818 | GSS |
Cycling Speed and Cadence | 循环速度、节奏 | org.bluetooth.service.cycling_speed_and_cadence | 0x1816 | GSS |
Device Information | 设备信息 | org.bluetooth.service.device_information | 0x180A | GSS |
Emergency Configuration | 应急配置 | GATT Service UUID | 0x183C | EMCS |
Environmental Sensing | 环境传感 | org.bluetooth.service.environmental_sensing | 0x181A | GSS |
Fitness Machine | 健康设备 | org.bluetooth.service.fitness_machine | 0x1826 | GSS |
Generic Attribute | 通用属性 | org.bluetooth.service.generic_attribute | 0x1801 | GSS |
Glucose | 葡萄糖 | org.bluetooth.service.glucose | 0x1808 | GSS |
Health Thermometer | 温度计 | org.bluetooth.service.health_thermometer | 0x1809 | GSS |
Heart Rate | 心率 | org.bluetooth.service.heart_rate | 0x180D | GSS |
HTTP Proxy | HTTP代理 | org.bluetooth.service.http_proxy | 0x1823 | GSS |
Human Interface Device | HID设备 | org.bluetooth.service.human_interface_device | 0x1812 | GSS |
Immediate Alert | 即时闹钟 | org.bluetooth.service.immediate_alert | 0x1802 | GSS |
Indoor Positioning | 室内定位 | org.bluetooth.service.indoor_positioning | 0x1821 | GSS |
Insulin Delivery | 胰岛素给药 | org.bluetooth.service.insulin_delivery | 0x183A | GSS |
Internet Protocol Support Service | 互联网协议支持 | org.bluetooth.service.internet_protocol_support | 0x1820 | GSS |
Link Loss | 连接丢失 | org.bluetooth.service.link_loss | 0x1803 | GSS |
Location and Navigation | 定位及导航 | org.bluetooth.service.location_and_navigation | 0x1819 | GSS |
Mesh Provisioning Service | 节点配置 | org.bluetooth.service.mesh_provisioning | 0x1827 | GSS |
Mesh Proxy Service | 节点代理 | org.bluetooth.service.mesh_proxy | 0x1828 | GSS |
Next DST Change Service | 下个日光节约时间(夏令时)更改 | org.bluetooth.service.next_dst_change | 0x1807 | GSS |
Object Transfer Service | 对象传输 | org.bluetooth.service.object_transfer | 0x1825 | GSS |
Phone Alert Status Service | 手机报警状态 | org.bluetooth.service.phone_alert_status | 0x180E | GSS |
Pulse Oximeter Service | 脉搏血氧计 | org.bluetooth.service.pulse_oximeter | 0x1822 | GSS |
Reconnection Configuration | 重连配置 | org.bluetooth.service.reconnection_configuration | 0x1829 | GSS |
Reference Time Update Service | 参照时间更新 | org.bluetooth.service.reference_time_update | 0x1806 | GSS |
Running Speed and Cadence | 跑步速度、节奏 | org.bluetooth.service.running_speed_and_cadence | 0x1814 | GSS |
Scan Parameters | 扫描参数 | org.bluetooth.service.scan_parameters | 0x1813 | GSS |
Transport Discovery | 传输发现 | org.bluetooth.service.transport_discovery | 0x1824 | GSS |
Tx Power | 发送功率 | org.bluetooth.service.tx_power | 0x1804 | GSS |
User Data | 用户数据 | org.bluetooth.service.user_data | 0x181C | GSS |
Weight Scale | 体重秤 | org.bluetooth.service.weight_scale | 0x181D | GSS |
名称 | 中文释义 | 统一类型ID | 分配的号码 | 规范 |
Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit | 有氧心律下限 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.aerobic_heart_rate_lower_limit | 0x2A7E | GSS |
Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit | 有氧心率上限 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.aerobic_heart_rate_upper_limit | 0x2A84 | GSS |
Aerobic Threshold | 有氧运动阈值 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.aerobic_threshold | 0x2A7F | GSS |
Age | 年龄 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.age | 0x2A80 | GSS |
Aggregate | (不知道) | org.bluetooth.characteristic.aggregate | 0x2A5A | GSS |
Alert Category ID | 报警类别ID | org.bluetooth.characteristic.alert_category_id | 0x2A43 | GSS |
Alert Category ID Bit Mask | 报警类别ID位掩码 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.alert_category_id_bit_mask | 0x2A42 | GSS |
Alert Level | 报警等级 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.alert_level | 0x2A06 | GSS |
Alert Notification Control Point | 报警通知控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.alert_notification_control_point | 0x2A44 | GSS |
Alert Status | 报警状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.alert_status | 0x2A3F | GSS |
Altitude | 海拔 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.altitude | 0x2AB3 | GSS |
Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit | 无氧心率下限 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.anaerobic_heart_rate_lower_limit | 0x2A81 | GSS |
Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit | 无氧心率上限 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.anaerobic_heart_rate_upper_limit | 0x2A82 | GSS |
Anaerobic Threshold | 无氧运动阈值 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.anaerobic_threshold | 0x2A83 | GSS |
Analog | 模拟 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.analog | 0x2A58 | GSS |
Analog Output | 模拟输出 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.analog_output | 0x2A59 | GSS |
Apparent Wind Direction | 视风向 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.apparent_wind_direction | 0x2A73 | GSS |
Apparent Wind Speed | 视风速 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.apparent_wind_speed | 0x2A72 | GSS |
Appearance | 外观 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.appearance | 0x2A01 | GSS |
Barometric Pressure Trend | 气压趋势 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.barometric_pressure_trend | 0x2AA3 | GSS |
Battery Level | 电池电量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.battery_level | 0x2A19 | GSS |
Battery Level State | 电池电量状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.battery_level_state | 0x2A1B | GSS |
Battery Power State | 电池电量状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.battery_power_state | 0x2A1A | GSS |
Blood Pressure Feature | 血压功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.blood_pressure_feature | 0x2A49 | GSS |
Blood Pressure Measurement | 血压测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.blood_pressure_measurement | 0x2A35 | GSS |
Body Composition Feature | 身体组成特征 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.body_composition_feature | 0x2A9B | GSS |
Body Composition Measurement | 身体组成测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.body_composition_measurement | 0x2A9C | GSS |
Body Sensor Location | 人体感应器位置 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.body_sensor_location | 0x2A38 | GSS |
Bond Management Control Point | 绑定管理控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.bond_management_control_point | 0x2AA4 | GSS |
Bond Management Features | 绑定管理功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.bond_management_feature | 0x2AA5 | GSS |
Boot Keyboard Input Report | 启动键盘输入报告 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.boot_keyboard_input_report | 0x2A22 | GSS |
Boot Keyboard Output Report | 启动键盘输出报告 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.boot_keyboard_output_report | 0x2A32 | GSS |
Boot Mouse Input Report | 启动鼠标输入报告 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.boot_mouse_input_report | 0x2A33 | GSS |
BSS Control Point | BSS控制点 | GATT Characteristic UUID | 0x2B2B | BSS |
BSS Response | BSS回应 | GATT Characteristic UUID | 0x2B2C | BSS |
CGM Feature | CGM功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cgm_feature | 0x2AA8 | GSS |
CGM Measurement | CGM测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cgm_measurement | 0x2AA7 | GSS |
CGM Session Run Time | CGM会话运行时间 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cgm_session_run_time | 0x2AAB | GSS |
CGM Session Start Time | CGM会话开始时间 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cgm_session_start_time | 0x2AAA | GSS |
CGM Specific Ops Control Point | CGM特定操作控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cgm_specific_ops_control_point | 0x2AAC | GSS |
CGM Status | CGM状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cgm_status | 0x2AA9 | GSS |
Cross Trainer Data | 交叉训练员数据 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cross_trainer_data | 0x2ACE | GSS |
CSC Feature | CSC功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.csc_feature | 0x2A5C | GSS |
CSC Measurement | CSC测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.csc_measurement | 0x2A5B | GSS |
Current Time | 当前时间 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.current_time | 0x2A2B | GSS |
Cycling Power Control Point | 骑行能量控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cycling_power_control_point | 0x2A66 | GSS |
Cycling Power Feature | 骑行能量功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cycling_power_feature | 0x2A65 | GSS |
Cycling Power Measurement | 骑行能量测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cycling_power_measurement | 0x2A63 | GSS |
Cycling Power Vector | 骑行能量矢量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.cycling_power_vector | 0x2A64 | GSS |
Database Change Increment | 数据库更改增量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.database_change_increment | 0x2A99 | GSS |
Date of Birth | 出生日期 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.date_of_birth | 0x2A85 | GSS |
Date of Threshold Assessment | 阈值评估日期 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.date_of_threshold_assessment | 0x2A86 | GSS |
Date Time | 日期时间 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.date_time | 0x2A08 | GSS |
Date UTC | UTC时间 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.date_utc | 0x2AED | GSS |
Day Date Time | 日期时间天 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.day_date_time | 0x2A0A | GSS |
Day of Week | 星期几 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.day_of_week | 0x2A09 | GSS |
Descriptor Value Changed | 描述符值已更改 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.descriptor_value_changed | 0x2A7D | GSS |
Dew Point | 露点温度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.dew_point | 0x2A7B | GSS |
Digital | 数字 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.digital | 0x2A56 | GSS |
Digital Output | 数字输出 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.digital_output | 0x2A57 | GSS |
DST Offset | 日光节约时间(夏令时)偏移 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.dst_offset | 0x2A0D | GSS |
Elevation | 海拔 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.elevation | 0x2A6C | GSS |
Email Address | 电子邮件地址 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.email_address | 0x2A87 | GSS |
Emergency ID | 突发事件ID | GATT Characteristic UUID | 0x2B2D | EMCS |
Emergency Text | 突发事件内容 | GATT Characteristic UUID | 0x2B2E | EMCS |
Exact Time 100 | 具体时间100 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.exact_time_100 | 0x2A0B | GSS |
Exact Time 256 | 具体时间256 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.exact_time_256 | 0x2A0C | GSS |
Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit | 脂肪燃烧心率下限 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.fat_burn_heart_rate_lower_limit | 0x2A88 | GSS |
Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit | 脂肪燃烧心率上限 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.fat_burn_heart_rate_upper_limit | 0x2A89 | GSS |
Firmware Revision String | 固件修订字符 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.firmware_revision_string | 0x2A26 | GSS |
First Name | 名字 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.first_name | 0x2A8A | GSS |
Fitness Machine Control Point | 健身设备控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.fitness_machine_control_point | 0x2AD9 | GSS |
Fitness Machine Feature | 健身设备功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.fitness_machine_feature | 0x2ACC | GSS |
Fitness Machine Status | 健身设备状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.fitness_machine_status | 0x2ADA | GSS |
Five Zone Heart Rate Limits | 五区心率限制 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.five_zone_heart_rate_limits | 0x2A8B | GSS |
Floor Number | 楼层号 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.floor_number | 0x2AB2 | GSS |
Central Address Resolution | 中央地址解析 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.central_address_resolution | 0x2AA6 | GSS |
Device Name | 设备名称 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name | 0x2A00 | GSS |
Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters | 外围设备首选连接参数 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.peripheral_preferred_connection_parameters | 0x2A04 | GSS |
Peripheral Privacy Flag | 周边隐私标志 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.peripheral_privacy_flag | 0x2A02 | GSS |
Reconnection Address | 重新连接地址 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.reconnection_address | 0x2A03 | GSS |
Service Changed | 服务已更改 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gatt.service_changed | 0x2A05 | GSS |
Gender | 性别 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gender | 0x2A8C | GSS |
Glucose Feature | 葡萄糖功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.glucose_feature | 0x2A51 | GSS |
Glucose Measurement | 血糖测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.glucose_measurement | 0x2A18 | GSS |
Glucose Measurement Context | 葡萄糖测量环境 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.glucose_measurement_context | 0x2A34 | GSS |
Gust Factor | 阵风系数 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.gust_factor | 0x2A74 | GSS |
Hardware Revision String | 硬件修订字符 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.hardware_revision_string | 0x2A27 | GSS |
Heart Rate Control Point | 心率控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.heart_rate_control_point | 0x2A39 | GSS |
Heart Rate Max | 最大心率 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.heart_rate_max | 0x2A8D | GSS |
Heart Rate Measurement | 心率测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.heart_rate_measurement | 0x2A37 | GSS |
Heat Index | 热度指数 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.heat_index | 0x2A7A | GSS |
Height | 高度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.height | 0x2A8E | GSS |
HID Control Point | HID控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.hid_control_point | 0x2A4C | GSS |
HID Information | HID信息 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.hid_information | 0x2A4A | GSS |
Hip Circumference | 臀围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.hip_circumference | 0x2A8F | GSS |
HTTP Control Point | HTTP控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.http_control_point | 0x2ABA | GSS |
HTTP Entity Body | HTTP实体主体 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.http_entity_body | 0x2AB9 | GSS |
HTTP Headers | HTTP头 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.http_headers | 0x2AB7 | GSS |
HTTP Status Code | HTTP状态码 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.http_status_code | 0x2AB8 | GSS |
HTTPS Security | HTTPS安全性 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.https_security | 0x2ABB | GSS |
Humidity | 湿度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.humidity | 0x2A6F | GSS |
IDD Annunciation Status | IDD通告状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_annunciation_status | 0x2B22 | GSS |
IDD Command Control Point | IDD命令控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_command_control_point | 0x2B25 | GSS |
IDD Command Data | IDD命令数据 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_command_data | 0x2B26 | GSS |
IDD Features | IDD功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_features | 0x2B23 | GSS |
IDD History Data | IDD历史数据 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_history_data | 0x2B28 | GSS |
IDD Record Access Control Point | IDD记录访问控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_record_access_control_point | 0x2B27 | GSS |
IDD Status | IDD状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_status | 0x2B21 | GSS |
IDD Status Changed | IDD状态已更改 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_status_changed | 0x2B20 | GSS |
IDD Status Reader Control Point | IDD状态读取器控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.idd_status_reader_control_point | 0x2B24 | GSS |
IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List | IEEE 11073-20601法规认证数据列表 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.ieee_11073-20601_regulatory_certification_data_list | 0x2A2A | GSS |
Indoor Bike Data | 室内自行车数据 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.indoor_bike_data | 0x2AD2 | GSS |
Indoor Positioning Configuration | 室内定位配置 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.indoor_positioning_configuration | 0x2AAD | GSS |
Intermediate Cuff Pressure | 中间的气囊压力 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.intermediate_cuff_pressure | 0x2A36 | GSS |
Intermediate Temperature | 中间的温度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.intermediate_temperature | 0x2A1E | GSS |
Irradiance | 辐照度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.irradiance | 0x2A77 | GSS |
Language | 语言 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.language | 0x2AA2 | GSS |
Last Name | 姓 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.last_name | 0x2A90 | GSS |
Latitude | 纬度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.latitude | 0x2AAE | GSS |
LN Control Point | LN控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.ln_control_point | 0x2A6B | GSS |
LN Feature | LN功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.ln_feature | 0x2A6A | GSS |
Local East Coordinate | 当地东部坐标 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.local_east_coordinate | 0x2AB1 | GSS |
Local North Coordinate | 当地北部坐标 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.local_north_coordinate | 0x2AB0 | GSS |
Local Time Information | 当地时间信息 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.local_time_information | 0x2A0F | GSS |
Location and Speed Characteristic | 位置和速度特征 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.location_and_speed | 0x2A67 | GSS |
Location Name | 地点名称 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.location_name | 0x2AB5 | GSS |
Longitude | 经度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.Longitude | 0x2AAF | GSS |
Magnetic Declination | 磁偏角 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.magnetic_declination | 0x2A2C | GSS |
Magnetic Flux Density – 2D | 磁通密度– 2D | org.bluetooth.characteristic.Magnetic_flux_density_2D | 0x2AA0 | GSS |
Magnetic Flux Density – 3D | 磁通密度– 3D | org.bluetooth.characteristic.Magnetic_flux_density_3D | 0x2AA1 | GSS |
Manufacturer Name String | 制造商名称字符 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.manufacturer_name_string | 0x2A29 | GSS |
Maximum Recommended Heart Rate | 推荐最大心率 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.maximum_recommended_heart_rate | 0x2A91 | GSS |
Measurement Interval | 测量间隔 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.measurement_interval | 0x2A21 | GSS |
Model Number String | 型号字符 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.model_number_string | 0x2A24 | GSS |
Navigation | 导航 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.navigation | 0x2A68 | GSS |
Network Availability | 网络可用性 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.network_availability | 0x2A3E | GSS |
New Alert | 新警报 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.new_alert | 0x2A46 | GSS |
Object Action Control Point | 对象动作控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_action_control_point | 0x2AC5 | GSS |
Object Changed | 对象已更改 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_changed | 0x2AC8 | GSS |
Object First-Created | 对象首先创建 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_first_created | 0x2AC1 | GSS |
Object ID | 对象ID | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_id | 0x2AC3 | GSS |
Object Last-Modified | 上次修改的对象 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_last_modified | 0x2AC2 | GSS |
Object List Control Point | 对象列表控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_list_control_point | 0x2AC6 | GSS |
Object List Filter | 对象列表过滤器 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_list_filter | 0x2AC7 | GSS |
Object Name | 对象名称 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_name | 0x2ABE | GSS |
Object Properties | 对象属性 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_properties | 0x2AC4 | GSS |
Object Size | 对象大小 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_size | 0x2AC0 | GSS |
Object Type | 对象类型 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.object_type | 0x2ABF | GSS |
OTS Feature | OTS功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.ots_feature | 0x2ABD | GSS |
PLX Continuous Measurement Characteristic | PLX连续测量特性 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.plx_continuous_measurement | 0x2A5F | GSS |
PLX Features | PLX功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.plx_features | 0x2A60 | GSS |
PLX Spot-Check Measurement | PLX抽查检查 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.plx_spot_check_measurement | 0x2A5E | GSS |
PnP ID | 即插即用ID | org.bluetooth.characteristic.pnp_id | 0x2A50 | GSS |
Pollen Concentration | 花粉浓度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.pollen_concentration | 0x2A75 | GSS |
Position 2D | 位置2D | org.bluetooth.characteristic.position_2d | 0x2A2F | GSS |
Position 3D | 位置3D | org.bluetooth.characteristic.position_3d | 0x2A30 | GSS |
Position Quality | 位置质量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.position_quality | 0x2A69 | GSS |
Pressure | 压力 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.pressure | 0x2A6D | GSS |
Protocol Mode | 协议模式 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.protocol_mode | 0x2A4E | GSS |
Pulse Oximetry Control Point | 脉搏血氧饱和度控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.pulse_oximetry_control_point | 0x2A62 | GSS |
Rainfall | 雨量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.rainfall | 0x2A78 | GSS |
RC Feature | RC功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.rc_feature | 0x2B1D | GSS |
RC Settings | RC设置 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.rc_settings | 0x2B1E | GSS |
Reconnection Configuration Control Point | 重新连接配置控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.reconnection_configuration_control_point | 0x2B1F | GSS |
Record Access Control Point | 记录访问控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.record_access_control_point | 0x2A52 | GSS |
Reference Time Information | 参考时间信息 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.reference_time_information | 0x2A14 | GSS |
Registered User Characteristic | 注册用户特征 | GATT Characteristic UUID | 0x2B37 | UDS 1.1 |
Removable | 可移动的 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.removable | 0x2A3A | GSS |
Report | 报告 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.report | 0x2A4D | GSS |
Report Map | 报告地图 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.report_map | 0x2A4B | GSS |
Resolvable Private Address Only | 仅可解析的私有地址 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.resolvable_private_address_only | 0x2AC9 | GSS |
Resting Heart Rate | 静息心率 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.resting_heart_rate | 0x2A92 | GSS |
Ringer Control point | 铃声控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.ringer_control_point | 0x2A40 | GSS |
Ringer Setting | 铃声设置 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.ringer_setting | 0x2A41 | GSS |
Rower Data | 桨手数据 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.rower_data | 0x2AD1 | GSS |
RSC Feature | RSC功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.rsc_feature | 0x2A54 | GSS |
RSC Measurement | RSC测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.rsc_measurement | 0x2A53 | GSS |
SC Control Point | SC控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.sc_control_point | 0x2A55 | GSS |
Scan Interval Window | 扫描间隔窗口 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.scan_interval_window | 0x2A4F | GSS |
Scan Refresh | 扫描刷新 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.scan_refresh | 0x2A31 | GSS |
Scientific Temperature Celsius | 科学温度(摄氏度) | org.bluetooth.characteristic.scientific_temperature_celsius | 0x2A3C | GSS |
Secondary Time Zone | 次要时区 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.secondary_time_zone | 0x2A10 | GSS |
Sensor Location | 传感器位置 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.sensor_location | 0x2A5D | GSS |
Serial Number String | 序列号字符 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.serial_number_string | 0x2A25 | GSS |
Service Required | 所需服务 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.service_required | 0x2A3B | GSS |
Software Revision String | 软件修订版字符 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.software_revision_string | 0x2A28 | GSS |
Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds | 有氧阈值和无氧阈值的运动类型 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.sport_type_for_aerobic_and_anaerobic_thresholds | 0x2A93 | GSS |
Stair Climber Data | 攀登楼梯数 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.stair_climber_data | 0x2AD0 | GSS |
Step Climber Data | 攀登者步数 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.step_climber_data | 0x2ACF | GSS |
String | 字符串 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.string | 0x2A3D | GSS |
Supported Heart Rate Range | 支持的心率范围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_heart_rate_range | 0x2AD7 | GSS |
Supported Inclination Range | 支持的倾斜范围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_inclination_range | 0x2AD5 | GSS |
Supported New Alert Category | 支持的新警报类别 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_new_alert_category | 0x2A47 | GSS |
Supported Power Range | 支持的功率范围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_power_range | 0x2AD8 | GSS |
Supported Resistance Level Range | 支持的电阻水平范围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_resistance_level_range | 0x2AD6 | GSS |
Supported Speed Range | 支持的速度范围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_speed_range | 0x2AD4 | GSS |
Supported Unread Alert Category | 支持的未读警报类别 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_unread_alert_category | 0x2A48 | GSS |
System ID | 系统编号 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.system_id | 0x2A23 | GSS |
TDS Control Point | TDS控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.tds_control_point | 0x2ABC | GSS |
Temperature | 温度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature | 0x2A6E | GSS |
Temperature Celsius | 温度摄氏 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature_celsius | 0x2A1F | GSS |
Temperature Fahrenheit | 温度华氏度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature_fahrenheit | 0x2A20 | GSS |
Temperature Measurement | 温度测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature_measurement | 0x2A1C | GSS |
Temperature Type | 温度类型 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature_type | 0x2A1D | GSS |
Three Zone Heart Rate Limits | 三区心率限制 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.three_zone_heart_rate_limits | 0x2A94 | GSS |
Time Accuracy | 时间精度 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_accuracy | 0x2A12 | GSS |
Time Broadcast | 时间广播 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_broadcast | 0x2A15 | GSS |
Time Source | 时间来源 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_source | 0x2A13 | GSS |
Time Update Control Point | 时间更新控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_update_control_point | 0x2A16 | GSS |
Time Update State | 时间更新状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_update_state | 0x2A17 | GSS |
Time with DST | 夏令时 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_with_dst | 0x2A11 | GSS |
Time Zone | 时区 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.time_zone | 0x2A0E | GSS |
Training Status | 训练状况 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.training_status | 0x2AD3 | GSS |
Treadmill Data | 跑步机数据 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.treadmill_data | 0x2ACD | GSS |
True Wind Direction | 真风向 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.true_wind_direction | 0x2A71 | GSS |
True Wind Speed | 真风速 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.true_wind_speed | 0x2A70 | GSS |
Two Zone Heart Rate Limit | 两区心率限制 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.two_zone_heart_rate_limit | 0x2A95 | GSS |
Tx Power Level | 发射功率等级 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.tx_power_level | 0x2A07 | GSS |
Uncertainty | 不确定 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.uncertainty | 0x2AB4 | GSS |
Unread Alert Status | 未读警报状态 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.unread_alert_status | 0x2A45 | GSS |
URI | URI链接 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.uri | 0x2AB6 | GSS |
User Control Point | 用户控制点 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.user_control_point | 0x2A9F | GSS |
User Index | 用户索引 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.user_index | 0x2A9A | GSS |
UV Index | 紫外线指数 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.uv_index | 0x2A76 | GSS |
VO2 Max | 最大摄氧量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.vo2_max | 0x2A96 | GSS |
Waist Circumference | 腰围 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.waist_circumference | 0x2A97 | GSS |
Weight | 重量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.weight | 0x2A98 | GSS |
Weight Measurement | 体重测量 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.weight_measurement | 0x2A9D | GSS |
Weight Scale Feature | 体重秤功能 | org.bluetooth.characteristic.weight_scale_feature | 0x2A9E | GSS |
Wind Chill | 风寒(系数吧) | org.bluetooth.characteristic.wind_chill | 0x2A79 | GSS |
名称 | 中文释义 | 统一类型ID | 分配的号码 | 规范 |
Characteristic Aggregate Format | 特征汇总格式 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_aggregate_format | 0x2905 | GSS |
Characteristic Extended Properties | 特性扩展属性 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_extended_properties | 0x2900 | GSS |
Characteristic Presentation Format | 特征描述格式 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_presentation_format | 0x2904 | GSS |
Characteristic User Description | 特征用户描述 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_user_description | 0x2901 | GSS |
Client Characteristic Configuration | 客户端特征配置 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.client_characteristic_configuration | 0x2902 | GSS |
Environmental Sensing Configuration | 环境感应配置 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.es_configuration | 0x290B | GSS |
Environmental Sensing Measurement | 环境感测 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.es_measurement | 0x290C | GSS |
Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting | 环境感应触发设定 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.es_trigger_setting | 0x290D | GSS |
External Report Reference | 外部报告参考 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.external_report_reference | 0x2907 | GSS |
Number of Digitals | 数字个数 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.number_of_digitals | 0x2909 | GSS |
Report Reference | 报告参考 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.report_reference | 0x2908 | GSS |
Server Characteristic Configuration | 服务器特征配置 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.server_characteristic_configuration | 0x2903 | GSS |
Time Trigger Setting | 时间触发设定 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.time_trigger_setting | 0x290E | GSS |
Valid Range | 有效范围 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.valid_range | 0x2906 | GSS |
Value Trigger Setting | 数值触发设定 | org.bluetooth.descriptor.value_trigger_setting | 0x290A | GSS |
名称 | 中文释义 | 统一类型ID | 分配的号码 | 规范 |
Characteristic Declaration | 特征声明 | org.bluetooth.attribute.gatt_.characteristic_declaration | 0x2803 | GSS |
Include | 包括 | org.bluetooth.attribute.gatt_.include_declaration | 0x2802 | GSS |
Primary Service | 主要服务 | org.bluetooth.attribute.gatt_.primary_service_declaration | 0x2800 | GSS |
Secondary Service | 次要服务 | org.bluetooth.attribute.gatt_.secondary_service_declaration | 0x2801 | GSS |
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