file extensions with related program associations .a unix library [unix] ada program .a01 arj multi-volume compressed archive (can be 01 to 99) .a11 aiim graphic .a3d amapi 3d modeling .a3k yamaha a3000 sampler file .a3l authorware 3.x library .a3m unpackaged authorware macintosh file .a3w unpackaged authorware windows file .a4l authorware 4.x library .a4m unpackaged authorware macintosh file .a4p authorware file without runtime .a4w unpackaged authorware windows file .a5l authorware 5.x library .a5w unpackaged authorware windows file .a86 a86 assembler program file .aa audio book file .aac advanced audio coding file .aam authorware shocked file .aas authorware shocked packet .ab applix builder file .ab2 parson's address book .ab6 ab stat data .ab8 ab stat data .ab$ autocad spooled plot file .aba palm address book file .abc flowchart .abd ambiz bonus calculator data file adventure builder database .abf adobe binary screen font .abk corel draw autobackup any automatic backup .abl maxagrid avails data file (text format) .abm hitplayer audio album file album file (various) .abo applix builder turbo file .abr photoshop brush .abs abstracts mpeg audio sound file [mpeg] pc gnu compiler output abscissa data file .abw abiword document file .ac$ autocad undo info .ac3 ac3 audio file format [dvd maestro, dvd conductor] .aca ms agent character file project manager workbench file .acb acbm graphic image archived data file .acc dr-dos viewmax file .acd chromeleon channel raw data sonic foundry acid music file allclear flowcharting file ms agent character definiton file .ace the ace archiver compressed file .acf ms agent character file photoshop custom filter .acg ms agent preview file .ach rockwell software logix 5 file .aci aci development appraisal .acl corel draw 6 keyboard accelerator .acm audio compression manager driver (windows) photoshop command button windows system file acbm image file interplay compressed sound file .aco photoshop color swatch file .acp ms office assistant preview file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] file used by adobe acrobat paper capture .acr american college of radiology file .acs ms agent character file .act ms office actor program file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] foxpro documenting wizard action diagram photoshop color table action! presentation .acv os/2 audio drivers photoshop saved curve also see .ad afterdark screen saver ascend password protocol file .ad2 2-bit compressed voice file .ad3 3-bit compressed voice file .ada ada program file activedocs answer set .adb ada package body hp organizer appointment database .adc chromeleon demo data file activedocs clipping catalog scanstudio 16-color bitmap graphic file lingvo dictionary text file .add os/2 adapter device driver adobe pagemaker file .ade ms access project extension [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] adc audio file .adf adapter description file admin config file amiga disk file (uncompressed 901120 byte dd diskimage) .adi autocad plotter file .adl qemm mca adapter description library [mca] .adm after dark screen saver module windows policy template addict compiled dictionary .adn 1-2-3 add-in utility ms access blank project template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ado photoshop duotone options .adp faxworks modem setup file astound dynamite file ms access project [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] aolserver dynamic page file [aol] .adr after dark random screen saver module address plus database smart address address book .ads ada package specification .adt hp newwave card application data file lingvo dictionary file adtech fax file .adv gus virtual device driver .adx lotus approach index file archetype designer document dynazip active delivery script .adz gz-packed amiga disk file (see adf) .ae softquad author/editor file .aeh iper advanced embedded hypertext .aep arcexplorer project file .aeu ms autoroute express europe route .aex pgp armored extracted public encryption key [pgp] .af2 abc flowchart (now micrografx flowcharter) .af3 abc flowchart (now micrografx flowcharter) .afc apple sound file arisflow commander file .afd arisflow diagram .afi truevision bitmap graphic .afl lotus font .afm outline font metric hp newwave cardfile application .afp flowchart symbol palette .afs filter factory photoshop filter [added] .aft flowchart template .afw flowchart work area .afx auto fx photographic edges (photoshop add-in) .ag applix graphic .ag4 access g4 file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .agp aspen graphics pages .agw aspen graphics windows .ahs photoshop halftone screens .ai adobe illustrator vector graphic corel trace drawing progress database after image file .aif knowledgeware setup information audio interchange file [viewer] symbianos application information file (set application properties) .aifc audio interchange file [viewer] .aiff audio interchange file [viewer] .aim aol instant messenger file [aol] .aiml artificial intelligence markup language .ain ain compressed archive .ainso vax crystals chemical crystallogaphy file .aio apl file transfer format .aip audiosoft parameter file .air align it! resource file .ais array of intensity samples (graphic) velvet studio instruments acdsee image sequence file .aix hp newwave cardfile application data .akf acrobat key file .akw robohelp help project index file .alb jasc image commander album steinberg cubase or vst backup song file .alc norton internet security ad server file .ali sap proprietary format document file om2 omali native omali document .all arts & letters symbols and characters wordperfect printer info steinberg cubase or vst song file always working page format file .als alias image calmira shortcut file .alt wordperfect menu file .alv photoshop levels .alx om2 omali plug-in extension .am applix shelf macro .am2 autoplay menu studio version 2 .am3 autoplay menu studio version 3 .amc ant movie catalog .amf advanced module format music file dsmia/asylum module music .amg amgc compressed archive (alternate site) amg actor system image .ami cocreate soliddesigner annotation file .amp photoshop arbitrary map settings .ams extreme's tracker module format photoshop monitor setup velvet studio module .an groundworks text file .anc canon computer pattern maker file .ani animated cursor [viewer] .anl project analyzer saved analysis .anm deluxpaint animation .ann help annotation .ans ansi graphic [ansi] ms word text and layout [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ansr answertool file .ant simant for windows saved game file .aob dvd audio file (mpeg-2 program streams with additional info) .aof acorn object format (used for data storage) .aos nokia add-on software .aot zenworks application binary object template file .ap applix presents file datalex entrypoint 90 data file whap-compressed amiga archive .apa alfapad organizer file arcpad 6 applet .apc lotus printer driver characters centura team developer compiled application file .apd lotus printer driver centura team developer dynamic application library file .ape music format [many different players] .apf lotus printer driver fonts arcpad 5 profile acrobat profile file homesite project file .api lotus printer driver info photoshop ink colors setup application program interface 1st reader passed parameter file .apk gamespy arcade service .apl centura team developer application library file arcpad 6 layer apl workspace file .apm arcpad 6 file .apo apollo scripts .app r:base, symphony, dr-dos, foxpro (or other) application centura team developer normal mode application file dbase application object file arcpad 5 project symbianos application executable application (under dr-dos, nextstep, atari) .apr lotus approach 97 file arcview project file employee appraiser performance review file .aps ms visual c++ file arcpad 5 symbology file advanced patching systems with error checking .apt centura team developer text mode application file lotus approach data view file .apx lotus approach paradox-specific information file borland c++ appexpert database arcpad 6 xml file .aq applix data .ar compressed archive file (used by ms midtown madness 1 & 2 games) .arc archive file .arf automatic response file .ari aristotle audio file compressed archive .arj compressed archive .ark compressed archive .arl aol organizer file [aol] .arm armadillo software protection system .arr atari cubase arrangement .art clip art file xara studio drawing canon crayola art file another ray tracer format aol johnson-grace compressed file [aol] first publisher raster graphic .arv arsiv file .arx compressed archive .as applix spreadsheet .asa ms visual interdev file active server document .asc ascii text file [ascii] pgp armored encrypted file [pgp] .asd ms word automatic backup [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] lotus screen driver ms advanced streaming format description file astound presentation .ase velvet studio sample .asf ms active streaming (media) file statgraphics data lotus screen font apl*plus/pc apl shared file electronic arts music file .ash tasm assembler header .asi borland assembler include .ask asksam database .asm assembler source language (various) .asmx asp.net webservices source file .aso assembler object astound dynamite objects .asp active server page procomm plus aspect program astound presentation file photoshop photo file index photoshop separation setup .aspi audio catalyst .aspx asp.net source file .asr ms automap route photoshop scratch area .ast astound multimedia file photoshop separation tables claris works assistant file .asv datacad autosave file photoshop selective color .asx ms windows media active stream redirector file cheyenne backup script video file .at2 aldus persuasion 2.0 auto template .atf photoshop transfer function .atm adobe type manager data file .atr lightscape material library .att at&t group 4 bitmap (fax) .atw anytime deluxe pim file [pim] .au music file (various, usually sun or unix) [viewer] .aud audio file used by westwood studios for various games .aup epocrates file .aux tex/latex auxilliary reference file chiwriter auxilliary dictionary file .av final draft av document file .ava avagio publication .avb inoculan anti-virus virus infected file microsoft chat character file .avd avery label pro data file .avi audio video interleave file [viewer] .avr audio visual research sound file .avs animation file application visualization system format stardent avs-x image winamp advanced visualization studio file .avx arcview file .aw hp advancewrite text file applix word file .awb lavasoft ad-aware backup file .awd faxviewer document (awd microsoft fax) [polyview viewer] .awe adobe acrobat bookmark xml file .awk awk script .awm animation works movie .awr telsis digital audio file .aws statgraphics data file .awx ms directx 8.1 .ax directshow filter .axd avery label pro re-index file .axg ms autoroute trip file .axl arcims xml project file [xml] .axr telsis digital audio file .axs mindavenue axel stream file .axt ascii application object template photoshop replace color/color range .az windvd file b .??_ files ending in "_" are often compressed install files of the same name (e.g., .ex_ expands to .exe, .dl_ expands to .dll, etc.) .b limbo implementation file (inferno os) brainf*ck program (small programming language) befunge program applause batch list .b02 adp payroll (unverified) .b1j bookjones .b1n 1st reader binary screen image .b1s booksmith .b30 ventura publisher printer font .b3d 3d builder file bde multipath movie digital viewer .b4 helix nuts and bolts file (helix software now part of mcafee) .b64 base 64 mime-encoded file [mime] .b8 piclab raw graphic file .b&w atari bland and white graphics 1st reader mono binary screen image .b_w atari/macintosh black and white graphic 1st reader mono binary screen image .bac backup .bad rime mailer address file oracle bad file .bak backup .bal ballade music score .bar dbase application generator horizontal menu object .bas basic language source basic module .bat batch processing (dos batch file) .bb papyrus database backup blitz basic file .bb2 xbbs-os/2, xgroup, av and ztree archiver control file .bbl tex/bibtex bibliographic reference file .bbm deluxe paint image file .bbma bonzibuddy .bbp bitbeamer split file (of the form .??_??.bbp) .bbs bulletin board sytem text .bc sierra print artist 4.5 business card .bcf configsafe snapshot index the sims (maxis) 3d body mesh file .bch dbase application generator batch process object datalex entrypoint 90 data file phoenix software (datalex) entry point 90 data file .bck backup .bcm ms works communications file .bcn business card pro design .bco bitstream fontware file .bcp borland c++ makefile .bcw borland c++ 4.5 environment settings .bdb ms works dababase file .bde borland database engine (embedded in many different programs) .bdf west point bridge designer file .bdf egret data file x11 bitmap distribution format .bdg badge designer 2000 photo id .bdr ms publisher border [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .bec break even calculator .bez bitstream fontware file .bf brainf*ck program (small programming language) befunge program .bf2 bradford 2 font .bfa blowfish-encrypted file (extension added to original) [program list] .bfc briefcase file .bff aix® backup file format .bfl colin mcrae rally 2 data file .bfm unix font metrics file .bfx bitfax document .bg ms backgammon for windows game .bga os/2 graphic array .bgb ms chat background graphic .bgi borland graphic interface .bgl flight simulator scenery file .bh powerarchiver compressed file .bhf pcanywhere host file .bhtml babuhtml embedded software file (example use: netmailshar) .bi binary file progress database before image file .bib bibliography papyrus database tex/bibtex literature database .bic civilization iii scenario .bif groupwise initialization file image capture board binary black & white image .big chinese (old version) .bik biocharter profile backup file bink game video file .bin binary file (many) .bio biocharter profile file os/2 bios file .bit bitmap image worms armageddon imported map worms world party imported map .biz broderbund print shop business card file .bk backup linguassist file jetfax faxbook file .bk! backup .bk$ backup .bk? backup (can be 1 to 9, usually with wordperfect) .bki backup index .bkp backup .bks bookshelf backup ibm bookmanager read bookshelf ms works spreadsheet backup .bkw fontedit fontset mirror image .blb dreamworks resource archive .bld basic bload graphics .blend blender 3d file .blg windows binary performance log (w-2000 & w-xp have different formats. to convert click.) .blk wordperfect temp file lightscape block library alias wavefront image .bll an extension used by the vbs/european-a worm. if found in the directory c:/startup suspect you are infected with this worm and have your computer checked with anti-virus software! .blt wordperfect for dos file saved aim buddy list file .bm bitmap graphic .bm1 apogee biomenace data file .bmf image file .bmi buzz instrument .bmk help bookmark .bmp windows os/2 bitmap graphics [viewer] .bms backup magic backup set .bmw buzz music file with waves .bmx buzz music file .bmz demon stalkers: raid on doomfane (old game) .bn adlib instrument bank .bnk adlib instrument bank simcity game file (reported to be) bink compressed video/audio file .bnr binary news reader file .bob bobdown downloading program .bol ms booasm compressed archive library .bom orcad schematic capture bill of materials file softshare delta business object model .boo image file book compressed archive file .bos brotherhood of steel compressed file (renamed zip file; use any extractor) .bot frogbot editor (frog = quake add-on computer opponent) .box notes mailbox .bpc business plan toolkit chart buildpro file .bpl delphi library .bps ms works document bulletproof ftp settings .bpt bitmap master file .bpx truevision targa bitmap .bqy brioquery file .br bridge script the playa file (link is tentative) .br3 bryce 3d scene file .brc bryce 2 scene file .brd eagle board file .bri basic rate interface file .brk brooktrout fax-mail file .bro tree professional broadleaf creator file .brp tree professional broadleaf creator image .brs corel paint classic file .brw application file associated with financial institution(s) loan applications .brx multimedia browsing index .brz dbbrz file (backup or restore) .bs_ ms bookshelf find menu shell extension .bs1 apogee blake stone data file .bs2 basic stamp 2 code file (wordpad or bs2-editor) .bsa bsarc compressed archive .bsc apple ii compressed archive source browser database fortran pwbrmake object [fortran] boyan script ms developer studio browser file .bsk bryce 4 file .bsp quake map half-life/tfc/cs map .bsv basic bsave graphics .btm 4dos batch to memory batch file .btn buttonware file .btr btrieve database file ms frontpage-related file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .bud quicken backup .bug bug (problem) file .bun cakewalk audio bundle file .bup backup dvd info file cd indexer .but buttons! button definition .buy movie data file .bv? wordperfect overflow file (can be 1 to 9) .bvs bvs solitaire collection .bw sgi black and white image silicon graphics raw rgb file .bwb visual baler spreadsheet file .bwi blindread/blindwrite .bwr kermit beware bug list .bws blindread/blindwrite .bwt blindread/blindwrite .bwv business wave file .byu movie file (shockwave) .bz bzip unix compressed file .bz2 bzip unix compressed file (replaces .bz) c .??_ files ending in "_" are often compressed install files of the same name (e.g., .ex_ expands to .exe, .dl_ expands to .dll, etc.) .c c program file check point site configuration for secure remote unix compact file achive .c?? winace compressed file .c++ c++ source code .c-- sphinx c-- source .c00 ventura print file .c01 typhoon wave file .c08 lord of destruction game file (unverified) .c2d isobuster file winoncd cd image .c3d chem3d chemical file .c3t chem3d chemical template file .c4 catfish file manager support file .c4d cinema 4d (3d modeling texturing and animation program) .c86 c86 c program .c-- sphinx c-- source code .ca telnet server initial cache data file datair flexplus data file .ca7 beta 44 job file .cab cabinet file (microsoft installation archive) install shield v5.x or 6.x compressed file (not compatible with ms .cab files) .cac dbase iv executable file .cad softdesk drafix cad file .caf southern company terrestrial data acq .cag ms clip gallery catalog file .cal supercalc worksheet calendar file cals raster file [swiftview] .cam casio camera graphic [viewer] .can navigator fax .cap ventura caption network associates sniffer capture file telix session capture compressed music file .car athome assistant file carrara environment .cas comma-delimited ascii file i2's case notebook timeline analysis .cat dbase catalog quicken intellicharge categorization file .caz computer associates archive .cb ms clean boot file .cbc cubicalc fuzzy logic system file .cbi ibm mainframe column binary formatted file .cbl cobol program .cbm xlib compiled bitmap .cbt computer based training .cc c++ program file visual dbase custom class file db2k custom class file .cc1 chem3d cartesian coordinates 1 .cc2 chem3d cartesian coordinates 2 .cca cc:mail archive file .ccb visual basic animated button configuration .ccc chat curtain call native bitmap graphic .ccd clonecd related file .cce calendar creator plus data file .ccf os/2 multimedia viewer configuration file symphony communications configuration file .cch corel chart .ccl intalk communication command language .ccm lotus cc:mail mailbox .ccn vitalize! game file [played via ie plug-in] .cco cyberchat data file xbtx btx graphics file .ccr chat room shortcut .ccs conky cezar stribas international .cct macromedia director shockwave cast logic works schematic file sil hebrew font system transliteration table .cd1 datair cafeteria document system data file .cd2 datair cafeteria document system custom text file .cda cd audio track .cdb turbo c database clipboard file one page from a rom with a view project file cardscan database symbianos contact database file powerdesigner conceptual model backup file .cdc chromeleon driver configuration plugin .cdd chromeleon device driver .cdf comma delimited format cyberspace description format ms channel definition format installshield components definition file netcdf graphic file .cdi phillips compact disk interactive format .cdk atari calamus document .cdm powerdesigner conceptual model file visual dbase custom data module .cdp cd/spectrum pro .cdr corel vector graphic raw audio-cd data .cds chemdraw stationery document .cdt corel draw template .cdx compound index corel draw compressed drawing ms visual foxpro index active server document chemdraw chemical structure microstation cell library index .cdxl old amiga movie format .cdxml chemdraw xml chemdraw format .cdz rom with a view project file .ce farside computer calendar file .ceg continuous edge graphic tempra show bitmap graphic .cel autodesk animator graphic cimfast event language file kiss paper doll file microstation cell library .cem empire earth game file .cen master tracker financial analysis .cer certificate file .cex the currency exchanger rate file inmos transputer development system occam user program .cf imake configurtion file .cfb comptons multimedia file .cff capabilities file for foundation(tm) fieldbus h1 (31.25 kbit/s) .cfg configuration (various) .cfh capabilities file for foundation(tm) fieldbus hse (100 mbit/s) .cfl corel flowchart file .cfm corel fontmaster cold fusion template file visual dbase windows customer form .cfn atari calamus font data file .cfo tcu turbo c utilities c form object .cfp complete fax portable fax file .cfw chemfinder form .cga ventura cga screen characters .cgi common gateway interface script .cgm computer graphics metafile .cgp netcaptor captorgroup .ch clipper header os/2 configuration file .ch3 harvard chart (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .ch4 charisma 4.0 presentation .cha adobe pagemaker kerning data .chd fontchameleon font descriptor .chf pcanywhere remote control file .chi chiwriter document .chj help composer project .chk chkdsk/scandisk output wordperfect temp file .chl chromeleon channel raw data configuration history log .chm compiled html help chemdraw chemical structure (old format) .chn ethnograph data file .chp ventura publisher chapter .chr character or font file .cht cheat machine data file chartviewer dbase interface file harvard graphics vector file (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .cif ventura chapter information caltech intermediate graphic easy cd creator image pcanywhere caller file ventura converted image file colombo ipermedia file .cil clip gallery download package .cim sim city 200 file compuapps drive backup image cimex cimpack design drawing file .cin os/2 change control file cinetitler digital screen subtitling .cip ghost keylogger file .cir supermax e-cad save-file command pspice file .cis checkinbox file .cit intergraph scanned image .cix tcu turbo c utilities database index .ck1 id/apogee commander keen 1 data file (.ck1 to .ck6) .ckb borland c++ keyboard mapping file .ckp ingres checkpoint file .cl generic lisp source code .cl3 easy cd creator layout file .cl4 easy cd creator layout file .cl5 easy cd creator layout file .cla java class file (usually .class but can be shortened) clarion for dos .class java class file .clb icq contact list ms office xp developer code librarian cdrlabel compact disc label .clf listpro file .clg disk catalog database maxagrid ctm log file (text format) .clk corel r.a.v.e. animation file .cll crick software clicker file .clo cloe image .clp windows clipboard/picture [viewer] quattro pro clip art clipper 5 compiler script .clr winedit colorization word list 1st reader binary color screen image photstyler color definition .cls visual basic class module c++ class definition .clw microsoft visual c++ class wizard file clarion for dos .cm craftman data file .cm2 curious labs poser camera file .cm4 clipmate data file .cma applix tm1 database file (text) .cmb chromeleon backup archive .cmd os/2, winnt command file dos cp/m command file dbase ii program file 1st reader external command menu .cmf creative music file corel metafile .cmg chessmaster saved game .cmk card shop plus file .cml cheat machine library file (windows) padgen company info file .cmm cenvi (scriptease:desktop) batch file .cmp leadview bitmap open access file address document jpeg bitmap coreldraw postscript printer header route 66 address document ms word for dos user dictionary .cmr mediaplayer movie .cmu carnegie mellon univeristy stereo raster image .cmv corel move animation .cmx corel photopaint image corel presentation exchange image the sims (maxis) 3d body mesh data apple viewer file .cnc cnc general program data .cnd controldraw file .cnf configuration (various) speeddial .cnm windows application menu options and setup file .cnq compuworks design shop file .cnreg eulanda® warenwirtschaft (erp) configuration information .cnrep eulanda® erp system report template .cnt help file contents (and other contents needs) .cnv ms word data conversion file ws_ftp pro upload conversion file data wordperfect temporary file canvas versions 6, 7, 8 .cob cobol program file caligari truespace format truespace2 object .cod code list compiler program code .cod multiplan data file dbase template source file fortran compiled code [fortran] video text file .col autodesk color palette multiplan spreadsheet lotus notes import column description file .com command (executable file) .con knowledgeware consolidation file tree professional conifer creator file simdir configuration file .conf irc related configuration file (ircds or eggdrops) linux configuration file .cop tree professional conifer creator image file .cov fax cover page (win2000 cover page editor) .cp8 cp8 256 gray scale image .cpd fax coversheet corel printoffice file complaints desk script .cpe fax coversheet .cpf complete fax file .cpg 3dize® cool page file .cph corel print house image .cpi code page information colorlab image .cpj cequadrant cd project .cpl control panel extension corel color palette compel presentation .cpo corel print house file .cpp c++ program ca-cricket presents presentation .cpr corel presents presentation knowledge access graphics inmos transputer development system occam program code fold .cps antivirus checksum file central point pc tools backup colored postscript file .cpt macintosh compressed file corel photo-paint image [viewer] dbase encrypted memo ca cricket presents template .cpx control panel applet cryptapix encrypted image corel presentation exchange compressed drawing .cpy copy books data file .cpz compoz music text .cr2 curious labs poser character file .crd cardfile (windows 3.x database) .crf zortech c++ cross-reference file .crh ms golf image file links games course file .crl certificate revocation list .crp dbase encrypted database visual dbase custom report corel presents run-time presentation .crs wordperfect 5.1 for windows file conversion resource links games course file gold game course file .crt certificate file oracle terminal settings info unix crontab file (not a required extension for crontab) .cru crush compressed archive .crw canon raw format (image) (acdsee 4.0) .crx links games course file .cry crypto chat ii encrypted notebook-content .crz links games course file .cs c#.net source file .csa comma deliminated text ultimate ride roller coaster .csc corel script .csd bitstream fontware file chemsoft® msds database file .csf van dyke's crt/securecrt script file .csg statistica graph file .csh hamilton labs c shell script file .csi cyberautograph signed item .csk claris works .csm borland c++ symbol file borland c++ 4.5 precompiled header kodak dc265 camera script .csp pc emcee on-screen image .csq foxpro queries .css hypertext cascading style sheet stats+ datafile statistica datasheet .cst macromedia director cast file .csv comma-separated variables compushow adjusted ega/vga palette .ct scitex ct bitmap .ct0 maxagrid ctm file being processed (text format) .ct1 maxagrid ctm file successfully processed (text format) .ct2 maxagrid ctm file unsuccessfully processed (text format) .ctc pc installer control .ctf tiff compressed file whereisit catalog symphony character code translation .ctl setup information (various) user control (various) .ctm freebsd content management file java charge transaction matrix file crazytalk talking animation file maxagrid ctm file (text format) sdr99 speech recognition task time marked conversation input .ctp american greetings greeting cards chemdraw template .ctt hotmail list of e-mail contacts labview file .ctx compressed text visual basic user control binary file pretty good privacy (pgp) ciphertext file ms online course text chinese character input file .cty simcity city file .cue ms cue cards data description file for a cd-image [fireburner.com or goldenhawk.com] .cuf turbo c utilities form definition .cul iconforge/imageforge cursor library .cur cursor [viewer] .cut dr. halo bitmap graphic inmos transputer development system occam utility package .cv corel versions archive ms codeview information .cv4 codeview colors .cv5 canvas version 5 .cva compaq diagnostics .cvg image file .cvp winfax cover page .cvr winfax cover sheet electrasoft fax cover sheet .cvs canvas drawing file outlook express file .cvt dbase converted database .cvw codeview colors .cwb webnote document .cwe crossword express .cwk claris works data also see appleworks .cws claris works template also see appleworks .cxe common xml envelope .cxt macromedia director protected cast file .cxx zortech c++ program .cyn cynex root55 program extension .cyp cypherus encrypted archive d .??_ files ending in "_" are often compressed install files of the same name (e.g., .ex_ expands to .exe, .dl_ expands to .dll, etc.) .d dialect source code file .d00 ganbatte! winamp plug-in .d01 ganbatte! winamp plug-in note: .d00 and .d01 formats created by jens-christian huus of the vibrants and contains opl2 music data. .d2d 3d fassade plus 2d/3d object file .d3d coreldream 3d file .d64 commodore 64 emulator disk image .d8a ambiz productivity pak catalog .dad chromeleon channel raw data .daf om2 911 xchange version 3 & 6 document .dao windows registry backup isobuster file .dap omnis5 application file ms access data access page [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .dat data (multiple programs) wordperfect merge data (also possibly) mpeg file mitsubishi dj-1000 and photorun native format .db paradox database progress database solid database windowsxp thumbnail database ansys database smartware office pac file (requires login) .db$ dbase temporary file clarion modula-2 debug info .db2 dbase ii file .db3 dbase iii file .dba dataease data file .dbb ansys database backup mopheus music file .dbc ms visual foxpro database container .dbd clarion modula-2 debug info business insight data .dbf database (multiple programs) [started as dbase] oracle 8.x tablespace file .dbg ms c++ symbolic debugging info .dbk dbase database backup orcad schematic capture backup file .dbl windowsxp product activation file (if on wpa.dbl in the system32 folder) .dbm cold fusion template databoss menu template dataease data file .dbo dbase iv compiled program file .dbook pocket diary text .dbq paradox memo .dbs sql format database word printer description file .dbt database text file [dbase] .dbv flexfile memo field file .dbw databoss database file .dbx database (multiple programs) databeam image ms visual foxpro table .dc designcad cad file .dc2 designcad cad file kodak dc25 digital camera file .dc5 datacad drawing file .dca visual basic active designer cache ibm displaywrite document content architecture text file .dcb concordance database control block .dcd document content description file fortran data file [fortran] inmos transputer development system occam object code .dcf design rule for camera file systems file dynsite configuration file dyadic data file disk image file .dcl dumpsec .dcm dcm module format .dcp delphi compiled packages os/2 data codepage .dcr shockwave file .dcs quark desktop color separation specification act! activity data file .dct dictionary (various) ms visual foxpro database container .dcu delphi compiled unit .dcx fax image [viewer] electrasoft fax pc-paintbrush file [swiftview] bitmap graphics [viewer] macros ms visual foxpro database container .dd macintosh compressed disk doubler archive .ddb bitmap graphics file inmos transputer development system occam debugging info protel 99se design database file .ddata pocket diary text file .dde dynamic data exchange .ddf btrieve data dictionary file (allows other programs to access data) bitstream fontware file .ddi diskdupe image disk doubler image .ddl ms data definition language file (sql server query analyzer) .ddp os/2 device driver profile file delphi 6 file .dds inmos transputer development system occam compiler descriptor .deb dos debug script debian linux package .def definitions defaults sgml tag definition modula-2 definition module file smartware ii data file c++ definition 3d fassade plus define module file geoworks assembly header file .dei gerber design engineered interface .del data .dem descent demonstration usgs map .dep setup wizard dependency .deploy deploymaster setup script .der certificate file .des description text .dev device driver device independent tex latex file .dez des encrypted zip file .df lightscape parameters .df1 omnis7 and omnis studio database file (also .df2, .df3, etc.) .dfd file flow diagram graphic .dfi digifont outline font description .dfl signature default program settings .dfm delphi forms file flow diagram model .dfs delight sound file .dft fakt2000 file .dfv word print format template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .dg autotrol graphics .dgc turbotax-related file .dgn microstation95 cad drawing file intergraph graphics .dgo dimitrius settings file (dimitrius is program author) .dgr fax page (ms outlook express) .dgs at advanced diagnostics file .dh geoworks dependency information file .dhp dr. halo pic .dht gauss data file .dia computer support corp diagraph graphics file .dib device-independent bitmap graphic [viewer] .dic dictionary (various) .dif data interchange format diff command output (patch script) .dig text document digilink format sound designer audio file .din dataease file adc labs ewave file (broadcast automation software) .dip graphics file .dir procomm plus dialing directory macromedia director file dec vax directory .dis ray tracer file datair data import specification layout file vax mail distribution file corel draw thesaurus .dit ms win2000 active directory schema .divx movie encoded with divx-codec .diz description in zip file .djv djvu file .djvu djvu file .dkb dkbtrace ray-traced graphics file .dl animations file .dld lotus file .dlg dialog resource script c++ dialogue script infinity engine game dialog file .dlk inmos transputer development system occam compiler link info .dll dynamic link library coreldraw export/import filter .dlm dirty little helper cheat file .dls downloadable sounds (interactive music architecture) norton disklock setup file .dlu dirty little helper update file .dmc medical manager dml system compiled script .dmd visual dbase data module db2k/dquery web datamodule os/2 warp device manager driver .dme medical manager dml system data merge .dmf delusion/xtracker digital music file packed amiga disk image .dmg macintosh os x disk image file (treated like a real disk) .dml darn! shopping! mall file medical manager dml system script .dmo derive demo .dmp dump (various) inmos transputer development system occam core dump .dms compressed archive .dmx medical manager dml system index for custom .dme files protrader database .dne darn v5+ (windows) events list .dns dynsite plug-in file .dob user document form file .doc document or documentation (many programs/formats) ms word document [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] displaywrite 4 file .dog laughing dog screen saver .doh geoworks dependency information file .dos text file/dos specification info 1st reader external command file network driver file .dot ms word document template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] corel lines-definition .dox text file multimate document user document binary form file .doz vendinfo description out of zip file .dp daily planner calendar file dataphile data file .dpa serif drawplus animation .dpc discplay collection file delphi package collection file .dpj deskproto cam project file .dpk delphi package file .dpl borland delphi 3 packed library digital photo librarian database .dpp serif drawplus drawing .dpr borland c++ (or delphi) default project .dpt publish-it! publication file .dpx digital moving picture exchange .dqy ms excel odbc query file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .dr9 directory file .drc orcad schematic capture design rules check report file .dres diagnosis results .drj deraj data file .drl docobject resource locator .drn darn for dos .drs wordperfect driver resource .drv device driver .drw drawing (various) micrografx vector graphic pro/e drawing .drx adobe photoshop tutorial .ds chemisty software photomax drive .ds4 micrografx designer graphics (ver 4) .dsc oracle discard file nikon coolpix disk identification file .dsce diagnosis scenario .dsd datashaper database file document structure definition file .dses diagnosis session .dsf micrografx designer pc-trust document signer (extension means file is signed) delusion/xtracker digital sample .dsg doom saved game .dsh dashboard pda wallpaper .dsk borland c++ or turbo pascal project desktop file novell driver file .dsl lingvo user feature dictionary .dsm delphi symbol file digital sound module tracker format dynamic studio music module .dsn odbc data source surething office labeler (formerly designexpress) document object system designer design orcad schematic capture schematic file .dsp signature display parameters dr. halo graphic screen driver ms developer studio project .dsq corel query file .dsr wordperfect driver active designer file .dss digital soup digital sound file dcc active designer file digital speech standard file (voice recorders & ibm's viavoice) .dst pc-rdist distribution file .dst embroidery machines graphics file .dsw ms developer studio workspace borland c++ desktop settings .dsx active designer binary file .dt_ macintosh data file fork .dta data (various) .dtd sgml document definition file .dtea diagnosis template archive .dtf q&a database ms exchange header file (used when sending to lotus notes) .dtm digitrekker module softshare delta translation map .dtp securdesk! desktop timeworks publisher text document publish-it! publication pressworks template file .dtq database tools query .dun dial-up network .dup duplicate backup .dv desqview script digital video file .dvc lotus file .dvf dv studio camcorder graphics file .dvi tex device independent document .dvp desqview program information autocad device parameter .dvr device driver .dw2 designcad drawing file .dwc compressed archive .dwd diamondware digitized file .dwf autodesk whip! drawing web file ms whip autocad reader drawing web file .dwg autocad drawing database drafix drawing .dwp dweep game levels describe document file .dws dyadic workspace file .dwt autocad template/prototype file macromedia dreamweaver template file .dwy dwyco video clip .dx document imaging file digital electric corporation (dec) data exchange file .dxb drawing interchange binary .dxf autocad drawing interchange format .dxn fujitsu dexnet fax document .dxr macromedia director protected movie file dependable strengths administrator resources (macintosh) green building advisor file .dyn lotus file e .??_ files ending in "_" are often compressed install files of the same name (e.g., .ex_ expands to .exe, .dl_ expands to .dll, etc.) .e00 arcinfo coverage export file .e01 encase forensic software .eac emeditor auto completion file .eal enfocus action list .ear java enterprise application packaging unit .eaz express assist file .ebj geoworks error checking object file .ebo microsoft reader ebook format .ebs windowsxp scanner file .ebx electronic book exchange (open source) [adobe reader] .ecc ecchi role-playing format (generally x-rated anime file) .ecw ensoniq waveset format eclipsecrossword crossword puzzle .ecw2002puzzle eclipsecrossword puzzle .ecw2002words eclipsecrossword word list .ed easydraw cad file (japanese cad program) .ed5 edmics graphics file .ed6 edmics graphics file .eda ensoniq asr disk image .edb roots3 geneological data .edc kryptel (light) decoder/encoder .edd framemaker element definition document .ede ensoniq eps disk image .edk ensoniq kt disk image .edp attachmate extra! session .edq ensoniq sq1/sq2/ks32 disk image .eds ensoniq sq80 disk image .edt vax edt default settings .edv ensoniq vfx-sd disk image .eeb wordperfect equation editor button bar .efa ensoniq asr file .efe ensoniq eps file .eff ieep teambg file (modify infinity engine games) .efk ensoniq kt file .efq ensoniq sq1/sq2/ks32 file .efs ensoniq sq80 file .eft chiwriter high res screen characters .efv ensoniq vfx-sd file .efx everex efax fax document .ega ventura ega screen characters .el emacs lisp source code .elc emacs lisp byte-compiled source code .eletterhead electronic letterhead .elf black belt systems extended layer file .eli encyclopedia article list .elm ms frontpage theme-pack file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .elt event list text .email outlook express mail message [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] (rename to .eml to access in oe but beware of viruses and worms) .emb everest embedded bank file .emd abt extended module .emf extended windows metafile format [viewer] .eml ms outlook express electronic mail [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .emr emrite (wordprocessor file) .ems pc tools enhanced menu system config .emu emulation .emx enigmacross puzzle file .emy eericsson ringtone .enc uuencode encoded file video file blackice evidence log file knowledgeware encyclopedia encore music file .end corel arrow definition .enf rcencrypt file endnote filter file .eng dictionary sprint dictionary engine file energrahics chart graphics file .enl endnote library file (for research papers) .enr enroute toolath .ens endnote styles file .env wordperfect environment wopr enveloper macro .enz endnote connection file .eot ms weft embedded opentype file .ep2 eclipsepackager package .epd express publisher publication file .epi express publisher document file eclipsepackager invoice .epl tallyman e-commerce software? .epp editpad pro project .eps encapsulated postscript [viewer] ventura printer font .eqn wordperfect equation .er1 erwin file .erd entity relationship diagram .erm entity relationship diagram model .erp british economics & social research council electronic form .err error log (various) .erx erwin file .es easysign drawing sheet .esf emblaze audio file .esh extended shell batch file .esi esri plot file .esl ms visual foxpro distributable support library .esp ventura file .ess the scientific word processor style sheet .est ms streets & trips 2001 trip file .esy emeditor syntax file .eta etreppid audio file (etplayer & etvc media codec) .etc etreppid compressed file .eth ethnograph document file .etm etreppid audio file (etplayer & etvc media codec) .etv etreppid audio file (etplayer & etvc media codec) .etx settext structure enhanced text .euc japanese (kanji) .eui ensoniq eps family compacted disk image .ev2 java file .eva viz modeler 3d scene archive (used for tv graphics) .evt pc tools event file scheduler ms winnt/2000 event log .evy envoy document .ewb electronics workbench .ewd express publisher for windows document .ewl ms encarta document eclipsecrossword word list .ewp quickcog project file .ews quickcog sample set file .ex2 pc doctor file (hp computer - unverified) .ex3 harvard device driver (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .exc qemm exclude file rexx program ms word exclusion dictionary [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] text document .exd control information cache .exe executable file settlers iv saved game .exm hp calculator executable .exp icq saved chat file .ext norton commander extension file ws-ftp ascii binary transfer file e-mail text attachment (unverified) .exx ibm linkway msgput intermediate file .eyb encyclopedia yearbook file .ezc ezscreen screen saver editor .exf calculus ez-fax fax .ezm text file (from some mailing lists) .ezp edify electronic workforce backup utility .ezs sunburst technology easy sheet document .ezt sunburst technology easy sheet template f .f compressed archive file (unix) fortran program newing-hall computer engraving software graphic .f01 perfect fax document .f06 dos 6 pixel screen font .f07 dos 7 pixel screen font .f08 dos 8 pixel screen font .f09 dos 9 pixel screen font .f10 dos 10 pixel screen font .f11 dos 11 pixel screen font .f12 dos 12 pixel screen font .f13 dos 13 pixel screen font .f14 dos 14 pixel screen font .f15 dos 15 pixel screen font .f16 dos 16 pixel screen font .f2r farandoyle linear module format .f3r farandoyle blocked module format .f32 raw 32-bit ieee floating point values .f64 raw 64-bit ieee floating point values .f77 fortran 77 program .f90 fortran program .f96 frecom fax96 document .fa1 datair fas 87/132 reporter data file .fa2 datair fas 87/132 reporter custom text file .fac face graphic .fam maxis file (unverified) .faq frequently asked questions .far farandoyle tracker music module the sims (maxis) archive file .fas 3d fassade plus basic module .fav ms outlook bar shortcuts [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .fax fax file (various - often tiff format) .fbc familytree compressed backup file .fbk navison financials backup familytree backup file .fbm fuzzy bitmap .fbs file burner skin .fc harvard dictionary (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .fc2 curious labs poser face file .fcd virtual cd-rom fastcad/easycad output patton & patton flow charting 3 file isobuster file .fcm forward compression binary file patch .fct foxpro catalog campaign cartographer 2 file .fcw campaign cartographer 2 file .fd fortran declarations [fortran] dataflex field compiler offsets .fdb navison financials database legacy family tree database art explosion portfolio catalog file .fdf adobe acrobat forms document .fdm floppy disk manager file [software?] .fdr final draft document file .fdw f3 design and mapping document form .fdx force index .feb wordperfect figure editor button bar .fem cadre finite element mesh file .fep ms weft embedding project .fex focus file .ff agfa compugraphics outline font description .ffa ms fast find file .fff gus pnp bank deffax fax document .ffl ms fast find file printmaster gold image file .ffo ms fast find file .fft dca/fft final form text .ffx ms fast find file .fga folder guard attributes .fgd folder guard data half-life modification map configuration file (also see .bsp) .fgp folder guard passwords file .fh3 aldus freehand 3 drawing .fh4 aldus freehand 4 drawing .fh5 freehand 5 .fh6 freehand 6 .fh7 freehand 7 .fh8 macromedia freehand 8 .fh9 macromedia freehand 9 .fh10 macromedia freehand 10 [tech note] .fi fortran interface file [fortran] .fif fractal image format .fig rend386/avril graphic .fil dbase files list object wordperfect overlay application generator file template .fim construsyc/instasyc file .fin wordperfect print format text perfect writer print formatted text .fio ulead viewer support file .fire firestarter project file .fish 3d fish tank saved fish .fishes 3d fish tank saved fishes .fishtank 3d fish tank saved fishtank .fit fits graphic ms windows nt file index table .fix generic patch file .fky foxpro macro .fla macromedia flash movie .flb papyrus format library .flc autodesk flic animated picture flic video (may be same as above) .fld charisma folder hijaak thumbnail folder 3d fassade plus field define module file .flex flexi data smoothing (contact for program) .flf corel paradox form os/2 driver file navison financials license file firehand lightning graphic collection .fli autodesk flic animation emtex font library .fll foxpro library .flm autocad film .flo micrografx flowcharter file .flp fruityloops saved file .flr live3d file the sims (maxis) floor texture file .fls farrukh imposition purlisher filelist document .flt corel graphic filter startrekker music module mulitgen open flight file os/2 warp filter device driver asymetrix graphics filter support file micrografx |
.gpp graphpap graph paper file
serif graphicsplus object .gps pocket copilot gps tracks data file .gpx basis file .gr2 windows 3.0 screen driver .gr3 windows 3.0 screen grabber .gra flight simulator file ms graph chart sigmaplot data file .grb ms-dos shell monitor .grd gradebook power file map projection grid file .grf graph graph plus graph file golden software graph file grafix idea file graph edit file [part of directx sdk] .grn granny 3d rendering program .gro serious sam game file .grp windows program manager group pixbase pictures group .grq quickstep barco graphics .grs packedge barco graphics .grv groove networks file .grx getright file list .gry picture file (raw grey graphics) .gs1 graphshow presentation .gsd professional draw vector graphics .gsm raw gsm 6.10 audio stream (global system for mobile audio) us robotics modem file .gsp geometer's sketchpad material file .gsw graphshow worksheet .gt2 graoumftracker music module (new) .gtk graoumftracker music module (old) .gtp guitarpro file .gts genome software tempo alarm clock .gty gibson tray file .gup popmail data .gwp greetings workshop file [now ms picture it!] .gwx genigraphics graphics link presentation .gwz genigraphics graphics link presentation .gx1 show partner graphics file .gx2 show partner graphics file .gxl genus graphics library .gxr genexus report viewer .gxt gta2 game file .gz gzip compressed archive h .h header (usually c compiler) .h! flambeaux tutorial database .h++ c++ header file .h-- sphinx c-- header file .ha compressed archive .had mixlleniumengine (haydee) web server module style file (xml format) .ham image file .hap compressed archive .hat hat (hoora analysis tool) model .hay mixlleniumengine (haydee) web server module content file (xml format) .hbk mathcad handbook humanic software accounting data .hcm ibm hcm configuration .hcr ibm hcd/hcm production configuration .hd2 curious labs poser hand file .hda hotdocs document .hdf hierarchical data format file help development kit help file .hdl procomm plus alternate download file listing .hdr procomm plus message header pc-file+ database header egret data file adobe photoshop file .hdw harvard draw vector graphics .hdx help index (various) .hed highedit document .hel ms hellbender saved game .hex hex dump macintosh binhex 2.0 file .hfi hp font info .hfx hotfax file us robotics rapid comm voice data file .hfz pinnacle studio video editing file .hgh star wars - tie fighter high score .hgl hp graphics language (plotter) [swiftview] .hh c++ header help topic map file .hhc table of contents file (hhw application) turbotax contents file .hhh power c precompiled header .hhk help workshop index file .hhp procomm plus help data .hhp html help project .hin hyperchem molecule .hit hitplayer audio file nonags dialog killer data file the sims (maxis) sound file .hjt treepad hypertext database file .hlb vax help library .hlp windows help file .hm2 help&manual help file project .hmi descent human machine interfaces midi file .hmm procomm plus alternate mail read option menu .hmp descent human machine interfaces midi file .hmx mixlleniumengine (haydee) web server module template file (xml format) .hm~ help&manual backup help file project .hnf humax receiver settings .hof hall of fame (scores) .hog lucas arts dark forces wad file descent mission file .hot the sims (maxis) sound file .hp hp graphics language (plotter) [swiftview] .hp8 hp newwave write ascii roman8 character set .hpd harry potter related .hpf pagemaker hp laserjet fonts hotline partial download file .hpg hp graphics language (plotter) [swiftview] .hpgl hp graphics language (plotter) [swiftview] .hpi gem font information hemera photo-object image .hpj help project file .hpk compressed archive .hpl hp graphics file .hpm procomm plus alternative menu hp newwave emm text .hpp c++ program header infomgr database file .hpr robohelp configuration file .hqx binhex text conversion file (macintosh) winxp game file (sorry no details were in the submission) .hr2 curious labs poser hair file .hrf hitachi raster format graphic .hrl herolab easywin32 .hpm procomm plus alternate main menu .hpp zortech c++ header .hpr robohelp configuration .hqx macintosh binhex 4 compressed archive .hrm procomm plus alternate main menu .hrx herolab easywin32 .hrz image file .hs hugs source code .hs2 postering monochrome image .hsc helpscribble project .hsi handmade software graphic file .hsm the sims (maxis) sound file .hsq data file associated with qaz trojan .hss photoshop hue/saturation information .hst history file procomm plus history file file associated with wordperfect (history?) host file .ht hyperterminal .hta hypertext application (run apps from html doc) .htaccess apache access configuration file .htf webbase file .hti webbase file .htm hypertext markup language (html) .htt hypertext template .htx extenended hypertext template internet database connector file .hus husqvarna designer i embroidery machine format .huy eto dlia vas .hwd hollywood presentation file .hwl hangman deluxe word list .hwp hangul (korean) word processor file .hxm procomm plus alternate protocol selection menu descent2 ham file .hxx c++ header .hy1 ventura publisher hyphenation algorythm .hy2 ventura publisher hyphenation algorythm .hyc wordperfect hyphenation file .hyd wordperfect hyphenation dictionary .hyp hypertext file hyphenation file compressed archive .hz chinese i .i progress include file borland c++ intermediate file .i66 interactive66 graphic design information .iaf ms outlook 97 and 2000 e-mail account settings .ian sterling software cool business team model file sterling merged with computer associates. .iap teambg file (modify infinity engine games) .iax ibm image access executive bitmap .iba mde infohandler infobase file .ibm image file archdos compressed file (ibm internal file) .ibs i2 ibase file .ica citrix file image object content architecture (ioca) graphics file .icb targa bitmap .icc kodak printer image ironcad catalog .icd ironcad 2d cad file .ice archive file .icl icon library file (various) imageforge/iconforge [viewer] .icm image color matching profile file icc profile, acer monotor drive .icn icon program at&t graphic format .ico icon [viewer] .ics outlook calendar file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] swiftview command file ironcad 3d cad file inovate 3d cad file .id disk identification file lotus notes id file .ida ms server file (default.ida is attacked by the code red worm) .idb ms developer intermediate file .idd midi instrument definition .ide integrated development environment configuration file sophos anti-virus virus identity file borland c++ project .idf midi instruments drivers file .idif netscape saved address book .idq internet data query file .idw aldus intellidraw vector graphic .idx index (multiple programs) .ief image file .ies photometric file data [illuminating engineering society] .ifd jet form design form .iff graphic, sound (interchangeable file format) [viewer] the sims (maxis) object/data file sun taac image file .ifo dvd info file (contains menus and other information) .ifp knowledgeman script .ifs os/2 warp installable file system iconforge image exe library yuvpak compressed fractal image .ifx imagesoft v2.00 graphic .igf inset systems metafile .igp igor reader sheet music file .igs iges-format .iif quickbooks for windows interchange file .iii intel phone compatible .il icon library .ilb scream tracker data .ilk ms ilink program format outline .im8 sun raster graphic .ima winimage file mirage vector graphics .imb incredimail file .imf imageforge/imageforge image exe library incredimail letter .img bitmap graphic (several programs) [viewer] clonecd related file apple macintosh disk copy format .imi incredimail animation .imn incredimail notifier .imp urban chaos game file lotus improv spreadsheet babya installer archive .imq imageq presentation .imr cognos impromptu report writer .imv yahoo instant messenger imvironment .imw imageware surfacer 3d cad surface geometry incredimail sound .imz compressed floppy image .in$ hp newwave install file .in3 harvard input device driver (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .inb vermont hightext script .inc include file (various) internet connection file (used by isps) .ind dbase iv or dataperfect index well of souls game file .indd adobe indesign document .inf information or setup file (many) .ini initialization file (many) .ink pantone reference file mimio ink file [electronic whiteboard] .inl ms visual c++ inline function file .inp oracle source code self-extracting archive utility project .ins internet communication setting adlib instrument music file wordperfect file ensoniq eps family instrument sample cell / ii instrument installshield script x-internet sign-up file inspiration mind mapping software file 1st reader install script .int borland interface units foxpro code page signature semi-compiled program intermediate code used for syntax checking (various) .inter interspector project file .into interspector object file .inx foxbase index .io compressed archive .iob imagine file tddd format 3d graphic database .ioc instant orgcharting! organization chart .iof findit document .ion text program/installation description 4dos file description .ip iconpackager icon set .ipd installprog 6 edbs install database .ipf microsoft sms installer script (with system management server 2.0) .ipl corel pantone spot reference palette installprog 6 edbs file library .ipr intellij project xml file .ipx interactive pictures corporation av file .iqf integra 3.0 query file .iqy excel web query [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .irs wordperfect resource file .isd rapidfile dictionary .ish compressed archive file .iso file list for cd-rom iso buster file installshield uninstall file iso-9660 table .isp x-internet sign-up file internet communication settings .iss installshield response file .ist digitrakker instrument file (by n-factor) .isu installshield uninstall script easy cd creator 4 uninstall file netscape file .it impulse tracker music module intalk settings .itf inside tract file jpi topspeed pascal interface file .iti impulse tracker instrument .itm infinity engine game item .its internet document set impulse tracker sample .iv vrml file open inventor file .ivf indeo video file .iw iconware application idlewild screensaver .iwa ibm writing assistant text .iwi ignite image optimiser .iwc installwatch database (install monitor) .iwp wang text file .ix framemaker index file paperport search file .izt izl binary token j .j java source code jar compressed file .j62 ricoh camera file .jar java archive file (a compressed file for applets and related files) .jas compressed graphic .jav java source code .java jbuilder java file .jbc jam byte-code hex file (8051 microprocessor file) bestcrypt file .jbd sigmascan data file .jbf paint shop pro browser file .jbk juno backup file .jbp dj jukebox project .jbx project scheduler file .jc! flashget file .jdb siren jukebox .jde cariverona .jdf turok 2 game file .jdt accelio capture classic (jetform) filler (jetform corp became accelio 12 sep 2001) .jef janome nh10000 sewing machine file .jet hybrid jetfax fax .jfd formware job jaws voice synthesis software .jff jpeg image .jfi image file .jfx j2 fax file .jg6 bigjig jigsaw .jif jpeg image .jis japanese .jlf jetlinks bookmark managment .jmp sas jmpdiscovery chart-to-statistics file .jms voxtron telebutler graphical voice response call flow .jn1 epic megagames jill of the jungle data file .jnb sigma plot workbook file .jng jpeg network graphic .jnk junk (temporary file) .jnl ingres journal file .job job file task scheduler task object ai research file questvision vector graphics file (img file conversion) .jor ms sql server journal file .jou vax edt editor journal backup .jpc picture file (japanese) .jpe jpeg image .jpg jpeg image [viewer] .jpl siren jukebox .js javascript source code .jsb henter-joyce, inc. jaws script binary file (screen reader program) .jsd efax jet suite document henter-joyce, inc. jaws script documentation file (screen reader program) join-split file .jse jscript encoded script file .jsh henter-joyce, inc. jaws script header file (screen reader program) .jsl paintshop pro file .jsm henter-joyce, inc. jaws script message file (screen reader program) .jsp java server page .jss henter-joyce, inc. jaws script source file (screen reader program) .jt jt fax .jtd ichitaro 11 (major japanese word proccesser) .jtf jpeg tagged interchange format image hayes jt fax .jtk sun java toolkit file .jtp jetform file .jvc digital camera file .jw justwrite text .jwl justwrite text file library easy cd creator's cd label .jzz jazz spreadsheet k .k25 kurzweil 2500 sample kodak dc25 digital camera file .kar karaoke midi file .kau keyaudit software audit .kb borland c++ keyboard script knowledge pro source code .kbd keyboard script file layout (various) .kbi keirsey-bates temperament sorter index .kbm reflection keyboard script file layout .kbp keirsey-bates temperament sorter profile .kbr keirsey-bates temperament sorter data .kcl kyoto common lisp source code .kcp keychamp file .kdc kodak photo-enhancer [viewer] .kdf kinkos photo .ked kedit profile and macro file (dos-based version of ibm xedit) .kex kedit macro file .key keyboard macros forecast pro datafile program security or registration file (various) sentry 2020 encryption file datacad icon toolbar file .kfx kofax group 4 image .kif autodesk autocad key index file .kit raven toolkit file .kix kixtart script (win nt login scripts) .kiz kodak digital postcard file .kkw robohelp keyword help project index file .kmn sil hebrew font system keyboard .kmp korg trinity keymap file .kno personal knowbase file .kos microtype pro document .kpp smartpad toolpad .kps ibm kips bitmap .kqp konica camera file .kr1 kurzweil 2000 sample (multi-floppy) .kry herolab krypten .krz kurzweil 2000 sample .ks sof game file log .ksc korg trinity script .kse keepsake studio export file .ksf korg trinity sample .ksh prodigy internet registration file .ktt keytext data file .kumac physics analysis workstation macro file .kyb keyboard layout .kye kye game data .kyf visual-voice mouth movement file l .l lex program file link instructions lisp program file cliq accessories datebook lock file [linux suite pdf description] .la lightscape animation .lab mailing labels ncss data file .lar liquid audio player registration file .lat crossword express lattice file .lav liquid audio player voucher file .lavs liquid audio player streaming voucher file .lay applause word chart layout lightscape layer state track builder simulation compiler code (railroad centralized traffic control simulations) .lbg dbase iv label generator .lbi dreamweaver library file .lbl labels (various) .lbm deluxe paint bitmap graphic [viewer] xlib linear bitmap graphic .lbo dbase iv ordered labels .lbr compressed archive file lotus 1-2-3 display driver omnis7 application file .lbs omnis studio application file .lbt foxpro label memo .lbx foxpro label .lcd cdspace cd emulator .lcf linker control file .lch pagepath technologies launch! file .lck ms frontpage-related file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] paradox lock file adobe pagemaker database file .lcl ftp software data .lcn wordperfect dictionary file .lcs act! history file .lcw lucid 3-d spreadsheet .ld telix long distance codes .ld1 dbase overlay file .ldb ms access lock file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] truevector log database .ldd laser dispatch data .ldf luradocument file [viewer] geoworks glue library definition ms sql server transaction log file .ldl corel paradox delivered library .lds laser dispatch script trane trace load .leg legacy graphic format .lep label and envelope designer plus 2000 .les learn lesson file logitech entertainment game profile .let letter .lev worms armageddon map worms world party map nethack level file .lex lexicon (dictionary file) .lfa lifeform file .lfl lucasfilm library .lfm lifeform file .lfp lifeform file .lfq leechftp queue file [also see bitbeamer] .lft chiwriter laser printer font 3d studio loft file .lg logo procedure definition .lgc program use log file (for windows program use optimization) .lgf legal eagle text file .lgo ms windows logo driver superfax header/footer logo .lgp logotron superlogo file .lgt urban chaos game file the sims (maxis) lighting file .lha compressed archive file (lzh) .lhs literate haskell source file .lhw compressed amiga archive file .lhz lha compressed archive file .lib program library (diverse programmers' languages) greeting card library (e.g., key greeting card designer) .lic license file (various shareware) .lid windvd file .lif compressed archive file hp logical interchange format file .lim limit compressed archive .lin autocad line art vax program listing .lis vax program listing structured query reporting (sqr) output .lit ms reader ebook file .lix logos book file extend simulation library file .lj text file for hp lj ii printer .lko ms outlook express linked object [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ll3 laplink iii document file .llb labview file .llc laplink saved connection file .llx laplink exchange agent .lm8 picture file .lmd tune smithy list of modes for a musical scale .lnb logomanager file .lnd 3d landscape data .lnk linker file windows shortcut file .lns linkstash bookmark file .lod load file (various) .log log file (many different programs) .lok filewrangler/zipwrangler/securdesk! encrypted archive .lp lp88 linear programming for the ibm-pc file lightscape preparation file .lpa lpa-view laser particle analyser test analysis software .lpb lp88 linear programming for the ibm-pc file .lpc teko printer driver .lpd helix nuts and bolts file (helix software now part of mcafee) avery label pro .lpi live pictures .lqf leech ftp save queue file .lqp liquid audio player passport file .lqt winamp file liquid audio player file .lrc intel video phone file .lrf ms c/c++ linker response file .lrm microsoft encarta class server learning resource .lrs wordperfect language resource file .ls lightscape solution file freeware dictionary project data file .lsa liquid audio player skin file .lsc tune smithy list of muscial scales .lse nokia audio manager .lsf streaming audio/video file logos book file .lsl corel paradox saved library lotus script library .lsp lisp program file .lsq vax crystals chemical crystallogaphy file .lss legato spreadsheet .lst listing or list (e.g., packing list) powerpoint file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] ingres dump list file 1st reader keyboard macro oracle spool file .lsx streaming audio/video shortcut .lt2 curious labs poser lighting file .ltg lasertank bitmap graphics .ltm lotus form .ltr letter .ltt sdr99 speech recognition task lexical trec transcription .lu thoughtwing library unit file .lvl parallax miner descent/d2 level extension lasertank level .lvp lucent voice player (intuity audix multimedia messaging system) .lwd lotusworks text document .lwf lurawave-compressed graphic file [viewer] .lwo newtek lightwave® object .lwp lotus wordpro 96/97 file .lws newtek lightwave® object layout .lwv ms linguistically enhanced sound file .lyr datacad layer file .lyt turbotax log file signmaking application extension .lzd binary difference file .lzh compressed archive file .lzs compressed archive file skyroads data file .lzw compressed amiga archive file .lzx compressed file m .m matlab function brief macro source mathematica file limbo interface declaration (inferno os) cliq accessories datebook modification file [linux suite pdf description] .m_u mazegold critical file backup .m?? ingres modify table/index file (?? = hex 00 to ff) .m11 mass11 text file .m15 apple mpeg-1 video .m18 accolade golf course file .m1a apple mpeg-1/2 audio .m1v apple mpeg-1 video .m2a apple mpeg-1/2 audio .m2v mpeg-2 file .m3 modula 3 program file .m3a mpeg archive enhanced .m3u playlist file .m3d 3d animations macro corel motion 3d animation .m3s myst iii exile saved game .m3u mp3 playlist file (url list?) .m4 unix m4 preprocessor file .m75 apple mpeg-1 video .m8 heretic ii game file .ma3 harvard macro (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .mac macpaint bitmap graphic macro (various) .mad ms access module shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] game movie file (unverified) .maf ms access form shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .mag mps magro paint system graphic ms access diagram shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .mai vax mail .mak make file (compiler project file) .mam ms access macro shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .man manual .map image color palette duke nukem wad file accview network map atlas mapmaker map ingres termcap mapping file worldcraft quake/half-life game level file linker map micrografx picture publisher format data .maq ms access query shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .mar ms access report shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] vax macro assembly program .mas focus master data definition ms access stored procedures [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] lotus freelance graphics smartmaster file quickcard file .mat sound file pro/engineer material properties file matlab variables binary file ms access table shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] autodesk 3d studio max and viz file .mav ms access view shortcut [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .maw ms access data access page[buy office xp at shop.microsoft]a> .max kinetix's 3d studio max scene autodesk 3ds max scene file maximizer contact & e-business program paperport scanned image max source code orcad layout file .maz hover maze data division's dvs/dvise file .mb paradox memo holder maya binary (3d software maya scenes) .mb1 apogee monster bash data file .mbd multimedia builder mp3 authoring file .mbf ms money backup file .mbk dbase iv multiple index backup .mbm symbianos multi bitmap image (native epoc image format) .mbx mailbox message file (outlook v1-4 or eudora and others) .mc8 mastercam 8 file .mcc mathcad configuration mylar city character editor dialer10 calling card monu-cad pro cad file .mcd mathcad document craig mcdowall.com notepad monu-cad pro cad file .mcf mathcad font .mci media control interface command set .mcl multimedia manager collection file macro command language (symbol handheld terminals) .mcp mathcad printer driver capsule application script .mcr datacad keyboard macro file .mcs mathcad format file .mct musicator .mcw macwrite ii macintosh text file .mcx graphic file .md compressed archive file .mda ms access add-in ms access 2 workgroup .mdb ms access database ms access application .mde ms access database file .mdf menu definition file ms-sql master database file accelio capture classic (jetform) filler (jetform corp became accelio 12 sep 2001) .mdl digitrakker music module (by n-factor) rational rose quake model file 3d design plus model simulink simulation model ca-compete! spreadsheet .mdm telix modem definition .mdmp winxp trouble report (extension is added to file sent) .mdn ms access blank database template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .mdp ms developer studio project .mdt ms access add-in data [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] ms ilink incremental linker data table .mdw ms access workgroup information [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .mdx dbase iv multiple index avery label pro re-index file .mdz ms access wizard template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .me information (e.g., read.me) .meb wordperfect macro editor bottom overflow file .med wordperfect macro editor delete save octamed tracker module .mem wordperfect macro editor macro memory file of variables ms foxpro memory variable save file .men menu .meq wordperfect macro editor print queue .mer wordperfect macro editor resident area data interchange format .mes message file wordperfect macro editor work space .met wordperfect macro editor top overflow file presentation manager meta file omnipage document .meu dos shell menus .mex matlab executable command wordperfect macro editor expound file mexreader multimedia file .mez realarcade game information .mf metafont text file .mfa ms site server 3.0 report definition .mff midi file format .mgc mgcsoft equation editor file .mgf image file micrografx font materials and geometry format file .mgl mosascii graphics library .mgm mgcsoft equation editor macro file .mgx micrografx picture publisher clipart .mh graphic file .mhg multimedia file .mhp ms home publishing project .mht ms mhtml document (archived web page) .mi miscellaneous .mib management information base file (snmp management programs) .mic ms image composer file .mid midi file [viewer] .mif midi instrument adobe framemaker interchange format .mii microstat ii data file .mil group 4 fax file .mim multi-purpose internet mail extensions (mime) file [mime] .mio mexreader multimedia file .mis delta force land warrior mission [fan site] .mix power c object file multilayer picture file (ms photodraw 2000 & ms picture it!) command & conquer movie/sound file techno ejay music mix file .mk make file .mkd malz++kassner cad5 drawing .mke make file .mki picture file .mkl malz++kassner cad5 drawing library .mks tact data .ml3 milestones 3.x project .mlb macro library .mli encyclopedia media list 3d studio's material-library file .mlk sierra mastercook file .mlm novel groupwise e-mail file .mls miles sound tools compressed dls .mm macro mania macro multimate advantage file lightscape material map .mmb multimedia builder .mmc media catalog msoffice media content (ms officexp) .mme multi-purpose internet mail extensions (mime) file [mime] .mmf meal master format ms mail file .mmi memo open client .mml mail meta language .mmm animation ms multimedia movie macromind directory riff/rmmp format movie .mmo rapidfile memo writer .mmp mindmanager player play list file gammadyne mailer project file bravado board video output format .mms miles sound tools (midi+dls/mls) .mmw microsoft media content .mmx command & conquer red alert 2 map file .mmz musicmatch theme file .mn2 descent2 mission file .mn3 descent3 mission file .mn4 microsoft money database (older version) .mnd autocad menu program file mni mandelbrot for windows .mng animation shop animation delorme map'n'go map multi-image network graphic .mno monopoly saved game .mnr autocad compiled menu file .mns autocad ascii menu file .mnt foxpro menu memo .mnu menu file (various) hp newwave advanced macro .mnw menu file (various) .mnx autocad compiled menu file foxpro menu .mny ms money file .mob device definitions .mod music file (various) modula-2 program file windows kernel module amiga and pc tracker module ms multiplan spreadsheet .model catia file .mon readmail monitor (unix) .mov quicktime video clip [viewer] apple quicktime audio autocad autoflix movie .moveraddin mover (inventory management) add-in .moverbackup mover (inventory management) backup set .moverconfig mover (inventory management) configuration .moverdb mover (inventory management) database .moverreg mover (inventory management) registration info .movertemplate mover (inventory management) template .mox extend simulation model file .moz netscape temp file .mp multiplan file .mp1 mpeg audio stream, layer i .mp2 mpeg audio stream, layer ii .mp3 mpeg audio stream, layer iii [viewer] .mpa mpeg audio stream, layer i, ii or iii palm memo file .mpc ms project calender mp3 collector collection manager file .mpd mini port driver ms project database file .mpdex mpdex mp3 database utility .mpe mpeg movie clip .mpe.exe mp3 digital player wrapper .mpeg mpeg movie .mpf ms design gallery mosascii project workspace file .mpg mpeg animation [viewer] mpeg 1 system stream .mpga mpeg-1 layer3 audio stream .mph ms publisher .mpj robohtml project .mpk augmented ms-project file .mpm wordperfect mathplan macro .mpo augmented ms-project file .mpp ms project file cad drawing file .mpq blizzard game data file .mpr foxpro program .mps multimedia file casio pdl pocket streets map max payne saved game .mpt ms project template file multipage tiff bitmap .mpv ms project view apple mpeg-1 video .mpw mosascii project workspace file .mpx foxpro compiler menu ms project export file .mrb ms c++ multiple resolution bitmap graphic .mrc mirc script file .mri mri scan .mrk informative graphics markup file .mrs wordperfect macro resource file .ms checksum file for anti-virus .msa magic shadow archive .msc microsoft common console document ms c makefile .msf multiple sequence file (biomedical analysis) .msg program message ozwin message/mail file ms mail message .msh mash (the microsoft agent scripting helper) .msi windows installer file .msk autodesk mask file paintshop pro mask file .msn ms network document descent mission file .mso ms word ole web page storage stream [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] math script object file .msp ms paint graphic file windows installer patch .msrcincident ms remote assistance request .mss manuscript text file (various) game score .mst minispecification datair pension system master file windows sdk setup script chemfinder chemical structure index visual test source file .msw word text file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .mswmm microsoft windows movie maker project (part of winme & xp) .msv sony memory stick format .msw ms word text file .msx compressed cp/m file archive .mth derive math file .mtk matrikon software license file .mtm sound file multitracker music module .mtv picture file .mtw minitab data file .mu quattro menu .muc music collector collection manager file .muf protomuck multi user forth program .mul ultima online game .mup music publisher file .mus musictime audio file finale music score .mvb database ms multimedia viewer file [viewer download] note: the viewer download is old. don't overwrite any new files with old. .mvc music collector collection manager file .mve interplay video file [descent2] .mvf movie stop frame file .mvi autocad movie command file .mvw saber lan log file .mwf promotion animation autodesk mapguide author map window file .mwp lotus wordpro 97 smartmaster file megaworks pack file [dutch] .mws maple spreadsheet .mxd gis project file (map information) .mxm ms project/outlook team assign task .mxp macromedia extension manager arcreader published map .mxt ms c arcmap map template .myp make your point presentation .mys myst saved game .myw myworld education drawing .mz mozart music document .mzt mozart template file n .n1e om2 omali nena encrypted document version 1 .n2e om2 omali nena encrypted document version 2 .n3e om2 omali nena encrypted document version 3 .n4e om2 omali nena encrypted document version 4 .n64 nintento 64® emulation rom image mimix emulator .nab novell groupwise address book .nad noder file (polish) .nai wininstall file .nan nanoscope file .nap nap metafile vector image napster music security definition file [how it works] energraphics videoshow file .nav msn application extension .nb nota bene text file mathematica notebook .nc graphics file numerical control machine instructions .ncb ms developer studio file .ncc computer numeric control file .ncd norton change directory .ncf netware command file lotus notes internal clipboard .nch outlook express folder file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] on hold message/music file .ndb intellicom network database .ndl lotus notes .ndo 3d low-polygon modeler .ndx index (usually dbase compatible) .ne1 om2 omali nena document version 1 .ne2 om2 omali nena document version 2 .ne3 om2 omali nena document version 3 .ne4 om2 omali nena document version 4 .neb nortec h.e.l.p. (humidity calculations) .ned msn application extension .nef raw graphic file format for nikon digital slr cameras .neo atari raster graphics .nes nintendo entertainment system rom image .net network configuration orcad netlist output file .new new information (e.g., whats.new) .nff image file neutral file format .nfo folio infobase text file [open in text editor] warez group info file .ng norton guide online documentation .nhf nero hfs-cd compilation .nil norton icon library file .nif netimmerse file format .njx njstar document .nlb oracle 7 data .nlm netware loadable module logomanager for nokia phones (format for nokia phone images) .nls code page national language support .nlu norton live update e-mail trigger file .nlx formworx form .nms numega softice's loader file (includes debugging info) .nod noder file (polish) .nol nokia operator logo .non star wars - tie fighter mouse options .not activenote post-it-notes .now text file (e.g., readme.now) .np nokia planner project schedule cliq accessories notepad text [linux suite pdf description] .npd noder file (polish) .npi dbase application generator source .npm nokia picture message .nra nero audio-cd compilation .nrb nero cd-rom boot compilation .nrg norton registration entries nero cd-image isobuster file .nrh nero hybrid cd-rom compilation .nri nero iso cd-rom compilation .nrm nero mixed-mode-cd compilation .nrt nokia ringtone .nru nero udf/iso cd-rom compilation .nrv nero video-cd compilation .ns2 lotus notes 2 database .ns3 lotus notes .ns4 lotus notes database .nsc noder file (polish) .nsf lotus notes database nes sound file [winamp (plugin), meridian, nosefart] .nsg lotus notes .nsh lotus notes .nsi nullsoft install system script .nso netstudio easy web graphics file .nsp multi-speech sound file .nst audio file noise tracker music module .nsx hiper-six index file .nt windows nt startup file .ntf lotus notes database template .nto ntoscanner (tcp port scanner) .ntp neato cd labels .ntr netrun executable text file .nts norton tutorial netsend executable text file .ntx clipper index .ntx web audio file network terminal accelerator adapter card configuration information caris marine navigation info .nuf procomm plus new user message .nvf creative nomad ii voice file .nw noteworthy 2 file .nwc noteworthy composer song file .nws ms outlook express news file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] newsmaster or newsmaster ii data file .nxt next sound file o .o object file (various) .o$$ output file (temporary usually) .o01 typhoon voice file .oab ms outlook address book [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .oaz oaz fax file .ob imb linkway object file .obd ms office binder [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .obe ms out of box experience .obj relocatable object code (various) lightwave object .obn oberon-2 module source file .obr borland c++ object browser data file .obs objectscript script .obv objectscript visual interface .obz ms office binder wizard [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .oca control typelib cache .ocf object craft file .ocr faxgrapper fax text file .ocx object linking and embedding (ole) control extension .od1 omnis5 database file (also .od2, .od3, etc.) .ode ms office object data embedding file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .odf open document interchange battlezone cartographers guild file .odl visual c++ type library source .ods ms outlook express mailbox [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ofc open financial connectivity file .ofd objectview form defintion .off vector graphic (object file format) 3d mesh object file format .ofm adobe font .ofn ms office filenew file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .oft ms outlook item template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ofx open financial exchange file .ogg ogg vorbis codec compressed wav file origin file .ogs origin file .oif quickbase web-sharable database interchange file .okt oktalyzer tracker module .olb object library .old old version (sometimes used as a backup indicator) .ole object linking and embedding (ole) object .oli olivetti text file .omf image file .ond lotus notes-related file (unverified) .onx onyx graphics postershop file .oom shroom swap file .op2 outpost 2 saved game [supporting site] .opc beta 44 job file .opj orcad project file origin file .opl psion organiser programming language source file .opn exact active options .opo opl output executable file .opt qemm optimize options ms developer studio file .opx ms orgchart organization diagram exact inactive options opl extension dll .oqy ms excel olap query file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .or2 lotus organiser 2 file .or3 lotus organiser 97 file .ora oracle 7 configuration .orc midi file oracle 7 script .org lotus organiser file origin file .ori original .osc remote installation services client installation wizard file (oschooser markup language - ms knowledgebase article q268325) .oss ms office saved search [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ost ms exchange/outlook offline file .otb nokia phone graphics editor .otf open type font format .otl super notetab template file z-soft type foundry font .otp origin file .ots otsjuke sound file .otx olivetti olitext plus file .out outlines or output file (various) .ov1 program file - overlay .ov2 program file - overlay .ov3 program file - overlay .ova sierra web studio graphic .ovd objectvision datafile .ove cakewalk overture score .ovl program file - overlay .ovr program file - overlay .ozm sharp organizer memo bank .ozp sharp organizer telephone bank |
| |||
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p .p pascal program file reagenix code generator application parameter file applause picture progress 4gl program cliq accessories datebook permissions [linux suite pdf description] .p01 isobuster file .p10 tektronix plot 10 drawing certificate request .p16 protracker studio music .p22 patch22 patch file .p65 pagemaker 6.5 file .p7c digital id file .p7m pkcs #7 mime message (see section 3.2 in rfc 2311 [mime] .p7r certificate request response .p7s pkcs #7 signature .pa print artist .pa1 pageahead worktable .pab ms personal address book .pac sb studio ii package stad image .pad telemate keypad definition scanner output [viewer] (to edit try renaming to .jpg -- these are often jpeg files.) .paf paris audio format personal ancestral file .pag property page file .pak compressed archive file quake pak file .pal color palette adobe pagemaker library palette tree professional palm creator file playstation game (unverified) compressed file .pan chromeleon control panel coreldraw printer-specific file .pap tree professional palm creator image file .par fractint parameter file mirror archive restoration file solidedge 3d cad model digitalk parts application windows 3.x permanent output file .part edonkey 2000 partial download .pas pascal source code .pat autocad hatch pattern patch corel vector pattern advanced gravis ultrasound forte tech. patch .pax project a.r.s.e brain file .paz project a.r.s.e brain file .pb winfax pro phone book pixbase setup faxability fax .pb1 first publisher document .pba powerbasic source code .pbd powerbuilder dynamic library faxnow/faxit phone book faxit phone book .pbf turtle beach pinnacle bank file .pbi profiler binary input powerbasic include file .pbk ms phonebook electrasoft fax phone book .pbl powerbuilder library powerbasic library .pbm unix portable bit map graphic [viewer] xlib planar bitmap .pbr powerbuilder resource .pbo profiler binary output .pbs powerarchiver backup script .pbt profiler binary table .pbx ms outlook express message folder .pc pc-specific text file .pc3 harvard custom palette (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .pc5 rockwell software logix 5 file .pc8 ascii text ibm-8 .pca pcanywhere registry backup sonic foundry perfect clarity audio file .pcb protel technology advanced pcb design ms powerpoint application data file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .pcc pc paintbrush image file .pcd photo-cd image [viewer] p-code compiled test scripts .pce eudora mailbox name map print shop envelope .pcf profiler command file .pch patch file ms c precompiled header .pcj ibm linkaway-live multimedia tool graphics .pck turbo pascal pick file .pcl hp printer control language [swiftview] .pcm sound file oki msm6376 synth chip pcm format .pcp symantec live update pro .pcs pics animation .pct bitmap graphic (apple pict format usually) .pcw pc write text file .pcx pc paintbrush bitmap graphic [viewer] [swiftview] .pda bitmap graphic .pdb palmpilot database/document file pegasus database tact file quickpos database file .pdd adobe photodeluxe image .pdf printer description adobe acrobat file netware printer definition file analyser protocol definition file ed-scan 24-bit graphic file ms package definition file (inventory-related) .pdg printshop deluxe file .pdi ms powerpoint file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .pdl borland c++ project description language symbianos printer driver .pdm sybase power designer file .pdn plan de negocio .pdq patton & patton flowcharting pdq lite file .pdr port or printer driver symbianos printer resource file .pds pds graphic incredimail source code file telsis hicall program file .pdt procite primary database .pdv paintbrush printer driver .pdw professional draw document .pdx paradox files procite database keys acrobat catalog index .pe patentease file .peb wordperfect program editor bottom overflow file .ped wordperfect program editor delete save .pem wordperfect program editor macro .peq wordperfect program editor print queue file .per wordperfect program editor resident area .pes wordperfect program editor work space file .pet wordperfect program editor top overflow file custom cd menu magic petz file .pf monitor or printer profile file aladdin systems private files encrypted file quicktime file (unverified) progress parameter file prefetch (also called scenario) file (located in %windir%/prefetchfolder) (prefetch files contain info necessary to start applications faster) .pf? smartware project source file (requires login) .pfa outline font (ascii) .pfb outline font (binary) .pfc pf component aol preferences first choice text file .pfe programmers file editor .pfk xtree programmable function keys .pfm printer font metrics .pfp panorama factory project file .pfr paintshop pro file webfont wizard portable font resource (no longer supported) .pfs pfs:file database / pfs:write text .pft chiwriter printer font .pg ibm linkway cut/paste file .pgd pretty good privacy virtual disk file .pgi pgraph library printer device driver .pgl graphics (plotter) .pgm portable graymap graphic [viewer] chromeleon batch program signature program .pgn portable game notation (used for chess) .pgp program parameter pretty good privacy .pgs man4dos manual page .pgx binary property page file .ph perl header optimized geoworks .goh file ms help compiler phrase table .phd pc help desk file .phn ultrafax/qmodempro phone list .pho metz phone phone list .php php script [also .php3 & .php4] ms picture it! publishing project file .phr noexcuse phrase checker locoscript phrases .phs phscript file (document description script) .pht partial hypertext file (html fragments compiled into a whole) .pic pc paint bitmap graphic lotus picture macintosh pict drawing sdsc image tool pixar picture .pif windows program information file ibm pif drawing .pig lucas arts dark forces wad file .pim pixmaker project file .pin pushpin set compton's 3d world atlas links games player information file epic pinball data file .pit macintosh compressed archive file .pix printmaster graphic file alias pix bitmap inset systems bitmap sdsc image tool alias image .pj mks source integrity file superproject project file .pjl procite term lists and journal title lists .pjt foxpro project memo .pjx foxpro project .pk cooledit96 graphical waveform [?] tex dvi driver packed bitmap font .pk3 quake 3 arena file (stores maps, etc. and is renamed zip file) .pka compressed archive file .pkb quickpos (point-of-sale) keyboard layout file .pkg ms developer studio application extension applelink package compression format file next installer script .pko publickey security object .pkr pgp public keyring .pkt fidonet packet .pl harvard palette (harvard graphics taken over by serif) perl program file linux shell executable binary prolog program file (swi-prolog) tex property list font metric .pl1 3d home architect room plan .pl3 harvard chart palette (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .plb foxpro library .plb logoshow screensaver .plc lotus add-in .pld pld2 source file (program due out 1q2001) .plg rend386/avril file .pli oracle 7 data description .pll clipper prelinked library .plm disordertracker2 module panasonic sd voice editor file .pln wordperfect spreadsheet file .plr descent pilot file .pls disordertracker2 sample winamp mpeg playlist file shoutcast file myob data file .plt autocad hpgl vector graphic plotter file hp graphics language (plotter) [swiftview] gerber sign-making software file bentley's cad microstation driver configuration for plotting clipper 5 pre-linked transfer file x-wing vs. tie fighter pilot file palette .plx executable perl script .ply autodesk polygon harvard spotlight presentation screen popmail data .pm presentation manager graphic perl module .pm3 pagemaker 3 document .pm4 pagemaker 4 document .pm5 pagemaker 5 document .pm6 pagemaker 6 document .pmc windows performance monitor settings a4tech scanner graphic .pme plazmic media engine file .pmf arcreader gis mapping file .pmg pagemaker group file (eps graphic) .pmi pegasus mail message folder index file .pml nt4 performance monitor log file pegasus mail distribution list padgen program information .pmm pegasus mail mail message folder amaris btx/2 program .pmo print master gold text .pmp acdsee 3.0 image (old compressed sony format) .pn3 harvard printer driver (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .pnd datair pension system pending file .pnf precompiled setup information (temporary file seen during installs) .png portable (public) network graphic (proposed gif replacement) [viewer] paintshop pro browser fireworks image file .pnm pbm portable any map graphic .pnt macpaint file paperport thumbsview markmail qwk reader pointers .poc pocoscript file .pog descent2 file .poh optimized geoworks .goh file .pol music file asctohtm policy file windows policy file .policy java policy file .poo poo patrol game file (unverified) .pop dbase popup menu popmail message index .pos procite output styles quickpos iif file (see iif above) .pot powerpoint template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .pov persistence of vision ray-tracer .pow powerchords chord chart .pp compressed amiga archive file .pp2 curious labs poser prop file .pp4 picture publisher .pp5 picture publisher .ppa powerpoint add-in [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ppb wordperfect print preview button bar .ppd postscript printer description .ppf turtle beach pinnacle program file jasc paint shop pro 7 preset file .ppi ms powerpoint graphics file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ppj adobe premiere video editing file .ppl harvard polaroid palette plus colorkey driver (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .ppm pbm portable pixelmap graphic [viewer] .ppo clipper preprocessor output .ppp serif pageplus publication enfocus preflight profile parson power publisher .ppr cognos powerplay olap multidimensional cube .pps powerpoint slideshow [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ppt powerpoint presentation [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .ppx serif pageplus publication cognos powerplay olap reporting .ppz powerpoint packaged presentation [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .pq adobe pagemaker default printer style .pqa palm query application file (database for wireless access) .pqi power quest drive imaging software .pqx power quest drive image index .pr2 persuasion presentation dbase iv printer driver .pr3 dbase iv postscript printer driver aldus persuasion presentation .prc palmpilot resource file .prd printer driver .pre freelance presentation ms programmer's workbench settings .prefs preferences file (various) .prf preferences file (various) dbase iv printer driver profiler output pics rules file fastgraph pixel run format grahics .prg program file (various) ozwin purged messages file wavmaker program atari program .pri locoscript printer definitions .prj project file (various) 3d studio file hitplayer advanced playlist file .prk tony hawk's pro skater 2 saved park campgroundmaster/resortmaster database .prm parameter file .prn printer text file (various) hp printer control language [swiftview] datacad windows printer file xywrite printer driver postscript file .pro profile prolog program file .prs printer resource file wordperfect printer resource font file dbase procedure harvard file (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .prt printer configuration (various) printer-formatted file unigraphics part file (cad modeling data) pro/engineer model file associated with the w32/parrot-a worm; particularly if found in the windows directory along with .exe files of the same root name. .prv psimail internet provider template previous version (used for files that change) .prx foxpro compiler program .prz freelance graphics 97 file .ps postscript [ghostscript] .psb pinnacle sound bank project scheduler configuration file .psd photoshop format [viewer] apple viewer file .pse ibm printer page segment bitmap .psf chiwriter postscript printer font .psi psion a-law audio .psm turbo pascal symbol table protracker studio module format epic games sound data .psn post-it® software notes .psp paintshop pro image [viewer] project scheduler planning file prodea synergy procedure .psr project scheduler resource file .pss sony playstation game file .pst ms outlook personal folder file .psw winxp backup password file .psx dirty little helper chat file .psy pld2 system file psychedelic windows products .pt kodak precision transform [download] .pt3 harvard device driver (harvard graphics taken over by serif) pagemaker template .pt4 pagemaker template .pt5 pagemaker template .ptb power tab guitar tablature editor pubtach batch works script .ptdb peachtree accounting database .ptm polytracker music module pubtech batchworks macro .ptr qmail qwk reader pointer .pts infinity engine game tileset .ptx e-transcript of court proceedings [viewer] .pub pgp public key ring ventura publication ms publisher document the sims (maxis) family data .puf puffer encrypted file .put instalit script .pva hauppauge dvb-software .pvl instalit library .pvt local fidonet pointlist .pw professional write text file .pwa password agent file .pwd pocket word document .pwf procite workforms .pwl password list .pwp photoworks image file professional writeplus document .pwz powerpoint wizard [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .px primary index paradox primer database index .pxa pixia color painter file [japanese] .pxe partial xml envelope .pxl pocket excel spreadsheet .pxn pictureworks photoenhancer graphic image (kodak format not now supported) .py python script yahoo saved messages .pyc compiler python script .pz2 curious labs poser pose file .pz3 curious labs poser document .pzd pizazz plus defaults .pzm graphpad prism .pzo pizazz plus overlay .pzp pizazz plus palette .pzs pizazz plus settings .pzt pizazz plus transfer file .pzx pizazz plus swap file .pzz curious labs compressed poser file q .q9q bladepro graphic plugin file .qab qabutil file sybyl binary field files .qad pf quickart document .qag norton desktop quick access group .qap omnis quartz application file .qax expresstracker data file .qba quickbooks file .qbb quickbooks for windows backup file .qbd keyboard layout .qbe example query (query by example) dbase iv saved query quattro pro saved query .qbl business lawyer document .qbo dbase iv ordered query .qbs ms quick basic program file .qbw quickbooks for windows file quicken file .qcb ms combat flight simulator quick combat editor file .qcd quarkcopydesk se cliq accessories phonebook data [linux suite pdf description] .qcf q-emulator (a sinclair ql emulator) quicklogic constraint file .qch quicken for dos ver 2 data file ssi dark queen of krynn file .qci massively parallel quantum chemistry program file cliq accessories phonebook index [linux suite pdf description] .qck quick charts file quick foram count file vax crystals chemical crystallogaphy file quickcard file jigsaw 2 astrological tool file .qcm 3164 emulator quick command file qucm application file (link is pdf file) (interface caterpillar ccm devices to powerlogic system) .qcp qualcomm purevoice file .qcs cadqc standard file .qd? omnis quartz data file segment (can be 0 to 9) .qdate quicktime related .qdf quicken for windows data file .qdi dictionary quicken data file .qdk quarterdeck qemm file .qdt quickbooks uk accountancy data file quicken data file question mark desigener test file .qdv steve blackstock giffer graphics file .qef excel query [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .qel quicken electronic library file .qep irma wordstation for windows .qfi quicktime image .qfl family lawyer document .qfx quick link fax .qic backup set .qif quicken interchange format quicktime image .qix quicken for dos ver 2 data file .qlb ms c quick library .qlc postscript help file .qlp quicklink printer driver .qm quality motion file .qm4 qmail mail door option or services file .qmd quicken for windows ver 5,6 data file .qml quicken for dos ver 2 data file .qmt quicken memory list .qn2 quicknote file .qna high ascii quake name maker .qnc cliq accessories notepad customization [linux suite pdf description] .qnd cliq accessories notepad data [linux suite pdf description] .qni cliq accessories notepad index [linux suite pdf description] .qnm high ascii quake name maker .qnt chromeleon quantification method .qnx quicken indexes .qpr os/2 printer queue driver foxpro relational query .qpw quattro pro project file .qpx foxpro ordered query .qqt quick qard technology qardware definition file .qrp centura report builder file liberty for windows report file .qrs wordperfect equation editor .qrt qrt ray tracing graphic .qry dbase iv query ms query .qsc pxyl visuals chart .qsd quicken for windows data file .qst quake spy tab file .qt quicktime video .qti quicktime image .qtif quicktime image .qtm quicktime movie .qtp quicktime preferences astra quicktest report .qtpf quicktime preflight text .qtpp qtracker quake 2 file (unverified) .qts macintosh pict image quicktime image .qtx quicktime image .que task scheduler queue object cuteftp queue file .quicken quicken spreadsheet .qw symantec q&a write program file [support] .qwb ms money quotes writeback import file .qwk qwk reader message file .qwp quiptics puzzle file .qxd quark xpress file .qxl quark xpress element library .qxt quark xpress template file r .r pegasus mail resource file rebol script progress compiled program file ratfor fortran preprocessor file [fortran] .r?? rar compressed file (?? can be 01 to 99) .r1a yamaha rm1x dance-music workstation .r33 train simulator game file .r8 raw graphic file flight simulator texture file .r8l laserjet landscape font .r8p laserjet portrait font .ra realmedia file [viewer] .ram realmedia metafile .rap rapanalyst file (rapid application predictive technology organization resource) .rar rar compressed archive java jca resource adapter module .ras sun raster graphic [viewer] cals raster file [swiftview] .rat rating system file rats data .raw raw rgb 24-bit graphic raw signed pcm data sentry 2020 encryption file .rax image file .rb rocketedition file ruby interpreter program .rb1 r:base data file .rb2 r:base data file .rb3 r:base data file .rbf r:base data file .rbh robohelp configuration .rbm propellerhead rebirth modulation v2.0 rail baron player map .rbx xstream multimedia simulation format .rbz rail baron player saved game .rc borland c++ resource compiler script file emacs configuration .rcd pc anywhere recorded session file .rcg netscape newsgroup file .rcp recomposer's midi sequencer music file .rcx lego mindstorms robotics invention system .rd1 descent1 registered level file datair retirement document system data file .rd2 datair retirement document system custom text file .rd3 ray dream designer graphics coreldream 3d .rd4 ray dream designer graphics .rd5 ray dream designer graphics .rdb truevector rules database .rdf resource description framework file geoworks ui compiler source code chromeleon report definition .rdi device-independent bitmap .rdl descent registered level radiodestiny radio stream .rds ray dream studio file .rdx reflex data file .rec sprint record file epiinfo data windows recorder macro rapidcomm voice file .red calrion modula-2 path data .ref cross reference .reg registration data (various) .reget reget deluxe downloader .rem annotation (remark) .rep text document report file (various) qwk reader reply .req request .res resource file (various programs) .rev geoworks revision file .rex rexx program file oracle report definition .rez resource file aliens and predator 2 game file .rf sun raster graphic realflash clip .rf? smartware compiled project file (requires login) .rfb roboform .rfd recogniform form definition .rff maggi graphic file .rfg rfg integrator system database .rfh rfg integrator householding database maxagrid ctm refresh file (text format) .rft ibm displaywrite revisable format text .rgb picture file .rgi realarcade game installer (not secured) .rgp realarcade game package .rgs realarcade game installer (secured) .rgx reagenix code generator symbol table .rh borland c++ resource header file .ri lotus file .ria alpharel group iv raster graphics file .rib 3d reality renderman format graphics .ric ricoh fax graphic file .rif fractal painter bitmap .rip remote imaging protocol .rix colorrix vga paint file rix virtual screen .rl1 descent1 registered level file .rl2 descent2 registered level .rl4 bitmap graphics .rl8 bitmap graphics .rla advanced visualizer file wavefront raster image .rlb harvard graphic file (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .rlc image systems cad overlay scanner one-bit/pixel grahpic output .rle graphic (run length encoded) [viewer] .rlz realizer source code .rm realmedia file .rmd regmaid document .rmf rich map format (3d games) .rmi midi file [viewer] .rmj real jukebox file .rmk clipper rmake make file .rmm realplayer file .rmr resume maker file .rms autocad data file for boss rms (river modelling system) secure realmedia file .rmx realjukebox mp3 file .rn nota bene xpl program .rnd autocad rendering slide autoshade format .rng nokia ringtone file .rnl gtx runlength raster graphics .rno vax runoff file .rnx realplayer file .rol adlib music file .rom nintento 64® emulation rom image (actually most any emulator or bios flasher) .rov rescue rover data .rp realpix clip .rp? rescuepro physician invoice file (? can be 0-9) .rpb automotive diagnostic file .rpc rich photorealistic content (archvision, inc.) [info] .rpd rapidfile database .rpk rippack file .rpl replica text file .rpm redhat package manager (linux) realmedia player file .rpt report (various) .rpy star wars - tie fighter media .rqy ms excel ole db query file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .rr railroad tycoon .rrs road rash save file .rs amiga reassembler resource data file .rs_ macintosh file resource fork .rsb rogue spear bitmap red storm image format .rsc resource file symbianos application resource file (application resources) .rsf mediafour macdrive macintosh resource fork .rsl pc tools resources library borland's paradox 7 report adobe pagemaker file .rsm runesword ii game .rsn propellerhead reason audio file .rsp responce text file rockwell software logix 5 file .rss rockwell logix 500 slc-5 software .rst ansys results .rt realtext clip .rta robohelp configuration .rtf rich text format file (also used as windows help file script) .rth ansys results .rtk robohelp configuration .rtl text file nu 7.0 runtime library .rtm real tracker music module .rtp turbotax update file rtpatch update package .rts robohelp configuration realaudio rtsl document realizer runtime library .rtx reliacast audience manager turnstile mobile phone ringtone (extended ringtone format) .rul installshield .run pc tools script tools program .rv realvideo clip .rvp microsoft scan configuration file c|net catchup file .rvw review (may just be text file) .rwg random word generator .rws borland c++ resource workshop data file .rwx renderware script .rwz ms outlookxp internet settings .rx reflex database driver .rxc wrq reflection x connection .rxd reflex database .rxh reflex database help file .rxr reflex database report .rxs reflex database screen driver s .s assembler source code scheme source code .s$$ temporary sort file .s01 wordperfect distribution file .s02 wordperfect distribution file .s03 wordperfect distribution file .s28 genesis or sega32x rom image .s2p sonnet file .s3i screamtracker v3 instrument .s3m screamtracker v3 module screamtracker v3 sound file .s8 simul8 simulation .sad serveron analyzer data file .saf musicmatch jukebox secure audio file .sah seti@home data file .sal soritec data .sam ami pro text file signed 8-bit sample data .san the curse of monkey island movie file .sar sar compressed archive file .sat acis solid model (any acis-based cad program) .sav backup saved file (various) saved configuration info (various) .sb audio file raw signed byte (8-bit) data .sbd storyboard editor storyboard .sbf superbase 95 file .sbi sound blaster instrument file .sbk emu soundfont v1.x bank files superbase 95 file creative labs sb awe 32 .sbl shockwave flash object .sbp superbase dml program scratchboard setupbuilder professional projects file .sbr source browser support file .sbt superbase record notes .sc framework screen driver paradox source code ingres embedded sql/c source file .sc2 sample cell simcity 2000 city ii pc instrument schedule+ file sas catalog .sc3 harvard screen driver (harvard graphics taken over by serif) simcity 3000 file dbase screen mask file .sc4 rollercoaster tycoon scenario .sca sca datafile scala infochannel script .scb scala infochannel published script .scc text file stamp collector's girl friday catalog file source safe file .scd graphic (scodl scan conversion object description language) schedule+ file turbotax schedule file .sce softcuisine data exchange file .scf windows explorer command symphony spell checker configuration scoremaker multimedia show .sch schedule+ file eagle schematic file orcad schematics file xlinix foundation schematic .sci scanvec inspire file scifax fax system configuration data .scl scala scale .scm schematicmaker (topanga software) file icq sound compressed sound scheme scheme program screencam movie starcraft map file .scn compressed screen format truespace2 scene .sco high score (various) objectj authorj saved lesson .scp script (various) .scr faxview fax screen saver procomm plus screen snapshot file script (various) dos debug input file (can be any extension but often .scr) locoscript screen font file .scs stuffit saved criteria .sct foxpro screen pc tools script tools scitex continuous tone bitmap sas catalog windows script component lotus screen capture text .scv scanvec casmate file .scx ms foxpro screen file colorirx image file stanford chart starcraft map file .scy reagenix security file .sd sound designer i audio .sd2 sound designer ii flattened file sound designer ii data fork sas database .sd7 daktronics venus 7000 electronic sign schedule .sda staroffice drawing fidonet software distribution network archive description softcuisine data archive pgp encrypted executable .sdb simply accounting file .sdc staroffice spreadsheet .sdd staroffice presentation .sdf standard data format standart-delay-format (chip design gatelevel-delay data exchange... e.g., synopys to modelsim) schedule data file system file format autodesk mapguide spatial data files .sdi fidonet software distribution network info .sdk roland s-series floppy disk image autosketch drawing .sdl smartdraw library .sdn shell archive fidonet software distribution network compressed archive .sdr smartdraw drawing .sds staroffice chart raw midi sample dump standard file .sdt smartdraw template .sdv semicolon divided values file .sdw staroffice text raw signed dword (32-bit) data lotus wordpro graphic .sdx midi sample dump standard files compacted by sdx .sdv pinnacle studio dv video editing project .se scopeedit project file .sea macintosh compressed archive file [stuffit] .sec compressed archive file disney animation studio secured animation file pgp secret key ring mp3 music file (unverified) .sef steganos encrypted file .seg compressed file segment .sel paintshop pro selection file .seo scopeedit object file .sep tiff bitmap separation .seq atari animation file teststand sequence file bubble chamber sequential instruction file chromeleon sequence list lifeform file .ses digital audio editor file clarion modula-2 session data hummingbird exceed x-session .set driver set image settings backup file set configuration (various) .seu serials 2000 encrypted s2k update .sew janome (new home) sewing machine file .sex urban chaos game file .sf sound file os/2 wps attribute storage ircam soundfile .sf2 emu soundfont v2.0 file creative labs soundfont 2.0 bank file .sfa sonic foundry video editor audio file .sfd soundstage sound file data .sfe split files shell extension .sff fritz fax-print file .sfi ventura printer font soundstage sound file info sis framegrabber graphics .sfl ventura printer font laserjet landscape font .sfn spx font .sfp ventura printer font laserjet portrait font .sfr sonic foundry sample resource .sfs staroffice frame pcl 5 scalable font .sft chiwriter screen font .sfv quicksfv/winsfv checksum file easy sfv creator .sfw graphic file (seattle film works) [viewer] .sfx self-extracting archive .sg abc snap graphics user file .sg1 stanford graphics .sgd samegame data file .sgf smart game format starwriter document sonique document with graphics .sgi silicon graphics iris graphic file [viewer] .sgl staroffice master document .sgm softquad xmetal file .sgp statgraphics plus statistics .sgt hitman game sound file directmusic producer signature keyboard macro .sh unix shar archive file unix/linux shell script .sh3 harvard presentation (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .shb corel background file document shortcut file .shg hotspot editor hypergraphic .shk macintosh compressed archive file (could be apple ii archive) .shm wordperfect shell macro .shn shorten audio compression file [additional] .shp 3d studio shapes file 3d modeling file (various) .shr unix shar archive file .shs shell scrap object file .shw corel presentation wordperfect slide show show file .shx autocad shape entities .si softimage image file .sib sibelius music file .sid music file .sif windows nt setup file autodesk spatial index file .sig signature file .sik backup file .sim simulation (various) (e.g. setup for nascar4) .sir sir (scientific information retrieval) database (ver 1-3) .sis symbianos installer file (application installation archive) .sit stuffit compressed archive file (multiple platforms) .siz oracle 7 configuration .sjf split files shell extension .ska pgp secret keyring .skb quickpos (point-of-sale) standard keyboard layout file .skf autosketch .skl authorware resource .skn filewrangler/securdesk!/imageforge graphic skin erocket ebook skin the sims (maxis) 3d body mesh skin data .skr microsoft scriptit .sky activesky movie clips for palm os .sl s-lang program file pact's save layout .slb autocad slide library .slc telix compiler salt script .sld autocad slide .sldasm solidworks file .slddrw solidworks file .slg chromeleon audit trail .sli magicorp side service slide .slk data exchange file (symbolic link) timeslips lock file .sll sound file .slm microsoft visual foxpro .slp timeslips data file .slt telix salt script application .sm smalltalk program file softspoken mailer mailing list scriptmaker script samna word text file .sm3 datacad symbol file .smc super nintendo game-console rom image [see znes or snes9x] .smd staroffice mail sega genesis/mega drive emulator .smf staroffice formula smartfax fax .smi realplay smil file self mounting image file (apple macintosh) .smil synchronized multimedia integration language .smk smacker compressed file .sml simple markup language .smm ami pro macro .smp sample or samplevision format ad lib gold sample photoimpact file .sms ms package definition file (used now in place of .pdf) sega master system emulator .smt hiper-six memo file smartware ii text file .snd sound clip [viewer] raw unsigned pcm data akai mpc-series sample next sound macintosh sound resource .sng midisoft studio midi song .snm netscape mail .sno snobol program file .snp snapview shapshot coffeecup html editor snippet computer eyes video output .snx second nature software graphic .soa sage mas 90 accounting software file .soc sociometryplus sociometric group .sol game solution (various games) .som paradox sort info quattro pro network serial numbers .sou sb studio ii sound .sp splint compressed archive file (unix) .spc multiplan program wordperfect temp file snes audio file .spd harvard bitstream typefaces (harvard graphics taken over by serif) postscript printer mini-driver speech data file speedo scalable font .spf site publisher profile energraphics slide presentation .spg sprint glossary .sph sdr99 speech recognition task sphere waveform .spi scanner graphics .spj site publisher project file .spl compressed archive file printer spool file sprint printer driver sample file spell checker digitrakker sample (by n-factor) shockwave flash object split files shell extension infinity engine game spell .spm wordperfect file .spn wordperfect distribution file .spo spss statistical program .spp sprint printer file serif photoplus native format file .spr sprint document letter foxpro generated screen program sprite .sps sprint screen driver vax/vms source code .spt spitbol program file liquid audio player secure portable track file mitac disk/system management utility pack support file .spw sigmaplot worksheet .spx foxpro compiler screen program screen peace extension .spz spazz3d vrml file .sq7 daktronics venus 7000 electronic sign sequence .sqb syquest backup .sqc structured query language common code file [sql] .sql structured query language data [sql] .sqr structured query language program file [sql] .sqs operation flashpoint game .sqz compressed archive file .sr1 sir (scientific information retrieval) database .sr2 sir (scientific information retrieval) database .sr3 sir (scientific information retrieval) database .sr4 sir (scientific information retrieval) database .src sourcecode (various) .srf sun raster graphic file .srm super nintendo rom saved file (saved game) .srp quicklink script .srpm redhat linux rpm source file .srt bsplayer subtitle file sdr99 speech recognition task speech recogniser transcript .ss splash bitmap graphic .ssa subtitles .ssd sas database .ssf enable spreadsheet file .ssh2 ssh secure shell client .ssi installer/gd software setup information .ssm realplay standard streming metafile .ssp sas transport data .sss sudden strike saved game .sst certificate store sea surface temperature file .ssx screenshare data file .st smalltalk program file scream tracker instrument library atari st disk image neopaint stamp file .sta eudora file spinmaker plus stack reflection saved state .stb genus stub library .std prosa state transition diagram graphic surething cd labeler document locoscript standard script file .stf shrinktofit compressed archive file setup information structured file .stg pagekeeper storage file .stk personal stock monitor file .stl certificate trust list cad software solid modeling/prototyping file .stm sound file prosa state transition diagram model scream tracker v2 module shtml file sdr99 speech recognition task time segment time marked file .sto genus pascal stub obj file infinity engine game storage file .stp pagekeeper packed storage file .str dbase structure list dataperfect structure file fifa 2002 music file sceensaver stream file (playstation discs) music file .sts ms c project status info scream tracker song .stw smartterm data file .stx simply tax form editplus syntax file smartext e-book .sty style sheet (various) ms interactive music control latex2e style .sub clonecd related file .sud super project analyzer data .sui simple user interface toolkit library .sum summary (various) .sun sun raster graphic file .sup wordperfect supplemental dictionary super porject analyzer project .sur surveyor document .sv$ autocad autosave file .sv1 transport tycoon saved game .sv4 rollercoaster tycoon saved game .svd word backup file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .svf winsfv (checks for damaged .rar files) .svg word backup file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] scalable vector graphics file .svi mimio ink files .svp wisco survey power swiftview command file .svs word backup file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .svx interchange file format, 8svx/16sv amiga 8svx sound .sw audio file raw signed word (16-bit) data smartware spreadsheet (requires login) .swa shockwave audio file .swd storybook file (educational) sabiston textbook .swf macromedia flash format [alternate] [viewer] .swfs dreamweaver file .swg swag reader packet .swi swish data file (swish makes flash files) .swl macromedia flash format [alternate] .swp sprint backup file swap file .swt vb setup wizard template file macromedia authoring flash file space watch pro data file .sxw openoffice.org writer 6.0 text file staroffice word document .sy# darn! backup files .sy1 ami pro smartpix symbol library .sy3 harvard symbol file (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .syd sysedit backup file .syl sylk spreadsheet format .sym symbol table (various) borland c++ precompiled headers .syn synonym file textpad syntax definition sdsc image tool file .sys system configuration system device driver .syw harvard symbol graphic (harvard graphics taken over by serif) yamaha sy-series wave files .sz0 binary file format (used when uploading via a com port) t .t tads source file turing programming language file tar tape archive without compression .t?? ingres table/index file (?? = hex 00 to ff) .t2k teach2000 document .t2t sonata cad modelling file .t64 c64s emulator program .t98 kiplinger tax cut file (1998 tax year) .t99 kiplinger tax cut file (1999 tax year) (note: kiplinger tax cut state return files are of the form .t?? where ?? is the two-character state designation.) .tab guitar tablature file mapinfo table .taf birdstep technologies rdm database (may be embedded in other software) .tag dataflex query tag name .tah turbo assembler help file .tai inmos transputer development system occam analyse info .tal adobe typealign text illustration file .tam tame program settings .tao isobuster file .tar compressed archive file .tax turbotax file .taz compressed file (short for .tar.z) .tb1 turbo c font .tb2 turbo c font .tbc ironcad tool bar customization inovate tool bar customization .tbf imavox turbofax faxs .tbg teambg file (modify infinity engine games) .tbk memo backup (database programs) asymetrix toolbook .tbl adobe pagemaker import mapping table os/2 table of values .tbp tas books accounts .tbx project scheduler table .tc borland configurations file .tcf theme park world game file .tch borland help file .tci inmos transputer development system occam configuration info .tcl tcl/tk language script textpad clip library .tcm inmos transputer development system occam comment text file .tcw turbocad drawing .td turbo debugger configuration file .td2 turbo debugger configuration file .td4 rollercoaster tycoon track design thumbsplus version 4.x+ graphics database .tda palm date book file .tdb thumbs plus database .tdf trace definition file thedraw font typeface definition file (for fonts) .tdh turbo debugger help file .tdk turbo debugger keyboard record .tdo compressed file .tdp serif drawplus thumbnail .tds turbo debugger symbol table .tdw turbo debugger configuration file .tdy today or buildpro application file .te textease file .te2 conquest of the new world .tea tea template source file .tee teechart office graphic .tef relisys tefax fax .tel telnet host file .tem icon author template turbo editor macro language badge designer 2000 file .ter terragen landscape file .tet textease template .tex tex latex file mackichan scientific notebook file texture file idealist datasheet .tf turbo profiler configuration file .tfa turbo profiler area file .tfc tobi's floppy cataloguer catalog .tfh turbo profiler help file .tfm tagged font metric tex font metric file .tfr star wars - tie fighter game-pilot file .tfs turbo profiler statistic .tfx traffix traffic analysis software .tg1 on target project file .tg4 ccitt group 4 fax .tga truevision targa graphic [viewer] (used by some game programs) .tgh truegas host file .tgw terragen atmosphere file .tgz unix tar file zipped (short for .tar.gz) .thb bitmap graphic .thd thread .theme microsoft plus! theme file .thm ms clipart gallery database serif drawplus theme .thn graphics workshop for windows thumbnail .thp turbotax-related file .ths wordperfect thesaurus .tie x-wing alliance game file .tif tagged image format file [viewer] [swiftview] .tiff tagged image format file [viewer] [swiftview] .tig tiger government map file .til togai infralogic fuzzy-c knowledge base .tim playstation game texture image .tis mahjongg tile set .tk2 take two/easy cd creator backup .tkm panasonic sd voice editor file .tjf vaxtpu backup file (vaxtpu is default openvms editor) .tlb remote automation truelib files ole type library visual c++ type library vax text library bubble chamber reference table .tlc swat compiled tood command language source .tld trellix file .tle nasa two-line element set .tlg trellix webgem .tlp ms project timeline file .tlt trellix web design file .tlx telex trellix data file .tma dci trademanager catalog archive .tmc dci trademanager catalog archive .tmf wordperfect tagged font metric file .tmo zortech c++ global optimizer output file .tmp temporary file/folder .tms telemate script .toc eudora table of contents .tol kodak photoenhancer .top inmos transputer development system occam top level file .tos atari self-extracting archive .tot telelogic option templates .tp turbo pascal configuration file turbo profiler session-state file .tp3 harvard template (harvard graphics taken over by serif) .tp4 rollercoaster tycoon track design screenshot .tpb hijaak pcl soft font file backup .tpf hijaak pcl soft font file .tph turbo pascal help file .tpj teststand project .tpl turbo pascal resident units harvard template (harvard graphics taken over by serif) fkey template designer template file cakewalk audio template file datacad template file canvas 7 template .tpm textpad macro .tpp turbo pascal protected mode units teleport pro project (web spider) typeplus file .tpr gromacs 3.0 molecular dynamics simulator file together project definition .tps clarion for windows data file .tpu turbo pascal unit vaxtpu command file (vaxtpu is default openvms editor) .tpw turbo pascal unit turbo profiler session-state file .tpz compressed file (short for .tar.gz) .tr turbo debugger session-state settings manual page input to unix troff -man command .tr2 turbo debugger session-state settings .tr5 tree professional file .trc power ctrace debug support file .tre pc tools directory tree .trf documagix file .trk kermit script file mixman studio track train dispatcher railroad centgralized traffic control simulation .trm terminal settings (various) trim high-compression lossless 8 to 32 bit truecolor image file .trn quattro translation adobe pagemaker file mks source integrity project log .trp tripmaker file .trs micrografx executable file .trt team sports scheduling system report template .trw turbo debugger session-state settings .trx emerald pc authorize batch transaction file .ts tune smithy file .tsk skins (themes) for pocket pc pdas .tsp windows telephony service provider .tsr inmos transputer development system occam program source .tss team sports scheduling system project file .tst wordperfect printer test file test file .tsw teststand workspace .tsx team sports scheduling system xml project file .ttc truetype compressed font .ttf truetype font .ttk alchemy catalyst translation toolkit (purchased from corel) .ttl tera term macro file .ttp telelogic tau project .ttw telelogic tau workspace .tub paintshop pro tube file .tud thumbs plus viewer graphics .tuo thumbs plus viewer graphics .tut tutorial .tv paradox table view settings .tv1 wordperfect overflow file above doc 1 insert point (can be 1-9) .tvm tvmconv .tvt realplayer .twd simtech mindmapper mind map .twf tabworks file georeferenced information file .twg thatwaltguy web server file .twp toplevel computing fine words (dos word processor) .tws textpad workspace file .tww tagwrite template .tx8 dos text file .txb descent/d2 encoded briefing file .txc urban chaos game file .txf compressed file (short for .tar.f) .txi tex support file .txm datair pension reporter data file .txt text file (open in notepad, wordpad, word, or many other programs) .txw yamaha tx16w wave files .txx dataperfect text storage .tym pagemaker time stamp .tz compressed file (short for .tar.z) ingres time zone file .tzb compressed file (short for .tar.z.btoa) |
u .u unreal system file .u2 telelogic tau uml model .u2p telelogic tau uml program text file .u8 raw unsigned 8-bit audio data .u96 easyzip temporary file .uap user agent wireless telephony profile .uax unreal audio file .ub audio file raw unsigned byte (8-bit) data .uc2 compressed file .ucf xilinx foundation user constraint file .ucm urban chaos game file .ucn compressed archive .ucs universal classification standard database file .udf windowsnt uniqueness database file ms excel user defined function photostyler image filter .udl ms data link .udw raw unsigned doubleword (32-bit) data .ue2 encrypted archive .ufo ulead object file .ug drawing file (various) .uhs universal hint system file .uhtm unreal tournament file .ui user interface geoworks ui compiler espire source .uif wordperfect long prompts .uih geoworks ui compiler espire header .ul ulaw audio file .uld procomm uploaded files .uls internet location service .ult ultratracker music module .ulw ulaw - sun/next .umb memmaker backup archive .umod unreal self-extracting mod file unreal tournament .umx unreal music file .uni mikmod (unimod) format forcast pro data file .unl informix binary file created by unload command .unq fax view file (unverified) .unr unreal map file .unx text file (usually unix) .upd dbase update file universal print driver (cross-platform) updated program data (various) .upi ulead photo impact program file .upj ulead project file .upo dbase compiled update file .upx ulead photo express saved image file .urf radar viewpoint universal radar format .url internet location .usa unreal saved game file .usb d-link fm radio update .use mks source integrity file .usl laserjet landscape font .usp pagemaker printer font laserjet portrait font .usr user database (various) .utf aol updating files (found in tod [tools on demand] folder) .utl sound file .utp binpatch patch data file .utx unreal texture file .uu compressed archive file (uuencode) [tutorial] .uud uudecoded [tutorial] .uue uuencoded [tutorial] .uvr ulead cool 360 viewer file .uvw geomanager/geointerface user view .uw audio file raw unsigned word (16-bit) data unitype globalwriter file .uwf ultratracker wave file .uwl wordperfect user word list v .v verilog file [icarus] reagenix code generator consistency check support file vivid main input file .v64 nintento 64® emulation rom image .v8 covox 8-bit audio .vag sony playstation adpcm sound file .val paradox validity checks dbase values .vam velazquez application map .van vistapro animation .vap annotated speech .var icon author variable sterling software data dictionary file sterling merged with computer associates. .vb vbscript file or any visualbasic source .vba vbase file .vbd activex file .vbe vbscript encoded script file .vbg visual basic group project .vbk visualcadd backup file [support group] .vbl user control licensing file .vbp visual basic project .vbr remote automation registration files .vbs vbscript script file .vbw visual basic project workplace .vbx visual basic extension .vbz wizard launch file .vc visicalc spreadsheet file .vcd visualcadd drawing file [support group] video cd format .vce natural microsystems voice file .vcf vcard file vevi configuration file .vch interlock public computer utility .vcm visual component file .vcs ms outlook vcalendar file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] video clipstream video file .vct foxpro class library .vcw ms visual c++ workbench information file .vcx foxpro class library spreadsheet file .vda targa bitmap .vdo vdoscript file .vdr computereasy draw file .vdt swiftview command file .vdx xml for visio drawing file vector graphic file vmm32.vdx: system driver that checks duplicate .vxd files and switches to protected mode virtual device driver (also see .vxd) .vew clipper viewfile lotus approach view file .vfm voter voting form .vfn voter customer voting form .vfw video for windows .vga vga screen driver targa bitmap .vgd generic cadd vga driver .vgr ventura graphic .vhd vhdl design file (text file used in design projects) .vhdl vhdl design file (text file used in design projects) .vi labview file jovian logic vi graphics .vib chemsoft® export/import msds data .vic vicar picture file .vid monitor control file media player video screen driver quicktime video ms-dos 5 shell monitor file .vif khoros visualization image file .vik viking picture file .vir virus infected file (renamed by symantec anti-virus) .vis picture file .vit labview file .viv vivoactive player video file .viz division dvs/dvise file .vjs quicktime music file .vl2 tribes 2 game (actually a zip file) .vlb corel ventura library .vlm vellum cad drawing .vlt darn! passwords! vault file .vm geoworks virtual memory file .vm1 panasonic sd voice editor file .vmc acrobat virtual memory file .vmdc vmware virtual disk file .vmdk vmware virtual disk file .vmf ventura font characteristics faxworks audio file .vmo siemens sl45 mobile phone voice file .vms sega dreamcast vmu save file .vmx vmware configuration file .vnc virtual network computing .vo vivid include file .vob dvd video movie file (mpeg-2 program streams with additional info) .voc quartet audio file creative labs sound .vof vz programmer object folder .vox vox audio dialogic adpcm talking technology inc. file natural microsystmes voice file .vp ventura publisher file .vpg vpgraphics file .vqe yamaha sound-vq locator file .vqf yamaha sound-vq file .vql yamaha sound-vq locator file .vrf oracle 7 configuration file .vrm quattro pro overlay file .vro panasonic dvd recorder file .vrp watcom project file .vrs wordperfect graphics driver .vs vivid include file (surface definition) .vs2 roland-bass transfer file .vsd visio drawing .vsdisco soap dynamic discovery file (ms soap & .net apps) .vsl getright download list file .vsm vissim simulation model .vsp virtusales asp compiler project file spx sprite .vss visio stencil shapeware visio smartshapes file .vst visio template truevision vista graphic targa bitmap .vsw visio workspace file .vsx xml for visio stencil file .vtx xml for visio template file .vue dbase or foxpro view 3d studio animation .vvf viverify fingerprint .vvp visual voice project file .vvr viverify repair .vw volkswriter text file lightscape view .vwf cadvance drawing file .vwl mgi videowave video wave library (mgi to be bought by roxio) .vwr pc tools file viewer .vwt mgi videowave video wave thumbnail (mgi to be bought by roxio) .vxd virtual device driver (also see .vdx) .vxml voicexml source file .vxs voice xpress user profile w .w applause word chart .w30 ventura printer font .w31 windows 3.1 startup file .w3d black belt systems ray trace control file .w40 win95 backup file .w44 dbase temporary file .w64 sonic foundry video editor wave64 file .wab ms outlook address book [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .wad doom game file [wad editor] (also used for other games) half-life texture file .wal walmaster showlist file quake 2 texture file .war archived konqeror (kde) html page java web archive .was procomm plus script source code file .wav waveform audio (pcm wave) [viewer] .wax procomm plus compiled script file audio playlist .wb dictionary project data file .wb1 quattropro for windows .wb2 quattropro for windows .wba winace zip file windows xp skin (unverified) .wbc webshots picture collection .wbf windows batch file .wbk word backup [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] wordperfect workbook .wbl argo webload ii upload file .wbr crick wordbar file .wbs webexpress website file winbot irc client script .wbt winbatch script crick wordbar template .wbx webigger file .wbz webshots file .wcd wordperfect macro token list .wcm works file transmission wordperfect macro .wcp wordperfect product info .wd2 wordexpress document .wdb works database .wdk whizfolder desktop file .wdl windows xp watchdog log file .wdr star wars - tie fighter media .web web vector graphic file corel xara web document .wfa winfax pro archive .wfb turtle beach wavefront bank .wfd turtle beach wavefront drum set .wfm dbase form designer form object .wfn corel symbols and fonts .wfp turtle beach wavefront program .wfx winfax data file .wg1 lotus 1-2-3 worksheet .wg2 lotus 1-2-3 worksheet .wgp wild board games file .wgt worms armageddon teams file .wht ms netmeeting old whiteboard document .wid ventura width table .wif weaving information format wavelet image file wang image file (fax related usually) .wil windows interface language script winimage file .win dbase or foxpro window wonderware intouch window windows backup file .wip windows installer project (opens with ms visual studio installer) .wis wintegrate basic script file .wiz wizard file [ms publisher and word] .wk! lotus spreadsheet file .wk1 lotus spreadsheet file .wk3 lotus spreadsheet file .wk4 lotus spreadsheet file .wkb wordperfect document .wkb workbook .wke lotus educational version spreadsheet file .wkq quattro spreadsheet .wks lotus spreadsheet file xlisp workspace ms works spreadsheet .wkz compressed spreadsheet .wld rend386/avril file .wlf argo webload i upload file .wlg dr. watson log .wlk virtus walkthrough graphics .wll word add-in [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] the sims (maxis) wall texture file .wlr vrml page .wls 602 pro pc suite worksheet file .wma ms active streaming (media) file windows media audio file .wmc wordperfect macro wordmarc text file windows mathcad startup file backup .wmd windows media player download package .wmf windows metafile [viewer] .wml wireless markup language file (html file for wireless devices) .wmp ms jscript proxy auto-configuration .wms windows media player skin file .wmv ms active streaming (media) file windows media video file .wmx audio playlist .wmz windows media player skin file .wn write now text file .wnf corel outline font .wns printshop newsletter .woa windows swap file .woc windows orgchart organization .wor mapinfo workspace .wow grave composer music module .wp wordperfect document file .wp4 wordperfect document file .wp5 wordperfect document file .wp6 wordperfect document file .wpd wordperfect screen driver or document 602 pro pc suite document file .wpf wordperfect text file enable document worldport fax .wpg wordperfect/drawperfect graphics .wpj w32dasm project file .wpk keyboard wordperfect macros .wpm wordperfect macro .wps works text document .wpt wordperfect template 602 pro pc suite template document file .wpw perfectworks document .wpx adobe printer information file (usually found in c:/windows) .wr! compressed lotus spreadsheet .wq! compressed quattro pro spreadsheet .wq1 quattro pro spreadsheet .wq2 quattro pro spreadsheet .wr1 symphony spreadsheet file .wrd charisma template .wr1 symphony document .wri write document .wrk spreadsheet file cakewalk music project file .wrl plain text vrml file [vrml] .wrp amiga compressed archive file .wrs wordperfect windows printer driver .wrt ibm writing assistant file (dos application) .wrz gnuzip compressed vrml file [vrml] .ws wordstar document smartware worksheet (requires login) .ws1 wordstar for windows 1 document .ws2 wordstar for windows 2 document .ws3 wordstar for windows 3 document .ws4 wordstar for windows 4 document .ws5 wordstar for windows 5 document .ws6 wordstar for windows 6 document .ws7 wordstar for windows 7 document .wsc windows script component .wsd wordstar data file .wse wise file .wsf windows script file .wsh windows script host settings file .wsm sms installer working file .wsp chromeleon wordspace fortran powerstation workspace [fortran] .wsq wavelet-packet scalar quantization .wst wordstar text file .wsz winamp skin zip file .wt2 wordexpress document template .wve component of a divx movie conversion .wvl wavelet compressed bitmap .wvx audio playlist .wwb wordperfect button bar .wwk wordperfect keyboard layout .wwl word add-in file .wwp worms world party teams file .wwv sound file .wxp exp for windows document .wzb librarian of oz sharp book viewer add-on .wzd sharp organizer program or data file .wzn whizfolder document x .x lex program file amapi 3d modeling (prior to version 4) avs image .x01 paradox secondary index (can be 01 to 09) .x16 macromedia program extension (16-bit) .x32 macromedia program extension (32-bit) .x3d xara 3d project file .x4m teamlinks mail file data .x5 rockwell software logix 5 file .xa extended architecture file the sims (maxis) extensive audio file on psx disc .xab xenis mail address book .xan xania® browser .xar xara x vector drawing corel xara drawing (old) .xbm x bitmap graphic [viewer] .xcf gimp image file [gimp] .xdp unix file (unverified) .xfd adobe text file (unconfirmed) .xfn ventura printer font .xft chiwriter 24 pin printer font .xfx fax file (various) .xgr ms graph edit xml graph .xi fast tracker 2 instrument screamtracker instrument file .xif wang image file often a fax image (tiff) file [viewer] xerox image file .xip hotbar image compression format .xl old amiga movie format .xla excel add-in [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] xlib archive .xlb excel file [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xlc excel chart [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xld excel dialog [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xlg xnetech engraving logo file .xlk excel backup [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xll excel add-in (dynamic link library) [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xlm excel macro [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xlr ms works file .xls excel worksheet [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] datair data import specification translation file .xlt excel template [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] procomm plus translation table lotus translation table .xlv excel vba [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xlw excel workspace [buy office xp at shop.microsoft] .xm sound file fast tracker 2 extended module .xmb x-wing mission briefing file .xmi winamp extended midi file .xml extensible markup language file [xml] .xnf standard network file form .xng om2 911 xchange version 6 document .xnk exchange shortcut .xot xnetech job output file .xp winxp theme (unverified) .xpl music file .xpm x picsmap graphic [viewer] .xpo omega research prosuite .xqt supercalc macro sheet waffle executable file .xrf cross reference .xr1 epic megagames xargon file .xrf crossreference file .xs hummingbird exceed file .xsd xml schema file [xml] (read in text editor) .xsi softimage xsi .xsl xml stylesheet [xml] (read in text editor) .xsm lexis-nexis tracker .xt* crosstalk related file .xtb locoscript external translation table .xtr realarcade compressed data file .xul xml user interface language .xvu boclean database file .xwd x windows dump crossdown puzzle file .xwf yamaha xg works file .xwi x-wing mission file .xwk crosstalk keyboard mapping .xwp crosstalk session xerox writer text file .xx xxencoded file .xxe xxencoded file .xxx singer sewing machine professional sewware file .xy xywrite text file .xy3 xywrite text file .xy4 xywrite iv document .xyp xywrite iii plus document .xyw xywrite windows 4.0 document y .y amiga yabba compressed archive file yaac grammar file .y01 paradox secondary index (can be 01 to 09) .yal arts & letters clipart .ybk encarta yearbook .ymap ygnius computer aided thinking file .ysp bitmap graphic (unconfirmed) .yuv color space pixel format .yz yac compressed archive file z .z compressed archive file .z? see .zl? below .z# frotz z-code game .z3 infocom game module .z64 nintendo 64 emulator .z80 zx spectrum emulator .zap filewrangler compressed file (only used in beta) ms windows software installation settings .zargo poseidon uml ce/se diagram .zax z-axis 3-d office design software .zc zipkey configuration file .zdb wonder word data file .zdg zview compressed document .zei anno 1602 game .zer zerberus file .zfs c++ assembly source .zgm zenographics file .zhp zipped swiftview file .zim pagepath technologies compressed mac file .zip compressed archive file .zl? zonealarm mailsafe renamed file zonealarm mailsafe will quarantine mail attachments and changes their extension. the conversions are: .ade to .zl0, .adp to .zl1 .bas to .zl2, .bat to .zl3, .chm to .zl4, .cmd to .zl5, .com to .zl6, .cpl to .zl7, .crt to .zl8, .exe to .zl9, .hlp to .zla, .hta to .zlb, .inf to .zlc, .ins to .zld, .isp to .zle, .js to z0, .jse to .zlf, .lnk to .zlg, .mdb to .zlh, .mde to .zli, .msc to .zlj, .msi to .zlk, .msp to .zll, .mst to .zlm, .pcd to .zln, .pif to .zlo, .reg to .zlp, .scr to .zlq, .sct to .zlr, .shs to .zls, .url to .zlt, .vb to .z1, .vbe to .zlu, .vbs to .zlv, .wsc to .zlw, .wsf to .zlx, .wsh to .zly [documentation] .zlx atlantis ocean mind word processing file .zm? zsnes movie (? = number of the movie) .zmf zoner draw file .zmk z-up maker project file .zmv zsnes movie file .zom amiga compressed archive file .zoo compressed archive file zoo tycoon game file .zvd zyxel voice file .zw chinese 0-9 .0 inno setup binary file .000 (000-999) sequentially numbered backup files (000-600) paperport scanned image (.000 is desktop, .100-.600 images) ms doublespace compressed data file geoworks data file .00b pensoft payroll backup file .001 (001-999) hjsplit file (file splitter for large files) fax data file (various) tagged image format file [viewer] [swiftview] .01b pensoft payroll backup file .075 ventura publisher 75dpi screen characters .085 ventura publisher 85dpi screen characters .091 ventura publisher 91dpi screen characters .096 ventura publisher 96dpi screen characters .0b pagemaker printer font linedraw characters .1 inno setup binary file roff/nroff/troff/groff manual source (unix) .10x gemini bitmap printer graphics file .113 iomega backup file .123 lotus file .12m lotus smartmaster file .12u pagemaker font file .15u pagemaker printer font .196 computer snooper log file .1pe turbotax form file .1st information (e.g., readme.1st) .1tx 1tox file (logipole) .22 clipstream 20 kb stream .24b 24-bit graphic file .286 windows standard mode driver .2d 2d versacad drawing file .2gr windows ega/vga screen grabber [ega] [vga] .301 fax data .303 seq-303 settings .320 chromelion demo data file .323 h.323 internet telephony .340 chromelion demo data file .386 windows enhanced mode driver or swap file .3d versacad 3d drawing file .3dm 3d modeler file .3dmf quickdraw 3d metafile .3dml rover 3d modeling .3dp serif 3d plus .3ds 3d studio graphic .3dv visual component file .3dz easy 3d creator project file .3fx corel chart 3d effect .3gr windows svga/xvga screen grabber [svga] .3in msn setup information .3t4 binary to ascii conversion .3ta triple-t animation .3tp triple-t plug-in .411 sony mavica data file .44 clipstream 32 kb stream .4c$ 4cast/2 data .4ge informix 4gl compiled code .4gl informix 4gl source .4sw 4dos swap file .4th forth program .4v quartet music file .602 t602 text file .608w audiogalaxy music file (unverified) .669 669 tracker module unis composer music file .6am haltech ecu fuel and ignition map .6cm triton fasttracker 6-channel music .73? ti-graph link file .8 a86 assembler program file .83p ti-graph link (ti-83 program) .8ba adobe photodeluxe plugin (also ends in e, f, i, x, & y) .8bf filter factory file [added] [viewer] .8cm triton fasttracker 8-channel music .8m pagemaker math 8 printer font .8u pagemaker roman 8 printer font .83? ti-graph link file .89? ti-graph link file .906 calcomp plotter file .917 trend antivirus file .92? ti-graph link file .999 multipass security file symbol .### temporary file .#24 locoscript 24-pin printer data file .#ib locoscript dot matrix data file .#sc locoscript dot matrix data file .#st locoscript dot matrix printer definition file . . .$$s os/2 spreadsheet .$d$ os/2 planner data file .$db dbase temp file .$ed ms c/c++ temporary editor file .$ln borland c++ tlink response file .$vm ms windows virtual manager temp file .$#! cryptext .@@@ screen files (shown during various installations) .@ha imsisoft e-mail animator ._dd norton disk doctor recovered file ._dm nuts n bolts disk minder recovered file (helix software now part of mcafee) .?q? squeeze . any three character audio file: may be a dictation file where the extension is the dictator's initials; playable by bcb voice systems software. .~ temporary file .~ap borland c++ appexpert project database file .~de borland c++ project backup file .~df borland delphi backup file .~dp borland delphi backup file .~mn norton menu backup .~nt nt install files (used between first & second reboot) .~pa borland delphi backup file .~pr terramodel project backup .~sg tapcis message index file .~$~ 1st reader temporary file |
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