- # encoding=utf-8
- import jieba from aip
- import AipSpeech
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- import win32con
- import wave
- import numpy as np from pyaudio
- import PyAudio,paInt16
- import pygame from pynput.keyboard
- import Key, Controller from random
- import choice
- #开始录音标识
- APP_ID = '15118279'#百度分配的APP_ID注册时可以看到,这里是我的
- API_KEY ='xUx0Gm2AG2YMtA3FnGfwoKdP'#百度分配的API_KEY注册时可以看到,这里是我的
- SECRET_KEY = 'hdxyMvABhUD4xnacGtDdeHbEOUGmdjNx'#百度分配的SECRET_KEY注册时可以看到,这里是我的
- 然后用代码client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)实现对百度语音识别的调用;result = client.synthesis('语音控制开始', 'zh', 1, {'vol': 5,})用以标志语音控制的开始语句,同时接上下面的判断语句判断模块调用是否成功:
- # 识别正确返回语音二进制错误则返回dict 参照下面错误码
- if not isinstance(result,dict):
- with open('audio.mp3', 'wb') as f:
- f.write(result)#将“语音控制开始”这段文字语音翻译成音频文件audio.mp3
- pygame.mixer.init()
- track = pygame.mixer.music.load('audio.mp3')
- pygame.mixer.music.play()
- time.sleep(2)
- pygame.mixer.music.stop()
- print("开始")
- #############################
- class GenAudio(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.num_samples = 2000 # pyaudio内置缓冲大小
- self.sampling_rate = 8000 # 取样频率
- self.level = 1500 # 声音保存的阈值
- self.count_num = 20 # count_num个取样之内出现COUNT_NUM个大于LEVEL的取样则记录声音
- self.save_length = 8 # 声音记录的最小长度:save_length?*?num_samples?个取样
- self.time_count = 8 # 录音时间,单位s
- self.voice_string = []
- def save_wav(self, filename):
- wf = wave.open(filename, 'wb')
- wf.setnchannels(1)
- wf.setsampwidth(2)
- wf.setframerate(self.sampling_rate)
- wf.writeframes(np.array(self.voice_string).tostring())
- wf.close()
- def read_audio(self):
- pa = PyAudio()
- stream = pa.open(format=paInt16,channels=1, rate=self.sampling_rate, input=True,
- frames_per_buffer=self.num_samples)
- save_count = 0
- save_buffer = []
- time_count = self.time_count
- while True:
- time_count -= 1
- # ?读入num_samples个取样
- string_audio_data =stream.read(self.num_samples)
- # ?将读入的数据转换为数组
- audio_data =np.fromstring(string_audio_data, dtype=np.short)
- # 计算大于?level?的取样的个数
- large_sample_count =np.sum(audio_data > self.level)
- print(np.max(audio_data)), "large_sample_count=>",large_sample_count
- # ?如果个数大于COUNT_NUM,则至少保存SAVE_LENGTH个块
- if large_sample_count >self.count_num:
- save_count = self.save_length
- else:
- save_count -= 1
- if save_count < 0:
- save_count = 0
- if save_count > 0:
- save_buffer.append(string_audio_data)
- else:
- if len(save_buffer) > 0:
- self.voice_string =save_buffer
- save_buffer = []
- print("Recode?a?piece?of??voice?successfully!")
- return True
- if time_count == 0:
- if len(save_buffer) > 0:
- self.voice_string =save_buffer
- save_buffer = []
- print("Recode?a?piece?of??voice?successfully!")
- return True
- else:
- return True

- r = GenAudio()
- r.read_audio()
- #百度语音识别
- # 读取文件
- def get_file_content(filePath):
- cmd_str = "ffmpeg -y -i %s -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 %s.pcm"%(filePath,filePath)
- os.system(cmd_str) # 调用系统命令ffmpeg,传入音频文件名即可
- with open(filePath + ".pcm",'rb') as fp:
- return fp.read()
- 然后用# 识别本地文件
- a =client.asr(get_file_content('test.wav'), 'pcm', 16000, {
- 'dev_pid': 1536,
- })
- if a.get('result'):
- a=a.get('result')[0]
- print(a)即可实现对录音文件的识别,此时会输出识别的结果,例如a=“我想问下徐州的天气”。再接着依靠jieba分词对你说的话分段
- seg_list = jieba.cut(a)
- s=("".join(seg_list))
- print(s)
- a="["+s+"]"
- 此时就会将你说的话一个字一个字的分开,并保存为数组a。
- 再定义几个数组为
- song=["歌","歌曲","音乐","听"]
- movie=["播放","电视","看","电影"]
- brower=["搜索","浏览"]

- if "酷狗" in a:
- os.startfile("D:\program files(x86)\kugou\KuGou.exe")
- if "优酷" in a:
- os.startfile(r"E:\YouKu\YoukuClient\proxy\YoukuDesktop.exe")
- if "关机" in a:
- os.system("shutdown -p")
- 如果你说的话中有“wifi”这两个字的话,就连接wifi,具体代码如下:
- if "wifi" in a:
- os.startfile(r'F:\代码\python\连接WiFi\jgh.exe')
- for i in brower:
- if i in a:
- os.startfile(r"D:\program files(x86)\360se6\Application\360se.exe")
- time.sleep(20)
- keyboard = Controller()
- keyboard.type(s)
- time.sleep(2)
- keyboard.press(Key.enter)
- for i in song:
- if i in a:
- Newdir = []
- path = r'C:\Users\asus\Music'
- filelist = os.listdir(path) # 该文件夹下所有的文件(包括文件夹)
- for files in filelist: # 遍历所有文件
- Olddir = os.path.join(path,files) # 原来的文件路径
- if os.path.isdir(Olddir): # 如果是文件夹则跳过
- continue
- filename =os.path.splitext(files)[0] # 文件名
- filetype = os.path.splitext(files)[1] # 文件扩展名
- new = path + "\\" + files
- if filetype == ".mp3":
- Newdir.append(new)
- os.startfile(choice(Newdir))

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