2. 用transforms.ToTensor图片转为张量,并(自动)归一化
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import torch
- import matplotlib.image as maping
- import torchvision.transforms as transforms
- #import the underlying picture by apply maping
- myimg = maping.imread('C:/Users/liyzc/Desktop/胖胖/和胖胖在宁波/IMG_20201007_122412.jpg')
- #show the picture
- plt.imshow(myimg)
- plt.axis('off')
- plt.show()
- print(myimg.shape)
- pil2tensor = transforms.ToTensor()
- rgb_image = pil2tensor(myimg)
- print(rgb_image)
- print(rgb_image[0][0])
- print(rgb_image.shape)
- sobelfilter = torch.tensor([[-1., 0, 1.],
- [-2., 0, 2.],
- [-1., 0, 1.]]*3).reshape([1,3,3,3])
- print(sobelfilter)
- #note: *3 means tripling this ARRAY. compare:
- # tensor([[-1., 0, 1.],
- [-2., 0, 2.],
- [-1., 0, 1.]])*3
- op = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(rgb_image.unsqueeze(0),soberfilter, stride=3,padding=(1,1))
- #tensor转化为图片数据
- ret = (op - op.min())/(op.max()-op.min())
- ret = (ret.clamp(0.,1.)*255).int()#逆归一化搞回去,并转化乘整数
- plt.imshow(ret.squeeze(), cmap='ocean_r')
- plt.axis('off')
- plt.show()
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