DeepSpeech model
model = DeepSpeech(rnn_hidden_size=args.hidden_size,
inputs: batch_size * 1 * mel * length (32 * 1 * 161 * n)
lengths: batch 32
output batch * 32 * 41 * n
class MaskConv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, seq_module): """ Adds padding to the output of the module based on the given lengths. This is to ensure that the results of the model do not change when batch sizes change during inference. Input needs to be in the shape of (BxCxDxT) :param seq_module: The sequential module containing the conv stack. """ super(MaskConv, self).__init__() self.seq_module = seq_module def forward(self, x, lengths): """ :param x: The input of size BxCxDxT :param lengths: The actual length of each sequence in the batch :return: Masked output from the module """ for module in self.seq_module: x = module(x) mask = torch.ByteTensor(x.size()).fill_(0) if x.is_cuda: mask = mask.cuda() for i, length in enumerate(lengths): length = length.item() if (mask[i].size(2) - length) > 0: mask[i].narrow(2, length, mask[i].size(2) - length).fill_(1) x = x.masked_fill(mask, 0) return x, lengths
self.conv = MaskConv(nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(1, 32, kernel_size=(41, 11), stride=(2, 2), padding=(20, 5)),
nn.Hardtanh(0, 20, inplace=True),
nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(21, 11), stride=(2, 1), padding=(10, 5)),
nn.Hardtanh(0, 20, inplace=True)
class BatchRNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, rnn_type=nn.LSTM, bidirectional=False, batch_norm=True): super(BatchRNN, self).__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.bidirectional = bidirectional self.batch_norm = SequenceWise(nn.BatchNorm1d(input_size)) if batch_norm else None self.rnn = rnn_type(input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, bidirectional=bidirectional, bias=True) self.num_directions = 2 if bidirectional else 1 def flatten_parameters(self): self.rnn.flatten_parameters() def forward(self, x, output_lengths): if self.batch_norm is not None: x = self.batch_norm(x) x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(x, output_lengths) x, h = self.rnn(x) x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(x) if self.bidirectional: x = x.view(x.size(0), x.size(1), 2, -1).sum(2).view(x.size(0), x.size(1), -1) # (TxNxH*2) -> (TxNxH) by sum return x class SequenceWise(nn.Module): def __init__(self, module): """ Collapses input of dim T*N*H to (T*N)*H, and applies to a module. Allows handling of variable sequence lengths and minibatch sizes. :param module: Module to apply input to. """ super(SequenceWise, self).__init__() self.module = module def forward(self, x): t, n = x.size(0), x.size(1) x = x.view(t * n, -1) x = self.module(x) x = x.view(t, n, -1) return x def __repr__(self): tmpstr = self.__class__.__name__ + ' (\n' tmpstr += self.module.__repr__() tmpstr += ')' return tmpstr
rnn = BatchRNN(input_size=rnn_input_size, hidden_size=rnn_hidden_size, rnn_type=rnn_type,
bidirectional=bidirectional, batch_norm=False)
rnns.append(('0', rnn))
for x in range(nb_layers - 1):
rnn = BatchRNN(input_size=rnn_hidden_size, hidden_size=rnn_hidden_size, rnn_type=rnn_type,
rnns.append(('%d' % (x + 1), rnn))
self.rnns = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(rnns))
fully_connected = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(rnn_hidden_size, num_classes, bias=False)
self.fc = nn.Sequential(
x = self.fc(x)
x = x.transpose(0, 1)
# identity in training mode, softmax in eval mode
x = self.inference_softmax(x)
return x, output_lengths
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