参考文献类型 + 例子 | 说明 |
@article{RN01, author = {Peter Adams}, title = {The title of the work}, journal = {The name of the journal}, year = 1993, number = 2, pages = {201-213}, month = 7, note = {An optional note}, volume = 4 } | 期刊杂志的论文
@book{RN02, author = {Peter Babington}, title = {The title of the work}, publisher = {The name of the publisher}, year = 1993, volume = 4, series = 10, address = {The address}, edition = 3, month = 7, note = {An optional note}, isbn = {3257227892} } | 公开出版书籍
@booklet{RN03, title = {The title of the work}, author = {Peter Caxton}, howpublished = {How it was published}, address = {The address of the publisher}, month = 7, year = 1993, note = {An optional note} } | 无出版商或作者的图书
@conference{RN04, author = {Peter Draper}, title = {The title of the work}, booktitle = {The title of the book}, year = 1993, editor = {The editor}, volume = 4, series = 5, pages = 213, address = {The address of the publisher}, month = 7, organization = {The organization}, publisher = {The publisher}, note = {An optional note} } | 等价于 inproceedings
@inbook{RN05, author = {Peter Eston}, title = {The title of the work}, chapter = 8, pages = {201-213}, publisher = {The name of the publisher}, year = 1993, volume = 4, series = 5, address = {The address of the publisher}, edition = 3, month = 7, note = {An optional note} } | 书籍的一部分内容
@incollection{RN06, author = {Peter Farindon}, title = {The title of the chapter}, booktitle = {The title of the book}, publisher = {The name of the publisher}, year = 1993, editor = {The editor}, volume = 4, series = 5, chapter = 8, pages = {201-213}, address = {The address of the publisher}, edition = 3, month = 7, note = {An optional note} } | 书籍中带独立标题的章节
@manual{RN07, title = {The title of the work}, author = {Peter Gainsford}, organization = {The organization}, address = {The address of the publisher}, edition = 3, month = 7, year = 1993, note = {An optional note} } | 技术文档
@mastersthesis{RN08, author = {Peter Harwood}, title = {The title of the work}, school = {The school of the thesis}, year = 1993, address = {The address of the publisher}, month = 7, note = {An optional note} } | 硕士论文
@misc{RN09, author = {Peter Isley}, title = {The title of the work}, howpublished = {How it was published (e.g., URL link)}, month = 7, year = 1993, note = {An optional note} } | 其他(如超链接, URL link的例子:{\url{https://www.google.com}})
举例如下: @misc{RN08, title = {{LinkedIn}}, organization = {\url{https://www.linkedin.com/}}, note = {accessed on January 1, 2021}, } 灵活一点,有些域可以替换的。只要编译过后显示的是想要的格式就行了。 |
@phdthesis{RN10, author = {Peter Joslin}, title = {The title of the work}, school = {The school of the thesis}, year = 1993, address = {The address of the publisher}, month = 7, note = {An optional note} } | 博士论文
@inproceedings{RN11, page = 100-102, | 会议论文(集)
@techreport{RN12, author = {Peter Lambert}, title = {The title of the work}, institution = {The institution that published}, year = 1993, number = 2, address = {The address of the publisher}, month = 7, note = {An optional note} } | 教育,商业机构的技术报告
@unpublished{RN13, author = {Peter Marcheford}, title = {The title of the work}, note = {An optional note}, month = 7, year = 1993 } | 未出版的论文,图书
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