The process of unsupervise learning
Univariable linear regression = one variable linear regression
For linear regression with the squared error cost function, you always end up with a bow shape or a hammock shape.
α = learning rate (usually a small positive number bwtween 0 to 1):decide how large the step I take when going down to the hill (dJ(w,b)/dw) destinate in which direction you want to take your step |
Problem1: When α is too small, the gradient makes sense but is too slow Problem2: When α is too big, it may overshoot, never reach the minimal value of J(w) Problem3: When the starting point is the local minima, the result will stop at the local minima (Can reach locak minimum with fixed learning rate) 所以!α是要根据坡度变化而变化的!! |
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