- class Student:
- def __init__(self,no,name,chinese,math,english):
- self.no = no
- self.name = name
- self.chinese = int(chinese)
- self.math = int(math)
- self.english = int(english)
- class StudentList:
- def __init__(self):
- self.stulist = []
- def show(self):
- #显示学生信息
- print('{:8}\t{:8}\t{:8}\t{:8}\t{:8}'
- .format('学号','姓名','语文','数学','英语'))
- for stu in self.stulist:
- print('{:8}\t{:8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}'
- .format(stu.no,stu.name,stu.chinese,stu.math,stu.english))
- def __enterScore(self,message):
- #成绩输入
- while True:
- try:
- score = input(message)
- if 0 <= int(score) <= 100:
- break
- else:
- print("输入错误,成绩应在0到100之间")
- except:
- print("输入错误,成绩应在0到100之间")
- return score
- def __exists(self,no):
- #判断学号是否存在
- for stu in self.stulist:
- if stu.no == no:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def insert(self):
- #添加学生信息
- while True:
- no = input('学号:')
- if self.__exists(no):
- print('该学号已存在')
- else:
- name = input('姓名:')
- chinese = self.__enterScore('语文成绩:')
- math = self.__enterScore('数学成绩:')
- english = self.__enterScore('英语成绩:')
- stu = Student(no,name,chinese,math,english)
- self.stulist.append(stu)
- choice = input('继续添加(y/n)?').lower()
- if choice == 'n':
- break
- def delete(self):
- #删除学生信息
- while True:
- no = input('请输入要删除的学生学号:')
- for stu in self.stulist[::]:
- if stu.no == no:
- self.stulist.remove(stu)
- print('删除成功')
- break
- else:
- print('该学号不存在')
- choice = input('继续删除(y/n)?').lower()
- if choice == 'n':
- break
- def update(self):
- #修改学生信息
- while True:
- no = input('请输入要修改的学生学号:')
- if self.__exists(no):
- for stu in self.stulist:
- if stu.no == no:
- stu.name = input('姓名:')
- stu.chinese = int(self.__enterScore('语文成绩:'))
- stu.math = int(self.__enterScore('数学成绩:'))
- stu.english = int(self.__enterScore('英语成绩:'))
- print('修改成功')
- break
- else:
- print('该学号不存在')
- choice = input('继续修改(y/n)?').lower()
- if choice == 'n':
- break
- def load(self,fn):
- #导入学生信息
- if os.path.exists(fn):
- try:
- with open(fn,'r',encoding = 'utf-8') as fp:
- while True:
- fs = fp.readline().strip('\n')
- if not fs:
- break
- else:
- stu = Student(*fs.split(','))
- if self.__exists(stu.no):
- print('该学号已存在')
- else:
- self.stulist.append(stu)
- print('导入完毕')
- except:
- print('error...') #要导入的文件不是utf-8编码,或是字段数不匹配等
- else:
- print('要导入的文件不存在')
- def save(self,fn):
- #导出学生信息
- with open(fn,'w',encoding = 'utf-8') as fp:
- for stu in self.stulist:
- fp.write(stu.no + ',')
- fp.write(stu.name + ',')
- fp.write(str(stu.chinese) + ',')
- fp.write(str(stu.math) + ',')
- fp.write(str(stu.english) + '\n')
- print("导出完毕")
- def scoreavg(self):
- #求课程平均分
- length = len(self.stulist)
- if length > 0:
- chinese_avg = sum([stu.chinese for stu in self.stulist])/length
- math_avg = sum([stu.math for stu in self.stulist])/length
- english_avg = sum([stu.english for stu in self.stulist])/length
- print('语文成绩平均分是:%.2f'%chinese_avg)
- print('数学成绩平均分是:%.2f'%math_avg)
- print('英语成绩平均分是:%.2f'%english_avg)
- else:
- print('尚没有学生成绩...')
- def scoremax(self):
- #求课程最高分
- if len(self.stulist) > 0:
- chinese_max = max([stu.chinese for stu in self.stulist])
- math_max = max([stu.math for stu in self.stulist])
- english_max = max([stu.english for stu in self.stulist])
- print('语文成绩最高分是:%d'%chinese_max)
- print('数学成绩最高分是:%d'%math_max)
- print('英语成绩最高分是:%d'%english_max)
- else:
- print('尚没有学生成绩...')
- def scoremin(self):
- #求课程最低分
- if len(self.stulist) > 0:
- chinese_min = min([stu.chinese for stu in self.stulist])
- math_min = min([stu.math for stu in self.stulist])
- english_min = min([stu.english for stu in self.stulist])
- print('语文成绩最低分是:%d'%chinese_min)
- print('数学成绩最低分是:%d'%math_min)
- print('英语成绩最低分是:%d'%english_min)
- else:
- print('尚没有学生成绩...')
- def infoprocess(self):
- #基本信息管理
- print('学生基本信息管理'.center(20,'-'))
- print('load----------导入学生信息')
- print('insert--------添加学生信息')
- print('delete--------删除学生信息')
- print('update--------修改学生信息')
- print('show----------显示学生信息')
- print('save----------导出学生信息')
- print('return--------返回')
- print('-'*28)
- while True:
- s = input('info>').strip().lower()
- if s == 'load':
- fn = input('请输入要导入的文件名:')
- self.load(fn)
- elif s == 'show':
- self.show()
- elif s == 'insert':
- self.insert()
- elif s == 'delete':
- self.delete()
- elif s == 'update':
- self.update()
- elif s == 'save':
- fn = input('请输入要导出的文件名:')
- self.save(fn)
- elif s =='return':
- break
- else:
- print('输入错误')
- def scoreprocess(self):
- #学生成绩统计
- print('学生成绩统计'.center(24,'='))
- print('avg --------课程平均分')
- print('max --------课程最高分')
- print('min --------课程最低分')
- print('return --------返回')
- print(''.center(30,'='))
- while True:
- s = input('score>').strip().lower()
- if s == 'avg':
- self.scoreavg()
- elif s == 'max':
- self.scoremax()
- elif s == 'min':
- self.scoremin()
- elif s == 'return':
- break
- else:
- print('输入错误')
- def main(self):
- #主控函数
- while True:
- print('学生信息管理系统V1.0'.center(24,'='))
- print('info -------学生基本信息管理')
- print('score -------学生成绩统计')
- print('exit -------退出系统')
- print(''.center(32,'='))
- s = input('main>').strip().lower()
- if s == 'info':
- self.infoprocess()
- elif s == 'score':
- self.scoreprocess()
- elif s == 'exit':
- break
- else:
- print('输入错误')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- st = StudentList()
- st.main()
- import os
- class Student:
- def __init__(self,no,name,chinese,math,english):
- self.no = no
- self.name = name
- self.chinese = int(chinese)
- self.math = int(math)
- self.english = int(english)
- class StudentList:
- def __init__(self):
- self.stulist = []
- def show(self):
- #显示学生信息
- print('{:8}\t{:8}\t{:8}\t{:8}\t{:8}'
- .format('学号','姓名','语文','数学','英语'))
- for stu in self.stulist:
- print('{:8}\t{:8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}'
- .format(stu.no,stu.name,stu.chinese,stu.math,stu.english))
- def __enterScore(self,message):
- #成绩输入
- while True:
- try:
- score = input(message)
- if 0 <= int(score) <= 100:
- break
- else:
- print("输入错误,成绩应在0到100之间")
- except:
- print("输入错误,成绩应在0到100之间")
- return score
- def __exists(self,no):
- #判断学号是否存在
- for stu in self.stulist:
- if stu.no == no:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def insert(self):
- #添加学生信息
- while True:
- no = input('学号:')
- if self.__exists(no):
- print('该学号已存在')
- else:
- name = input('姓名:')
- chinese = self.__enterScore('语文成绩:')
- math = self.__enterScore('数学成绩:')
- english = self.__enterScore('英语成绩:')
- stu = Student(no,name,chinese,math,english)
- self.stulist.append(stu)
- choice = input('继续添加(y/n)?').lower()
- if choice == 'n':
- break
- def delete(self):
- #删除学生信息
- while True:
- no = input('请输入要删除的学生学号:')
- for stu in self.stulist[::]:
- if stu.no == no:
- self.stulist.remove(stu)
- print('删除成功')
- break
- else:
- print('该学号不存在')
- choice = input('继续删除(y/n)?').lower()
- if choice == 'n':
- break
- def update(self):
- #修改学生信息
- while True:
- no = input('请输入要修改的学生学号:')
- if self.__exists(no):
- for stu in self.stulist:
- if stu.no == no:
- stu.name = input('姓名:')
- stu.chinese = int(self.__enterScore('语文成绩:'))
- stu.math = int(self.__enterScore('数学成绩:'))
- stu.english = int(self.__enterScore('英语成绩:'))
- print('修改成功')
- break
- else:
- print('该学号不存在')
- choice = input('继续修改(y/n)?').lower()
- if choice == 'n':
- break
- def load(self,fn):
- #导入学生信息
- if os.path.exists(fn):
- try:
- with open(fn,'r',encoding = 'utf-8') as fp:
- while True:
- fs = fp.readline().strip('\n')
- if not fs:
- break
- else:
- stu = Student(*fs.split(','))
- if self.__exists(stu.no):
- print('该学号已存在')
- else:
- self.stulist.append(stu)
- print('导入完毕')
- except:
- print('error...') #要导入的文件不是utf-8编码,或是字段数不匹配等
- else:
- print('要导入的文件不存在')
- def save(self,fn):
- #导出学生信息
- with open(fn,'w',encoding = 'utf-8') as fp:
- for stu in self.stulist:
- fp.write(stu.no + ',')
- fp.write(stu.name + ',')
- fp.write(str(stu.chinese) + ',')
- fp.write(str(stu.math) + ',')
- fp.write(str(stu.english) + '\n')
- print("导出完毕")
- def scoreavg(self):
- #求课程平均分
- length = len(self.stulist)
- if length > 0:
- chinese_avg = sum([stu.chinese for stu in self.stulist])/length
- math_avg = sum([stu.math for stu in self.stulist])/length
- english_avg = sum([stu.english for stu in self.stulist])/length
- print('语文成绩平均分是:%.2f'%chinese_avg)
- print('数学成绩平均分是:%.2f'%math_avg)
- print('英语成绩平均分是:%.2f'%english_avg)
- else:
- print('尚没有学生成绩...')
- def scoremax(self):
- #求课程最高分
- if len(self.stulist) > 0:
- chinese_max = max([stu.chinese for stu in self.stulist])
- math_max = max([stu.math for stu in self.stulist])
- english_max = max([stu.english for stu in self.stulist])
- print('语文成绩最高分是:%d'%chinese_max)
- print('数学成绩最高分是:%d'%math_max)
- print('英语成绩最高分是:%d'%english_max)
- else:
- print('尚没有学生成绩...')
- def scoremin(self):
- #求课程最低分
- if len(self.stulist) > 0:
- chinese_min = min([stu.chinese for stu in self.stulist])
- math_min = min([stu.math for stu in self.stulist])
- english_min = min([stu.english for stu in self.stulist])
- print('语文成绩最低分是:%d'%chinese_min)
- print('数学成绩最低分是:%d'%math_min)
- print('英语成绩最低分是:%d'%english_min)
- else:
- print('尚没有学生成绩...')
- def infoprocess(self):
- #基本信息管理
- print('学生基本信息管理'.center(20,'-'))
- print('load----------导入学生信息')
- print('insert--------添加学生信息')
- print('delete--------删除学生信息')
- print('update--------修改学生信息')
- print('show----------显示学生信息')
- print('save----------导出学生信息')
- print('return--------返回')
- print('-'*28)
- while True:
- s = input('info>').strip().lower()
- if s == 'load':
- fn = input('请输入要导入的文件名:')
- self.load(fn)
- elif s == 'show':
- self.show()
- elif s == 'insert':
- self.insert()
- elif s == 'delete':
- self.delete()
- elif s == 'update':
- self.update()
- elif s == 'save':
- fn = input('请输入要导出的文件名:')
- self.save(fn)
- elif s =='return':
- break
- else:
- print('输入错误')
- def scoreprocess(self):
- #学生成绩统计
- print('学生成绩统计'.center(24,'='))
- print('avg --------课程平均分')
- print('max --------课程最高分')
- print('min --------课程最低分')
- print('return --------返回')
- print(''.center(30,'='))
- while True:
- s = input('score>').strip().lower()
- if s == 'avg':
- self.scoreavg()
- elif s == 'max':
- self.scoremax()
- elif s == 'min':
- self.scoremin()
- elif s == 'return':
- break
- else:
- print('输入错误')
- def main(self):
- #主控函数
- while True:
- print('学生信息管理系统V1.0'.center(24,'='))
- print('info -------学生基本信息管理')
- print('score -------学生成绩统计')
- print('exit -------退出系统')
- print(''.center(32,'='))
- s = input('main>').strip().lower()
- if s == 'info':
- self.infoprocess()
- elif s == 'score':
- self.scoreprocess()
- elif s == 'exit':
- break
- else:
- print('输入错误')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- st = StudentList()
- st.main()
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