对于一张输入图像,2D目标检测旨在给出物体类别并标出物体位置,而3D目标检测则要给出物体的位置(x, y, z)、尺寸(x_size, y_size, z_size)以及大致方向(框的朝向角),检测结果的示意图如下所示:
2D检测 | 3D检测 | |
输入数据 | 图片 | 点云(LiDAR)、图片(Camera)、多模态(点云+图片) |
输出结果 | 4-DoF(矩形框+分类) | 7-DoF(位置、尺寸、朝向角)、9-DoF(位置、尺寸、3个方向角) |
评估标准 | IOU、mAP | 3D-IoU-based or center-distance-based mAP |
KITTI官网:The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
相关论文1:Vision meets Robotics: The KITTI Dataset相关论文2:Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
KITTI数据集由德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院和丰田美国技术研究院联合创办,是目前国际上最大的自动驾驶场景下的计算机视觉算法评测数据集。作者收集了长达6个小时的真实交通环境,数据集由经过校正和同步的图像、雷达扫描、高精度的GPS信息和IMU加速信息等多种模态的信息组成。该数据集用于评测立体图像(stereo),光流(optical flow),视觉测距(visual odometry),3D物体检测(object detection)和3D跟踪(tracking)等计算机视觉技术在车载环境下的性能。
MMDetection3D 是一个基于 PyTorch 的目标检测开源工具箱,面向3D检测的平台,是 OpenMMlab 项目的一部分(由香港中文大学多媒体实验室和商汤科技联合发起)。对MMDet3D的配置文件不熟悉的小伙伴可以移步至:教程 1: 学习配置文件,本文使用版本为: Release V1.1.0rc0,下面,让我们玩耍起来!!!
# 在Anaconda中新建虚拟环境 conda create -n mmdet3d python=3.7 -y conda activate mmdet3d # 安装最新的PyTorch版本 conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision -y # install mmcv pip install mmcv-full # install mmdetection pip install git+https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection.git # install mmsegmentation pip install git+https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation.git # install mmdetection3d git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d.git cd mmdetection3d pip install -v -e . # or "python setup.py develop" # -v:verbose, or more output # -e:editable,修改本地文件,调用的模块以最新文件为准
一条龙服务:3D 目标检测 KITTI 数据集
在官网下载 KITTI 3D 检测数据并解压缩所有 zip 文件,并将数据集根目录链接到 ./mmdetection3d/data/
mmdetection3d ├── mmdet3d ├── tools ├── configs ├── data │ ├── kitti │ │ ├── ImageSets │ │ ├── testing │ │ │ ├── calib │ │ │ ├── image_2 │ │ │ ├── velodyne │ │ ├── training │ │ │ ├── calib │ │ │ ├── image_2 │ │ │ ├── label_2 │ │ │ ├── velodyne │ │ │ ├── planes (optional)
下面开始创建 KITTI 点云数据,首先需要加载原始的点云数据并生成相关的包含目标标签和标注框的数据标注文件,同时还需要为 KITTI 数据集生成每个单独的训练目标的点云数据,并将其存储在 data/kitti/kitti_gt_database
的 .bin 格式的文件中,此外,需要为训练数据或者验证数据生成 .pkl 格式的包含数据信息的文件。
通过运行下面的命令来创建最终的 KITTI 数据:
# 进入mmdetection3d主目录
cd mmdetection3d
# 创建文件夹
mkdir ./data/kitti/ && mkdir ./data/kitti/ImageSets
# Download data split
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/traveller59/second.pytorch/master/second/data/ImageSets/test.txt --no-check-certificate --content-disposition -O ./data/kitti/ImageSets/test.txt
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/traveller59/second.pytorch/master/second/data/ImageSets/train.txt --no-check-certificate --content-disposition -O ./data/kitti/ImageSets/train.txt
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/traveller59/second.pytorch/master/second/data/ImageSets/val.txt --no-check-certificate --content-disposition -O ./data/kitti/ImageSets/val.txt
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/traveller59/second.pytorch/master/second/data/ImageSets/trainval.txt --no-check-certificate --content-disposition -O ./data/kitti/ImageSets/trainval.txt
python tools/create_data.py kitti --root-path ./data/kitti --out-dir ./data/kitti --extra-tag kitti --with-plane
kitti ├── ImageSets │ ├── test.txt │ ├── train.txt │ ├── trainval.txt │ ├── val.txt ├── testing │ ├── calib │ ├── image_2 │ ├── velodyne │ ├── velodyne_reduced ├── training │ ├── calib │ ├── image_2 │ ├── label_2 │ ├── velodyne │ ├── velodyne_reduced │ ├── planes (optional) ├── kitti_gt_database │ ├── xxxxx.bin ├── kitti_infos_train.pkl ├── kitti_infos_val.pkl ├── kitti_dbinfos_train.pkl ├── kitti_infos_test.pkl ├── kitti_infos_trainval.pkl ├── kitti_infos_train_mono3d.coco.json ├── kitti_infos_trainval_mono3d.coco.json ├── kitti_infos_test_mono3d.coco.json ├── kitti_infos_val_mono3d.coco.json
数据集和环境都配置好后,就可以开始训练,使用命令python tools/train.py -h
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ python tools/train.py -h usage: train.py [-h] [--work-dir WORK_DIR] [--resume-from RESUME_FROM] [--auto-resume] [--no-validate] [--gpus GPUS | --gpu-ids GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...] | --gpu-id GPU_ID] [--seed SEED] [--diff-seed] [--deterministic] [--options OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]] [--cfg-options CFG_OPTIONS [CFG_OPTIONS ...]] [--launcher {none,pytorch,slurm,mpi}] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [--autoscale-lr] config Train a detector positional arguments: config train config file path optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --work-dir WORK_DIR the dir to save logs and models --resume-from RESUME_FROM the checkpoint file to resume from --auto-resume resume from the latest checkpoint automatically --no-validate whether not to evaluate the checkpoint during training --gpus GPUS (Deprecated, please use --gpu-id) number of gpus to use (only applicable to non-distributed training) --gpu-ids GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...] (Deprecated, please use --gpu-id) ids of gpus to use (only applicable to non-distributed training) --gpu-id GPU_ID number of gpus to use (only applicable to non- distributed training) --seed SEED random seed --diff-seed Whether or not set different seeds for different ranks --deterministic whether to set deterministic options for CUDNN backend. --options OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...] override some settings in the used config, the key- value pair in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file (deprecate), change to --cfg-options instead. --cfg-options CFG_OPTIONS [CFG_OPTIONS ...] override some settings in the used config, the key- value pair in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file. If the value to be overwritten is a list, it should be like key="[a,b]" or key=a,b It also allows nested list/tuple values, e.g. key="[(a,b),(c,d)]" Note that the quotation marks are necessary and that no white space is allowed. --launcher {none,pytorch,slurm,mpi} job launcher --local_rank LOCAL_RANK --autoscale-lr automatically scale lr with the number of gpus
文件,修改runner = dict(max_epochs=160)
python tools/train.py configs/pointpillars/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class.py
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 tools/dist_train.sh configs/pointpillars/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class.py 4
首先使用命令查看测试函数有哪些可传入参数:python tools/test.py -h
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ python tools/test.py -h usage: test.py [-h] [--out OUT] [--fuse-conv-bn] [--gpu-ids GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...]] [--gpu-id GPU_ID] [--format-only] [--eval EVAL [EVAL ...]] [--show] [--show-dir SHOW_DIR] [--gpu-collect] [--tmpdir TMPDIR] [--seed SEED] [--deterministic] [--cfg-options CFG_OPTIONS [CFG_OPTIONS ...]] [--options OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]] [--eval-options EVAL_OPTIONS [EVAL_OPTIONS ...]] [--launcher {none,pytorch,slurm,mpi}] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] config checkpoint MMDet test (and eval) a model positional arguments: config test config file path checkpoint checkpoint file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --out OUT output result file in pickle format --fuse-conv-bn Whether to fuse conv and bn, this will slightly increasethe inference speed --gpu-ids GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...] (Deprecated, please use --gpu-id) ids of gpus to use (only applicable to non-distributed training) --gpu-id GPU_ID id of gpu to use (only applicable to non-distributed testing) --format-only Format the output results without perform evaluation. It isuseful when you want to format the result to a specific format and submit it to the test server --eval EVAL [EVAL ...] evaluation metrics, which depends on the dataset, e.g., "bbox", "segm", "proposal" for COCO, and "mAP", "recall" for PASCAL VOC --show show results --show-dir SHOW_DIR directory where results will be saved --gpu-collect whether to use gpu to collect results. --tmpdir TMPDIR tmp directory used for collecting results from multiple workers, available when gpu-collect is not specified --seed SEED random seed --deterministic whether to set deterministic options for CUDNN backend. --cfg-options CFG_OPTIONS [CFG_OPTIONS ...] override some settings in the used config, the key- value pair in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file. If the value to be overwritten is a list, it should be like key="[a,b]" or key=a,b It also allows nested list/tuple values, e.g. key="[(a,b),(c,d)]" Note that the quotation marks are necessary and that no white space is allowed. --options OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...] custom options for evaluation, the key-value pair in xxx=yyy format will be kwargs for dataset.evaluate() function (deprecate), change to --eval-options instead. --eval-options EVAL_OPTIONS [EVAL_OPTIONS ...] custom options for evaluation, the key-value pair in xxx=yyy format will be kwargs for dataset.evaluate() function --launcher {none,pytorch,slurm,mpi} job launcher --local_rank LOCAL_RANK
pip install open3d
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ python tools/test.py configs/pointpillars/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class.py work_dirs/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class/latest.pth --eval mAP --options 'show=True' 'out_dir=./outputs/pointpillars_kitti_160e/show_results' tools/test.py:125: UserWarning: --options is deprecated in favor of --eval-options warnings.warn('--options is deprecated in favor of --eval-options') [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] 3769/3769, 29.0 task/s, elapsed: 130s, ETA: 0s Converting prediction to KITTI format [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] 3769/3769, 810.7 task/s, elapsed: 5s, ETA: 0s Result is saved to /tmp/tmpy6dxos64/results.pkl. OMP: Info #276: omp_set_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_set_max_active_levels instead. ----------- AP11 Results ------------ Pedestrian AP11@0.50, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP11:66.2971, 63.2572, 60.1334 bev AP11:59.5338, 53.1795, 49.7129 3d AP11:52.5578, 46.1416, 42.2523 aos AP11:43.38, 45.16, 42.93 Pedestrian AP11@0.50, 0.25, 0.25: bbox AP11:66.2971, 63.2572, 60.1334 bev AP11:75.2633, 71.2403, 67.1669 3d AP11:74.8591, 70.7085, 66.6911 aos AP11:43.38, 45.16, 42.93 Cyclist AP11@0.50, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP11:86.2886, 71.9338, 69.5510 bev AP11:83.8300, 66.6311, 62.5886 3d AP11:78.8692, 60.6178, 57.6603 aos AP11:84.20, 67.30, 64.90 Cyclist AP11@0.50, 0.25, 0.25: bbox AP11:86.2886, 71.9338, 69.5510 bev AP11:87.6232, 70.1303, 67.9132 3d AP11:87.6232, 70.1303, 67.9132 aos AP11:84.20, 67.30, 64.90 Car AP11@0.70, 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP11:90.5724, 89.2393, 86.4065 bev AP11:89.0184, 85.9051, 79.4069 3d AP11:82.8837, 75.8976, 68.6418 aos AP11:90.32, 88.57, 85.49 Car AP11@0.70, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP11:90.5724, 89.2393, 86.4065 bev AP11:90.6432, 89.8263, 88.9269 3d AP11:90.6432, 89.7432, 88.6185 aos AP11:90.32, 88.57, 85.49 Overall AP11@easy, moderate, hard: bbox AP11:81.0527, 74.8101, 72.0303 bev AP11:77.4607, 68.5719, 63.9028 3d AP11:71.4369, 60.8857, 56.1848 aos AP11:72.63, 67.01, 64.44 ----------- AP40 Results ------------ Pedestrian AP40@0.50, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP40:66.8732, 63.0849, 59.3729 bev AP40:58.9596, 52.1341, 47.7997 3d AP40:51.0936, 44.6986, 40.1848 aos AP40:44.17, 42.06, 39.35 Pedestrian AP40@0.50, 0.25, 0.25: bbox AP40:66.8732, 63.0849, 59.3729 bev AP40:75.9021, 72.3613, 68.1043 3d AP40:75.5368, 71.7994, 67.5858 aos AP40:44.17, 42.06, 39.35 Cyclist AP40@0.50, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP40:90.1101, 73.4135, 70.3551 bev AP40:86.8236, 66.8870, 62.6626 3d AP40:79.8955, 60.5005, 56.6893 aos AP40:87.75, 68.17, 65.11 Cyclist AP40@0.50, 0.25, 0.25: bbox AP40:90.1101, 73.4135, 70.3551 bev AP40:89.9274, 71.4334, 68.2619 3d AP40:89.9274, 71.4334, 68.2619 aos AP40:87.75, 68.17, 65.11 Car AP40@0.70, 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP40:95.4900, 91.9898, 87.3376 bev AP40:91.5044, 87.7621, 83.4334 3d AP40:84.6332, 75.8790, 71.2976 aos AP40:95.19, 91.24, 86.38 Car AP40@0.70, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP40:95.4900, 91.9898, 87.3376 bev AP40:95.6766, 94.7296, 90.1260 3d AP40:95.6384, 94.3234, 89.9369 aos AP40:95.19, 91.24, 86.38 Overall AP40@easy, moderate, hard: bbox AP40:84.1578, 76.1627, 72.3552 bev AP40:79.0958, 68.9277, 64.6319 3d AP40:71.8741, 60.3594, 56.0572 aos AP40:75.70, 67.16, 63.61
注意!!! 如果在VScode的终端执行测试命令,在可视化的地方会出现以下警告:
[Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing
[Open3D WARNING] Failed to initialize GLFW
首先在MobaXterm中输入:echo $DISPLAY
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ echo $DISPLAY
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ export DISPLAY=:10.0
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ echo $DISPLAY
文件,用于绘制训练过程中的损失函数曲线和计算平均训练时间(目前仅支持这俩功能),执行python tools/analysis_tools/analyze_logs.py -h
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ python tools/analysis_tools/analyze_logs.py -h
usage: analyze_logs.py [-h] {plot_curve,cal_train_time} ...
Analyze Json Log
positional arguments:
task parser
plot_curve parser for plotting curves
cal_train_time parser for computing the average time per training
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
可以看到有两个必选参数:plot_curve, cal_train_time
(mmdet3d) xxx@xxx:~/det3d/mmdetection3d$ python tools/analysis_tools/analyze_logs.py plot_curve work_dirs/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class/20221002_160858.log.json --keys loss_cls loss_bbox --out losses.pdf
plot curve of work_dirs/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class/20221002_160858.log.json, metric is loss_cls
plot curve of work_dirs/hv_pointpillars_secfpn_6x8_160e_kitti-3d-3class/20221002_160858.log.json, metric is loss_bbox
save curve to: losses.pdf
注意!! 原本生成的曲线图并不是这样子,我自己根据个人喜好修改了analyze_logs.py
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse import json from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 定义plt字体大小 plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) def cal_train_time(log_dicts, args): for i, log_dict in enumerate(log_dicts): print(f'{"-" * 5}Analyze train time of {args.json_logs[i]}{"-" * 5}') all_times = [] for epoch in log_dict.keys(): if args.include_outliers: all_times.append(log_dict[epoch]['time']) else: all_times.append(log_dict[epoch]['time'][1:]) all_times = np.array(all_times) epoch_ave_time = all_times.mean(-1) slowest_epoch = epoch_ave_time.argmax() fastest_epoch = epoch_ave_time.argmin() std_over_epoch = epoch_ave_time.std() print(f'slowest epoch {slowest_epoch + 1}, ' f'average time is {epoch_ave_time[slowest_epoch]:.4f}') print(f'fastest epoch {fastest_epoch + 1}, ' f'average time is {epoch_ave_time[fastest_epoch]:.4f}') print(f'time std over epochs is {std_over_epoch:.4f}') print(f'average iter time: {np.mean(all_times):.4f} s/iter') print() def plot_curve(log_dicts, args): if args.backend is not None: plt.switch_backend(args.backend) sns.set_style(args.style) # 设置图片标题 if args.title is None: title = args.json_logs[0] # 设置图标 # if legend is None, use {filename}_{key} as legend legend = args.legend if legend is None: legend = [] for json_log in args.json_logs: for metric in args.keys: # legend.append(f'{json_log}_{metric}') legend.append(f'{metric}') assert len(legend) == (len(args.json_logs) * len(args.keys)) metrics = args.keys num_metrics = len(metrics) for i, log_dict in enumerate(log_dicts): epochs = list(log_dict.keys()) for j, metric in enumerate(metrics): print(f'plot curve of {args.json_logs[i]}, metric is {metric}') if metric not in log_dict[epochs[args.interval - 1]]: raise KeyError( f'{args.json_logs[i]} does not contain metric {metric}') if args.mode == 'eval': if min(epochs) == args.interval: x0 = args.interval else: # if current training is resumed from previous checkpoint # we lost information in early epochs # `xs` should start according to `min(epochs)` if min(epochs) % args.interval == 0: x0 = min(epochs) else: # find the first epoch that do eval x0 = min(epochs) + args.interval - \ min(epochs) % args.interval xs = np.arange(x0, max(epochs) + 1, args.interval) ys = [] for epoch in epochs[args.interval - 1::args.interval]: ys += log_dict[epoch][metric] # if training is aborted before eval of the last epoch # `xs` and `ys` will have different length and cause an error # check if `ys[-1]` is empty here if not log_dict[epoch][metric]: xs = xs[:-1] ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xticks(xs) plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.plot(xs, ys, label=legend[i * num_metrics + j], marker='o') else: xs = [] ys = [] num_iters_per_epoch = \ log_dict[epochs[args.interval-1]]['iter'][-1] for epoch in epochs[args.interval - 1::args.interval]: iters = log_dict[epoch]['iter'] if log_dict[epoch]['mode'][-1] == 'val': iters = iters[:-1] xs.append( np.array(iters) + (epoch - 1) * num_iters_per_epoch) ys.append(np.array(log_dict[epoch][metric][:len(iters)])) xs = np.concatenate(xs) ys = np.concatenate(ys) plt.xlabel('iter') plt.plot( xs, ys, label=legend[i * num_metrics + j], linewidth=0.5) plt.legend() plt.title(title) if args.out is None: plt.show() else: print(f'save curve to: {args.out}') plt.savefig(args.out) plt.cla() def add_plot_parser(subparsers): parser_plt = subparsers.add_parser( 'plot_curve', help='parser for plotting curves') parser_plt.add_argument( 'json_logs', type=str, nargs='+', help='path of train log in json format') parser_plt.add_argument( '--keys', type=str, nargs='+', default=['mAP_0.25'], help='the metric that you want to plot') parser_plt.add_argument('--title', type=str, help='title of figure') parser_plt.add_argument( '--legend', type=str, nargs='+', default=None, help='legend of each plot') parser_plt.add_argument( '--backend', type=str, default=None, help='backend of plt') parser_plt.add_argument( '--style', type=str, default='dark', help='style of plt') parser_plt.add_argument('--out', type=str, default=None) parser_plt.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default='train') parser_plt.add_argument('--interval', type=int, default=1) def add_time_parser(subparsers): parser_time = subparsers.add_parser( 'cal_train_time', help='parser for computing the average time per training iteration') parser_time.add_argument( 'json_logs', type=str, nargs='+', help='path of train log in json format') parser_time.add_argument( '--include-outliers', action='store_true', help='include the first value of every epoch when computing ' 'the average time') def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyze Json Log') # currently only support plot curve and calculate average train time # 目前仅支持绘制曲线和计算平均训练时间 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='task', help='task parser') add_plot_parser(subparsers) add_time_parser(subparsers) args = parser.parse_args() return args def load_json_logs(json_logs): # load and convert json_logs to log_dict, key is epoch, value is a sub dict # keys of sub dict is different metrics, e.g. memory, bbox_mAP # value of sub dict is a list of corresponding values of all iterations log_dicts = [dict() for _ in json_logs] for json_log, log_dict in zip(json_logs, log_dicts): with open(json_log, 'r') as log_file: for line in log_file: log = json.loads(line.strip()) # skip lines without `epoch` field if 'epoch' not in log: continue epoch = log.pop('epoch') if epoch not in log_dict: log_dict[epoch] = defaultdict(list) for k, v in log.items(): log_dict[epoch][k].append(v) return log_dicts def main(): args = parse_args() json_logs = args.json_logs for json_log in json_logs: assert json_log.endswith('.json') log_dicts = load_json_logs(json_logs) eval(args.task)(log_dicts, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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