- import base64
- open_icon = open("ico.ico","rb")
- b64str = base64.b64encode(open_icon.read())
- open_icon.close()
- write_data = 'img=%s' % b64str
- f = open("ico.py","w")
- f.write(write_data)
- f.close()
- from tkinter import *
- from tkinter.ttk import *
- import os
- from ico import img
- import base64
- def app_gui_start():
- init_window = Tk()
- # 设置窗口最大化按钮不可用
- init_window.resizable(0,0)
- #程序运行时在屏幕中间打开
- sw = init_window.winfo_screenwidth()
- sh = init_window.winfo_screenheight()
- ww = 600
- wh = 400
- x = (sw-ww) / 2
- y = (sh-wh) / 2
- init_window.title("app client")
- init_window.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" %(ww,wh,x,y))
- # 设置窗口的图标和编译exe的图标
- tmp = open("tmp.ico","wb+")
- tmp.write(base64.b64decode(img))
- tmp.close()
- init_window.iconbitmap("tmp.ico")
- os.remove("tmp.ico")
- # 窗口其他属性初始化
- # api_PORTAL = app_GUI(init_window)
- # api_PORTAL.set_init_window()
- init_window.mainloop()
- app_gui_start()
- from tkinter import *
- from tkinter.ttk import *
- from tkinter import scrolledtext
- from os import environ
- from os.path import join, exists
- class app_GUI():
- def __init__(self,init_window_name):
- self.init_window_name = init_window_name
- def set_init_window(self):
- self.theme = -1
- self.set_frame_lt()
- self.load_theme()
- self.change_theme()
- def set_frame_lt(self):
- self.frmLT = Frame(width=500,height=400)
- self.frmLT.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=(18,0)) #左侧间隔18
- frmLT = self.frmLT
- self.init_data_label = Label(frmLT, text="init data")
- self.init_data_label.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=15, pady=(12,0)) #上面间隔12
- self.init_data_Text = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(frmLT,width=78, height=20,borderwidth=0.1) #borderwidth=0.1 去除边框
- self.init_data_Text.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=15,sticky=NW, pady=12)
- self.radiovar = IntVar()
- self.R1 = Radiobutton(frmLT, text="value1", variable=self.radiovar, value=1)#, command=self.func1)
- self.R1.grid(row=3, column=5)
- self.R2 = Radiobutton(frmLT, text="value2", variable=self.radiovar, value=2)#, command=self.func1)
- self.R2.grid(row=3, column=10)
- self.radiovar.set(1)
- self.linkLoop_button = Button(frmLT, text="theme",command=self.change_theme)
- self.linkLoop_button.grid(row=4, columnspan=15, pady=(12,0))
- def change_theme(self):
- colors = {
- 0 : "#EFEBE7",
- 1 : "#F9CDDC",
- 2 : "#C578A4",
- 3 : "#9B7EB6",
- 4 : "#A8B680",
- 5 : "#F9DDD3",
- 6 : "#848786",
- }
- self.theme+=1
- self.change_ele_bg(colors[self.theme%len(colors)])
- self.save_theme()
- def change_ele_bg(self, themecolor):
- gui_style = Style()
- gui_style.configure('My.TRadiobutton', background=themecolor)
- gui_style.configure('My.TFrame', background=themecolor)
- self.init_window_name['bg'] = themecolor #主窗口的背景色
- self.frmLT['style']='My.TFrame' #frame的背景色
- self.R1['style'] = 'My.TRadiobutton' #单选的背景色
- self.R2['style'] = 'My.TRadiobutton'
- self.init_data_label['background'] = themecolor #Label的背景色
- def save_theme(self):
- paras = {"theme":self.theme-1 }
- with open(self.theme_file(), 'w') as fd:
- fd.write(str(paras))
- def load_theme(self):
- if not exists(self.theme_file()):
- return
- try:
- with open(self.theme_file()) as fd:
- paras = eval(fd.read())
- self.theme = paras['theme']
- except Exception as e:
- print("ERROR: %s" % e)
- pass
- def theme_file(self):
- return join(environ["appdata"], 'app_theme.ini')
- def app_gui_start():
- init_window = Tk()
- # 设置窗口最大化按钮不可用
- init_window.resizable(0,0)
- #程序运行时在屏幕中间打开
- sw = init_window.winfo_screenwidth()
- sh = init_window.winfo_screenheight()
- ww = 600 #app宽度
- wh = 400 #app高度
- x = (sw-ww) / 2
- y = (sh-wh) / 2
- init_window.title("app client")
- init_window.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" %(ww,wh,x,y))
- # 窗口其他属性初始化
- api_PORTAL = app_GUI(init_window)
- api_PORTAL.set_init_window()
- init_window.mainloop()
- app_gui_start()
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