今天阅读一篇ICCV2015的论文:《Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition》,简称:MVCNN。
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用物体的三维数据从不同“视角”所得到的二维渲染图,作为原始的训练数据。用经典、成熟的二维图像卷积网络进行训练,训练出的模型,对三维物体的识别、分类效果之好,比那些用三维数据直接训练出的模型好很多。原文用了“dramatically outperform”一词,可见效果之好。
Although the simple strategy of classifying views independently works remarkably well (Sect. 3.2), we present new ideas for how to “compile” the information in multiple 2D views of an object into a compact object descriptor using a new architecture called multi-view CNN (Fig. 1 and Sect. 3.3).
尽管这个想法很简单,但是如何将一个物体的多视角下图像的特征信息进行“compile”(融合),也是个问题。由此,作者提出了Multi-view CNN(MVCNN)。
Moreover it facilitates efficient retrieval using either a similar 3D object or a simple hand-drawn sketch, without resorting to slower methods that are based on pairwise comparisons of image descriptors. We present state-of-the-art results on 3D object classification, 3D object retrieval using 3D objects, and 3D object retrieval using sketches (Sect. 4).
此外,这个MVCNN不光对于3D object classification有效,对于3D object retrieval using 3D objects、3D object retrieval using sketches也十分有效,都达到了state-of-art的效果。
Our multi-view CNN is related to “jittering” where transformed copies of the data are added during training to learn invariances to transformations such as rotation or translation. In the context of 3D recognition the views can be seen as jittered copies. The multi-view CNN learns to combine the views instead of averaging, and thus can use the more informative views of the object for prediction while ignoring others.
这地方,作者解释说,Multi-view CNN的思路类似于经典CNN网络训练前,对数据进行“jittering”(抖动)。
作者也通过实验证明了上述想法,MVCNN这种多视角与精心设计的学习比经典CNN的“数据抖动”,在sketch recognition benchmark上的表现,前者更优异。
Our method is related to prior work on shape descriptors for 3D objects and image-based CNNs. Next we discuss representative work in these areas.
Shape descriptors can be classified into two broad categories: 3D shape descriptors that directly work on the native 3D representations of objects, such as polygon meshes, voxel-based discretizations, point clouds, or implicit surfaces, and view-based descriptors that describe the shape of a 3D object by “how it looks” in a collection of 2D projections.
1. 3D shape descriptors,直接在原始的三维数据上进行描述表示。
a. polygon meshes(多边形网格)
b. voxel-based discretizations(基于“体素”的离散化)
c. point cloud(点云)
d. implicit surfaces(隐式曲面)。隐式曲面我第一次碰到,如下图:
2. viewbased descriptors
用二维投影的方法去描述三维物体,“how it looks”,长得啥样。
With the exception of the recent work of Wu et al. [37] which learns shape descriptors from the voxel-based representation of an object through 3D convolutional nets, previous 3D shape descriptors were largely “hand-designed” according to a particular geometric property of the shape surface or volume. For example, shapes can be represented with histograms or bag-of-features models constructed out of surface normals and curvatures [15], distances, angles, triangle areas or tetrahedra volumes gathered at sampled surface points [25], properties of spherical functions defined in volumetric grids [16], local shape diameters measured at densely sampled surface points [4], heat kernel signatures on polygon meshes [2, 19], or extensions of the SIFT and SURF feature descriptors to 3D voxel grids [17].
除了Wu et al.从3D卷积网络中提取三维特征,之前三维特征主要是“hand-designed”,人手设计的特征,根据三维物体表面或立体形状的几何性质来“人工设计”。如:
1. represented with histograms or bag-of-features models constructed out of surface normals and curvatures [15]
2. distances, angles, triangle areas or tetrahedra volumes gathered at sampled surface points [25]
3. properties of spherical functions defined in volumetric grids [16]
4. local shape diameters measured at densely sampled surface points [4]
5. heat kernel signatures on polygon meshes [2, 19]
6. extensions of the SIFT and SURF feature descriptors to 3D voxel grids [17]
Developing classifiers and other supervised machine learning algorithms on top of such 3D shape descriptors poses a number of challenges.
First, the size of organized databases with annotated 3D models is rather limited compared to image datasets, e.g., ModelNet contains about 150K shapes (its 40 category benchmark contains about 4K shapes). In contrast, the ImageNet database [9] already includes tens of millions of annotated images.
Second, 3D shape descriptors tend to be very high-dimensional, making classifiers prone to overfitting due to the so-called ‘curse of dimensionality’.
有两处,一处是有组织、标注的三维数据的数量相比于二维图像,太少了。仅仅一个ImageNet,就已是百万级别的了。相比之下,Princeton大学Wu et al. 建立的ModelNet三维形状库才有150K的形状数据(仅仅40个类别,每个类别大约40K个三维形状数据)。另一处难度便是著名的“curse of dimensionality”(维数灾难)。
On the other hand view-based descriptors have a number of desirable properties:
they are relatively low-dimensional, efficient to evaluate, and robust to 3D shape representation artifacts, such as holes, imperfect polygon mesh tesselations, noisy surfaces.
The rendered shape views can also be directly compared with other 2D images, silhouettes or even hand-drawn sketches.
An early example of a view-based approach is the work by Murase and Nayar [24] that recognizes objects by matching their appearance in parametric eigenspaces formed by large sets of 2D renderings of 3D models under varying poses and illuminations.
Another example, which is particularly popular in computer graphics setups, is the LightField descriptor [5] that extracts a set of geometric and Fourier descriptors from object silhouettes rendered from several different viewpoints.
Alternatively, the silhouette of an object can be decomposed into parts and then represented by a directed acyclic graph (shock graph) [23].
Cyr and Kimia [8] defined similarity metrics based on curve matching and grouped similar views, called aspect graphs of 3D models [18].
Eitz et al. [12] compared human sketches with line drawings of 3D models produced from several different views based on local Gabor filters, while Schneider et al. [30] proposed using Fisher vectors [26] on SIFT features [22] for representing human sketches of shapes.
These descriptors are largely “hand-engineered” and some do not generalize well across different domains.
Our work is also related to recent advances in image recognition using CNNs [20]. In particular CNNs trained on the large datasets such as ImageNet have been shown to learn general purpose image descriptors for a number of vision tasks such as object detection, scene recognition, texture recognition and finegrained classification [10, 13, 28, 7].
凡谈及CNN,必谈的话。一是什么我们的工作是基于CNN的,这里要么引用Yann LeCun大神的1989年的CNN论文,要么引用ImageNet 2012年名震江湖的AlexNet大作:《Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks》等等。二是,现在CNN用的地方多的一塌糊涂,有碾压其他传统的方法,在举出一大堆代表性的论文。
Although there is significant work on 3D and 2D shape descriptors, and estimating informative views of the objects(or, aspect graphs), there is relatively little work on learning to combine the view-based descriptors for 3D shape recognition.
In contrast our multi-view CNN architecture learns to recognize 3D shapes from views of the shapes using image-based CNNs but in the context of other views via a view-pooling layer.
As a result, information from multiple views is effectively accumulated into a single, compact shape descriptor.
这段突出作者本文的特殊之处,一是作者研究的这个Multi-view based三维形状描述算子,目前研究较少;二是在将同一件三维形状的不同视角下的图,结合起来提取三维形状描述算子,怎么结合?作者提出了一个叫做“view-pooling layer”的结构,经过实验,发现三维形状数据经过多视角的图结合,经过CNN网络训练后,能够提取到单一、简单的形状描述算子。
Our view-based representations start from multiple views of a 3D shape, generated by a rendering engine. A simple way to use multiple views is to generate a 2D image descriptor per each view, and then use the individual descriptors directly for recognition tasks based on some voting or alignment scheme. For example, a naive approach would be to average the individual descriptors, treating all the views as equally important. Alternatively, if the views are rendered in a reproducible order, one could also concatenate the 2D descriptors of all the views. Unfortunately, aligning a 3D shape to a canonical orientation is hard and sometimes ill-defined. In contrast to the above simple approaches, an aggregated representation combining features from multiple views is more desirable since it yields a single, compact descriptor representing the 3D shape.
Our approach is to learn to combine information from multiple views using a unified CNN architecture that includes a view-pooling layer (Fig. 1). All the parameters of our CNN architecture are learned discriminatively to produce a single compact descriptor for the 3D shape. Compared to exhaustive pairwise comparisons between singleview representations of 3D shapes, our resulting descriptors can be directly used to compare 3D shapes leading to significantly higher computational efficiency.
我们的方法是通过一个叫做“view-pooling layer”的CNN架构去“自动学习”来结合多视角的特征,产生一个单一的、简洁的3D形状描述子。
3D models in online databases are typically stored as polygon meshes, which are collections of points connected with edges forming faces. To generate rendered views of polygon meshes, we use the Phong reflection model [27]. The mesh polygons are rendered under a perspective projection and the pixel color is determined by interpolating the reflected intensity of the polygon vertices. Shapes are uniformly scaled to fit into the viewing volume.
3D形状数据是以多边形网格的格式存储的。我们使用一种叫做“Phone reflection model”的方法,来由多边形网格产生渲染图。
To create a multi-view shape representation, we need to setup viewpoints (virtual cameras) for rendering each mesh.
We experimented with two camera setups.
For the 1st camera setup, we assume that the input shapes are upright oriented along a consistent axis (e.g., z-axis). Most models in modern online repositories, such as the 3DWarehouse, satisfy this requirement, and some previous recognition meth- ods also follow the same assumption [37]. In this case, we create 12 rendered views by placing 12 virtual cameras around the mesh every 30 degrees (see Fig. 1). The cameras are elevated 30 degrees from the ground plane, pointing towards the centroid of the mesh. The centroid is calculated as the weighted average of the mesh face centers, where the weights are the face areas.
第一种,我们假设输入的3D形状是按照一个恒定的轴(Z-轴)正直的摆放的。这种情况下,我们每个3D形状产生了12张不同视角下的渲染图,也就是没30度,产生一个2D视角渲染图。如图1那样,相机“拍摄”时,是与水平面有30度的水平角(30 degrees from the ground plane)的,且径直指向3D网格数据的“中心”(centroid),这个中心的计算方法是,所有的网格面中心的权重加和,这个权重是各个网格面的面积。
For the 2nd camera setup, we do not make use of the assumption about consistent upright orientation of shapes. In this case, we render from several more viewpoints since we do not know beforehand which ones yield good representative views of the object. The renderings are generated by placing 20 virtual cameras at the 20 vertices of an icosahedron enclosing the shape. All cameras point towards the centroid of the mesh. Then we generate 4 rendered views from each camera, using 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees rotation along the axis passing through the camera and the object centroid, yielding total 80 views.
We note that using different shading coefficients or illumination models did not affect our output descriptors due to the invariance of the learned filters to illumination changes, as also observed in image-based CNNs [20, 10]. Adding more or different viewpoints is trivial, however, we found that the above camera setups were already enough to achieve high performance. Finally, rendering each mesh from all the viewpoints takes no more than ten milliseconds on modern graphics hardware.
注意到,使用不同的遮蔽系数(shading coefficients)或者光照度(illumination)模型并不能影响图像描述子,因为基于图像的CNN网络中,学习到的filters对光照变化具有不变性[20, 10]。
We claim that our multi-view representation contains rich information about 3D shapes and can be applied to various types of tasks. In the first setting, we make use of existing 2D image features directly and produce a descriptor for each view. This is the most straightforward approach to utilize the multi-view representation. However, it results in multiple 2D image descriptors per 3D shape, one per view, which need to be integrated somehow for recognition tasks.
We consider two types of image descriptors for each 2D view: a state-of-the-art “hand-crafted” image descriptor based on Fisher vectors [29] with multi-scale SIFT, as well as CNN activation features [10].
我们考虑两类2D图像描述算子,一种最新的基于Fisher Vector与multi-scale SIFT的人工设计描述算子,另一种则是CNN特征。
The Fisher vector image descriptor is implemented using VLFeat [36]. For each image multi-scale SIFT descriptors are extracted densely. These are then projected to 80 dimensions with PCA, followed by Fisher vector pooling with a Gaussian mixture model with 64 components, square-root and
l2 normalization.
Fisher vector图像描述算子是用VLFeat实现的。
对于每一张图像,先用multi-scale SIFT提取特征。再用PCA投影成80维,之后就是Gaussian mixture model with 64 components,square-root与
For our CNN features we use the VGG-M network from [3] which consists of mainly five convolutional layers
conv1,...,5 followed by three fully connected layersfc6,...,8 and a softmax classification layer. The penultimate layerfc7 (after ReLU non-linearity, 4096-dimensional) is used as image descriptor. The network is pre-trained on ImageNet images from 1k categories, and then fine-tuned on all 2D views of the 3D shapes in training set. As we show in our experiments, fine-tuning improves performance significantly. Both Fisher vectors and CNN features yield very good performance in classification and retrieval compared with popular 3D shape descriptors (e.g., SPH [16], LFD [5]) as well as 3D ShapeNets [37].
整个网络先在ImageNet图像集上进行预训练,之后用之前采集到的多视角图像进行微调。通过我们的实验,微调能够显著的改善性能。Fisher vectors与CNN features都能在分类与检索任务上取得不俗的表现,相比较于先在流行的3D形状描述算子(如:SPH、LFD)以及3D ShapeNets。
We train one-vs-rest linear SVMs (each view is treated as a separate training sample) to classify shapes using their image features. At test time, we simply sum up the SVM decision values over all 12 views and return the class with the highest sum. Alternative approaches, e.g., averaging image descriptors, lead to worse accuracy.
A distance or similarity measure is required for retrieval tasks. For shape
x withnx image descriptors and shapey withny image descriptors, the distance between them is defined in Eq. 1. Note that the distance between two 2D images is defined as thel2 distance between their feature vectors, i.e.||xi−yj||2 .
To interpret this definition, we can first define the distance between a 2D image
xi and a 3D shapey asd(xi,y)=minj||xi−yj||2 . Then given allnx distances between x’s 2D projections andy , the distance between these two shapes is computed by simple averaging. In Eq. 1, this idea is applied in both directions to ensure symmetry.We investigated alternative distance measures, such as minimun distance among all
nx⋅ny image pairs and the distance between average image descriptors, but they all led to inferior performance.
Although having multiple separate descriptors for each 3D shape can be successful for classification and retrieval compared to existing 3D descriptors, it can be inconvenient and inefficient in many cases. For example, in Eq. 1, we need to compute all
nx×ny pairwise distances between images in order to compute distance between two 3D shapes. Simply averaging or concatenating the image descriptors leads to inferior performance. In this section, we focus on the problem of learning to aggregate multiple views in order to synthesize the information from all views into a single, compact 3D shape descriptor.
We design the multi-view CNN (MVCNN) on top of image-based CNNs (Fig. 1). Each image in a 3D shape’s multi-view representation is passed through the first part of the network (CNN1) separately, aggregated at a view-pooling layer, and then sent through the remaining part of the network (CNN2). All branches in the first part of the network share the same parameters in CNN1.
We use element-wise maximum operation across the views in the view-pooling layer. An alternative is element-wise mean operation, but it is not as effective in our experiments. The view-pooling layer can be placed anywhere in the network. We show in our experiments that it should be placed close to the last convolutional layer (conv5) for optimal classification and retrieval performance. View-pooling layers are closely related to max-pooling layers and maxout layers [14], with the only difference being the dimension that their pooling operations are carried out on. The MVCNN is a directed acyclic graphs and can be trained or fine-tuned using stochastic gradient descent with back-propagation.
因此,我们设计了Multi-view CNN(MVCNN),放在基础的2D图像CNN之中。
如图所示,同一个3D形状的 每一张视角图像 各自独立地经过第一段的CNN1卷积网络,在一个叫做View-pooling层进行“聚合”。之后,再送入剩下的CNN2卷积网络。
整张网络第一部分的所有分支,共享相同的 CNN1里的参数。
View-pooling优点类似于max-pooling layer与maxout layer,不同点在于进行max操作时的维度不同,这里,所谓的“维度不同”,我看了好一会儿,我想应该是指,这里的max操作是“纵向的”,即在12个视角图像中,同一个位置的地方,进行max操作。而一般意义上所说的max-pooling,通常是指在一个
Using fc7 (after ReLU non-linearity) in an MVCNN as an aggregated shape descriptor, we achieve higher performance than using separate image descriptors from an image-based CNN directly, especially in retrieval (62.8% → 70.1%). Perhaps more importantly, the aggregated descriptor is readily available for a variety of tasks, e.g., shape classification and retrieval, and offers significant speed-ups against multiple image descriptors.
An MVCNN can also be used as a general framework to integrate perturbed image samples (also known as data jittering). We illustrate this capability of MVCNNs in the context of sketch recognition in Sect. 4.2.
Our MVCNN is fine-tuned for classification, and thus retrieval performance is not directly optimized. Although we could train it with a different objective function suitable for retrieval, we found that a simpler approach can readily yield a significant retrieval performance boost (see row 12 in Tab. 1). We learn a Mahalanobis metric
W that directly projects MVCNN descriptorsϕ∈Rd toWϕ∈Rp , such that theℓ2 distances in the projected space are small between shapes of the same category, and large otherwise. We use the large-margin metric learning algorithm and implementation from [32], withp<d to make the final descriptor compact (p=128 in our experiments). The fact that we can readily use metric learning over the output shape descriptor demonstrates another advantage of using MVCNNs.
我们学习一个马氏距离(Mahalanobis metric)W,直接将MVCNN的特征描述符
我们使用文献32中提出与实现的large-margin metric learning algorithm。
We evaluate our shape descriptors on the Princeton ModelNet dataset [1]. ModelNet currently contains 127,915 3D CAD models from 662
categories1 . A 40-class well-annotated subset containing 12,311 shapes from 40 common categories, ModelNet40, is provided on the ModelNet website. For our experiments, we use the same training and test split of ModelNet40 as in[37]2 .
Princeton大学的Wu建立的ModelNet数据集,ModelNet数据集现在包含127,915个3D CAD模型,662个类别。40个标注好的子类,共12,311个形状。
Our shape descriptors are compared against the 3D ShapeNets by Wu et al. [37], the Spherical Harmonics descriptor (SPH) by Kazhdan et al. [16], the LightField descriptor (LFD) by Chen et al. [5], and Fisher vectors extracted on the same rendered views of the shapes used as input to our networks.
(1)一个是文献[37]中,Princeton大学的Wu提出的3D ShapeNets;
(2)一个是文献[16]中,Kazhdan提出的Spherical Harmonics descriptor算子(SPH);
(4)以及用相同的多视角图像提取的Fisher vectors描述符.
Results on shape classification and retrieval are summarized in Tab. 1. Precision-recall curves are provided in Fig. 2.
Remarkably the Fisher vector baseline with just a single view achieves a classification accuracy of 78.8% outperforming the state-of-the-art learned 3D descriptors (77.3% [37]). When all 12 views of the shape are available at test time (based on our first camera setup), we can also average the predictions over these views. Averaging increases the performance of Fisher vectors to 84.8%. The performance of Fisher vectors further supports our claim that 3D objects can be effectively represented using viewbased 2D representations. The trends in performance for shape retrieval are similar.
There are a number of directions to explore in future work. One is to experiment with different combinations of 2D views. Which views are most informative? How many views are necessary for a given level of accuracy? Can informative views be selected on the fly?
Another obvious question is whether our view aggregating techniques can be used for building compact and discriminative descriptors for real-world 3D objects from multiple views, or automatically from video, rather than merely for 3D polygon mesh models. Such investigations could be immediately applicable to widely studied problems such as object recognition and face recognition.
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