摘要: 本文章聚焦于基于A-Star搜索算法的迷宫小游戏设计,通过深入剖析A-Star算法的核心理论,涵盖当前代价、预估代价、启发函数等关键概念,同时结合Pygame技术的实际应用,展示了A-Star算法在路径规划中的高效和准确表现。
关键词: A-Star搜索算法,耗散值,启发函数,曼哈顿距离,Pygame
import pygame import math from queue import PriorityQueue import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox # pygame初始化 pygame.init() # 设置窗口大小 WIDTH = 900 # 高度与宽度一致 WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, WIDTH)) # pygame窗口大小 pygame.display.set_caption("A-star") # 定义颜色 RED = (255, 0, 0) # close表 GREEN = (0, 255, 0) # open表 BLUE = (0, 0, 255) # end YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) # start WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) # 障碍 PURPLE = (128, 0, 128) # A-star算法下的最短路径 ORANGE = (255, 165, 0) # Start点 GREY = (128, 128, 128) # 灰色的网格线 PINK = (255, 0, 255) # End点 # 提示弹窗 def show_popup_message(message): root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() # 隐藏主窗口 # 弹出窗口 messagebox.showinfo("A-star最短路径搜索·操作介绍", message) # 文字内容 message_content = "1. 第一次点击鼠标左键,放置“Sta”方块\n2. 第二次点击鼠标左键,放置“End”方块\n3. 继续点击鼠标左键,放置“障碍物”方块\n4. 选中方块点击鼠标右键,清除方块\n5. 按下空格开始寻找最短路径\n6. 按下q键清空当前页面" # 创建方格类 class Spot: def __init__(self, row, col, width, total_rows): self.row = row # 行 self.col = col # 列 self.x = row * width # 行坐标 self.y = col * width # 列坐标 self.color = WHITE self.neighbors = [] # 相邻点的列表 self.width = width self.total_rows = total_rows self.text = "" # 用于存储文字内容 def get_pos(self): return self.row, self.col def is_closed(self): return self.color == RED # close表 def is_open(self): return self.color == GREEN # open表 def is_barrier(self): return self.color == BLACK # 障碍 def is_start(self): return self.color == ORANGE # 起点 def is_end(self): return self.color == TURQUOISE # 终点 def make_start(self): self.color = ORANGE def make_closed(self): self.color = RED def make_open(self): self.color = GREEN def make_barrier(self): self.color = BLACK self.text = "" # 用来清除原先留下的文本 def make_end(self): self.color = PINK def make_path(self): # 回溯路径使用 self.color = PURPLE def make_clear(self):# 重置对应方格(重置为WHITE) self.color = WHITE self.text = "" # 用来清除原先留下的文本 def set_text(self, text): # 标记文本 self.text = text def draw(self, win): pygame.draw.rect(win, self.color, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.width)) if self.text: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24) text_surface = font.render(self.text, True, WHITE) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect(center=(self.x + self.width // 2, self.y + self.width // 2)) win.blit(text_surface, text_rect) def update_neighbors(self, grid): self.neighbors = [] if self.row < self.total_rows - 1 and not grid[self.row + 1][self.col].is_barrier(): # 向下搜索,添加下方格到neighbors self.neighbors.append(grid[self.row + 1][self.col]) if self.row > 0 and not grid[self.row - 1][self.col].is_barrier(): # 向上搜索,添加上方格到neighbors self.neighbors.append(grid[self.row - 1][self.col]) if self.col < self.total_rows - 1 and not grid[self.row][self.col + 1].is_barrier(): # 向右搜索,添加右方格到neighbors self.neighbors.append(grid[self.row][self.col + 1]) if self.col > 0 and not grid[self.row][self.col - 1].is_barrier(): # 向左搜索,添加左方格到neighbors self.neighbors.append(grid[self.row][self.col - 1]) def __lt__(self, other): return False # 计算两个点的曼哈顿距离 def Mh(p1, p2): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) # 构造路径 def reconstruct_path(came_from, current, draw): while current in came_from: current = came_from[current] current.make_path() draw() # A* 算法实现 # 参考链接:https://www.redblobgames.com/pathfinding/a-star/introduction.html#graphs(写的很好) def A_star_algorithm(draw, grid, start, end): count = 0 open_set = PriorityQueue() # open表,用于存储待探索的节点 open_set.put((0, count, start)) # 将起点放入优先队列,优先级为0 came_from = {} # 当前方块到之前方块的映射 g_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} # 当前代价,预估代价为曼哈顿距离 g_score[start] = 0 f_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} # 总代价 f_score[start] = Mh(start.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) open_set_hash = {start} # keep trace of the nodes while not open_set.empty(): # open表非空 current = open_set.get()[2] open_set_hash.remove(current) # 移出open表 if current == end: reconstruct_path(came_from, end, draw) end.make_end() start.make_start() return True for neighbor in current.neighbors: temp_g_score = g_score[current] + 1 if temp_g_score < g_score[neighbor]: came_from[neighbor] = current g_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score f_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score + Mh(neighbor.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) if neighbor != start and neighbor != end : neighbor.set_text(str(f_score[neighbor])) # 标记总代价 if neighbor not in open_set_hash: count += 1 open_set.put((f_score[neighbor], count, neighbor)) open_set_hash.add(neighbor) neighbor.make_open() draw() if current != start: current.make_closed() return False # 创建方格网格 def make_grid(rows, width): grid = [] # 创建一个空列表,用于存储方格 gap = width // rows # 一个单元格的大小 for i in range(rows): grid.append([]) for j in range(rows): spot = Spot(i, j, gap, rows) grid[i].append(spot) return grid # 返回创建的列表 # 绘制网格线 def draw_grid(win, rows, width): gap = width // rows for i in range(rows): pygame.draw.line(win, GREY, (0, i * gap), (width, i * gap)) for j in range(rows): pygame.draw.line(win, GREY, (j * gap, 0), (j * gap, width)) # 绘制最优路径 def draw(win, grid, rows, width): win.fill(WHITE) for row in grid: for spot in row: spot.draw(win) draw_grid(win, rows, width) pygame.display.update() # 获取鼠标点击的位置 def get_clicked_pos(pos, rows, width): gap = width // rows y, x = pos row = y // gap col = x // gap return row, col # 主函数 def main(win, width): ROWS = 25 # 一列中方格的个数 grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) # clear_flag = False # 按下空格清屏 start = None end = None run = True started = False show_popup_message(message_content) while run: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if started: continue if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: # 左键 pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) spot = grid[row][col] if not start and spot != end: # 第一次按下对应的是Star start = spot start.make_start() start.set_text("Sta") # 标记Start点 elif not end and spot != start: # 第二次按下对应的是End end = spot end.make_end() end.set_text("End") # 标记End点 elif spot != end and spot != start: # 之后按下的对应的是障碍 spot.make_barrier() elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: # 右键 pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) spot = grid[row][col] spot.make_clear() if spot == start: start = None elif spot == end: end = None if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # 检测按键按下 if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and start and end : # 空格键对应开始寻找最短路径 for row in grid: for spot in row: if spot != start and spot != end and spot.color != BLACK: spot.make_clear() for row in grid: for spot in row: spot.update_neighbors(grid) A_star_algorithm(lambda: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width), grid, start, end) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: # 按下英文字母q键对应清空屏幕 start = None end = None grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) pygame.event.clear() pygame.quit() # 运行主函数 main(WIN, WIDTH)
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