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1. 如果你是初学者,建议你看一下这个链接https://blog.csdn.net/zhoufan900428/article/details/8969470


2. 如果你明白了上述内容,但还不能单独写代码进行分析,推荐你看这个链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/xhslovecx/p/10196851.html

自学怎么计算,然后选好窗函数,就设计,写公式。在那文章末尾他给了MATLAB采用FIR I型设计20Hz以下的低通滤波器的代码。

3. 如果你明白了以上内容,那么就请看下去吧:











  1. n=0:1:14;
  2. wR=ones(1,15);% 编写矩形窗
  3. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-7+eps))./(pi*(n-7+eps));%读入hd(n)函数
  4. h1=hd.*wR;%计算h(n)
  5. N=64;
  6. H1=fft(h1,N);%调用子程序计算H(k)
  7. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  8. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))));%画幅度曲线
  9. grid on
  10. xlabel('w/rad')
  11. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB')
  12. title('幅度曲线和相频曲线(n=15)');
  13. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,3);
  14. plot(w,fftshift(unwrap(phase(H1))));%画相频曲线
  15. grid
  16. xlabel('w/rad')
  17. clear all;
  18. n=0:1:32;
  19. wR=ones(1,33);% 编写矩形窗
  20. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-16+eps))./(pi*(n-16+eps));%读入hd(n)函数
  21. h1=hd.*wR;%计算h(n)
  22. N=64;
  23. H1=fft(h1,N);%调用子程序计算H(k)
  24. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,2);
  25. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))));%画幅度曲线
  26. grid on
  27. xlabel('w/rad')
  28. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB')
  29. title('幅度曲线和相频曲线(n=15)');
  30. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,4);
  31. plot(w,fftshift(unwrap(phase(H1))));%画相频曲线
  32. grid
  33. xlabel('w/rad')


  1. clear all;
  2. n=0:1:14;
  3. wH=0.5*(1-cos(2*pi/14*n));% 编写汉宁窗
  4. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-7+eps))./(pi*(n-7+eps));%读入hd(n)函数
  5. h1=hd.*wH;%计算h(n)
  6. N=64;
  7. H1=fft(h1,N);%调用子程序计算H(k)
  8. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  9. subplot(2,2,1);
  10. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))));%画幅度曲线
  11. grid
  12. xlabel('w/rad')
  13. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB');
  14. title('幅度曲线和相频曲线(n=15)');
  15. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  16. subplot(2,2,3);
  17. plot(w,fftshift(unwrap(phase(H1))));%画相频曲线
  18. grid
  19. xlabel('w/rad')
  20. n=0:1:32;
  21. wH=0.5*(1-cos(2*pi/32*n));% 编写汉宁窗
  22. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-16+eps))./(pi*(n-16+eps));%读入hd(n)函数
  23. h1=hd.*wH;%计算h(n)
  24. N=64;
  25. H1=fft(h1,N);%调用子程序计算H(k)
  26. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  27. subplot(2,2,2);
  28. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))));%画幅度曲线
  29. grid
  30. xlabel('w/rad')
  31. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB')
  32. title('幅度曲线和相频曲线(n=33)');
  33. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  34. subplot(2,2,4);plot(w,fftshift(unwrap(phase(H1))));%画相频曲线
  35. grid
  36. xlabel('w/rad')


  1. clear all;
  2. n=0:1:14;
  3. wH=0.54-0.46*cos(2*pi*n/(14+eps));% 编写海明窗
  4. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-7+eps))./(pi*(n-7+eps));%读入hd(n)函数
  5. h1=hd.*wH;%计算h(n)
  6. N=64;
  7. H1=fft(h1,N);%调用子程序计算H(k)
  8. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  9. subplot(2,2,1);
  10. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))));%画幅度曲线
  11. grid
  12. xlabel('w/rad')
  13. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB');
  14. title('幅度曲线和相频曲线(n=15)');
  15. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  16. subplot(2,2,3);
  17. plot(w,fftshift(unwrap(phase(H1))));%画相频曲线
  18. grid
  19. xlabel('w/rad')
  20. n=0:1:32;
  21. wH=0.5*(1-cos(2*pi/32*n));% 编写汉宁窗
  22. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-16+eps))./(pi*(n-16+eps));%读入hd(n)函数
  23. h1=hd.*wH;%计算h(n)
  24. N=64;
  25. H1=fft(h1,N);%调用子程序计算H(k)
  26. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  27. subplot(2,2,2);
  28. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))));%画幅度曲线
  29. grid
  30. xlabel('w/rad')
  31. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB')
  32. title('幅度曲线和相频曲线(n=33)');
  33. n=0:N-1;w=2*pi/64*n;subplot(2,2,1);
  34. subplot(2,2,4);plot(w,fftshift(unwrap(phase(H1))));%画相频曲线
  35. grid
  36. xlabel('w/rad')


  1. n=0:14
  2. wB=0.42-0.5*cos(2*pi/(14+eps)*n)+0.08*cos(4*pi/(14+eps)*n)
  3. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-7+eps))./(pi*(n-7+eps))
  4. h1=hd.*wB
  5. H1=fft(h1,64)
  6. n=0:63
  7. w=2*pi*n/64
  8. subplot(2,2,1)
  9. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))))
  10. grid
  11. xlabel('w/rad')
  12. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB')
  13. title('N=15幅度曲线')
  14. subplot(2,2,3)
  15. plot(w,unwrap(fftshift(phase(H1))))
  16. grid
  17. xlabel('w/rad')
  18. title('N=15相频曲线')
  19. clear all
  20. n=0:32
  21. wB=0.42-0.5*cos(2*pi/(32+eps)*n)+0.08*cos(4*pi/(32+eps)*n)
  22. hd=sin(0.25*pi*(n-16+eps))./(pi*(n-16+eps))
  23. h1=hd.*wB
  24. H1=fft(h1,64)
  25. n=0:63
  26. w=2*pi*n/64
  27. subplot(2,2,2)
  28. plot(w,fftshift(20*log10((abs(H1)))))
  29. grid
  30. xlabel('w/rad')
  31. ylabel('20lg|H(jw)|/dB')
  32. title('N=33幅度曲线')
  33. subplot(2,2,4)
  34. plot(w,unwrap(fftshift(phase(H1))))
  35. grid
  36. xlabel('w/rad')
  37. title('N=33相频曲线')



第一个例子,用汉明窗设计一个低通滤波器,Wp=0.2π, Ws=0.4π, Ap=0.25dB, As=50dB

  1. %%%%%Write by Han%%%%%这是实时脚本文件%%%%%
  2. close all;
  3. clc
  4. Wp=0.2*pi;
  5. Ws=0.4*pi;
  6. tr_width=Ws-Wp; %Transition zone width
  7. N=ceil(6.6*pi/tr_width)+1 %Filter length
  8. n=0:1:N-1;
  9. Wc=(Ws+Wp)/2; %Cutoff frequency of ideal low-pass filter
  10. hd = ideal_lp(Wc,N); %Unit impulse response of an ideal low-pass filter
  11. w_ham=0.54-0.46*cos(2*pi*n/(14+eps)); % Writing a haming window
  12. h=hd.*w_ham; %Truncated to the actual unit impulse response
  13. [db,mag,pha,w]=freqz_m4(h,[1]); %Calculate the amplitude response of the actual filter
  14. delta_w=2*pi/1000;
  15. Ap=-(min(db(1:1:Wp/delta_w+1))) %Actual passband ripple
  16. As=-round(max(db(Ws/delta_w+1:1:501))) %Actual stop band ripple
  17. subplot(221)
  18. stem(n,hd) %Matchstick figure
  19. title('Ideal unit impulse response: hd(n)')
  20. subplot(222)
  21. stem(n,w_ham)
  22. title('Hamming window: w(n)')
  23. subplot(223)
  24. stem(n,h)
  25. title('Actual unit impulse response: h(n)')
  26. subplot(224)
  27. plot(w/pi,db)
  28. title('Amplitude response: (dB)')
  29. axis([0,1,-100,10])
  30. %2 Custom functions used by this program
  31. % One is the "freqz_m4.m"
  32. % Another is the "ideal_lp.m"


  1. function[db,mag,pha,w]=freqz_m4(b,a)
  2. [H,w]=freqz(b,a,1000,'whole');
  3. H=(H(1:1:501));
  4. w=(w(1:1:501));
  5. mag=abs(H);
  6. db=20*log10((mag+eps)/max(mag));
  7. pha=angle(H);
  8. end


  1. function hd=ideal_lp(Wc,N)
  2. alpha= (N-1)/2;
  3. n=0:1:N-1;
  4. m=n-alpha+eps;
  5. hd=sin (Wc*m)./(pi*m);
  6. end



第二个,我们设计个使用汉宁窗的高通滤波器,设计参数是:Wp=0.6 π,Ws=0.4 π,,Ap=0.25dB,As=40dB

  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Write by Han %%%%%%%%%这是实时脚本文件%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. Wp=0.6*pi; Ws=0.4*pi;
  3. tr_width=Wp-Ws; %Transition zone width
  4. N=ceil (6.2*pi/tr_width) +1 %Filter length
  5. n=0:1:N-1;
  6. Wc= (Ws+Wp) /2; %The cut-off frequency of the ideal high-pass filter
  7. hd=ideal_hp2(Wc,N); %Unit impulse response of an ideal high-pass filter
  8. w_han=0.5*(1-cos(2*pi/14*n)); % Writing Hanning window
  9. h=hd.*w_han; %Truncated to the actual unit impulse response
  10. [db,mag,pha,w]=freqz_m4 (h,[1]); %Calculate the amplitude response of the actual filter
  11. delta_w=2*pi/1000;
  12. Ap=-(min(db(Wp/delta_w+1:1:500))) %Actual passband ripple
  13. As=-round(max(db(1:1:Wp/delta_w+1))) %Actual stop band ripple
  14. subplot(221)
  15. stem(n,hd) %Matchstick figure
  16. title('Ideal unit impulse response: hd(n)')
  17. subplot(222)
  18. stem(n,w_han)
  19. title('Hanning: w(n)')
  20. subplot(223)
  21. stem(n,h)
  22. title('Actual unit impulse response: h(n)')
  23. subplot(224)
  24. plot(w/pi,db)
  25. title('FIR digital high-pass filter amplitude response: (dB)')
  26. axis([0,1,-100,10])


  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%% ideal_hp2.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. function hd=ideal_hp2(Wc,N)
  3. alpha= (N-1)/2;
  4. n=0:1:N-1;
  5. m=n-alpha+eps;
  6. hd=(sin (pi*m)-sin(Wc*m))./(pi*m);
  7. %%%%%%%%%%%请再新建一个.m文件放以下部分%%%%%
  8. function[db,mag,pha,w]=freqz_m4(b,a)
  9. [H,w]=freqz(b,a,1000,'whole');
  10. H=(H(1:1:501));
  11. w=(w(1:1:501));
  12. mag=abs(H);
  13. db=20*log10((mag+eps)/max(mag));
  14. pha=angle(H);
  15. end

第三个,我们用汉宁窗设计一个bandstop(带阻) FIR滤波器,设计参数是:

  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Write by Han %%%%%%%%%%这是实时脚本文件%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. Wpl=0.2*pi; Wph=0.8*pi; Wsl=0.4*pi; Wsh=0.6*pi;
  3. tr_width=min((Wsl-Wpl),(Wph-Wsh));
  4. N=ceil (6.2*pi/tr_width)
  5. n=0:1:N-1;
  6. Wcl= (Wsl+Wpl) /2; %Lower cutoff frequency of ideal band stop filter
  7. Wch= (Wsh+Wph) /2; %Upper cutoff frequency of ideal band stop filter
  8. hd=ideal_bs(Wcl,Wch,N); %Unit impulse response of an ideal band stop filter
  9. w_hann= 0.5*(1-cos(2*pi/14*n)); %Hanning window
  10. h=hd.*w_hann; %Truncated to the actual unit impulse response
  11. [db,mag,pha,w]=freqz_m4 (h,[1]); %Calculate the amplitude response of the actual filter
  12. delta_w=2*pi/1000;
  13. Ap=-(min(db(1:1:Wpl/delta_w+1))) %Actual passband ripple
  14. As=-round(max(db(Wsl/delta_w+1:1:Wsh/delta_w+1))) %Actual stop band ripple
  15. subplot(221)
  16. stem(n,hd) %Matchstick figure
  17. title('Ideal: hd(n)')
  18. subplot(222)
  19. stem(n,w_hann)
  20. title('hanning w(n)')
  21. subplot(223)
  22. stem(n,h)
  23. title('Real h(n)')
  24. subplot(224)
  25. plot(w/pi,db)
  26. title('FIRHanning window digital band rejection filter amplitude response(dB)')
  27. axis([0,1,-100,10])
  28. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ideal_bs.m %%%%%%%%新建一个.m文件%%%%%%%%%%%%
  29. function hd=ideal_bs(Wcl,Wch,N)
  30. alpha= (N-1) /2; n=0:1:N-1;
  31. m=n-alpha+eps;
  32. hd=(sin (Wcl*m) + sin(pi*m)-sin(Wch*m) ) ./(pi*m);
  33. end
  34. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%freqz_m4.m%%%%%%新建一个.m文件%%%%%%%%%%%
  35. function[db,mag,pha,w]=freqz_m4(b,a)
  36. [H,w]=freqz(b,a,1000,'whole');
  37. H=(H(1:1:501));
  38. w=(w(1:1:501));
  39. mag=abs(H);
  40. db=20*log10((mag+eps)/max(mag));
  41. pha=angle(H);
  42. end


