DIoU损失函数(Distance Intersection over Union Loss)是一种在目标检测任务中常用的损失函数,用于优化边界框的位置。这种损失函数是IoU损失函数的改进版,其不仅考虑了边界框之间的重叠区域,还考虑了它们中心点之间的距离,从而提供更加精确的位置优化。以下是DIoU损失函数的设计原理和计算步骤的详细介绍:
- import torch
- def diou_loss(pred_boxes, gt_boxes):
- """
- 计算 DIoU 损失。
- :param pred_boxes: 预测的边界框,形状为 (batch_size, 4),格式为 (x1, y1, x2, y2)
- :param gt_boxes: 真实的边界框,形状为 (batch_size, 4),格式为 (x1, y1, x2, y2)
- :return: DIoU 损失值
- """
- # 计算交集的坐标
- inter_x1 = torch.max(pred_boxes[:, 0], gt_boxes[:, 0])
- inter_y1 = torch.max(pred_boxes[:, 1], gt_boxes[:, 1])
- inter_x2 = torch.min(pred_boxes[:, 2], gt_boxes[:, 2])
- inter_y2 = torch.min(pred_boxes[:, 3], gt_boxes[:, 3])
- # 计算交集的面积
- inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_x2 - inter_x1, min=0) * torch.clamp(inter_y2 - inter_y1, min=0)
- # 计算预测框和真实框的面积
- pred_area = (pred_boxes[:, 2] - pred_boxes[:, 0]) * (pred_boxes[:, 3] - pred_boxes[:, 1])
- gt_area = (gt_boxes[:, 2] - gt_boxes[:, 0]) * (gt_boxes[:, 3] - gt_boxes[:, 1])
- # 计算并集的面积
- union_area = pred_area + gt_area - inter_area
- # 计算IoU
- iou = inter_area / union_area
- # 计算中心点的坐标
- pred_center_x = (pred_boxes[:, 0] + pred_boxes[:, 2]) / 2
- pred_center_y = (pred_boxes[:, 1] + pred_boxes[:, 3]) / 2
- gt_center_x = (gt_boxes[:, 0] + gt_boxes[:, 2]) / 2
- gt_center_y = (gt_boxes[:, 1] + gt_boxes[:, 3]) / 2
- # 计算中心点距离的平方
- center_distance = (pred_center_x - gt_center_x) ** 2 + (pred_center_y - gt_center_y) ** 2
- # 计算包络框的对角线距离的平方
- enclose_x1 = torch.min(pred_boxes[:, 0], gt_boxes[:, 0])
- enclose_y1 = torch.min(pred_boxes[:, 1], gt_boxes[:, 1])
- enclose_x2 = torch.max(pred_boxes[:, 2], gt_boxes[:, 2])
- enclose_y2 = torch.max(pred_boxes[:, 3], gt_boxes[:, 3])
- enclose_diagonal = (enclose_x2 - enclose_x1) ** 2 + (enclose_y2 - enclose_y1) ** 2
- # 计算 DIoU
- diou = iou - (center_distance / enclose_diagonal)
- # DIoU 损失
- diou_loss = 1 - diou
- return diou_loss
- # 示例
- pred_boxes = torch.tensor([[50, 50, 90, 100], [70, 80, 120, 150]])
- gt_boxes = torch.tensor([[60, 60, 100, 120], [80, 90, 130, 160]])
- loss = diou_loss(pred_boxes, gt_boxes)
- print(loss)
python setup.py install
- elif iou_mode == 'diou':
- # CIoU = IoU - ( (ρ^2(b_pred,b_gt) / c^2) + (alpha x v) )
- # calculate enclose area (c^2)
- enclose_area = enclose_w**2 + enclose_h**2 + eps
- # calculate ρ^2(b_pred,b_gt):
- # euclidean distance between b_pred(bbox2) and b_gt(bbox1)
- # center point, because bbox format is xyxy -> left-top xy and
- # right-bottom xy, so need to / 4 to get center point.
- rho2_left_item = ((bbox2_x1 + bbox2_x2) - (bbox1_x1 + bbox1_x2))**2 / 4
- rho2_right_item = ((bbox2_y1 + bbox2_y2) -
- (bbox1_y1 + bbox1_y2))**2 / 4
- rho2 = rho2_left_item + rho2_right_item # rho^2 (ρ^2)
- ious = ious - ((rho2 / enclose_area))
- _base_ = ['../_base_/default_runtime.py', '../_base_/det_p5_tta.py']
- # ========================Frequently modified parameters======================
- # -----data related-----
- data_root = 'data/coco/' # Root path of data
- # Path of train annotation file
- train_ann_file = 'annotations/instances_train2017.json'
- train_data_prefix = 'train2017/' # Prefix of train image path
- # Path of val annotation file
- val_ann_file = 'annotations/instances_val2017.json'
- val_data_prefix = 'val2017/' # Prefix of val image path
- num_classes = 80 # Number of classes for classification
- # Batch size of a single GPU during training
- train_batch_size_per_gpu = 16
- # Worker to pre-fetch data for each single GPU during training
- train_num_workers = 8
- # persistent_workers must be False if num_workers is 0
- persistent_workers = True
- # -----model related-----
- # Basic size of multi-scale prior box
- anchors = [
- [(10, 13), (16, 30), (33, 23)], # P3/8
- [(30, 61), (62, 45), (59, 119)], # P4/16
- [(116, 90), (156, 198), (373, 326)] # P5/32
- ]
- # -----train val related-----
- # Base learning rate for optim_wrapper. Corresponding to 8xb16=128 bs
- base_lr = 0.01
- max_epochs = 300 # Maximum training epochs
- model_test_cfg = dict(
- # The config of multi-label for multi-class prediction.
- multi_label=True,
- # The number of boxes before NMS
- nms_pre=30000,
- score_thr=0.001, # Threshold to filter out boxes.
- nms=dict(type='nms', iou_threshold=0.65), # NMS type and threshold
- max_per_img=300) # Max number of detections of each image
- # ========================Possible modified parameters========================
- # -----data related-----
- img_scale = (640, 640) # width, height
- # Dataset type, this will be used to define the dataset
- dataset_type = 'YOLOv5CocoDataset'
- # Batch size of a single GPU during validation
- val_batch_size_per_gpu = 1
- # Worker to pre-fetch data for each single GPU during validation
- val_num_workers = 2
- # Config of batch shapes. Only on val.
- # It means not used if batch_shapes_cfg is None.
- batch_shapes_cfg = dict(
- type='BatchShapePolicy',
- batch_size=val_batch_size_per_gpu,
- img_size=img_scale[0],
- # The image scale of padding should be divided by pad_size_divisor
- size_divisor=32,
- # Additional paddings for pixel scale
- extra_pad_ratio=0.5)
- # -----model related-----
- # The scaling factor that controls the depth of the network structure
- deepen_factor = 0.33
- # The scaling factor that controls the width of the network structure
- widen_factor = 0.5
- # Strides of multi-scale prior box
- strides = [8, 16, 32]
- num_det_layers = 3 # The number of model output scales
- norm_cfg = dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001) # Normalization config
- # -----train val related-----
- affine_scale = 0.5 # YOLOv5RandomAffine scaling ratio
- loss_cls_weight = 0.5
- loss_bbox_weight = 0.05
- loss_obj_weight = 1.0
- prior_match_thr = 4. # Priori box matching threshold
- # The obj loss weights of the three output layers
- obj_level_weights = [4., 1., 0.4]
- lr_factor = 0.01 # Learning rate scaling factor
- weight_decay = 0.0005
- # Save model checkpoint and validation intervals
- save_checkpoint_intervals = 10
- # The maximum checkpoints to keep.
- max_keep_ckpts = 3
- # Single-scale training is recommended to
- # be turned on, which can speed up training.
- env_cfg = dict(cudnn_benchmark=True)
- # ===============================Unmodified in most cases====================
- model = dict(
- type='YOLODetector',
- data_preprocessor=dict(
- type='mmdet.DetDataPreprocessor',
- mean=[0., 0., 0.],
- std=[255., 255., 255.],
- bgr_to_rgb=True),
- backbone=dict(
- ##使用YOLOv8的主干网络
- type='YOLOv8CSPDarknet',
- deepen_factor=deepen_factor,
- widen_factor=widen_factor,
- norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
- act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True)
- ),
- neck=dict(
- type='YOLOv5PAFPN',
- deepen_factor=deepen_factor,
- widen_factor=widen_factor,
- in_channels=[256, 512, 1024],
- out_channels=[256, 512, 1024],
- num_csp_blocks=3,
- norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
- act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True)),
- bbox_head=dict(
- type='YOLOv5Head',
- head_module=dict(
- type='YOLOv5HeadModule',
- num_classes=num_classes,
- in_channels=[256, 512, 1024],
- widen_factor=widen_factor,
- featmap_strides=strides,
- num_base_priors=3),
- prior_generator=dict(
- type='mmdet.YOLOAnchorGenerator',
- base_sizes=anchors,
- strides=strides),
- # scaled based on number of detection layers
- loss_cls=dict(
- type='mmdet.CrossEntropyLoss',
- use_sigmoid=True,
- reduction='mean',
- loss_weight=loss_cls_weight *
- (num_classes / 80 * 3 / num_det_layers)),
- # 修改此处实现IoU损失函数的替换
- loss_bbox=dict(
- type='IoULoss',
- iou_mode='diou',
- bbox_format='xywh',
- eps=1e-7,
- reduction='mean',
- loss_weight=loss_bbox_weight * (3 / num_det_layers),
- return_iou=True),
- loss_obj=dict(
- type='mmdet.CrossEntropyLoss',
- use_sigmoid=True,
- reduction='mean',
- loss_weight=loss_obj_weight *
- ((img_scale[0] / 640)**2 * 3 / num_det_layers)),
- prior_match_thr=prior_match_thr,
- obj_level_weights=obj_level_weights),
- test_cfg=model_test_cfg)
- albu_train_transforms = [
- dict(type='Blur', p=0.01),
- dict(type='MedianBlur', p=0.01),
- dict(type='ToGray', p=0.01),
- dict(type='CLAHE', p=0.01)
- ]
- pre_transform = [
- dict(type='LoadImageFromFile', file_client_args=_base_.file_client_args),
- dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True)
- ]
- train_pipeline = [
- *pre_transform,
- dict(
- type='Mosaic',
- img_scale=img_scale,
- pad_val=114.0,
- pre_transform=pre_transform),
- dict(
- type='YOLOv5RandomAffine',
- max_rotate_degree=0.0,
- max_shear_degree=0.0,
- scaling_ratio_range=(1 - affine_scale, 1 + affine_scale),
- # img_scale is (width, height)
- border=(-img_scale[0] // 2, -img_scale[1] // 2),
- border_val=(114, 114, 114)),
- dict(
- type='mmdet.Albu',
- transforms=albu_train_transforms,
- bbox_params=dict(
- type='BboxParams',
- format='pascal_voc',
- label_fields=['gt_bboxes_labels', 'gt_ignore_flags']),
- keymap={
- 'img': 'image',
- 'gt_bboxes': 'bboxes'
- }),
- dict(type='YOLOv5HSVRandomAug'),
- dict(type='mmdet.RandomFlip', prob=0.5),
- dict(
- type='mmdet.PackDetInputs',
- meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'flip',
- 'flip_direction'))
- ]
- train_dataloader = dict(
- batch_size=train_batch_size_per_gpu,
- num_workers=train_num_workers,
- persistent_workers=persistent_workers,
- pin_memory=True,
- sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True),
- dataset=dict(
- type=dataset_type,
- data_root=data_root,
- ann_file=train_ann_file,
- data_prefix=dict(img=train_data_prefix),
- filter_cfg=dict(filter_empty_gt=False, min_size=32),
- pipeline=train_pipeline))
- test_pipeline = [
- dict(type='LoadImageFromFile', file_client_args=_base_.file_client_args),
- dict(type='YOLOv5KeepRatioResize', scale=img_scale),
- dict(
- type='LetterResize',
- scale=img_scale,
- allow_scale_up=False,
- pad_val=dict(img=114)),
- dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True, _scope_='mmdet'),
- dict(
- type='mmdet.PackDetInputs',
- meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape',
- 'scale_factor', 'pad_param'))
- ]
- val_dataloader = dict(
- batch_size=val_batch_size_per_gpu,
- num_workers=val_num_workers,
- persistent_workers=persistent_workers,
- pin_memory=True,
- drop_last=False,
- sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False),
- dataset=dict(
- type=dataset_type,
- data_root=data_root,
- test_mode=True,
- data_prefix=dict(img=val_data_prefix),
- ann_file=val_ann_file,
- pipeline=test_pipeline,
- batch_shapes_cfg=batch_shapes_cfg))
- test_dataloader = val_dataloader
- param_scheduler = None
- optim_wrapper = dict(
- type='OptimWrapper',
- optimizer=dict(
- type='SGD',
- lr=base_lr,
- momentum=0.937,
- weight_decay=weight_decay,
- nesterov=True,
- batch_size_per_gpu=train_batch_size_per_gpu),
- constructor='YOLOv5OptimizerConstructor')
- default_hooks = dict(
- param_scheduler=dict(
- type='YOLOv5ParamSchedulerHook',
- scheduler_type='linear',
- lr_factor=lr_factor,
- max_epochs=max_epochs),
- checkpoint=dict(
- type='CheckpointHook',
- interval=save_checkpoint_intervals,
- save_best='auto',
- max_keep_ckpts=max_keep_ckpts))
- custom_hooks = [
- dict(
- type='EMAHook',
- ema_type='ExpMomentumEMA',
- momentum=0.0001,
- update_buffers=True,
- strict_load=False,
- priority=49)
- ]
- val_evaluator = dict(
- type='mmdet.CocoMetric',
- proposal_nums=(100, 1, 10),
- ann_file=data_root + val_ann_file,
- metric='bbox')
- test_evaluator = val_evaluator
- train_cfg = dict(
- type='EpochBasedTrainLoop',
- max_epochs=max_epochs,
- val_interval=save_checkpoint_intervals)
- val_cfg = dict(type='ValLoop')
- test_cfg = dict(type='TestLoop')
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